
Lesson video

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Hello everybody.

My name is Mrs. Johnson.

I am so excited to be here today to help you with some of your maths learning.

I hope you're ready to work hard and have lots of fun.

Let's see what we're going to be learning about today.

This lesson is called follow and give directions.

It comes from the unit position and direction, including fractions of turns.

By the end of this lesson, you will be able to follow and give directions using the language of position and direction.

That means you are going to learn to use the correct words to give and follow directions.

There is one really important keyword in this lesson, which is directions.

Let's practise saying it.

My turn, directions, your turn.

Well done.

You are going to see that word lots of times in this lesson and you are going to learn all about directions today.

There are going to be two parts to this lesson.

To begin with, you are going to learn about following directions and then in a little while you are going to learn how to give directions.

Let's start with follow directions.

There are two friends in this lesson who are going to help us today.

Their names are Sophia and John.

Watch them carefully in this lesson because they're going to show you some really helpful things.

John is looking for coins in the sand.

Sophia is going to help John find them by giving him directions.

Sophia says, "Go forward one square.

Turn right, go forward one square." Now John has found a coin.

Sophia's directions helped John to find the first coin, didn't they? Now Sophia can give John directions to the next coin.

I wonder which coin it's going to be.

Sophia has remembered that she can turn herself to face the same way as John to make it easier to give him directions.

I wonder if you've done that before.

Sometimes if you face a different way, it's quite tricky to know whether somebody should be turning left or right.

If you do what Sophia says and you face the same way that they are, it can help to make it a little bit easier.

Sophia says, "Make a half turn.

Go forward, three squares." 1, 2, 3.

"Turn left, go forward one square." John has found a coin.

Sophia's directions helped John to find a coin again, didn't they? Let's check that you can use directions to help John find a coin.

This time John wants to collect the two pence coin, which directions will help him find it? A says, go forward two squares, turn right, go forward one square.

B says, go forward two squares, turn left, go forward one square.

Pause the video and have a think about which directions will help John to find the two pence coin.

Let's have a look where you thinking it would be A or B.

The directions John needs to follow are B.

He needs to go forward two squares.

Then he needs to turn left and go forward one square.

If you weren't sure whether John should turn left or right, try turning yourself so that you are facing the same way as John.

That might help you to decide if you need to tell John to turn left or right.

Now, John is going to collect the toys that are hidden in this maze.

Sophia is going to give directions again.

First, Sophia says, "Turn right." Then Sophia says, "Go forward two squares." One, two, turn left, go forward three squares.

1, 2, 3.

John has collected the princess.

If John follows these directions, which toys would he collect? The directions say, make a half turn.

Go forward one square, turn right, go forward three squares, turn left.

Go forward one square.

Pause the video and see if you can work out.

If John follows these directions, which toys will he collect? Well done.

You tried really hard to follow those directions.

Good job.

Let's see if we can find out which toys John will collect.

He's going to start by making a half turn.

Go forward one square, turn right, go forward three squares.

Now if he does that, he's going to collect the robot.

The next direction says turn left.

That means he's facing this way.

Go forward one square.

He has collected the teddy.

So the toys that John would collect if he follows these directions are the robot and the teddy.

Well done if you said that.

Now it's time for you to practise following directions.

I would like you to look at where John has started and follow the directions.

John is going to go round the maze and he's going to collect four different toys.

Can you draw the toys in the order that John collects them, so you need to follow the directions and then draw which toy does he collect first and second and third and fourth.

Pause the video and have a go at that now.

Let's have a look.

Let's watch John follow these instructions and see the order of the toys that he collects.

It says turn left, go forward two squares.

That means the first toy he collects is the dragon turn left, go forward two squares.

Now he has collected the unicorn.

Make a left turn.

Go forward three squares.

Now he has collected the princess.

Turn right, go forward one square.

Now he has collected the teddy.

The only toy that John didn't collect was the robot.

Well done if you got those toys in the correct order.

You followed those directions really well.

Now it's time to have a look at the second part of our lesson.

You are now going to be thinking about how you can give directions.

Sophia has got a new robot toy.

She can programme it to move around by giving it directions.

