
Lesson video

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Hello, and welcome to this lesson where we'll be comparing and ordering the numbers 11 to 19.

By the end of the lesson, you'll be able to compare and order the numbers 11 to 19 using different presentations and different resources.

Throughout the lesson today, we're gonna be using the words, first, second, and third.

These are our keywords.

So here is our outline for our lesson.

In the first part, we're going to be comparing two numbers, and in the second part, we're gonna be comparing and ordering three numbers.

So here's our first part, comparing two numbers.

So we can compare two numbers to say which is more, which is less, which are the same.

Now, sometimes, when we're comparing two numbers, the numbers are close together and next to each other, numbers like seven and eight, 10 and 11, and sometimes, there's a big gap between the numbers, like one and 20, or two and 18.

So, I'm gonna show you some bricks, so have a look at the first set.

How many bricks are in the first set? Can you count with me? So one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, 10, 11.

11 was the final number that tells us how many bricks are in the set, so we've got 11 bricks in this.

Let's have a look at the other set.

Right, we've got some towers here.

Let's count together.

How many bricks are there? Let's go, one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, 10, 11, 12, so there are 11 in one set, and there's 12 in the other set.

Can we write, can we use the amounts in a comparative sentence? That means, can we use some of those words like more, or less, or the same? There we are, we've got 11 and 12, so these numbers are really close together, aren't they? They are next to each other.

So, we could say 12 is more than 11.

What else could we say? Yes, that's right, we could say 11 is less than 12.

We could also say 11 and 12 are not equal.

They are not the same.

All right, let's try another one.

Let's count the bricks in both of these sets.

So how many bricks are in this set? Should we count them together? One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, so there's 15 bricks in the first set.

Let's have a look at the other set.

How many bricks are in this set? Can you count them? Let's go together, one, two, three, four.

You might have been able to see that one without counting.

So, we've got 15 in the one, and four in the other.

What comparative sentence can we say here? What could we say using the word, more? What could we say using the word, less? Yes, we could say, 15 is more than four, and we could say, four is less than 15.

Do you think of any other sentences we could say? Yes, we could say, 15 and four and not equal.

We can also look at the size of those numbers.

We had 11 and 12 before, and they were next to each other, they were close together, but 15 and four are not close together.

There's a big gap between them.

Now, let's have a look at some cakes.

See how many cakes are in each set.

Let's see if you can check that you can use those correct words.

Are you ready, how many cakes can you see over here at the moment? Should we count them together? One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, 10.

There's 10 on this one, let's carry on counting.

What number comes after 10? Yes, it's 11, so 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20.

There are 20 cakes on the cake stands.

How many cakes have you got on the other side? Can you count them? Let's go together.

One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, 10, 11, 12, so there are 12 cakes over there.

So we've got 20 cakes on this side, and we've got 12 cakes over there.

What could you say to describe them? Yes, you could say, 20 is more than 12.

12 is less than 20.

12 and 20 are not equal.

Well done.

Let's try another one.

You might want to pause the video now to give you a chance to count the pens in both sets.

So, how many pens did you find in both sets? Yes, there 18 pens in the first set, and 12 pens in the other set.

How we make a comparative sentence, what could we say using the words, more? Yes, we could say, 18 is more than 12.

12 is less than 18.

12 and 18 are not equal.

Well done.

Now, the same thing for the cars.

Pause the video while you count the cars.

So, how many cars were in each set? Yes, there were 13 cars in the first set.

And how many in the second set? Yes, there were 11 cars in the second set, so we've got 13 and 11.

Can you use the amounts in a comparative sentence? What could you say using the words, more? Yes, you could say, 13 is more than 11, and 11 is less than 13.

13 is not equal to 11.

Well done, you found lots of different ways of comparing the two amounts.

Now, we're going to move on to task one, where you're gonna practise comparing two numbers.

Your teacher or your adult will give you some cards that are cut out, and I want you to use the cards to find two pictures of sets, so you're looking for numbers that are close together numbers, so next door numbers or near numbers, or numbers with a big gap, or also, sets that are equal, the same number.

