
Lesson video

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Hello, my name's Mrs. Hopper and I'm really excited that we're going to be learning together in our maths lesson today.

Hello and welcome to today's lesson.

I'm really excited that you're learning with me today.

So today's lesson is all about finding one more from a group using manipulatives and counting.

Oh, manipulatives.

That means the things around us, things we can pick up.

So in today's lesson, you're going to see us using cards and beads and counters.

You may have other things to help you, but by the end of the lesson today, you will be able to find one more than a group using manipulatives and counting.

There are some key words that we're going to use in our lesson today.

We're going to use the words one more than and next number.

I wonder if you can say those as well.

I'll take my turn and then it'll be your turn.

So my turn one more than and your turn.


And then my turn to say next number and your turn.

Well done.

So as we go through our lesson, look out for those words, one more than and next number.

There are two parts to our lesson today.

In the first part of our lesson, we're going to be finding one more than using those manipulatives, those objects that we have around us.

And then in the second part of our lesson, we're going to find one more than by counting.

So let's get into the first part of our lesson.

And helping us in our lesson today we've got Jun and Sophia.

We've got a red traffic light.

I wonder how many cars there are going to be at the red traffic light.

Let's see.

One, two.

Oh, how many cars are there? That's right.

There are two cars at the traffic lights.

One more car has joined the line.

How many cars are there now? Can you count them.

That's right.

There are three cars now.

One more car has joined the line.

Can you see our key words there? So one more car has joined the line.

So we can say that one more than two is three.

We've got another red traffic light.

I wonder how many cars there are going to be this time.

One, two, three.

So how many cars are there? Yeah, you're right.

There are three cars at the traffic lights, but guess what? One more car has joined the line.

How many cars are there now? Did you count them or did you know? There are four cars now, one more car has joined the line.

There were three cars and now now there are four cars.

So we can say that one more than three is four.

There's our key words again.

One more than three is four.

I wonder if you can say that.

Why don't you have a turn? Well done.

So one more car joined the line.

And we said that one more than three is four.

I wonder if we can show that on our number track as well.

Can you see that my arrow is pointing at three and now it's going to point to one more than three and we know that one more than three is four.

We can also show this using beads.

So you may have beads that look a bit different to this, but I've got beads, I've got two rows of beads, but I'm only going to use my top row of beads in this lesson.

So can we use the beads to show one more than three? Well I think we can, let's have a look.

So I can show three beads very easily so I can push my three beads across.

This time I want to show one more than three, so you remember when the extra car came along? This time we're gonna have an extra bead coming along.

So I've got one more bead and now I've got four beads.

So I can say that one more than three is four.

Can you show one more than five? I wonder if you can think what it's going to look like when we show one more than five using our beads.

So one more than five.

So we need our five beads first.

So let's get our five beads, there they are moving across to the left on that top row and now we want one more than five.

So one more than five is six.

One more than five is six.

We've pushed one more bead across and one more than five is equal to six.

So we can show one more than five is six using our number track again.

And you can see my pointer is pointing at five and I've got my five beads.

So let's watch the pointer move and the bead move to show that one more than five is six.

So we moved one more bead and we moved our pointer one space on the number track.

Time for you to have a think now.

So what do the pictures show? And can we complete the sentence with our key words in it? One more than hmm is hmm.

So you might want to pause the video now and have a go.

How did you get on? Did you see that the beads on the left of the screen are showing the number seven? And the beads on the right are showing the number eight.

So we can complete our sentence and say that one more than seven is eight.

I hope you were successful with that.

This looks very similar but this time we've got the number.

We know the number that is one more.

So we know that four is one more than hmm.

So four is one more than a number.

So we've already moved our bead to show the one more.

So we need to put it back to find the number that four is one more than.

So four is one more than three, that's right.

Four is one more than three.

We move the bead back and we can see the number that four is one more than.

Let's have a look at another one of those.

Here we've got seven is one more than hmm.

So you can see we've got our seven beads there, but seven is the one more than.

So we need to move a bead back to find out the number that seven is one more than.

So seven is one more than six.

We've moved our bead back and we can see that seven is one more than six.

One more of those other way round ones.

I wonder if you can have a think about this one.

So this time we've got 10 is one more than hmm.

And you can see we've got all 10 of our beads on the top row onto the left hand side.

But we know that 10 is one more than a number.

So what number is it that 10 is one more than? We need to put that bead back so we can find out, let's have a look.

10 is one more than nine.

You're right.

Yes, 10 is one more than nine.

Now bit of time for you to check what we've been learning about so far.

So here you've got a bit of a mixture.

Sometimes you've got a hmm is one more than and sometimes you've got a number is one more than hmm.

So let's have a look at the ones we've got here and we've got some beads there to help.

You might have beads where you are or you might have counters or cubes or maybe even cars.

So let's have a look.

First one is, hmm is one more than five.

So what number is one more than five? And in our second one we've got six is one more than hmm.

So six is one more than what number? And then finally, hmm is one more than six.

So what number is one more than six? Pause the video, have a go at filling in those gaps and then we'll have a look at them together.

How did you get on? Did you work out that our first one is six is one more than five? If you look at my beads it can see my six beads.

It's one more than five.

If I slid the bead across, I'd have five beads.

So the next one, seven is one more than hmm.

Let's have a look at the beads for that one.

Seven is one more than six, that's right.

