
Lesson video

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Hello, my name's Mrs. Cornwell, and I'm going to be helping you with your learning today.

We're going to be finding out all about money.

So, we're going to find out how we can use what we already know to help us with our learning, and we're also going to find out how we can work in the most efficient way.

Okay, so I know you're going to work really hard in today's lesson, and I'm really looking forward to it.

So, let's get started.

So, our lesson today is called Explore combinations of coins that total the same amount, and it comes from the unit, Recognise and use coins and use the pounds and pence symbol.

So, in our lesson today, we're going to learn to recognise and find different combinations of coins that total the same amount.

And by the end of today's lesson, you should hopefully feel much more confident with doing that.

So, our keywords for today are combine, my turn, combine, your turn, and amount, my turn, amount, your turn.

Well done.


So, the first part of our lesson is called Count the same amount in different ways.

And there it is, look.

So, in this lesson you'll meet Jun and you will also meet Sofia.

The children set up a cafe.

They each want to buy this sandwich.

Hm, it looks delicious, doesn't it? And it costs 58 p.

Let's find out if each child can afford it.

Jun says, "We can rearrange the coins to make them easier to count." So, there, he's rearranged them, put them in a different order, hasn't he? "We can start with the greatest value coin and put coins at the same value together," says Sofia.

And that's exactly what he's done, hasn't he? The 20 p coins had the greatest value.

So, he put those first.

And he's put them together as well, hasn't he? And then Sofia's done the same.

She's put her 50 pence first, and then she's grouped her two p coins together.

Let's find out how much money Jun has.

"First, I will count the multiples of 10," he says.

20 plus 20 is equal to 40, then 40 plus 10 is equal to 50.

"Now, I will count on from 50," he says.

55, 56, 58.

I have 58 p.

Did you notice he counted on five for the five pence and then another one for the one pence and another two for the two pence, didn't he? Yeah, well done.

"I would find it easier to add the multiples of 10, then add the multiples of one," says Sofia.

So, she's going to separate them to add them.

20 plus 20 is equal to 40, then 40 plus 10 is equal to 50.

So, she's added the tens, hasn't she? The multiples of 10.

And then she says, "5 plus 2 plus 1 is equal to 8.

50 plus 8 is equal to 58." You have 58 p.

Now, let's count Sofia's coins.

Jun says, "I will use counting on method.

I have 50 p, so I will count on from 50 in twos." Are we ready? 50, 52, 54, 56, 58.

"You have 58 p," he says.

Now, Sofia is going to do it a slightly different way.

She's going to add the multiples of 10, and then add the ones, isn't she? "So, I have 50 p.

So, now, I will find out how many ones I have.

There are four two p coins.

4 times 2 is equal to eight, so that is eight p," she says.

50 plus 8 is equal to 58.

I have 58 p.

So, both children have the same amount, didn't they? Did you notice that each child had 58 p? But in each case, it was made from a different combination of coins.

"We could both afford to buy this sandwich," says Jun, "but we would use different coins to pay for it." Okay, so, now, it's time to check your understanding.

Which set of coins could be used to pay for the drink? And we can see the drink costs 67 p, can't we? So, remember, you can add the tens, add the ones, and then recombine, or you can count on by from the tens by adding each coin in turn.

So, pause the video now while you try that.

Okay, and let's see how you got on.

Let's have a look at set A, first of all.

So, we can see that we had a 50 and a tens.

So, that was equal to 60 p, wasn't it? And then we can count on from 60 p.

62, 64, 66, 67.

So, set A was equal to 67 p, wasn't it? And you could buy the drink with that.

So, there we are.

We could have also added the tens, then the ones, then recombined.

We could have said, "50 plus 10 is equal to 60.

Then, 3 times 2 is equal to 6, and one more is 7.

60 plus 7 is equal to 67." Also, another set there that would equal 67 p.

You may have spotted one.

So, if we look at set C, we can add the tens, then the ones, then recombine.

20 plus 20 is equal to 40.

40 plus 20 is equal to 60.

Then, 5 plus 2 is equal to 7.

So, 60 plus 7 is equal to 67 too as well.

So, well done if you did that.

We may have also used the counting on strategy and said, "The tens combined to make 60." And then we can count on by adding each coin in turn.

So, 20 plus 20 plus 20 is 60, and then we had 60 plus 5 is 65, and another two will be 67.

So, well done if you did that.


Sofia counts these coins using the counting on method.

Let's find out if she has counted correctly.

20 plus 20 plus 10 is equal to 50.

And then she counts on 60, 70, 80.

I have 80 p.

Hm, I wonder if she has counted correctly.

Jun says, "Let's check by counting the tens, then the ones." 20 plus 20 plus 10 is equal to 50, that's a tens.

