
Lesson video

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Hello, my name's Mrs. Cornwell and I'm going to be helping you with your learning today.

I'm really looking forward to working with you.

I know you're going to work really hard and together we'll do brilliantly.

So let's get started.

So today's lesson is called Recognise and Explain the Value of 5 p in Pence.

And it comes from the unit Unitizing and Coin Recognition: Counting in Twos, Fives, and Tens.

So in our lesson we are going to look at 5 p coins, learn to recognise them, and we're going to think about what those each 5 p coin represents, how many 1 pennies it represents.

And by the end of today's lesson, you should feel much more confident with recognising 5 p coins and you will be able to say what they represent, what their value is.

So let's get started with that.

So here's our keywords for today.

So 5 pence coins.

My turn, 5 pence coins, your turn.

And value, my turn, value, your turn.

And worth, my turn, worth, your turn.

And 5 p, my turn, 5 p, your turn.

Well done.


So in the first part of our lesson today, we're going to look at how one 5 p coin represents a group of 5 pennies.

And in our lesson we will meet Sam and also Jacob there will help us with our learning.

They are also finding out about coins today.

So the children know lots about 1 and 2 pence coins, but they haven't seen a coin like this before.

I wonder what it is.

Do you know what that is? So it's Sam is being a coin detective.

She's looking really carefully at it and looking for clues and she notices that it says 5 pence on one side of the coin.

That gives us a big clue, doesn't it? And Jacob says it must be a 5 pence coin.

So can you collect some more 5 pence coins and have a look at them all and see, are they all exactly the same? What's the same about them all? Okay, what things can you see? So Jacob notices they all have a picture of the King or Queen on one side and Sam notices that they are all silver in colour.

Perhaps you notice that as well.

They all have some numbers, which is actually the date written on them.

Okay, so what about what is different? Because not everything about the coins was exactly the same.

So what can you notice that's different? Jacob notices that the numbers written, the dates, aren't exactly the same and Sam notices that sometimes they may have different pictures on each coin.

Now let's compare a 5 pence coin to a 1 pence coin.

So collect some 1 pennies to go with your 5 pences coins and have a look at them and you're going to be coin detectives again, aren't you looking for those clues? Think about what's different about them both.

So Sam notices the 5 pence coin says 5 pence with the picture, but the 1 pence coin says 1 penny with the picture.

So that's different isn't it? Jacob notices a 1 pence coin is bronze.

We can see that colour there, can't we? But the 5 pence coin is silver, so the colours are different.

Sam notices they each have different pictures on them.

And Jacob says that the 5 pence coin is a lot smaller than the 1 pence coin, isn't it? Yes, you can see that there.

Did you notice that? So is there anything that's the same about them both then? So look very carefully for those clues and see what can you spot that is the same about a 5 pence coin and a 1 pence coin? Jacob notices they both have a picture of the King or Queen on one side of the coin.

And Sam notices that we can use both to pay for items. Okay, so they're both money aren't they? And we can use them to buy things.

And Jacob notices that they both have some numbers, the date written on them.

So even though not all 5 pence coins look exactly the same, they all have the same value.

Each 5 pence coin is worth 5 pence or 5 p.

That means, says Sam, it's worth the same as five 1 pennies because we know five 1 pennies also has a value of 5 p.

Let's complete the stem sentences.

Okay, so let's look at the 1 penny coins first.

Here are 1 penny coins.

That's right, here are five 1 penny coins.

The total value is 5 p.

That's right.

And then let's look at the 5 p coin.

This is a 5 pence coin.

It has a value of 5 p.

They're both equal, they both have a value of 5 p.

A 1 spot token represents a 1 pence coin and a 2 spot token represents a 2 pence coin.

There's the 1 spot token and we can see that 1 spot is reminding us that it has a value of 1 penny and there's a 2 spot coin and the 2 spots reminding us that it has a value of two 1 pennies or 2 pence.

There's Sam and she's saying, I wonder what sort of token we could use to represent a 5 pence coin.

Hmm, I wonder.

Jacob says, We know one 5 pence coin is equal to five 1 pence coins.

That has given me an idea.

Oh, so we can represent 5 p as a token with 5 spots because it has the same value as five 1 pennies.

We can use the 5 spot token to remind us that one 5 pence coin represents five 1 pennies, and Jacob's got his little rhyme here.

He says, I say 5 pence but I think five 1 pennies.

So that's useful, isn't it? How many tokens would we use to represent the 5 p coins shown, then I wonder? So Sam says each coin is worth 5 pence, it represents a group of five 1 pennies.

I can represent each 5 p coin with one 5 spot token.

So that would have the same value as the two 5 pence coins, wouldn't it? We know that double 5 is 10.

So two 5 spot tokens must represent ten 1 pennies.

