
Lesson video

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Hello, there.

I hope you're having a really good day today.

My name is Ms. Coe, and I'm super excited to be learning with you today in this unit all about the two, 5 and 10 times tables and the relationships between them.

If you are ready to get going, let's get started.

In this lesson, so we're going to be continuing to think about the multiples of 5 or the 5 times table, and you may have had some recent experience looking at this.

By the end of this lesson, you will be able to say that you can explain the relationship between adjacent multiples of 5.

We have three key words in our learning today.

I'm going to say them and I'd like you to send them back to me.

Are you ready? My turn, previous.

Your turn.

My turn, next.

Your turn.

My turn, multiple.

Your turn.

Excellent work.

Keep an eye out for these words in our learning today and see if you can use them yourself.

In our lesson today, we're going to be looking at the relationship between adjacent multiples of 5 and our learning has two cycles.

In the first cycle we're going to be focusing in on adjacent multiples of 5 and looking at what that means, and in the second cycle we're going to be finding adjacent multiples of 5.

Let's get started with our first learning cycle.

In this lesson today, you're going to be Aisha and Laura, and they're going to be helping us with our maths.

So let's start here.

Aisha is going to record the number of pencils which are in packs of 5.

She records the multiples of 5 in order.

So let's take a look at Aisha's table.

If we have no packs of pencils, that means we have no pencils.

If we have one pack of 5 pencils, that means we have one group of 5, which is 5, two packs is 10, three means we have 15 pencils and four we have 20 pencils.

Take a close look at that table.

What patterns do you notice? Aisha's notice that her table shows adjacent numbers.

Now, these are just numbers that are next to each other so she can say that 5 has one more group of 5 than zero.

If we look at 15, we can say that it has one fewer group of 5 than 20.

We can call these adjacent multiples of 5.

They're just multiples of 5 that are next to each other and we can say that adjacent multiples of 5 have a difference of 5.

If we start at 5 and we add 5, we get to 10.

If we start at 15 and subtract 5, we get to 10.

They have a difference of 5 each time.

When we move down the column, we can say that the product increases by 5.

0 plus 5 is 5, 5 plus 5 is 10 and so on.

But when we move up that column, the product decreases by 5.

20 subtract 5 is 15, 15, subtract 5 is 10, and so on.

Let's take a look at the table a little bit further down.

Aisha is trying to find the next multiple of 5.

So she has four packs, which is 20, 5 packs, which is 25, but six packs has the missing number of pencils.

She says to find the next multiple, she needs to add 5.

So we can say that 25 plus 5 is 30.

Remember when we're moving down the column, the product increases by 5.

25 plus 5 is equal to 30.

So we can say that 30 has one more group of 5 than 25.

That means that six packs has 30 pencils.

Six multiplied by 5 is equal to 30.

Time to check your understanding, find the next multiple of 5.

If six packets of 5 pencils is 30 pencils together, what is seven packs? Can you use what you know about the next multiple to help you? Pause the video here.

Welcome back.

Well if we are finding the next multiple, we need to add 5 because we're moving down that column.

The project is increasing by 5 each time.

30 plus 5 is equal to 35.

35 has one more group of 5 than 30, so therefore 7 multiplied by 5 is equal to 35.

Well done if that's what you said, and well done if you used what you knew about adjacent multiples to help you.

This time, Aisha's trying to find the previous multiple of 5.

She knows that eight packets of 5 pencils is 40 pencils altogether.

To find the previous multiple of 5, she needs to subtract 5 because when she's moving up the column, the product decreases by 5.

So we can do 40, subtract 5, which is equal to 35.

We know that 35 has one fewer group of 5 than 40.

Time to check your understanding again.

The previous multiple to 45 is, hmm? So if nine packs of 5 pencils is 45 pencils, how many pencils are in eight packs? Can you use what you know about adjacent multiples to find the answer and fill in the two gaps.

Pause the video here.

Welcome back.

Well, if we're going up the column, we need to decrease or subtract 5.

45 subtract 5 is equal to 40, so we can say that 40 has one fewer group of 5 than 45.

Eight multiplied by 5 is equal to 40.

Well done if you said the multiple to 45 is 40.

This time Aisha's looking at multiples of 5 on a number line.

Let's skip count in 5s from 0.

Are you ready? 0, 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30, 35, 40, 45, 50, 55, 60.

Well done.

Remember these are all the multiples of 5.

Remember these are all multiples of 5, but we could keep going past 60 if we wanted to.

If we start at zero and we add 5, we get to 5, which is the next multiple of 5, if we add another 5, we get to 10, if we add another 5, we get to 15 and we can continue that pattern.