So, these are the cards that you're going to be looking at, so I want you to count up how many objects are in each of the cards, and then see if you can see which ones have the same number, which ones have a big gap between them, and which ones have a small gap in number of objects between them.

Pause the video now.

So, did you manage to find two cards that represented numbers with a small gap between them? Did you find two cards that represented numbers with a big gap between them? And did you manage to find two cards that represented the same number? These are the cards that I found, so some of you may have used these cards, too.

So, if we look at the balloons, how many balloons are there? What number do the balloons represent? Let's count them together.

One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, 10, 11.

The last number I said was 11, so there are 11 balloons.

The card represents the number 11.

How many counters are on the tens frame? Let's count that together, too, ready? One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19.

There are 19 counters on the tens frame.

That means the tens frame represents the number 19.

Now, we had 11 balloons, and 19 counters on the tens frame.

11 and 19 are not numbers that are close together.

They're numbers with a big gap, so we'd say, these cards represent numbers with a big gap.

Now, then we need to think about some ways we can compare these two numbers.

Can you think of a sentence that you could say which used the word, less than? Yes, you could say, 11 is less than 19.

What about using the word, more than? Yes, you could say, 19 is more than 11.

You could also say, 11 and 19 are not equal.

Let's try another pair.

So here, we've got another tens frame with some black circles.

Let's count up to see what number is represented by the tens frame.

So, one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16.

There are 16 counters on the tens frame, so the tens frame represents the number 16.

What about those black circles? Let's count them, too.

One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16.

There are 16 black circles, so the black circles represent the number 16.

Hmm, what do you notice about those two cards? There are 16 on the tens frame, and 16 black circles, so 16 is the same as 16.

16 is equal to 16, so these cards represent numbers with the same number.

So finally, we've got two more cards.

We've got rockets and another tens frame.

So what number is being represented by the rockets? Let's count up to see.

One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18.

The last number I said was 18, so there are 18 rockets, and that card represents the number 18.

So how many counters are on the tens frame? Let's count it to see.

One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19.

The tens frame represents the number 19.

So, we had 18 for the rockets, and 19 for the tens frame.

These numbers are close together, so we could say they represent numbers with a small gap.

18 is less than 19.

19 is more than 18.

18 and 19 are not the same number.

Well done.

We've now finished the first part of our lesson today.

We're now going to start the second part where we're comparing and ordering three numbers.

Okay, so in front of you, you can see three sets of round circles.

We've got green circles, blue circles, and pink circles.

We're going to find out which ones have the most, and how many we've got, so we can compare them.

So, how many green circles are there? Let's count them to find out.

So, one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15.

So the last number I said was 15, so there's 15 in the set.

There are 15 green circles.

Now, let's count the blue ones.

Looks like there's a few more, let's see.

One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19.

So, the last number I said was 19, so there's 19 blue circles.

Now, let's see how many pink circles there are.

Let's count together.

One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, 9, 10, 11.

There are 11 pink circles.

So now, when we want to compare and order them, we need to find out which number is the smallest, which number is the largest, and which number is in between the others.

So, I've put them on the other side, so now, you can see we've got the pink ones, the blue ones, and the green ones.

So we can say which number is the smallest? Well, the pink ones are the smallest, because there's only 11 circles.

Which number is the largest? Well, the largest number was 19, because there were 19 blue circles.

19 is more than 11.

Which number is in between the others? It could be the green circles, because there were 15, because 15 comes in between 11 and 19.

15 is less than 19, and 15 is more than 11.

Let's compare these numbers by using a number track.

Here is the number track, and there are our counters.

There are 11 counters, there are 15 counters, and there's number 19 for our 19 counters, and we can see that 15 is more than 11.

15 is less than 19.

It comes in between 11 and 19.

So 11 is the smallest, 19 is the largest, and 15 comes in between.

