
Lesson video

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Hello, my name is Mrs. Hopper and I'm really looking forward to working with you in this lesson.

The lesson comes from our unit.

Introduction to division structures.

So we're going to be looking at how we can divide numbers up.

Are you ready to make a start? If you are, let's get going.

So in this lesson, we're going to use skip counting to solve a sharing problem.

You might have been looking at some sharing problems recently, and we're going to look at how we can use skip counting to help solve them in this lesson.

We've got two keywords, share and equally.

I'll take my turn and then it'll be your turn to practise saying them.

Are you ready? My turn, share.

Your turn.

My turn, equally.

Your turn.

I'm sure you're very good at sharing things equally, aren't you? Let's learn about how we're going to use those words in our lesson today.

There are two parts to our lesson.

In the first part, we're going to be using skip counting, and in the second part, we're going to use skip counting on a number line.

So let's make a start on part one.

And we've got Aisha and Jun helping us in our lesson today.

15 biscuits are shared equally between 5 dogs.

How many biscuits does each dog get? And we've got Loki, Bandit, Haggis, Piccolo, and Cooper as our dogs to help us today as well.

Aisha says, "I'm going to share them out, giving a biscuit to each dog." Jun says, "Why have you stopped, Aisha?" She says, "I've forgotten what number I counted to.

I need to start again.

We've got to share out 15 biscuits.

That's quite a lot," she says.

Jun says, "To make it easier, we could share out five at a time.

That means all of the dogs get a biscuit at once." So we're dividing our biscuits between five dogs.

So if we take five biscuits, that will be one biscuit for each dog.

There it is.

One 5 is one each, and we've shared out five of the biscuits.

Two 5s, that's two each, and that's 10 of the biscuits.

Three 5s, that's three each, and that's all 15 of our biscuits.

15 divided equally between five is equal to three each.

15 divided between five is equal to three each.

Aisha says, "That was a lot quicker and easier." Well, let's try another one.

25 biscuits are shared equally between 5 dogs.

How many biscuits does each dog get? There are our five dogs again, waiting eagerly for their biscuits.

Aisha says, "We've got to share out 25 biscuits." And Jun says, "To make it faster, let's share out five at a time.

That means all of the dogs get a biscuit at once." One 5, that's one each, and we've shared out five biscuits.

Two 5s, that's two each, and that's ten.

Three 5s, that's three each, that's 15.

Four 5s, that's five each, that's 20.

Altogether we've shared out five 5s is five each and that's 25.

So we counted in 5s.

Each time we counted five, the dog's got one biscuit each.

25 divided equally between five is equal to five each.

And we can record that with a division equation.

25 divided by five is equal to five.

The 25 represents the whole, all of the dog biscuits.

Divided by five means we've shared them between the five dogs.

We've shared between five and that is equal to five each.

There are five dog biscuits in each of the five groups.

18 nuts are shared equally between three mice.

How many nuts does each mouse get? Aisha says, "We've got to share out 18 nuts." And Jun says, "To make it faster, let's share out three at a time." Can you count in 3s? Let's see if we can count 3s at a time.

One 3 is one each, and that's three.

Two 3s, that's two each.

And we've handed out six of the nuts.

Three 3s is three each, that's nine nuts.

Four 3s is four each, that's 12 nuts.

Five 3s is five each, that's 15 nuts.

And six 3s is six each, and that's 18 nuts.

And that was our whole, 18 nuts shared equally between three mice.

So how many did each mouse get? 16 divided equally between three is equal to six each.

Our whole was 18, we divided between three mice, so we made three equal groups and each of those groups has six nuts in it.

So each mouse gets six nuts.

Time to check your understanding.

20 fish are shared equally between five penguins.

How many fish does each penguin get? Can you complete this problem? One 5 is one each, and that's five.

Two 5s is two each, and that's ten.

Three 5s is three each, and that's 15.

Can you complete the gaps in the stem sentence and in the equation? Pause the video.

Have a go.