We are adding 5 or doing a jump of 5 on the number line each time.

Every time you make a jump on the number line to the right, it is 5 more.

So we add a group of 5 to get to the next multiple of 5.

So adding 5 to a multiple of 5 gives us the next multiple of 5.

For example, the next multiple of 5 to 10 is 15 and we can say that about any of the multiples next to each other on the number line.

What about then if we count backwards? Well, if we start at 60 and subtract 5, we get to 55.

Subtract another 5, that's 50, another 5, that's 45.

So if we subtract 5 from a multiple of 5, that gives us the previous multiple of 5.

Every time you make a jump on the number line to the left, it is 5 less.

We subtract a group of 5 to get to the previous multiple of 5.

So for example, the previous multiple from 50 is 45.

50 subtract 5 is 45.

Time to check your understanding.

This time can you find the previous and next multiples of 5 for 30? They are mm and mm.

Use the number line to help you.

Pause the video here.

Welcome back.

Well, remember to get the next multiple, we need to add 5, to get the previous multiple, we need to subtract 5.

So the previous multiple is 30, subtract 5 which is 25, and the next multiple is 30 add 5, which is 35.

Let's say that whole sentence together.

Are you ready? The previous and next multiples of 5 to 30 are 25 and 35.

Well done if you've got both of those.

Time for your first practise task.

For question one, I'd like you to work with a partner.

Choose a multiple of 5 and place it in the correct place on the number line.

Really importantly, I'd like you to explain your choice.

So it's no good just putting them in and going, "Yep, finished." I want you to explain why you put the number where you did.

Can you use the words previous and next in your descriptions? For question two, I'd like you to find the missing multiples and complete the sequences.

So for A, we have 0, 5, hmm.

Can you use what you know about adjacent multiples to find the missing numbers in each sequence? For B and C, sometimes you have more than one multiple missing, so you might need to think a couple of times about whether you need to add 5 or subtract 5.

Good luck with those two tasks and I'll see you shortly for some feedback.

Welcome back.

How did you get on? So here is the completed number line.

Let's skip counting 5s to make sure your number line is complete.

Are you ready? 0, 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30, 35, 40, 45, 50, 55, 60.

Now, that's the correct order and the correct placement.

What I'm most interested in is how you explained.

Aisha has done a really good explanation of 5.

She said I put 5 here because it is 5 more than zero.

5 is the next multiple.

5 less than 10 is 5, so 5 is the previous multiple for 10.

She's used both next and previous multiple to explain really carefully where she put the number 5.

I hope that your explanations were just as detailed as Aisha's.

For question two, you could use what you knew about adjacent multiples to complete the sequences.

All of the completed sequences for A, B and C are shown here.

Let's look more closely at B.

We had something 10.

Well, I know the previous multiple of 5 to 10 is 5 because 10 subtract 5 is equal to 5.

Something, then we have 30, again I could subtract 5 from 30 to find the previous multiple which is 25.

For the second two, we had two missing multiples.

So we had something something and then 50.

Again I could subtract 5 to find 45 and then subtract another 5 to find 40.

And the same with the last example.

Check these examples carefully to make sure that you have them correct.

Let's move on to the second cycle of our learning where we're finding the adjacent multiples of 5.

Laura and Aisha are busy in my classroom helping me get ready for an art lesson.

The picture shows Laura's pencils.

She has three groups of 5.

She knows that she has 15 pencils at the moment.

Aisha gives Laura another pack of pencils and you can see that there.

How many groups does she have now? How many pencils does she have? Well, we can say that we have four groups of 5 now and that is one more group of 5.

We've added a group of 5.

And we can write this as an equation.

Let's look more closely at what that equation means.

We can say that four groups of 5 is equal to is the same as three groups of 5 plus 5.

We started with three groups of 5, we added 5 to make four groups of 5.

So we can write that as an equation.

And what we're doing there is showing the next multiple of 5.

We know that there are 20 pencils altogether because we know that four multiplied by 5 is equal to 20.

Time to check your understanding.

Aisha gives Laura another pack of pencils.

So Laura had four groups of 5 pencils and she was given another pack.

How many pencils are there altogether? Can you complete the equations? Think very carefully about what we started with and what has been added.

Pause the video here and have a go.

Welcome back.

Don't worry if you found this quite tricky.

It is quite hard to think about.

So we started off with four groups of 5, which we can write as four multiplied by 5 and then we added 5 to get 5 groups of 5.

So we can write 5 multiplied by 5 is equal to 4 multiply by 5 plus 5.

And then we can say that 5 groups of 5 is equal to 25.

There are 25 pencils altogether.

Well done if you correctly completed those two equations.

