
Lesson video

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Hello and welcome to this lesson where we're counting back from 20.

By the end of our lesson, we'll be counting backwards from any number between zero and 20.

The key words we're gonna be using in today's lesson are count back and before.

So in the first part of our lesson we're gonna be reciting those number words back from 20.

So when we think about counting backwards, this means counting one fewer number each time.

When we count backwards we have to remember which number comes before.

So we're gonna sing 10 green bottles to start off with.

So we'll be counting backwards, one fewer each time, one fewer bottle each time and the number before 10, which is nine.

So we'll be counting backwards from 10 all the way back to zero.

Will you join with me and help me count and sing this song? Ready? ♪ 10 green bottles sitting on the wall ♪ ♪ 10 green bottles sitting on the wall ♪ ♪ And if one green bottle should accidentally fall ♪ ♪ There'd be nine green bottles sitting on the wall ♪ ♪ Nine green bottles sitting on the wall ♪ ♪ Nine green bottles sitting on the wall ♪ ♪ And if one green bottle should accidentally fall ♪ ♪ There'd the eight green bottles sitting on the wall ♪ ♪ Eight green bottles sitting on the wall ♪ ♪ Eight green bottle sitting on the wall ♪ ♪ And if one green bottle should accidentally fall ♪ ♪ There'd be seven green bottles sitting on the wall ♪ ♪ Seven green bottles sitting on the wall ♪ ♪ Seven green bottle sitting on the wall ♪ ♪ And if one green bottle should accidentally fall ♪ ♪ There'd be six green bottles sitting on the wall ♪ ♪ Six green bottles sitting on the wall ♪ ♪ Six green bottle sitting on the wall ♪ ♪ And if one green bottle should accidentally fall ♪ ♪ There'd be five green bottles sitting on the wall ♪ ♪ Five green bottles sitting on the wall ♪ ♪ Five green bottles sitting on the wall ♪ ♪ And if one green bottle should accidentally fall ♪ ♪ There'd be four green bottle sitting on the wall ♪ ♪ Four green bottles sitting on the wall ♪ ♪ Four green bottles sitting on the wall ♪ ♪ And if one green bottle should accidentally fall ♪ ♪ There'd be three green bottles sitting on the wall ♪ ♪ Three green bottles sitting on the wall ♪ ♪ Three green bottles sitting on the wall ♪ ♪ And if one green bottle she'd accidentally fall ♪ ♪ There'd be two green bottles sitting on the wall ♪ ♪ Two green bottles sitting on the wall ♪ ♪ Two green bottles sitting on the wall ♪ ♪ And if one green bottle should accidentally fall ♪ ♪ There'd be one green bottle sitting on the wall ♪ ♪ One green bottle sitting on the wall ♪ ♪ One green bottle sitting on the wall ♪ ♪ And if one green bottle should accidentally fall ♪ ♪ There'll be no green bottle sitting on the wall ♪ Well done.

Now we've been counting backwards from 10 with the green bottles.

Now let's count backwards from 20.

We're gonna use a bead string.

You could use a real bead string on the table in front of you if that was easier, right, let's count backwards in time with the beads, ready? So at the moment we've got 20.

So 20, 19, 18, 17, 16, 15, 14, 13, 12, 11, 10, nine, eight, seven, six, five, four, three, two, one, zero.

We've got no beads left on the bead string.

Now let's check how you're getting on.

So if you want to work with a group or in a partner going to take turns to count down one number at a time.

Are you ready? Listen very carefully to the number you hear then say the number that comes before it.

And when you reach zero, you're gonna start counting back again from 20.

You can use different voices if you like.

I'll do the first one with you.

So if I say 20, you are gonna say, yes 19.

So 20, 19, 18, 17, 16, 15, 14, 13, 12, 11, 10, nine, eight, seven, six, five, four, three, two, one, zero.

Now you could try it again, this time you could do it in a big, loud voice or in a little whisper.

You could do it in a grumpy voice or a sad voice.

You choose, have a practise in a couple of different ways of doing this pause the video while you do this.

Well done.

I hope you found lots of interesting voices.

Now we're going to play another activity and check that you know which number comes before.

I'm going to read out some numbers and I want you to listen really carefully, see if any numbers are missing.

I put some clues on the screen for you.

So it may be that I miss out number 15 or it may be that number 12 is missing or perhaps I say all the numbers and don't miss out any numbers.

Listen carefully, ready?.

20, 19, 18, 17, 16, 14, 12.

Did I miss any numbers out? Yes, I missed out 15.

15 comes before 16.

Well done if you got that right.

Let's try another one.

Listen very carefully and I'm going to count back from 20.

You can see the options this time it says, I may have missed out 13 and 12, or I might not miss out any numbers or I might just miss out 12.

