Hello, my name is Miss Jones.
And I'm going to be teaching you maths today.
I thought I'd start by telling you a joke.
Are you ready? A teacher said to a student, "Why're doing your multiplication on the floor?" The student said, "You told us not to use tables." Let's start today's lesson.
Today we're going to be exploring the value of a three digit number, in more than one way.
Here's a lesson agenda.
We start with the New Learning where we look at numbers and the place value of these numbers and see how we can represent the hundreds, tens and ones in different ways.
Then there will be a Talk task.
Followed by an Independent task and then finishing off with a Post-quiz.
You will need a pencil, some paper.
And throughout the activities, I will be modelling using dienes just like I would do in school.
You can find objects around your house such as lego, or anything else to represent dienes, to represent the math that amounts of 100 10s and ones, or you can draw the dienes on your piece of paper.
Please pause the video now and collect these items if you haven't done so already.
Let's start with the New Learning.
Here I have the number 12.
On my place value chart, I have represented the number using dienes.
There is one tens stick, and two ones.
If I exchange my tens stick for ones, how many ones would I have altogether? I will give you a few seconds to think.
Tell the screen your answer.
You're right! When the tens stick is exchanged for ones, there are 12 ones all together.
That is because one tens stick is the same as 10 ones.
So 12 is 10 ones and two ones, which is the same as 12 ones.
This time I have the number 34.
There are three tens.
Count them with me, 10, 20, 30.
And there are four ones.
One, two, three, four.
How many ones would I have if I exchange all my tens for once? Tell the screen your answer.
You're right! Three tens and four ones is the same as 34 ones.
This is an alternative way of showing the number 34.
Now I have the number 100.
Here in my hundreds column I have a 100 block.
How many tens would I have if I exchanged 100 block for tens? Can you tell the screen? Let's check together.
Count the 10 sticks with me.
10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80, 90, 100.
How many tens sticks total to 100? One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, 10.
I would need to exchange my hundred block, for 10 tens sticks.
How many ones would I have if I exchanged my Tens 10 sticks for ones? A tens stick is the same as 10 ones.
I would have 100 ones.
I can group my ones into groups of 10s to help me.
Count with me again, 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80, 90, 100.
100 Ones is the same as a 100 block.
Now it's time for our talk task.
For the talk task, we need to match up the picture to the correct number.
In the picture, I can see there're lots of tens and a few ones.
We need to say the sentence below aloud to help us.
Can you say it to the screen with me? is the same as tens and ones.
Let's count our tens and our ones to see.
One, two, count with me, three four five.
Now it's going to to take a long time to count all the way to the end.
I know in one group there are five tens.
So we could count in fives to see how many tens there are are altogether.
Count with me, five, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30, 35, 40, 45, 50 50 and one is 51 tens.
There are 51 tens and one, two, three, four.
Four ones.
There are 51 tens and four ones.
That's the same as 514.
Another way I could count my 10 sticks is, I know that one, two, three, four, five tens is the same as 50.
Do you think you can count in 50s with me? Are you ready? 50, 100, 150, 200, 250, 300, 350, 400, 450, 500, 510, 511, 512, 513, 514.
Well done, 514 is the same as 51 tens and four ones.
Now it's time for you to have a go.
Say the sentence aloud here at the bottom in green to match up each number to the correct picture.
Pause the video, whilst you complete this task.
How did you do? Let's look at it together.
I have got a lot of ones.
There are no tens.
There are ones but they've been grouped into one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, 10.
So I can count the tens, 10, 20, 30, 40, 50.
I've got 50 and one, two, three, four, five, six, seven ones.
So the number this picture represents is 57.
As you can see, the ones have been grouped into tens.
What is the same? What is different about the two representations of the number 209? Here's one representation and here is another.
Pause the video while you think.
Tell the screen your ideas.
Great job! The same is they both have ones.
The first example has a 100 block and the second example doesn't.
The second represents this 100 block with 10 tens instead.
So there are more tens in the second example.
What's the same also is, which is most important, they both represent the number 209.
How else could we represent the numbers 361? Here there are 36 tens and one one.
Now remember there are many ways to represent numbers.
These are just examples.
Yours might be right.
You can check with an adult, if you want to make sure your example is correct before moving on.
Here's another way of making the number 361 that I've worked out.
There are 36 tens and one one.
Here there are two hundreds, 16 tens and one one.
Now it's time for your Independent task.
We've already seen ways that we can show these numbers in the Talk task.
Now you're going to have time to find alternative ways because remember I said there are many ways to make the same number.
In the boxes, record different ways that you can make the same number.
One has been done for you for the number 480.
I have drawn three hundreds which total to 300, 18 tens which totals 180.
And these total to the whole number 480.
Pause the video whilst you complete your independent task.
Great work! Here are some examples of answers you may have given.
Remember, even if yours don't match up to these answers, they still could be correct.
So feel free to ask an adult at home if you would like your answers this checked.
You've worked really hard today, you should be proud.
Well done! Before you finished the lesson, make sure you complete the post-quiz.
Hopefully I'll see you again soon.