
Lesson video

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Hello, my name's Mrs. Hopper, and I'm really looking forward to working with you in this lesson.

The lesson comes from our unit introduction to division structures, so we're going to be looking at how we can divide numbers up.

Are you ready to make a start? If you are, let's get going.

In this lesson, we're going to be looking at grouping objects equally.

So you might have some objects that you can work with in the lesson to help you to see those equal groups.

Are you ready? Let's make a start.

We've got two keywords in our lesson today.

We've got equal and group, so I'll take my turn and then you can take your turn to practise saying them.

Are you ready? My turn, equal.

Your turn.

My turn, group.

Your turn.


I'm sure they're words you know, but look out for them in the lesson because they're going to be really helpful with our learning today.

There are two parts to our lesson today.

In the first part, we're going to be grouping with a one-digit number, and in the second part, we're going to be grouping with a two-digit number thinking about grouping our numbers equally.

So let's make a start in part one.

And we've got Aisha and Jun helping us with our learning today.

Jun has six counters.

Can you see them there on the screen, red ones? He says, "I want to group the counters equally." And Aisha says, "You could put the counters into groups of two." And there they are.

Can you see the groups of two? There are three groups of two.

Six is equal to three times two.

Three groups of two counters.

Jun says, "I can use a bar model to represent this." So there's his bar model.

His whole is six and he's divided it into three equal groups of two.

And Aisha says, "There are three equal groups with two in each group." And we can see that in the counters and in the bar model, and we can see it in our equation as well.

Our whole is six, three is the number of groups, and two is the size of each group.

Six is equal to three times two.

Three groups with two in each group.

He's still got his six counters.

He says, "How else can I group the counters?" Aisha says, "You could put the counters into groups of six." Oh, there's a thought.

What's that going to look like? And there is one group of six.

Six is equal to one times six.

Jun says, "I can represent this as a bar model." Oh, that looks interesting, doesn't it? Our whole is six, and we've got one group of six making that whole, haven't we? There is one equal group with six in that group.

We can see it in the bar model and in the counters, and we can see it in our equation.

Six is our whole and it's equal to one group, so there's our one, the number of groups, and the size of the group is six.

So six is equal to one group of six.

And we can see that in our equation as well.

He's still got six counters.

He says, "How else can I group the counters?" Aisha says, "You could put the counters into groups of one." And there they are.

There are six groups of one.

Six is equal to six times one.

Yep, Jun, you can use a bar model as well.

Well done.

There are six equal groups with one in each group, and we can see that in the bar model, and in the counters, and in our equation.

Over to you to check your understanding.

How else could you group the six counters and can you fill in the stem sentences and the equation? There are hmm groups of hmm.

Hmm is equal to hmm times hmm.

Jun says, "Can you put the counters into groups of three perhaps?" And Aisha says, "How could you use a bar model to represent this?" So group your counters, draw a bar model, and complete the stem sentences.

Pause the video, and when you're ready for some feedback, press play.

How did you get on? Did you group them into groups of three? We've got two groups of three, haven't we? There are two equal groups with three in each group.

"There are two groups of three," is our first stem sentence.

Six is equal to two times three.

And there we can see it as a bar model.

Six is the whole and there are two equal groups of three.

So in our equation, our first six represents the whole, the two represents the number of groups, and the three represents the size of each group.

Six is equal to two times three.

Time for you to do some practise.

You're going to take eight counters.

And Jun says, "How can you group the counters equally?" And Aisha says, "Use a bar model to represent each grouping." And here we've got some bar models ready for you to have a go at.

So pause the video, have a go at grouping your eight counters, and when you're ready for some feedback, press play.

How did you get on? Here are some answers.

So for a, our bar model had eight equal groups in our eight, so that had to be eight groups of one.

Eight is equal to eight times one.

And there are the counters in eight equal groups of one.

And Jun says, "This is the number of groups." So that eight after the equal sign is the number of groups.

And Aisha says, "This one shows the size of each group." And eight, the first eight, shows our whole.

What about b? This time we had one group of eight, didn't we? So eight is equal to one group of eight.

The one represents the number of groups and the eight represents the size of each group.

So eight is equal to one group of eight.

And here are the answers to c and d.

So in c, we had two groups of four, eight is equal to two times four.

And indeed, we had eight is equal to four groups of two, eight is equal to four times two.

Well, what do you spot about those? That's interesting, isn't it? Anyway, I hope you were successful with that and had fun grouping your eight counters.

And we're going to go on into the second part of our lesson.

We're going to be grouping with a two-digit number this time.

So this time Jun has 10 counters.

He says, "I'll put the counters into groups of two." He says, "There are 10 counters altogether.

10 is equal to five groups of two." And we can see the five groups there outlined with green shapes.

And we can record that as an equation.

10 is equal to five times two.

The 10 represents the whole.

Can you remember what the five represents? That's right, it's the number of groups.

And what about the two? That's right, the size of each group.

So 10 is our whole, five is the number of groups, and two is the size of each group.

And we know that 10 is equal to five groups of two, five times two.

And Jun says he can use a bar model to represent this.

Can you predict what the bar model's going to look like perhaps? Have a think.

Is that what you pictured? So our whole is 10, and it's equal to five groups of two.

And we can see those five groups of two in the bars underneath.

Okay, he's still got 10 counters.

He says, "I'll put the counters into groups of 10." So there are 10 counters altogether, and 10 is equal to one group of 10.

How would we record that as an equation? That's right.

10 is our whole and it's equal to one times 10.

There's our whole.

One is the number of groups.

And what was our other 10 representing? That's right, the size of each group.

So 10 is equal to one group of 10, one times 10.

And can you picture what Jun's bar model is going to look like for this? Remember our whole is 10, and we've got one group of 10.