So listen carefully and see if you can see what I do.

Ready? 20, 19, 18, 17, 16, 15, 14, 11, 10.

Did I miss any numbers out? Yes, I missed out 13 and 12.

13 comes before 14 and 12 comes before 13.

Let's back from 20 all the way to 12 together.

20, 19, 18, 17, 16, 15, 14, 13.

Well, well done.

Now going to do a task, task one, which gives you a chance to practise counting backwards until you reach zero.

So you can either work with a friend or in a small group counting backwards.

For the first one I want you to start at 17, counting backwards then count starting on 15, and finally count back, pause.

How did you get on? Were you counting backwards starting at 17? Did you know which number came before 17? The number before 17 is, yes, it's 16.

And when we counted backwards, starting on 15, the number before 15 was 14.

So you have to say the number in your head, that existing number in your head and then think which number comes before.

So when we started counting from 12, we keep the number 12 in our head and say the number before 12, which was yes, it's 11.

Well done.

We've now finished the first part of this lesson.

We've been practising reciting the number words from 20 all the way back to zero.

For the second part of our lesson we're gonna be counting back from any number to zero.

This time we're going to be using some manipulatives.

We can count back from any number because we know that the order of the numbers always stays the same.

For the first one, we're gonna use a 10s frame to help us remember which number comes before.

So I'd like you to count with me.

So at the moment you can see 20 counters on the 10s frame and 20 numbers in the number track.

Ready, so 20, 19, 18, 17, 16, 15.

There's 15 counters there.

Let's carry on.

14, 13, 12, 11, 10.

So the next number is gonna be the number that comes before 10.

So we're gonna say, got 10 there now.

So 10, nine, eight, seven, six, five, four, three, two, one, zero.

Now we have no counters left in the 10 frame.

Well done.

We can you also use a bead string to help us count back to zero.

We know that there are 20 beads on this bead string.

So you could do this using a real bead string on the table in front of you.

This is gonna help you as we go through the rest of this lesson.

So as you're counting backwards you can move the bead string back as you count.

So if you start with 17, the first number we say will be 16.

16 is the number before 17.

Now we're going to check how you're getting on with understanding the number coming before.

So here we've got a block of flats and Sophie lives on the 20th floor of the building.

So right up at the top, can you count backwards as she goes down the lift to the ground floor? So at the moment she's on the 20th floor.

So will you count backwards with me? So we're gonna count back from 20 down to zero.

She goes down in the lift.

Are you ready? So 20, 19, 18, 17, 16, 15, 14, 13, 12, 11, 10, nine, eight, seven, six, five, four, three, two, one, zero.

And she's on the ground floor.

So if you can move the beads along as we're counting, then you'll get back from 20 all the way back to zero.

Now Sophie's having another adventure.

This time she's on the 14th floor visiting her friends.

We're going to count back to zero from 14.

So move your beads.

So you've got 14 beads and then we're gonna count back from zero with a 14.

So starting on 14, that's in your head at the moment.

So we've got 14 on our head.

So the first number we're going to say is the number before 14.

The number before 14 is 13, so 14, 13, 12, 11, 10, nine, eight, seven, six, five, four, three, two, one, zero.

And she's back on the ground floor.

Well done.

Let's try another one.

So Sophie's now on the 17th floor visiting her family.

Can you count back to zero from 17? So remember we're going to say one fewer each time one of the beads goes.

So we're saying that number before as we count.

So we've got 17.

So the number before 17 or one fewer than 17 is gonna be yes, it's 16.

So 16, 15, 14, 13, 12, 11, 10, nine, eight, seven, six, five, four, three, two, one, zero.

Well done.

Sophie's now on the ground floor.

Now we're gonna start task two.

So for the first part is the task, I want you to count with a friend and I want you to count back from different numbers within 20 to zero.

So take turns.

So for example, you could start the first person choose 16.

So then you're going to count back from 16 to zero.

Pause the video, so you can have a go.

On the second activity, you'll need either a copy of this PowerPoint sheet or a bead string in front of you.

If you're using a bead string, you need to move the beads over just like on the screen, so that you can show 18.

So 18 on one side and two on the other side.

What I want to know is what is the number you say, the first number you say when you're counting back from 18.

So that means what number comes before 18? What number is one fewer than 18? Pause the video while you work it out.

Yes, that's right.

The correct answer is 17.

Let's try another one.

Now look at the beads on this picture.

Can you make the beads like this on your bead string? What is the starting number here? Can you count back to zero? Pause the video while you do this.

Well done.

The starting number is 15.

So the number before 15 would be 14.

So if we count back we'd say 14, 13, 12, 11, 10, nine, eight, seven, six, five, four, three, two, one, zero.

Did you get that right? Let's try another one.