I wonder if you've got any toys like this.

Let's watch how Sophia can make her robot move around by giving it directions.

Here's the robot.

`The robot is facing the house.

Sophia can tell her robot to turn left.

The robot will turn and now the robot is facing the tree.

Sophia can tell the robot to turn left again and now the robot is facing the slide.

Sophia has given her robot some more directions.

Watch the robot carefully to see how it moves.

What directions could Sophia have given the robot to make it move like this? Let's watch.

Oh, I wonder what Sophia had told her robot to do.

Let's have a look.

Sophia says, "My directions were to go forward two squares, turn right, go forward one square." That's what we saw the robot do, isn't it? The robot did follow the directions.

It went forward two squares and then it turned right and then it went forward one square.

If you watch the robot's movements carefully, you can work out what directions Sophia gave.

Let's watch some more and see if we can think about what directions Sophia gave the robot first.

The robot has been told to turn right.

Let's see what it does next.

The robot has gone forward by one square, hasn't it? So Sophia must have said, go forward one square.

What does the robot do next? It has turned right.

Sophia told the robot to turn right now what is the robot going to do? That's right.

Go forward one square.

That was Sophia's direction.

Next, let's see what the robot does.

The robot has turned left.

Sophia told it to turn left.

What will the robot do next? Sophia's direction must have been, go forward two squares.

You can watch how the robot moves and work out what Sophia's directions were.

Now Sophia has added some coins and her robot needs to go round and collect the coins.

Sophia needs to give the right directions so that the robots can collect all the coins.

Let's think about what directions she needs to give the robot to make sure that the robot can collect the coins.

She could say, go forward one square, turn left, go forward two squares.

Now it's collected one of the coins.

Turn left, go forward one square.

Now it's collected the second coin.

Sophia gave excellent directions, didn't she? For the robot to collect all those coins.

Let's check if you can give directions for the robot to collect the coin.

There is one coin left.

What directions could you give the robot to help it find the coin? Is there more than one way that the robot could go? Pause the video and see if you can give the robot directions to get the last coin.

Let's have a look then, did you find different ways for the robot to go? It could have followed this path.

The directions for this path would be turn left, go forward one square, turn left, go forward two squares, turn left, go forward one square.

It could have gone this way.

If your robot went this way, you need to tell it to turn right.

Go forward one square, turn right, go forward two squares, turn right, go forward one square.

You might have seen a different pathway.

Maybe you took this path.

If you did this, the directions for your robot would be make a half turn, go forward two squares.

Maybe you have even found another way that I haven't shown you.

Well done for thinking carefully about how you could give directions to this robot to go and collect the last coin.

Now it's time for you to do some more practise.

You are going to give directions to the robot so that it can collect all the coins.

You can choose which coins you would like the robot to collect first.

You can collect them in any order, but you need to try and collect all of the coins.

Maybe you might be able to find more than one way that the robot could go to collect all of the coins.

When you are giving your directions, make sure that you remember to use these important words.

Go forward, turn right and turn left.

Are you ready to go and give the robot all of those directions? Do you think you're going to be able to get all of the coins? Excellent.

Off you go.

Let's have a look how you have got on.

Now, there are lots and lots of different ways that you could go.

I can't show you all of the different ways, but I can show you how you might have started.

If you did it a different way, that is okay.

As long as you remember to think about turning left or turning right and collecting those coins.

You don't have to do it the same way as this, but this is what I did.

I said turn left, go forward three squares.

That collected the first coin.

Turn right, go forward three squares.

That collected the next coin that was in the corner.

Turn right, go forward three squares.

Now I've collected another coin.

Turn right, go forward one square.

Now I would just have two coins left to collect.

I wonder what order you collected the coins.

Did you help your robot by giving it directions, using left and right as well as go forward to help it collect all of those coins? Very well done.

N ow that you're at the end of this lesson, you know that you can follow directions by moving forwards and turning left and right.

You can watch how somebody moves to work out the directions that they were given and you can give directions to help someone find what they are looking for.

You have worked really hard and thought really carefully about directions in this lesson today.

Well done everybody.

I hope that I will see you again soon for some more maths learning.

Bye everyone.