Hello, I'm Mrs. Cayley, and I'm going to be your teacher for today's lesson.
So in today's lesson, we're going to represent the multiples of 10 using their numerals.
So let's have a look at today's lesson outcome.
Here's today's lesson outcome.
"I can represent multiples of 10 using numbers." Here are the key words for today's lesson.
Can you repeat them after me? My turn, "ones." Your turn.
My turn, "tens." Your turn.
My turn, "groups of 10." Your turn.
My turn, "multiple." Your turn.
Well done.
You might have used these words before.
Look out for them in today's lesson.
Here's today's lesson outline.
We're going to be representing multiples of 10 using their numerals.
We'll start off by counting in 10s, and then we'll be representing 10s.
So let's start with the learning.
Here are some children that are going to help us today.
We've got Alex and Aisha.
Alex and Aisha have some cubes.
Can you see the pile of cubes that they've got? They're in a bit of a muddle, aren't they? How could they count them? Can you think of a good way to count them? So Alex said, "We could put them in a line." Aisha said, "We could put them in groups." I wonder what we could put them in groups of.
Alex counts them like this.
Can you see he's put them in lines? Can you count them with him? One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20 cubes.
There are 20 cubes here.
Alex said, "I wonder if there's a way to count them more quickly." Aisha said, "I will put them into groups of 10." Aisha puts the cubes into groups of 10 to count them.
Are you good at counting in 10s? One group of 10.
Two groups of 10.
There are two groups of 10.
Which way do you find quicker? Putting them into groups of 10 can be quicker, can't it? When objects are in groups of 10, we can count the groups.
One group of 10.
Two groups of 10.
Three groups of 10.
Four groups of 10.
Five groups of 10.
Alex and Aisha have dropped some counters.
Can you see the big pile of counters that they've dropped? How could they count them? Alex said, "We could put them in a line." That would be a really long line, wouldn't it? Aisha said, "It'd quicker to put them in groups of 10." Alex and Aisha have grouped the counters in 10s.
One group of 10.
Two groups of 10.
Three groups of 10.
Four groups of 10.
Five groups of 10.
There are five groups of 10.
Five groups of 10 is 50.
There are 50 counters altogether.
Alex and Aisha have put counters on 100 square.
Putting objects on our blank 100 square can be a quick way of counting them.
Let's count the groups of 10 as they put them on.
One group of 10.
Two groups of 10.
Three groups of 10.
Four groups of 10.
Five groups of 10.
Six groups of 10.
Seven groups of 10.
Eight groups of 10.
Nine groups of 10.
10 groups of 10.
There are 10 groups of 10 counters.
They can also count using number names.
So we can count them using the 10s numbers.
10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80, 90, 100.
What do you notice about the groups of 10 and the numbers that we've used? They look similar, don't they? So one group of 10 is equal to 10.
Two groups of 10 is equal to 20.
Three groups of 10 is equal to 30.
Four groups of 10 is equal to 40.
Five groups of 10 is equal to 50.
Six groups of 10 is equal to 60.
Seven groups of 10 is equal to 70.
Eight groups of 10 is equal to 80.
Nine groups of 10 is equal to 90.
And 10 groups of 10 is equal to 100.
Let's count from zero to 100 in 10s.
Can you count with me? 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80, 90, 100.
There's the numbers that we've counted.
What do you notice? Aisha said, "They all end in zero." Alex said, "The 10s digit goes up by one each time." Aisha said, "These are all multiples of 10." Multiples of 10 can all be made from groups of 10.
100 is a multiple of 10 because it is 10 groups of 10.
Count the groups of 10 and complete the sentence.
Can you see the stem sentence at the bottom there? "There are mm groups of 10 pencils.
There are mm pencils." So can you say it with me when the pencils appear? "There are one group of 10 pencils.
There are 10 pencils." Now we've got two groups of pencils.
So let's say the stem sentence.
"There are two groups of 10 pencils.
There are 20 pencils." Now we've got another group of 10.
Let's say the stem sentence.
"There are three groups of 10 pencils.
There are 30 pencils." Now we've got another group of 10 pencils.
"There are four groups of 10 pencils.
There are 40 pencils." Now we've got another group of 10 pencils.
"There are five groups of 10 pencils.
There are 50 pencils." Now we've got another group of 10 pencils.
Let's say the stem sentence.
"There are six groups of 10 pencils.