And then 3 times 5 is equal 15.

And 50 plus 15 equals 65.

"It should be 65 pence," says Jun.

Oh, I wonder who's right.

Sofia spots her mistake.

She says, "Oops, I counted on in tens instead of fives." Did you spot that? So, we had 50 pence when we added up the tens, and then it should have been 55, 60, 65.

"You were right," says Sofia, "I have 65 pence." We must always think about the value of the coins that we are adding.

So, we were adding fives, won't we count? So, we need to count on five more each time, not 10 more.

Well done if you spotted that.

So, now, it's time for your task.

Count the amounts in each box, then check your right by counting in a different way.

Okay, so we can see the different examples there.

So, pause a video now while you have a try at that.

So, let's see how you got on.

Did you do this? So, you may have combined the tens, then the ones, then recombined.

So, we've got here in set A, 20 plus 10 is equal to 30, 2 plus 1 is equal to 3, and 30 plus 3 is equal to 33.

And then you may have checked it by adding the tens and counting on.

So, we knew that we had 20 plus 10 is equal to 30 for the tens.

And then you could count on 32, 33.

Either way, there is 33 pence.

Okay, the second example.

So, again, I will combine the tens, then the ones, and then recombine as the first way.

You may have done it the other way round.

So, we can see 50 plus 20 plus 20 is equal to 90, 5 plus 2 plus 2 is equal to 9, and then 90 plus 9 is equal to 99.

And then you may have checked it by adding the tens and counting on.

So, we knew the tens were equal to 90, 95, 97, 99.

Either way, there will be 99 pence.

And then this third example, C.

So, you could combine the tens, then the ones, and recombine, couldn't you? The tens were equal to 60.

We can see 20 plus 20 is equal to 40.

40 plus 10 plus 10 is equal to 60.

And then when we add on the ones, they equal 9, don't they? So, 60 plus 9 is equal to 69.

And then when we check it, we know the tens were equal to 60.

So, we count on 65, 67, 69.

Either way, there would be 69 pence.

Then D, we knew that when we added the tens, they would be equal to 50, when we added the ones it would be equal to 6, 50 plus 6 is equal to 56.

And then when we check it, we would say we knew that the tens were equal to 50.

So, 52, 54, 56.

So, either way there would be 56.

And then E, so we can add the tens, can't we? And they come to 80.

And then add the ones come to, and they come to 7, and 80 plus 7 is equal to 87.

And then to check it, we can say, the tens were equal to 80.

So, let's count on, 85, 86, 87.

There was 87 pence.

Okay, and then, finally, F.

So, when we add the tens, they are equal to 70, aren't they? 20 plus 20 plus 20 is equal to 60, and 60 and 10 more is 70.

And then the ones are equal to 12.

So, when we combine those, 70 plus 12 is equal to 82.

And then to check it, we know the tens were equal to 70.

So, let's count on 75, 80, 82.

So, altogether, those 82 pence.

So, well done if you did that.


So, the second part of our lesson is called make the same amount in different ways.

The children play in their cafe.

They each want to buy the pizza, but they have different coins.

Let's see which of their coins each of them could use.

We will look at Jun's coins first.

"80 is a multiple of 10.

So, I'll use coins that are multiples of 10 to make 80," he says.

That's a good idea.

So, 50, and then 20 more will be 70, and the 10 pence would be 80.

So, 50 plus 20 plus 10 is equal to 80.

50 p, 20 p, and 10 p combined to make 80 p.

So, Sofia says that she spotted another way.

She spotted that the 5 plus 5 would be equal to 10.

So, you could have said, "50 plus 20 plus 5 plus 5 is equal to 80 as well," couldn't you? 50 pence, 20 pence, and two five pence coins also combined to make 80 pence.

Now, let's see how severe could have paid.

So, she's got some different coins here, hasn't she? So, she could have combined two 20s, 20 plus 20 is equal to 40.

Then, I have two more of 20 p coins, which would be another 40, wouldn't it? And we know 40 plus 40 is equal to 80.

"I could have used four 20 p coins," she says.

"80 is eight tens, so you could have also counted your 20 p coins as two tens until you reach eight tens," says Jun.

Ooh, that's a different idea.

So, you could have said, "Two tens, four tens, six tens, eight tens, and then you know that eight tens is 80." So, that would be another way to do it.

I wonder if Sofia could have paid in a different way.

"I know 10 plus 10 is equal to 20, so I could have used two 10 p coins instead of a 20 p coin," she says.

And there they are, look.

20 plus 20 plus 20 is equal to 60, then two more tens will be 80 p.

Jun says, "I will check by counting each 20 p as two tens." Two tens, four tens, six tens, and then we've got eight tens, haven't we? Eight tens is equal to 80.