So here's Sam again.

Sam draws some tokens to represent the 5 pence coins shown.

What mistake has been made? So there's the tokens that she drew.

Hmm, let's use our stem sentences to find out.

So each coin is a pence coin.

What should that be, I wonder? That's right.

Each coin is a 5 pence coin.

Each coin has a value of, that's right, 5 p.

That means there are two groups of five.

So that's right, it should have been two 5 spot tokens to represent the two groups of five 1 pennies shouldn't it? Well done.

Have you spotted that? So now it's time to check your understanding again.

How many 5 spot tokens would represent the 5 pence coins in the picture? Okay, would it be A, six 5 spot tokens, B, three 5 spot tokens or C, 15 5 spot tokens? Okay, so pause the video now while you try that.

Okay, and now let's see, what did you think? So that's right.

Did you get three 5 spot tokens? There they are.


Okay, so we know each 5 p coin represents a group of five 1 pennies.

So we need one 5 spot token to represent each 5 p coin, don't we? So three 5 spot tokens are needed for three 5 p coins.

Well done if you spotted that.

So here's Jacob again.

Jacob wants to represent these 5 spot tokens with 5 p coins.

How many will he need? So let's have a look there.

We've got a sentence there to help us, and it says there are groups of five pennies.

Okay, 'cause remember each spot, each spot represents a group of five pennies, doesn't it? So that's right.

There are four groups of five pennies, each 5 spot token represents one group of five pennies.

So that means you will need four 5 p coins because each 5 p coin has the same value as five 1 pennies or 5 p, doesn't it? So well done if you spotted that.

So now it's time for another check.

Which group of coins do these 5 spot tokens represent? Okay, so we've got three groups of coins or sets of coins there, haven't we? Okay.

And so have a look at the tokens and pause the video now while you think about that.

And what did you think? That's right, it was B.

So we can see we have three 5 spot tokens there, don't we? And so each token, it has five spots.

So it represents five 1 pennies or 5 p.

There are three 5 spot tokens.

There are three 5 spot tokens.

They represent the three 5 p coins.

Well done.

So here's Sam and Jacob again.

And Sam collects all her 1 penny coins together.

There they are.

Look, Jacob is wondering how many 5 pence coins would have the same value as these 1 pence coins? Hmm, I wonder, I say 5 pence, but I think five 1 pennies, says Sam.

So that can help us, can't it? Each time we find five 1 pennies, it can be represented as a 5 pence coin.

So there we can see that we've got one group of five 1 pennies and then two groups of five 1 pennies.

So we can represent each group of five pennies with a 5 pence coin, can't we? Because they have the same value as a 5 pence coin.

Two 5 pence coins have the same value as your 1 pence coins.

So well done if you notice that as well.

Okay, so now it's time for the task.

For the first part of our lesson, circle each group of five 1 pennies and complete the stem sentences that are there.

Then replace each group of five with a 5 pence coin.

Okay? So you will need some 5 pence and 1 pence coins to help you with this.

That would be useful, wouldn't it? And then perhaps you could actually swap five 1 pennies for a 5 pence coin.

Okay? And while you are working, think about what you notice about the groups of five and the 5 pence coins.

You notice anything about them? Pause the video now while you have a try at that.

Okay, so let's see how you got on.

So let's look at A.

So we can see that there is one group of five pennies and this is equal to one 5 pence coin, isn't it? That's right.

And then B, we've got two groups of five pennies.

This is equal to two 5 pence coins.

And then C, we've got three groups of five pennies.

So this is equal to three 5 pence coins.

And then we've got four groups of five pennies.

So this is equal to four 5 pence coins.

While you were working, did you notice anything about the number of groups and the number of 5 pences? That's right.

The number of groups of five was the same as the number of 5 pence coins.

Because each 5 pence coin represents a group of five 1 pennies.

So well done if you notice that.

So now in the second part of our lesson, we're going to compare the total value of 1 pence coins with 5 pence for 5 p.

So here's Jacob and Sam and they each pick up a coin.

Who has the most money? So there we can see that Jacob has one 5 pence coin and Sam has one 1 pence coin.

Jacob thinks we each have one coin, so we must have the same amount because they've both got one coin each, haven't they? Hmm.

I wonder if you agree with that.

Sam says my coin is bigger than yours.

I think I have more money.


So is she right? Let's think about this.

This is a 5 pence coin.

It has a value of 5 p.

This is a one pence coin.

It has a value of 1 p.

5 p is more than 1 p, isn't it? Because it represents five 1 pennies.

We say 5 pence, but we think five 1 pennies.

So Jacob has realised he must have more money.

So well done if you noticed that as well.

Sam collects some more coins.

Now which child has the most money? So Jacob still has one 5 pence coin and Sam has five 1 pennies and Sam thinks five is more than one.