You can see my seven beads there on the on my bead bar.

And if I moved one of those beads back across, I would have six beads.

So seven is one more than six.

And our last one, what number is one more than seven? Let's have a look.

Did you get it? Eight is one more than seven.

You can see my eight beads and if I moved one of them across I'd have seven.

So eight is one more than seven.

Time for you to have some practise.

Now I hope you've got a set of cards with the numbers, one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight and nine on them.

And what you need to do is turn them over so you can't see the numbers.

And then you're going to take one of those cards and you're going to find something around you, some cubes, some bricks, some cards, some counters.

And you're going to make the number on your card.

So Jun turned over the number four.

So he got out four counters.

But your job is to try and find one more than the number on your card.

So June took another counter so he could say that one more than four is five.

So get yourself some cards and some counters or something that you can use and see if you can turn over a card and find one more than the number on your card.

Pause the video and have a go.

I wonder if you picked any of the cards I picked? I picked number five first so I got out five counters but I knew I needed to find one more than five.

So I got one more counter and one more than five is six.

And then I picked the sixth card.

So I put my six counters down and I wanted one more than six.

So I got one more counter and I had seven counters altogether.

One more than six is seven.

And then I picked the seven card.

So I had my seven counters and I wanted to find one more than seven.

So I put another counter down.

One more than seven is eight.

I wonder if you had any of the cards that I picked.

Do you notice anything about my cards? I thought it was quite funny that I picked five and six and seven.

And speaking of counting, we've got another part to our lesson to come, haven't we? So the second part of our lesson is all about finding one more by counting.

So we've used our manipulatives and our objects and we'll see some of them again, but this time we are really going to focus on counting to find the number that is one more than.

So if you remember in the first part we had our three cars and one more joined and one more than three is equal to four.

So one more than three is four.

Let's have a look and see if we can do that by counting as well.

So when we count we say one, two, three, four.

Four is the next number we say after three.

Let's have a look at that on our number track.

So let's count with Sophia.

One, two, three, four.

Four is the next number we say after three.

and we know that one more than three is four.

That next number tells us one more.

Let's have a look at another one.

So here we've got our beads.

So you can count to find one more than five.

We used the beads last time, but this time we're going to use our counting.

We can see the beads to help us.

So what is the next number you say after five? Let's count with Sophia again.

one, two, three, four, five, six.

That's right.

The next number we say is six.

one, two, three, four, five, six.

And did you see the bead move as well? So one more than five is six because six is the next number we say after five.

So what is one more than six? You can see the six on our beads there.

So let's see if we can use counting to help us find out what is one more than six.

So you can count and we need to count to find out what is the next number you say after six.

So here's Sophia to help us again, let's count you ready? one, two, three, four, five, six, seven.

That's right.

The next number we say after six is seven.

One more than six is seven.

So that next number tells us the number that is one more when we are counting.

So one for us to do together and then one for you to have a go at.

So let's have a look at the one on the left-hand side.

One more than two is, now this time we've got no beads and no cards to help us.

We're just going to do it by counting.

So let's see if we can count together.

Are you ready? So we're going to use the number track to find the next number after two and that next number will tell us what is one more than two.

So let's count together.

Are you ready? One, two, three.

So one more than two is three.

Three is the next number you say after two.

So time for you to have a go.

One more than four is, hmm.

Pause the video and have a go and then we'll look at it together.

How did you get on? Did you manage to fill in the gap? Let's have a look.

So one more than four is, hmm.

So we're going to use the number track to find the next number after four when we count.

So let's count together.

Are you ready? one, two, three, four, five, that's right.

One more than four is five.

Five is the next number you say after four.

So we can see how being counting, being able to count and find that next number helps us to find out what is one more than a number.

So Jun's had a go.

Jun's done some counting and he wants to know if he's correct.

So Jun says, "I can count and say the next number after eight, one more than eight is seven," says Jun.

Is he correct? Pause the video and see if you agree with Jun.

How did you get on? Sophia doesn't think Jun is correct.

Sophia says the next number after eight is nine, so one more than eight is nine.

Shall we count with her and check? Are you ready? One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine.

Sophia's right, Jun was not correct.

The next number after eight is nine, one more than eight is nine.

And time for you to do some practise.

We've got the cards back out again, but this time we're not going to use the cubes or the counters or the beads.

You're going to find one more by counting.

So you're going to turn over a card again and then you might use a number track to help you, but you are going to count and find out what the next number is so that you can say that one more than hmm is hmm.

I wonder which cards you'll turn over.

Pause the video and have a go and then we'll have a look at some examples together.

I wonder if you picked any of these cards? I picked number one, so I counted, one more than one is let's think of that next number one, two.

The next number after one is two.

So one more than one is two.

Then I picked number five.

So I had to work out what one more than five was.

So I counted one, two, three, four, five, six.

The next number after five is six, one more than five is six.

And then I picked the number eight, so I had to find out one more than eight is, so I counted.

Are you ready to count with me? One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine.

The next number after eight is nine, so one more than eight is nine.

I wonder if you picked any of these cards as well.

Well, what fantastic learning we've been doing today, we've used manipulatives like cards and beads to find one more than a number.

And then we've also learned that when we count the next number is one more than the number you said last.

We found out that a number track can help us to find one more than a number and a number track can help us to find that next number.

Thank you for working so hard.

I've really enjoyed our maths learning today, and I hope to see you again.