So, we know that she was right.

It is 80 pence, isn't it? Now, it's time to check your understanding.

Circle the coins you could use to buy the cake.

Okay, the cake costs 90 pence, doesn't it? 90 p.

Circle the coins you could use to make 90 p, and then circle some different coins that would make the same amount.

So, pause a video now while you have a try at that.

Let's see how you got on.

So, there are several different ways you could make 90 p.

Here are two examples.

So, 90 is a multiple of 10, so it will be more efficient to use coins that are multiples of 10.

So, we could say 50 plus 20 plus 10 plus 10.

That would equal 90, wouldn't it? 50 plus 20 is equal to 70.

70 plus 10 plus 10 is equal to 90.

You could have also said, "20 plus 20 is equal to 40, then you could add 40 to 50.

40 plus 50 equals 90." So, that would be a different way of doing it as well.

So, well done if you found that way, or if you spotted a different way.

This time, the children want to buy a beef burger.

It costs 79 p, doesn't it? Let's see how many different ways they can buy it with these coins.

This time, the price is not a multiple of 10, hm.

"I will partition the price into tens and ones that make each part separately," says Sofia.

79 pence partitions into 70 pence and nine pence doesn't it? 50 plus 20 is equal to 70.

So, that's how you could make the 70 pence.

There we go.

And then 5 plus 2 plus 2 is equal to 9.

So, that's how you could make the nine pence.

"You made 79 pence," says Jun.

That was a good strategy, wasn't it? Let's make 79 pence in a different way.

So, you could have said, "50 plus 10 plus 10 is equal to 70." And then you could have said, "5 plus 2 plus 1 plus 1 is equal to 9." And then, again, you've made a 70 and a nine.

So, you've made 79 pence.

So, well done.

Sofia says, "I will try to make 79 p without using the 50 p." Hm, I wonder if she can do that.

Can you spot a way? I'll use what I know about counting in twos to help me.

Two tens, four tens, six tens.

Six tens is equal to 60, and 60 and 10 more is equal to 70.

And then you could say, "5 plus 2 plus 2 is equal to 9." So, again, she's made her 79, hasn't she? She has also made 79 pence.

So, well done if you spotted that way.

Now, the children want to find different coins they could use to buy the ice cream, and that costs 66 p, doesn't it? So, there, we can see Sofia's used a part-part-whole model to partition her 66 into 60 p and six p.

And so we made the 60 p first, 20 plus 20 plus 20 is equal to 60.

2 plus 2 plus 2 is equal to 6.

"I made 66 p," she said.

Jun notices you could have also skip counted to help you.

Ooh, I wonder what he's going to do.

Two tens, four tens, six tens, and then 2, 4, 6.

So, that's another way to count them, isn't it? Jun says, "I found a different way." Hm, I wonder if you found a different way.

So, 50 plus 10 is equal to 60, and then 5 plus 1 is equal to 6.

"You made 66 p too," says Sofia.

Let's look at the coins that we use to make 66 p.

What do we notice? So, we've got 20 pence plus 20 pence plus 20 pence.

2 pence plus 2 pence plus 2 pence.

Then, we've got 50 pence plus 10 pence, and 5 pence plus 1 pence.

"The tens digits and the ones digits in the price of the ice cream are the same.

So, I can use the same number facts to help me find the tens and the ones," says Jun.

Ooh, did you spot that? Perhaps you can find some other ways to make 66 p where the same number factors used to find both the tens and the ones.

So, now, it is time to check your understanding again.

Jun wants to buy the drink, and the drink costs 88 p, doesn't it? He uses the same number fact to make the tens digits as he does to make the ones digit.

So, which coin did he use to make a 80 p? Okay, so we can see which fact he used to make eight p, can't we? 5 plus 2 plus 1 is equal to 8 p.

So, pause the video now while you think about how you will make the tens digit.

Okay, and let's see how you got on.

So, did you do that? He used the number fact 5 plus 2 plus 1 is equal to 8 to find eight ones.

So, he could use the same fact to work out that 5 tens plus 2 tens plus 1 10 is equal to 8 tens.

So, we should have had 50 p plus 20 p plus 10 p is equal to 80 p.

So, well done if you did that.

Jun says he can use this, 3 plus 3 is equal to 6, to find another way to make 66 p.

Is he right? So, there, we can see we've got 66 p partitioned into 60 p and six p, and he says, "3 plus 3 is equal to 6.

So, I will use two three p coins to make the ones and two 30 pence coins to make the tens." Hm, is he right? Ooh, Sofia spots something, doesn't she? She says, "Although the number factor is correct, there is not a three p or a 30 p coin, so we cannot use this fact." Can we? We can only use the coins that actually exist.