That's right.

So our bar model has a whole of 10, and that 10 is made of one group of 10.

He's still got his 10 counters.

He says, "I'll put the counters into groups of one." There are 10 counters altogether.

10 is equal to 10 groups of one.

What's that going to look like as an equation? That's right.

10 is equal to 10 times one.

10 is our whole, the first 10 in our equation, and then the other 10 is equal to the number of groups, and the one is equal to the size of each group.

10 is equal to 10 groups of one.

10 is equal to 10 times one.

I wonder what Jun's going to do next.

Can you think? That's right.

He's going to use a bar model.

What do you think the bar model's going to look like? Can you picture it? The whole is 10, and we've got 10 groups of one.

That's right.

So our bar model will have a whole of 10 and 10 groups of one.

Time to check your understanding now.

Jun puts the counters into groups.

He says, "The bar model shows five groups of two." Is Jun correct? Have a look at what you can see on the screen and decide whether Jun is right saying that the bar model shows five groups of two.

Pause the video, have a think, and when you're ready for some feedback, press play.

What did you think? Was Jun right? No, Jun's not correct, is he? The bar model shows two groups with five in each group.

It shows 10 is equal to two times five, where two is the number of groups and five is the number in each group.

So two is the number of groups, and we can see that there with our two groups of five in our counters.

And the size of each group is five.

There are five counters in each group.

So our bar model and our counters represent 10 is equal to two groups of five and not five groups of two.

Aisha has 14 counters.

She says, "I'm going to put them into groups of seven." So there are 14 counters altogether, and 14 is equal to two groups of seven.

Can you think how that would look as an equation? That's right.

14 is equal to two times seven.

So what do those numbers represent? Well, the 14 represents our whole group of counters, and it's equal to two groups with seven in each group.

So the two represents the number of groups and the seven represents the size of each group.

14 is equal to two times seven.

And Aisha says, "I can use a bar model to represent this." Can you picture what that's going to look like? There we go.

14 is our whole, and it's equal to two groups of seven.

Time to check your understanding now.

Use 14 counters.

You might have to share some with a friend.

How many groups of two do you have? So there are 14 counters altogether.

Can you fill in the stem sentence and write an equation? You might want to draw a bar model as well.

Pause the video, have a go, and when you're ready for some feedback, press play.

How did you get on? So did you make your groups of two? And how many groups of two were there? 14 is equal to seven groups of two.

And as an equation, that would be 14 is equal to seven times two.

Seven is our number of groups and two is the size of a group.

And Aisha says, "You could also represent this as a bar model." So our whole is 14, and we've got seven equal groups of two.

And 14 is equal to seven times two.

Well done if you got that right.

And you're going to do some practise now.

You're going to take 12 counters.

And Jun says, "How can you group the counters equally?" And Aisha says, "Use a bar model to represent each grouping." So here are some for you to have a go at.

a, b, c, and d, we've given you the bar models, and you've got the bar model to complete, and a stem sentence, and the equation to write.

And your whole is 12 counters.

And for question two, can you find any other ways to group 12 counters equally? We've had some in a, b, c, and d of question one, but are there any other ways you can find? Can you draw your own bar models? Can you complete the stem sentences and write the equations? Pause the video, have a go, and when you're ready for some answers and some feedback, press play.

How did you get on? So here were a and b.

So the first bar model had six groups of two.

So 12 is equal to six groups of two.

12 is equal to six times two.

The six represents the number of groups and the two represents the size of each group.

And there we can see the counters grouped into six groups of two.

In b, we had two equal groups, didn't we? So the two equal groups must have been six in each group.

12 is equal to two groups of six.

In our equation, the 12 is the whole, the two is the number of groups, and the six is how many there are in each group, the size of the group.

And we can see in the counters two groups of six.

Can you see that we've used six and two again, but we've swapped them over, haven't we? In one equation two is the size of each group, and in the other equation two is the number of groups.

And the same for six.

In a, six was the number of groups.

And in b, six was the size of each group.

What about c and d? Did you see that in c we had 12 equal groups of one? 12 is equal to 12 groups of one.

12 is equal to 12 times one.

And there are our counters in 12 groups of one.

And in d, we had one equal group.

Well, that one equal group has to have all 12 counters.

12 is equal to one group of 12.

12 is equal to one times 12.

And Aisha says, "In a, this shows 12 groups with one in each group." And Jun says, "This shows one group with 12 in each group." And can you see, again, like with a and b, our numbers have swapped over what they represent? So the 12 in c represents 12 equal groups, and the 12 in d represents the number of counters in the group.

Here are some other answers you might have found.

So for two, we could have said 12 is equal to four groups of three.

12 is equal to four times three.

The four represents the number of groups and the three represents the size of each group.

Aisha says, "This shows four groups with three in each group." And the other way you could do it was to say that 12 is equal to three groups of four.

So you can see there we've got three equal groups with four in each group.

12 is equal to three times four.

Three is the number of groups and four is the size of each group.

And you can see there in the counters three equal groups of four.

And Jun says, "This shows three groups with four in each group." I hope you've had fun dividing 12 into groups of equal sizes.

And we've come to the end of our lesson.

We've been explaining that objects can be grouped equally, and we've been doing it in different ways, and representing it with a bar model, and with a stem sentence, and with an equation.

So what have we learned about today? We've learned that objects can be divided into groups with the same number in each group.

Those are equal groups.

And we've used the stem sentence, "This shows hmm groups with hmm in each group." We've been able to complete a stem sentence that is like our equation, "Hmm is equal to hmm groups of hmm." And the equal grouping can be recorded with a multiplication equation.

Thank you for all your hard work.

I hope you've enjoyed the lesson today, and I hope I get to work with you again soon.