So I must have more because she's got a lot more coins, hasn't she? But then Jacob remembers, remember one 5 pence coin represents five 1 pennies? And there's a token to show us.

We say 5 pence, but we think five 1 pennies.

Let's use the stem sentences to compare the value of the coins and then we can prove that we are right, can't we? So this is a 5 pence coin.

It has a value of 5 p.

There are five 1 pence coins.

The total value is, hmm, the spots can help us there, can't they? 5 p as well.

Both children have the same amount of money, they both have 5 p.

So now it's time for another check.

Jacob has 5 p.

Tick the sets that are worth more than Jacob's 5 p.

Okay, so you can see his 5 p coin there, can't you? Okay, so pause the video while you think about which set is worth more than that 5 p.

Okay, and what did you think about that then? That's right, it was B, wasn't it? We see 5 p, but we think five 1 pennies don't we? Six 1 pennies have a value of 6 p, which is more than 5 p.

It's more than the five 1 pennies that that 5 pence represents.

So well done if you spotted that.

So Jacob gives Sam some more 5 pence coins.

So you can see now, can you? Jacob has three 1 pennies and Sam has three 5 pence coins.

Sam knows her 5 pence coins are worth more than Jacob's 1 pence coins, but she wonders how she can prove it.

I wonder if you've got any ideas about that.

Jacob says, I will draw the spots on the tokens to represent the coins and show their value also.

That's a good idea, isn't it? So here we are, let's see, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5.

So he draws a token to show that one 5 p coin represents five 1 pennies.

Oh, but Sam says that will take ages if you are doing it for a few coins.

She has a quicker way.

You could just put a five in there, couldn't you? Because instead of drawing your five spots, it would be much quicker to just write a number five.

We say 5 pence, but we think five 1 pennies.

"I have three 5 pence coins," says Sam.

So she'd have to draw three tokens to represent those, wouldn't she? With five on each.

"I have three 1 pence coins," says Jacob, and he draws three tokens to represent the 1 pences.

Okay, so here's our task for the second part of our lesson.

Okay? So we have to tick the set that has more.

So you can see that we're comparing 5 pence coins to 1 pence coins, aren't we? Okay, so you can get some 1 pences and 5 pences to help you with this and then draw the 1 and 5 spot tokens just like Sam and Jacob did with the number on the front to prove that you are correct.

Okay? So pause the video now while you try that.

So let's see how you got on.

So in question A, okay, we can see we've got a 1 pence coin and a 5 pence coin.

Which one do you think has the higher value, is worth more? That's right, the 5 p coin.

And we can prove it by drawing the tokens, can't we? Because we can see that one penny represents 1 p and a 5 pence coin represents 5 p.

Well done.

Let's have a look at the next one then.

So that's right, it would be the two 5 pence coins that would be worth more because they represent two groups of five 1 pennies rather than the two 1 pennies shown.

Okay? And then again, it would be the 5 pences that would have the higher value and we can prove it with the coins, can't we? Did you notice anything about those sets there? That's right, the set, there was an equal number each time, wasn't there? There was one 1 pence coin or one 5 pence coin, two 5 pence coins or two 1 pence coins.

So we know 5 pence is worth more than 1 pence.

So if you have the same number of 5 pence coins as 1 pence coins, the 5 p will always be worth more, won't it? So well done if you spotted that.

Now let's have a look at D.

So we've got 5 pence, one 5 pence coin or two 1 pence coins.

That's right.

It would be the one 5 pence that would have the higher value.

It's worth more.

Each 5 pence coin has a value of five 1 pennies.

So 5 p is worth more than two 1 pennies.

Okay, and then the next one, the 5 p would be worth more again, wouldn't it? Even though there aren't as many coins.

And we can prove it.

Showing the tokens, each 5 pence coin has a value of five 1 pennies.

So 5 p is also worth more than three 1 pennies.

And then lastly, we can see again the 5 pences are worth more and prove it with the tokens.

Each 5 pence coin has a value of five 1 pennies.

So two 5 p coins have a value of 10 pence and that's worth more than three 1 pennies, isn't it? So well done if you notice that.

Hopefully you are feeling much more confident when you are working with 5 pence coins now.

Okay? And you'll be able to use that to help you with your work.

So let's look at what we've learned in today's lesson.

A single coin can represent the same amount as several one pennies.

Okay? The value of a 5 pence coin is not related to its size or its shape or its colour or how many you've got.

The quantity.

A five 5 coin has a value of 5 pence, or 5 p.

And the value of a 5 pence coin is equal to the value of five 1 pence coins.

We can represent a 5 pence coin as a 5 spot token, can't we? So well done.

We've learned lots today, haven't we? And you've worked really hard.

I've really enjoyed our lessons.

So excellent work.