And when you're ready for the answers and some feedback, press play.

How did you get on? What were the missing numbers? Well, that's right.

Four 5s is four each, and that's 20.

So that's all the fish shared out equally.

So how many fish did each penguin get? Well, they got four.

We handed out four groups of five.

And each time we handed out a group of five, the penguins got one each.

So four 5s means four each and we'd handed out all 20 fish.

So 12 nuts are shared equally between two mice.

How many nuts does each mouse get? We've got to share out 12 nuts.

And to make it faster, Jun says, "Let's share out two at a time." So can you think about how those stem sentences are going to work when we're sharing out two at a time? One 2 is one each, that's two nuts.

Two 2s is two each, that's four nuts.

Three 2s is three each, that's six nuts.

Four 2s is four each, that's eight nuts.

Five 2s is five each, that's 10 nuts shared out.

Six 2s is six each.

And that's 12 nuts shared out.

We had 12 to share out equally, so that's all the nuts shared out.

12 divided equally between two is equal to six each.

And we can record that with a division equation.

12 is the whole number of nuts divided between two mice.

So we are going to make two equal groups and that's equal to six nuts each.

Six nuts in each of the equal groups.

Time to check your understanding.

14 nuts are shared equally between two mice.

How many nuts does each mouse get? Can you share out the 14 nuts? And to make it faster, share out two at a time.

And can you remember how we counted up? So we counted up the number of 2s, how many that meant each mouse got and how many we'd handed out in total.

Pause the video.

Have a go.

And when you're ready for the answers and some feedback, press play.

How did you get on? So did you say like Jun saying it, "One 2 is one each.

And that's two nuts shared out" "Two 2s is two each, that's four nuts." "Three 2s is three each, that's six." "Four 2s is four each, that's eight." "Five 2s is five each, that's 10." "Six 2s is six each, that's 12." "Seven 2s is seven each, that's 14." And what was our total number of nuts to share out? It was 14, wasn't it? So 14 divided equally between two is equal to seven each.

And we can record that as a division equation, 14 divided by two is equal to seven.

This time are divided by two.

Meant we shared it out between two people or two mice in this case.

And they each got seven nuts.

Time for you to do some practise.

You're going to share out two, three or five at a time to find the answer.

So, in A, 10 nuts are divided equally between two mice.

How many nuts does each mouse get? Can you complete the stem sentences and then write the equation? You could share out using counters or cubes.

In B, nine fish are divided equally between three penguins.

How many fish does each penguin get? Remember to "Complete the division equation too" says Aisha.

And in C, 30 biscuits are divided equally between five dogs.

How many biscuits does each dog get? Pause the video.

Complete those three divisions.

And when you're ready for the answers and some feedback, press play.

How did you get on? So in A, 10 nuts were divided equally between two mice.

So we had to complete the stem sentences.

One 2 is one each, that's two.

Two 2s is two each, that's four.

Three 2s is three each, that's six.

Four 2s is four each, that's eight.

And five 2s is five each and that's 10.

And can you see as we kept the total, we were counting in 2s, two, four, six, eight, 10, up to our whole of 10 nuts.

And the division says 10 divided by two is equal to five.

10 shared between two is equal to five each.

Each mouse gets five nuts.

In B, nine fish are divided equally between three penguins.

How many fish does each penguin get? This time, we had to think about the group size that we were handing out.

So one 3 is one each and that's three.

Two 3s is two each, and that's six.

Three 3s is three each and that's nine.

And we've now got to our total.

Our whole number of fish was nine.

So nine divided between three penguins, shared between three penguins means that they get three fish each.

Each penguin gets three fish.

And for C, 30 dog biscuits are divided equally between five dogs.

How many biscuits does each dog get? So remember we could hand out five biscuits at a time and then each dog would get one each.

So one 5 is one each, that's five.

Two 5s is two each, that's 10.

Three 5s is three each, that's 15.

Four 5s is four each, that's 20.

Five 5s is five each, that's 25.