Well done, should we try another one? Have a look at the rockets, and the basketballs, and the cars.

What you'll need to do is count them up so you can see how many there are in each set.

Pause the video now to give you a chance to count them all.

So, I hope you've managed to count each of the sets and find out how many basketballs there are, how many rockets there are, and how many cars there are.

So now, we've got our question.

We've got which number is smallest, which number is the largest, which number is in between? So which number was the smallest? Yes, it was 12, it was the basketballs.

There are only 12 basketballs.

This is the smallest number.

And which number is the largest? Yes, it's 18, it's the rockets.

There are 18 rockets.

That number represents the greatest number.

And which number is in between? Yes, it's the cars, there are 16 cars, and 16 comes in between 18 and 12.

So if we now look at them on that number track, we can see the smallest is 12, which is the basketballs, the rockets are 18, which is the largest, and the cars represent 16, which is in the middle.

It's in between.

So if we then try to use our language of comparison, we could say that 12 is less than 16, and 12 is less than 18.

We could also say that 18 is more than 16, and 18 is more than 12.

We could also say that 16 is more than 12, and 16 is less than 18.

So now, if we think about it, we could say 12 is the smallest, and this makes it the first number we were counting.

16 is between the others, so it would be the second number we were counting up, and 18 is the largest, and it's the third number we're counting up.

So if we count along in a line, first number we would say of those would be 12, then we would say 16, and finally, the third number, we would say would be 18.

Now, let's have another try.

So now, we've got a tens frame, a bead string, and some robots.

So pause the video now so that you can count how many there are in each set, and I want you to think which one is the smallest, which one represents the largest, and which one represents the number in between? How did you get on? Were you able to work out the number which each of those pictures represents? Okay, so which number is the smallest? Yes, it's 11.

There's 11 in the tens frame, so 11 is the smallest.

Which number is the largest? Yes, it's that bead string, it represents 19, so the number in between is 16.

Did you get that right? So then if we look at them on the number track, we can see the smallest is 11, and 16 is in between 11 and 19, because 19 was the largest.

So we can see how if we were counting along, we'd say 11 first, and then we'd say 16, and then we'd say 19.

Let's test it out and see.

So, we'd say, zero, one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, 10, 11, so we said 11 first.

Let's count off my 11.

12, 13, 14, 15, 16, so we said that one second.

Carrying on from 16, 17, 18, 19, so we said that that number third, because 19 was the largest of our three numbers.

Now, we're going to use the same cards you used at the start of the lesson.

So this time, you're gonna be picking three cards from the set, and you're going to be looking at your three cards, and say, which one represents the smallest set? Which one represents the largest set? Which one represents the number in between? Now, you also gotta think, what might you say if you have two sets the same size? These are the cards that you'll be using again, so pause the video now, so you can have a chance to play the game.

So, how did you get on? Did you manage to find three cards, and order them first, second, and third? This is an example of the cards that I chose, so you can see I picked out the balloons, the cubes, and the chicks.

So the first thing to do was to count them up.

So when I counted up the balloons, I saw there were 11 balloons.

When I counted up the cubes, I saw I had 13 cubes.

And finally, when I counted up the chicks, I saw I had 15 chicks.

So then I was thinking, which is the largest number? Which is the smallest number? Which one comes in between? So, 11 is the smallest number, and as it's the smallest number, it would be first.

Then I know that 15 was the largest number, so that would be at the end, so the second one I was gonna look at was the cubes.

So, 13 is in between 11 and 15, so it would be second.

And finally, 15 is the largest number, so this would be the third one.

Well done.

I hope you were able to think about the order of those numbers, think about which number came first, which one came second, and which one came third.

We've now come to the end of our lesson, and we've been representing those numbers from 11 to 19 using different manipulatives.

And now, we can see that we can order the sets and say which is the smallest, which is the largest, which one comes in between.

And we can also order sets to say which one comes first, which one comes second, and which one comes third.

Well done, you've worked really hard in this lesson, and I look forward to working with you again soon.