There are 60 pencils." Here's another group of 10 pencils.
"There are seven groups of 10 pencils.
There are 70 pencils." And we've got one more group of 10 pencils.
So let's say the stem sentence together.
"There are eight groups of 10 pencils.
There are 80 pencils." Let's check your understanding.
Can you count the groups of 10 and say the stem sentence? So pause the video while you have a go at this one.
How many groups of 10 cubes were there? Let's say the stem sentence together.
"There are five groups of 10 cubes." How many cubes is that altogether? "There are 50 cubes." Well done.
Let's check your understanding again.
Which stem sentence represents the pencils? Look at the groups of 10 pencils.
Which stem sentence represents the pencils? So is it this first one? "There are five groups of 10 pencils.
There are 15 pencils." Or is it this middle one? "There are five groups of 10 pencils.
There are 50 pencils." Or is it the last one? "There are five groups of 10 pencils.
There are five pencils." Pause the video while you think about this one.
Which stem sentence did you think was correct? It's the middle one.
"There are five groups of 10 pencils.
There are 50 pencils." Is that what you thought? Here's a task for you to have a go at.
Can you match the representations to the multiple of 10? So here we've got some counters, and cubes, and pencils, and fingers.
Can you match it to the correct multiple of 10, and then complete the stem sentences? You could check with real objects.
Here's the second part of your task.
Can you draw your own representations of these multiples of 10? So here we've got the numbers 20, 40, 60, and 80.
And you could draw your own things, like counters, or cubes, or fingers, and you could use some real objects to check.
So pause the video while you have a go at your tasks.
How did you get on with your tasks? Did you match the representation to the multiple? So the first one was 50 counters, and I've matched it up to the number 50.
That's five groups of 10.
Then we had 70 cubes, and I've matched it up to the number 70.
That's seven groups of 10.
Then we had 30 pencils.
That's three groups of 10.
And finally, we had 10 fingers.
That's one group of 10.
How did you get on with that one? Here's the second part of your task.
Did you draw your own representations for the multiples of 10? So I've drawn 20 pencils.
That's two groups of 10.
Then I've drawn 40 counters.
That's four groups of 10.
Then I've drawn 60 fingers.
That's six groups of 10.
And finally, I drew 80 cubes.
That's eight groups of 10.
What did you draw for yours? Let's move on to the second part of the lesson.
We'll be representing 10s.
How many pencils are there here? Can you see the pencils there? There are 10 pencils, aren't there? Alex said, "There are 10 pencils." So let's say the stem sentence.
"There are 10 ones." We could put them together into one pack of 10.
One group of 10.
Aisha said, "There are 10 pencils in the pack." Let's say this stem sentence.
"There is one 10 and zero ones." We can see this on a place value chart.
Can you see that now we've got a group of 10? We've got one 10 and zero ones.
That becomes the number 10.
The one means one 10, and the zero means zero ones.
How many pencils are there here? Can you see the three groups of 10? Alex said, "There are 10 pencils in each box." Aisha said, "There are three boxes of 10 pencils." How many pencils is this all together? There are 30 pencils.
This is three 10s and zero ones.
We can see this on a place value chart.
I wonder how it's going to look on the place value chart.
We've got three 10s and zero ones on the place value chart.
The three means three 10s.
The zero means zero ones.
There are three groups of 10.
The 10s digit is three, and represents the three groups of 10.
If we add one more group of 10, how many pencils will there be? So there's another group of 10.
Alex said, "Now there are four boxes of 10 pencils." How will the 10s digit change in the place value chart? There is one more group of 10.
So the 10s digit has gone up.
So how many pencils are there now? There are 40 pencils.
This is four 10s and zero ones.
We can see this on the place value chart.
Four 10s and zero ones.
The four means four 10s, and the zero means zero ones.
We can represent 10s numbers on a place value chart.
Here we've got the four 10s.
Four 10s is equal to 40.
Can you see it on the place value chart? We've got four 10s and zero ones.
Now we've got five 10s.
Five 10s is equal to 50.
Can you see it on the place value chart? Now we've got five 10s and zero ones.
Now we've got another group of 10.
There's six 10s.
Six 10s is equal to 60.
Can you see on the place value chart that the 10s digit has changed to a six? Now we've got six 10s and zero ones.
