Hello, everyone.
And welcome to maths with Ms. Dobrowolski.
This unit is all about money and in today's lesson, we'll be learning how to create an amount of money using the fewest notes and coins.
Here is today's lesson agenda.
First we'll have review of calculating a total amount.
Then we'll be using the fewest notes and coins to make an amount.
Then we'll have a little top task followed by your independent task.
For this lesson, you will need a pencil and a notebook or something to write on and possibly some coins or notes.
Make sure you ask an adult for some coins and notes.
However, if you can't get any coins or notes, that's completely fine.
They are not necessary for you to be successful in this lesson.
However, if you don't have a pencil or notebook, pause the video now and go get these items. So let's have a quick review of all our different coins and notes.
My turn, your turn, 1p, 2p, 5p, 10p 20p, 50p, 1 pound, 2 pound, 5 pounds, 10 pounds, 20 pounds, 50 pounds.
Well done.
So creating amounts of money.
I have some coins here.
Now, I want to count up all my coins to see how much money I have.
When counting money, we always start with the coin or note that has the greatest value.
So here I have a 50 pence coin followed by a 10 pence coin and two two pence coins.
So I'll start with my 50 pence.
50 plus 10 is 60 pence, 60 pence plus 2 pence is 62 pence and 62 pence plus 2 pence is 64 pence, well done.
So my question is, what other coins could you use to make the same amount? How can you make 64 pence using a different set of coins? Pause the video, have the think and then when you're ready, come back and we'll compare what answers we got.
Great, so I will show you how I made 64 pence using a different set of coins.
I decided that I would use three 20 pence coins and two 2 pence coins.
Now I thought about this because I realised that six is in the two times table because when I skip count by twos, I say six.
Two, four, six.
So that means if I skip count by twenties, I'll hit 60; 20, 40, 60, which is exactly what I did with my 20 pence coins.
20, 40, 60, and then I just needed four more pence to make 64.
So I had two, two pence coins, 60, 62, 64, although I'm sure you all came up with very creative ways to make 64 pence.
But when I'm creating amounts of money, I want to make sure I'm using the fewest coins and possibly the fewest notes.
And that's because I don't want to be walking around with tonnes of change in my pocket.
My pockets might get really heavy with money so I want to use coins and notes for my amounts of money.
So let's count how much money we have here.
We have 10 pound plus 5 pound, which is 15 pound, 15 plus 1 pound is 16 pound.
And then I know 50 pence and 50 pence make a pound.
So 16 plus one pound is equal to 17 pounds.
How can you make 17 pounds using the fewest amount of coins and notes? If you'd like to, you can pause and have a think, but if you're not feeling quite so sure, stay on with me and we'll do this example together.
So first I'm going to have a look at all of my coins and notes.
I said before that I know two 50 P coins are equal to 100 P or one pound.
Now instead of using two 50 P coins, what else could I use to make one pound? Hmm, ah, I can use a one pound coin.
So I'm going to get rid of my two 50 pence coins and put in an additional one pound coin.
So this way I still have 17 pounds, 10 plus five is 15 pounds, 15 pounds plus one pound is 16 pounds and 16 pounds plus one pound is still 17 pounds.
So now I already have one less coin than I had before because I got rid of two 50 P coins and gave myself one one pound coin.
Now we can take this a step further.
I have two one pound coins here.
Is there a coin that has an equal value? Do I have a coin that's equal to two pounds? Yes, I do, I can use my two pounds coin.
So what I'm going to do is I'm going to get rid of my two of my one pound coins and put in a two pound coin instead.
So I still have 17 pounds, 10 pounds plus five pounds is 15 pounds and 15 pounds plus 2 pounds is 17 pounds, but I managed to get rid of my 50 P coin and I managed to get rid of my one pound coins and still have the same amount of money.
So let's try another example.
Can you find the fewest amount of coins or notes needed to pay for the book? Well, to answer this question, we need to work systematically.
First, I need to think, do I have a coin of equal value? Hmm, this book costs seven pounds.
Do I have a coin that is equal to seven pound? No, I don't, I only have one pound or two pound coins.
Well, what about notes? Do I have a seven pound note? Hmm, no, definitely not, notes only come in 5, 10, 20 and 50.
So I don't have an equivalent pound or note.
So what I can do now is I can have a look and see what coin or no do I have of greatest value that will help me make seven pounds.
So I'll start with 50 pounds.
Can I use 50 pounds to make seven pounds? Nope, that's way too much, I can't do that.
What about a 20 pound note? Nope, still too much.
A 10 pound note? Nope, that's still way more than seven pounds.
What about a five pound note? Yes, I can definitely use a five pound note here.
So I'll start with five pound.
Can I add another five pound note? Well five pound note plus five pound is 10 pounds and that's more than seven pounds.
So I won't be including another five pound note.
Ah, I have a two pound coin here so I can use a five pound note and a two pound note because five pound plus two pounds is equal to seven pound.
Great, so I would only need one note and one coin to make seven pounds.
Now, let's try again.
Can you find the fewest amount of coins or notes needed to pay for the toaster? The toaster has a price of 19 pounds.
Pause the video now and see if you can get the right answer.
Great, so again, my first step is to think, do I have a coin or note that is equivalent to the amount.
Do I have a coin or note that is equal to 19 pound? Nope, no coin or note exists that is equal to 19 pounds.
So I'll work systematically by starting with my biggest coin or note.
So I have a 50 pound note, hmm, that's way too much, that's too big.