We would have to partition 30 and three into smaller parts.

So, we could have 30 could be partitioned into 20 and 10, couldn't it? And three partitioned into two and one.

So, we would have to use two 20s and two 10 p coins, and then we'd have to use two two p coins and two one p coins as well, wouldn't we? So, well done if you notice that.

So, now, it's time for our task.

Using only silver coins, make 50 p in as many different ways as you can.

You can use each coin as many times as you like.

Record each way as either an addition or a multiplication equation.

For example, you could say for this one, "1 times 50 p is equal to 50 p." Okay, remember to work systematically so you know you have found all the possibilities.

So, pause a video now while you do that.

Okay, so let's see how you got on.

You may have done this.

We already had this way, didn't we? 1 times 50 p is equal to 50 p.

Now, we can find all the possible ways using two 20 p coins.

So, you could have said, "20 p plus 20 p plus 10 p is equal to 50 p." You could have also said it a different way and said, "2 times 20 p is equal to 40, and then 40 plus 10 is equal to 50." Then, you could have said, "20 p plus 20 p plus 5 p plus 5 p is equal to 50 p." And you could have also said it as a multiplication, couldn't you? You could have said, "2 times 20 p is equal to 40 p, 2 times 5 p is equal to 10 p, 40 p plus 10 p is equal to 50 p." So, well done if you did that.

Now, let's try to find all the possible ways using one 20 p coin.

So, we could have had 20 p plus 10 p plus 10 p plus 10 p is equal to 50 p.

Or you could have also used a multiplication to help you, couldn't you? Could have said, "3 times 10 is 30 p, 20 p plus 30 p is equal to 50 p." Then, you could have said, "20 p plus 10 p plus 10 p plus 5 p plus 5 p is equal to 50 p." So, we split one of the tens into two fives, didn't we? And you could have also used your multiplication to help explain that, couldn't you? You could have said, "2 times 10 p is equal to 20 p, 2 times 5 p is equal to 10 p, 20 p plus 20 p plus 10 p is equal to 50 p." So, well done if you did that.

Another way we could have found using only one 20 p coin is here, 20 p plus 10 p plus 5 p plus 5 p plus 5 p plus 5 p is equal to 50 p.

And you could have also said that in a multiplication, couldn't you? 4 times 5 p is 20 p.

20 p plus 10 p plus 20 p is equal to 50 p.

And then another way here with a one 20 pence coin.

So, you could have had your 20 pence coin, and this time, you would would've added six five pence coins to make 50 p, wouldn't you? And you could have also said it as a multiplication, "6 times 5 is equal to 30, 20 plus 30 is equal to 50." So, 50 pence again.

Now, we can try to find all the possible ways using no 20 pence coins.

So, you could have said, "5 times 10 p is equal to 50 p." You may have also found 10 pence plus 10 pence plus 10 pence plus 10 pence plus 5 pence plus 5 pence equals 50 p.

And as a multiplication, it would've been 4 times 10 pence equals 40 pence, and 2 times 5 pence equals 10 pence, 40 pence plus 10 pence equals 50 pence.

And then another way here, and much easier to say it as a multiplication here, isn't it, 3 times 10 is equal to 30, 4 times 5 is equal to 20.

So, 30 pence plus 20 pence is equal to 50 pence.

So, here's some more ways with no 20 pence coins.

So, we could have had the repeated addition with two 10 pences and six five pence is there, couldn't we? And as a multiplication, it would've been 2 times 10 pence is equal to 20, 6 times 5 is equal to 30, 20 plus 30 is equal to 50 pence there.

And then we could have had, again, one 10 pence coin and all the rest made up of five pence coins, and that's a very long repeated addition.

You would've needed to repeat your five pence coin there, eight times, wouldn't you? And easier to say as a multiplication, "8 times 5 p equals 40 p, 10 p plus 40 p is equal to 50 p." So, well done if you did that.

And lastly, you could have said, "10 times 5 p equals 50 p." You could have also recorded it as a repeated edition, but that would've taken a very long time, wouldn't it? So, well done if you've got all of those possibilities, then you must have really worked systematically to find them.

So, well done with that.

You've worked really hard in our lesson.

So, now, let's find out what we've learned today.

When adding amounts made with coins, we can add the tens, then the ones to find the total amount.

Counting on from the tens can also help to find the total.

We can use what we know about counting in twos to help us count 20 pence coins.

When making amounts, we can partition the tens and ones to help us make the tens and ones separately.

And when the tens of one digits in a given number are the same, the number fact used to find the ones can also be used to find the tens.

So, well done.

You've worked really hard in today's lesson, and I've really enjoyed it.

And, hopefully, you are feeling much more confident about working with coins now.