Which bead is the arrow pointing to now? Have a look at the bead string.

Can you move your beads so they look like the one in the picture? Can you work out what the starting number is? Pause the video now, see if you can count back all the way back to zero.

So the starting number this time is 19.

So when we start counting back, we're gonna start with 18.

Let's count together.

18, 17, 16, 15, 14, 13, 12, 11, 10, nine, eight, seven, six, five, four, three, two, one, zero.

Now finally, this is the chance for you to choose your own starting number for your partner so that they can choose to count back from zero.

So get your own beads out and move them across and decide which number you want to be your starting number and give them to your partner and they can then count back from that number.

Pause the video now so that you can have a go at this game.

We've now finished the second part of our lesson, counting back using those manipulatives.

So mainly using the bead string.

And we're moving into the final part of our lesson.

We're counting back from any number, to any number.

So here we can see some beads on the screen in front of us.

So when we're counting back, we can count back from any number, not just to zero.

So when we stop this time, it's not going to be at zero.

To start off, we're gonna count back from 15 and we're gonna stop at 10.

So I put 15 beads on the screen in front of you.

Are you ready to count back from 15? But we're gonna stop when we get to 10.

So we've gotta think what number comes before 15 when we start? Are you ready? So we've got 15 in our head.

So 15, 14, 13, 12, 11, 10.

And that's where we stop 'cause we started at 15 and we were stopping at 10.

Well done.

So the numbers we counted back were 15, 14, 15, 12, 11, 10.

Okay, this time we're going to use a 10s frame to help us count back.

This time we're counting back from 17 and we're counting back to 12.

So there are 17 counters in the 10s frame.

Are you ready? We're gonna start by thinking which number comes before 17? Which number is one fewer than 17? Yes, that's right, it's 16.

So let's start counting.

Ready, 17, 16, 15, 14, 13, 12.

Yes, well done.

We've counted back from 17 and we stopped when you got to 12.

So the numbers we counted back were 17, 16, 15, 14, 13, 12.

Okay, now let's do a checking activity.

So what I want you to do to start off with is count back from 15 to 12.

So have a go at doing that.

Ready, what numbers do you say? Now then I've got some options here.

See if you can work out which ones you should say because I've made some mistakes.

You work out which one's correct.

So when we count back from 15 to 12, do we say 15, 14, 12? Or do we say 15, 14, 13, 12, 11, 10? Or do we say 15, 14, 13, 12, which one is it? Yes, you're right, it's the last one.

So on the first one, we missed out number 13 because 13 comes before 14.

And on the second one we had to remember to stop at number 12.

I carried on till I got to number 10.

Let's try another one.

This time I'd like you to count back from 19 to 15.

So have a little practise yourself.

Remember you're thinking what number comes before 19? Right, now then, when we count back from 19 to 15, the numbers we say are 18, 17, 16, 15 or are they 19, 18, 17, 16, 15.

Or do we say 19, 18, 17, 15.

Which one do you think it is, yes, you are right it's the middle one.

On the first one I forgot to say 19, on the last one I missed out number 16.

Let's try one more.

When we count back from 16 to eight, the numbers we say are, so have a little practise to yourself, starting on 16 and stopping when you get back to number eight.

Remember to say the number before each time.

Are you ready? I'm gonna read out some numbers now and see if you can guess which one is the correct one.

So we're counting back from 16 to eight.

The numbers we say are 16, 15, 14, 13, 12, 10, nine, eight.

or is it 16, 15, 14, 13, 12, 11, 10, nine, eight.

or is it 16, 15, 14, 12, 11, 10, nine, eight.

Yes, it's the middle answer.

It's 16, 15, 14, 13, 12, 11, 10, nine, eight.

Well done, didn't miss out any numbers.

Now let's practise counting back from any number to any number.

This is task three.

To do this we're gonna play a game.

Play this game.

You'll need a spinner, just like the one on one on the screen, number track from zero to 20 and a counter for everyone who's playing.

The first thing to do is to place the counters onto number 20.

Now you need to spin the spinner, see what number it lands on, and count up the circles.

And this'll tell you how many spaces to move your counter.

So if you land on a two, you're going to move two spaces back from 20.

So if you're on 20, you'll go 19, 18 and move your counter onto number 18.

The winner is the one who reaches zero first.

Pause the video so that you can have a go playing the game.

Well done, did you enjoy playing the game? Did you remember to say each number as you counted backwards? Did you find out the person who started the game won each time, did you win? Okay, now then these are things we need to, when we're counting backwards we always have to remember which number comes before.

When we count backwards, we know that the order of the numbers always stays the same.

And you can practise counting backwards when you're going downstairs or down any steps.

Well done.

You've worked really, really hard today and I'll see you soon, bye.