And six 5s is six each, that's 30.

So there were six times we could hand out the biscuits.

So each dog gets six biscuits.

30 shared between five is equal to six each.

And you can see, "Each dog has six biscuits," as Aisha is saying.

And on into the second part of our lesson.

This time we're going to be using skip counting on a number line.

So we've been learning that skip counting can be used to solve sharing problems. Aisha says, "I'm going to share 20 biscuits between five dogs." And Jun says, "We can skip count using a number line.

We need to count in 5s." Why are we counting in 5s? There are five dogs aren't there? So each time we count in five, the dogs get one biscuit each.

One 5 is one each, that's five.

Two 5s is two each, that's 10.

Three 5s is three each, that's 15.

Four 5s is four each, that's 20.

And then number line helps us to keep track of how many dog biscuits we've handed out.

So we can see that we've handed out four lots of five.

So we've had four jumps on our number line.

So where's the answer to our problem? And Aisha says, "So how many biscuits does each dog get?" Well, let's have a think about this.

Loki gets one biscuit from each group share.

So each time we took five biscuits, Loki got one of them.

So how many biscuits did Loki get? Well, he got four, didn't he? One for each time we handed out the five biscuits, one to each dog.

And Bandit also gets one biscuit from each group share.

And so with Haggis, and Piccolo, and Cooper.

So each time we share one of those counts of five, the dogs get one biscuit each.

How many times did we hand out the biscuits? Well, we made four jumps of five.

So each dog will get four biscuits.

The whole is shared equally with one biscuit from each share going to each dog.

So each dog gets four biscuits.

Let's have a look at another problem.

35 fish are shared equally between five penguins.

How many fish does each penguin get? Jun says, again, "We can skip count using a number line.

We need to count in 5s." Because we've got five penguins.

One 5 is one each, that's five.

So we've taken five of the fish and we've given one to each penguin.

So you can see there's five little fish under our jump of five.

And that's one for each of the five penguins.

Two 5s is two each, that's 10.

Three 5s is three each, that's 15.

Four 5s is four each, that's 20.

Five 5s is five each, that's 25.

Six 5s is six each, that's 30.

And seven 5s is seven each, that's 35.

So we've shared out all the fish.

We took out seven handfuls of fish and each time we gave one fish to each penguin.

So how many fish does each penguin get? Well, there are seven equal shares.

So each penguin gets seven fish.

They get one out of each of those times that we shared out five.

35 fish divided between five penguins is equal to seven fish each.

Time to check your understanding.

15 nuts are shared equally between five mice.

Jun says, "We can skip count using a number line.

We need to count in 5s." Because we've got five mice.

So each handful of five nuts means one nut for each mouse.

One 5 is one each, that's five.

Two 5s is two each, that's 10.

Three 5s is three each, that's 15.

So the question is how many nuts does each mouse get? Pause the video, have a think.

And when you're ready for the answer and some feedback, press play.

How did you get on? Well, there are three equal shares.

So each mouse gets three nuts.

So if we look at those three shares of five, can you see each mouse would get one each time.

So each mouse will get three nuts.

15 nuts divided between five mice is equal to three nuts each.

Oh, this time, 40 nuts are shared equally between 10 mice.

How many nuts does each mouse get? Can you think about how we're going to use skip counting to help us? Jun says, "We can and we need to count in 10s." Because we've got 10 mice.

So each handful of 10 nuts means one nut for each mouse.

One 10 is one each, that's 10.

Two 10s is two each, that's 20.

Three 10s is three each, that's 30.

Four 10s is four each, that's 40.

40 nuts divided between 10 mice is equal to four nuts each.

That four 10s is four each and that's 40 is the line that we really need to pay attention to.

We've shared out four lots of 10 nuts.

We've shared out all 40 nuts and each mouse has got four nuts.

There are four equal shares.

Each mouse gets four nuts.

40 divided by 10 is equal to four.

40 shared between 10 mice is equal to four nuts each.

Time to check your understanding.