So the 10s digit was going up each time, wasn't it? Alex said, "We are adding one more group of 10 each time, so the 10s digit goes up." What is the pattern here? We're going to show some digits and think about what it means.
So here we've got the number 10.
This means one 10.
Now we've got 20.
This means two 10s.
30 means three 10s.
40 means four 10s.
I wonder what's going to come up next.
50 means five 10s.
Can you predict what might be next? 60 means six 10s.
70 means seven 10s.
80 means eight 10s.
And 90 means nine 10s.
What do you notice about those numbers? Alex said, "The multiples of 10 all end in zero." Aisha has noticed that there is one more 10 each time.
The 10s numbers are made of some 10s and no ones.
That's why they all end with a zero, because there's no ones.
What would the last one be on the list? It'll be 100.
That's ten 10s.
Let's check your understanding.
Which place value chart represents the pencils here? I can see we've got some groups of 10 pencils, and we've got three different place value charts and a stem sentence.
Can you work out which place value chart represents the pencils, and then say the stem sentence? Pause the video while you think about this one.
What did you think about this one? I can see we've got six groups of 10 pencils, haven't we? So we need to have six 10s and no ones.
Which place value chart is showing that? It's the last one, isn't it? Let's say the stem sentence together.
"There are six 10s and zero ones." That makes 60 pencils altogether.
I can see on the first place value chart that we've put 16.
That sounds a bit like 60, doesn't it? But that's not the right one.
That would be one 10 and six ones.
And the middle place value chart, I can see we've got the 10s and the ones muddled up.
There should be six 10s and zero ones.
How do you get on with that one? Here's a task for you to have a go at.
Can you pick a one to nine card to put in the 10s column of the place value chart to make a 10s number.
I've already put a zero there in the ones so you'll be making a 10s number.
Represent your number with objects or a drawing, and complete the table.
The table is on the next page.
And there's a stem sentence at the bottom there.
"Mm 10s are equal to mm." So once you've made a multiple of 10, you're going to put it on the table here.
You're going to write down what your number is, complete the stem sentence, and then draw a representation for each of your numbers.
Here's the second part of your task.
Can you circle the 10s in each picture, and complete the stem sentences and place value charts? So here we've got some apples and pencils.
Can you see how many groups of 10 there are and put a circle around them? And then complete the stem sentences and the place value.
Here's a third part of your task.
Can you draw a picture and complete the stem sentences to match the place value charts? So I've already filled in the place value charts with some 10s and no ones.
So see if you can show a representation and complete the stem sentences.
You could check with real objects.
So pause the video while you have a go at your tasks.
How did you get on with your tasks? Did you record your numbers on the table? So you might have tried this.
I tried the number 90, that's nine 10s.
Nine 10s are equal to 90, and I've got nine groups of 10 cubes.
Then I chose the number 60.
Six 10s are equal to 60, and I've got six boxes of 10 pencils.
Then I chose the number 30.
Three 10s are equal to 30, so I've drawn three groups of 10 cubes.
Finally, I chose the number 10.
One 10 is equal to 10, and I've got 10 fingers there.
What did you use to represent your multiples of 10? How did you get on with the second party of your task? Did you circle the 10s in each picture and complete the stem sentences? So there are two groups of 10 apples.
So I've put, "There are two 10s and zero ones.
There are 20 apples." And there it is on the place value chart, two 10s and zero ones.
Then we had 40 pencils, didn't we? "There are four 10s and zero ones.
There are 40 pencils." So on the place value chart, we've got four 10s and zero ones.
How did you get on with the last part of your task? Did you draw a picture and complete the stem sentences to match the place value charts? So first of all, we had the number 50.
There are five 10s and zero ones.
So you need to draw five groups of 10.
"There are five 10s and zero ones.
This is 50." Then we had the number 70.
That's seven groups of 10.
So you need to draw seven groups of 10 objects.
"There are seven 10s and zero ones.
This is 70." How did you get on with those? Well done, everyone.
We've come to the end of our lesson.
Today we were representing multiples of 10 using their numerals, and this is what we found out.
When we're counting groups of 10, we say the multiples of 10.
All multiples of 10 end with a zero.
Multiples of 10 are written with a zero as the ones digit.
And this is a stem sentence that we can use.
Can you say the stem sentence with me? "This is the number mm and the mm represents mm 10s." So you could use that stem sentence for any multiple of 10.
Well done, everyone.
See you next time.