A 20 pound note? No, a 20 pound note has greater value than 19, so I still can't even use that.
What about a 10 pound note? Yep, I can definitely use my 10 pound note so I'll start that.
Can I use another 10 pound note? Well, 10 pounds plus 10 pounds is 20 pounds.
So that value is already too much.
I can't use another 10 pound note.
So I'll move on to my five pound note, 10 pound plus five pounds is 15 pounds.
So I'll add in that five pounds.
Hmm, can I add another five pounds here? Well 15 pound, which I already have, plus five pounds is 20 pound.
That values too much, I can't add in another five pound coin at five pound notes.
So let me move on to my coins.
15 pound plus two pound is equal to 17 pounds.
Hmm, I'm getting there.
How much more do I need? I already have 17 pounds and I need to make 19 pounds so I can put in another two pound coin and that makes 19 pounds.
So a 10 pound note plus a five pound note plus a two pound coin and another two pound coin are equal to 19 pounds, great.
It's now time for your talk task.
So what I would like for you to do is I would like for you to figure out how you can purchase these items, using the fewest amount of coins or notes.
So I'll do the first example and start with the football.
So this ball costs four pounds.
I can use the fewest amount of coins by starting with, hmm, do I have a coin that's equal to four pounds? No, can't do that.
Five pound is too much so I'll have to start with a two pound coin.
So I can use the fewest amount of coins by starting with a two pound coin.
And I can make this amount by using two two pound coins because two pound plus two pound is equal to four pound.
So your turn, complete the rest of the talk tasks with the rest of the items and pause the screen.
When you're done, you can resume the video and we can go over the answers together, good luck.
Great, so well done on your talk task, hopefully you were able to complete all of these questions.
Now we already did the first one so I'll move on to the ice cream cone.
To make 81 pence, you could use one 50 pence coin, one 20 pence coin, a 10 pence coins and a one pence coin.
And that would be using the fewest amount of coins or notes to make 81 pence.
To make 13 pence, you could use a 10 pence coin, a two pence coin and a one pence coin.
To make 74 pence, you can use one 50 pence coin, one 20 pence coin and one two two pence coins.
Okay, let's take this one step further.
How much do these items cost all together? Well, I can see that this bottle costs 45 P and this ice cream costs one 20 P.
45 plus 20 is equal to 65 pence.
So how can I pay for these items using the fewest amount of coins or notes? Well, what I can do is start by saying, hmm, do I have a coin that's equal to 65 pence? No, I definitely do not.
So I'm going to have to work systematically by starting with the largest, with the coin, the greatest amount first.
Hmm, can you find the fewest coins or notes needed to pay? If you think you know the answer, pause the video now and work it out.
Otherwise stay on with me and we can do this together.
So I can see that I have a two pound coin, which is worth way more than 65 pence so I won't use my two pound coin.
I then move on to my one pound coin.
Nope, still too much.
Ah, I have a 50 pounds coin, so I'll use a 50 pence coin.
I can't use another 50 pence coin because 50 plus 50 is a hundred pence and that's too much.
So let's move on to my 20 pence coin, 50 plus 20 is 70.
Hmm, no, that value is too great.
I don't need a 20 pence coin.
What about a 10 pence coin? Oh, that's right, 50 plus 10 is equal to 60, so I can use a 10 pence coin.
Now I already have 60 and I only need to get to 65.
Hmm, I could use a five pence coin, 50 P plus 10 P plus 5 P is equal to 65 P.
So I would only need three coins to make 65 P.
It is already time for your independent task.
So let's go over all the instructions together and make sure we do one example so you're really clear on what you need to do moving forward.
Step one is to add the cost of the items. So for example, 48 pounds plus 10 pound is equal to 58 pounds.
So I would just write 58 pounds.
Step two is to draw or write the fewest coins or notes needed to pay each total.
So in order to make 58 pounds, I could start with a 50 pound note, then at a five pound note, then the two pound coin followed by a one pound coin.
So that would give me 50 plus 5 is 55, 55 plus two is 57 and 57 plus 1 is 58.
So I just write that next to the purse.
If you're feeling a bit fancy and artsy, feel free to draw the coins next to the purse, good.
So before you go on, make sure to look for a few things, please, please make sure you are looking at whether you are making pounds or pence.
Also make sure that you are using coins and notes that actually exist.
Remember there's no such thing as a three pound coin or a three pound note so that is not something you could potentially use to pay, great.
Pause the video now have a go at the independent task and when you're ready, resume the video so we can go over the answers.
Excellent work, everyone.
Let's just review.
Number one, we did together.
Number two, two pound plus one pound plus one pound is equal to four pounds and I can make this by using two two pound coins.
Example three, 62 pence plus 20 pence plus six pence is 88 pence and I can make this using a 50 P coin, a 20 P coin, a 10 P coin, a 5 P coin, a 2 P coin and a one P coin.
24 pence plus 24 pence is equal to 48 pence.
I can make this using two 20 pence coins, a five pence coin, a two pence coin and a one penny coin.
9 P plus 16 P plus 3 P is equal to 28 P and I can make this using one 20 pence coin, one five P coin, one two P coin, and one penny.
Finally, 30 pence plus 42 pence is 72 pence.
And I can make this by adding 50 pence plus 20 pence plus two pence.
Good job, everyone.
If you'd like to, you can share your work with Oak National by asking your parents or carer to share your work on Twitter @OakNational and #LearnwithOak.
And finally, don't forget to complete your quiz.
It was really nice to see you for this lesson, and I really hope to see you in future lessons, bye.