60 nuts are shared equally between 10 mice.

How many nuts does each mouse get? Skip count using a number line.

Count in 10s until you reach 60, and then complete the division equation.

Pause the video, have a go.

And when you're ready for the answer and some feedback, press play.

How did you get on? Let's see how your counting went.

One 10 is one each, that's 10.

Two 10s is two each, that's 20.

Three 10s is three each, that's 30.

Four 10s is four each, that's 40.

Five 10s is five each, that's 50.

Six 10s is six each, that's 60.

So we've shared out all 60 nuts.

How many handfuls did we take out? Well, there were six 10s.

So each time we took out 10, the mice got one nut each.

So six 10s is six nuts each, 60 nuts divided between 10 mice is equal to six nuts each.

There are six equal shares.

Each mouse gets six nuts.

So what does our division equation look like? That's right, 60 divided by 10 is equal to six.

And this time it's 60 nuts shared between 10 mice.

That's what our division symbol means.

And that's equal to six nuts each.

Time for you to do some practise, you're going to use skip counting to answer each problem and you're going to complete each division equation.

So in A, 16 nuts are shared equally between two mice.

Can you complete the sentences and the equation? You can use the number line to count up in 2s, 5s or 10s depending on what our problem is asking us to do.

So A, with 16 nuts shared equally between two mice.

In B, 40 biscuits are shared equally between five dogs.

And Jun says, "The size of each share is the number of times you've counted." So the number of biscuits that the dogs will get is the number of jumps you've made on the number line or the number of times you've counted.

In C, 30 fish are shared equally between 10 penguins.

And in D, 50 biscuits are shared equally between five dogs.

Pause the video, have a go at those four problems. And when you are ready for the answers and feedback, press play.

How did you get on? So A, was 16 nuts shared equally between two mice.

So you can see that we've made eight jumps on our number line.

Eight 2s eight each, and that's equal to 16.

So each mouse must get eight nuts, eight groups of two.

So each time there's a group of two, each mouse gets one nut.

So they must get eight each.

16 nuts divided between two mice is equal to eight nuts each.

And that's how we can read our equation as well.

Each mouse gets eight nuts and there they are.

B, said 40 biscuits are shared equally between five dogs.

So that's eight jumps of five on the number line.

So that's eight each.

And that's our 40 biscuits in total.

So each dog gets eight biscuits, 40 divided by five is equal to eight.

Now, we can see it, 40 shared between five is equal to eight each.

For C, 30 fish are shared equally between 10 penguins.

So each time we take out a handful of 10 fish, each penguin gets one fish.

And we can do that three times.

Three 10s is three each, and that's 30 in total.

So each penguin gets three fish, 30 fish shared between 10 penguins is equal to three fish each.

And there they are.

And finally, 50 biscuits are shared between five dogs, shared equally between five dogs.

So how many times did we count five to get to 50? Well, it's 10 lots of five.

And for each of those 10 jumps, the dogs would've got one biscuit each.

So they get 10 biscuits each, 50 biscuits shared between five dogs is equal to 10 biscuits each.

And there they are.

What's a lot of dog biscuits.

And I think the dogs have been very good in not eating the biscuits before we could count them, haven't they? And we've come to the end of our lesson.

Gosh, what's a lot of sharing and counting we've been doing and what's a lot of animal feeding we've been doing too.

Well done.

We've learned that we can use skip counting to help solve a sharing problem.

We've seen that the whole is shared equally with one object being given to each group.

But we've also seen that we can use skip counting to make that more efficient.

And you can describe division problems. For example, 35 fish divided between five penguins is equal to seven fish each.

This time we knew the number of groups we were making because we knew how many animals were getting the food.

What we didn't know was how many were in each group.

So this time we were dividing by a number of groups and our answer was how many were in each group.

And that's what we call a sharing problem.

Thank you for all your hard work and your mathematical thinking, and your animal feeding today.

I hope you've enjoyed the lesson as much as I have and I hope I get to work with you again soon.