Laura is back to having three groups of 5 pencils and this time she gives away one pack of pencils to her friends.

So you can see that in the image now She gave away one of her groups.

She started off with three groups of 5, which was 15 pencils, but she now has two groups of 5, which is one less group of 5.

Again we can write that as an equation.

We can say that two groups of 5 is equal to the same as three groups of 5 minus or subtract 5 because we started off with three groups of 5 and we took away 5, we took 5 pencils away.

So we can say that two multiplied by 5 is equal to 10.

So now there are 10 pencils altogether what we've done there is shown the previous multiple of 5 by subtracting a group of 5.

Time to check your understanding.

Laura started off with 5 groups of 5 pencils but she gave away a pack of pencils like the images showing.

How many pencils are there altogether.

Can you complete the equations? Pause the video here and have a go.

Welcome back.

How did you get on on? Well, now we have four groups of 5, but we started off with 5 groups of 5 and we subtracted, we took away 5 pencils.

So we can say that four groups of 5 is equal to 5 groups of 5, subtract 5.

4 multiplied by 5 is equal to 20 because there are 20 pencils altogether.

Well done if you correctly completed those equations.

Aisha returns to her table showing packs of pencils on the total number of pencils.

She's trying to find the next multiple of 5.

She knows that she needs to add 5 to 25 to find the next multiple because she can say that when she's moving down that column the product increases by 5.

So we can add 5 to 25 to get to 30.

We can say that 30 has one more group of 5 than 25.

Now remember, we can write these adjacent multiples, the multiples next to each other as an equation.

We are now thinking about six groups of 5, 6 multiplied by 5.

So we can write 5 multiplied by 5 is equal to 5 multiplied by 5, which we know is 25, plus 5.

So we can write six multiplied by 5 is equal to 30.

We can use this to find multiples that are next to one another more easily and efficiently.

Over to you again, find the next multiple of 5 to 45.

So we know that nine groups of 5 is equal to 45.

9 multiplied by 5 is 45.

So what would be 10 multiplied by 5? Think carefully about what the equation should look like.

Pause the video here and have a go.

Welcome back.

How did you get on? Well to find the next multiple of 5, we need to add 5 because we are moving down that column.

So that product is increasing by 5 each time.

So to find 10 groups of 5 10 multiplied by 5, we can do nine multiplied by 5 plus 5.

5 more than 45 is 50.

50 has one more group of 5 than 45.

Therefore, 10 multiplied by 5 is equal to 50.

Well done if you got those equations correctly.

Aisha returns to looking at the previous multiple of 5 and she's going to record that in a different way.

She knows that to find that previous multiple of 5 she needs to subtract 5 because when you move up the column it decreases by 5.

So she knows that 5 less than 40 is 35.

35 has one fewer group of 5 than 40.

But remember she can write this as an equation as well.

She's finding seven multiplied by 5 or seven groups of 5 and she can write that as eight groups of 5 minus or subtract 5.

It's 5 less than eight times 5.

So she can say that seven multiplied by 5 is equal to 35.

That's the missing number.

Back to you again.

Can you use what we've just discussed to find the previous multiple of 5 for 60? Can you complete the equations? Pause the video here and have a go.

Welcome back.

How did you get on? Hopefully you're becoming more confident in thinking about previous and next multiples and thinking about the equations that could represent them.

To find the previous multiple of 5 you need to subtract 5.

So we started on 12 groups of 5 and we subtracted 5 to get 11 groups of 5.

11 multiplied by 5 is equal to 55 because 60 subtract 5 is equal to 55.

55 has one fewer group of 5 than 60.

Well done if you completed those equations correctly.

Now Aisha is playing a game.

She needs to connect the numbers in the circles with the previous and next multiples of 5.

She needs help.

What advice are we going to give to Aisha? So I can see that 20, 40 and 25 are all multiples of 5 and they have been circled.

She is looking for the previous and next multiples to connect them up.

What can she do? What would you tell her to do? Well, I think it'd be really good for her to think about adding and subtracting 5.

Remember to find a previous multiple, you must subtract 5, to find the next multiple, you must add 5.

If we look at 40, well we can add 5 to 40 to get 45.

45 is the next multiple of 5.

The previous multiple of 5 is 35 because 40 subtract 5 is 35 and we can use the same idea adding and subtracting 5 to find the previous and next multiples for 20 and the previous and next multiples for 25.

I think that's some really good advice to give Aisha and I'm sure it gave her the confidence to complete this game.

Time to check your understanding.

Complete this to show the previous and next multiple for 45.

Which option is correct? Is it a, 40 and 55, b, 40 and 50 or c, 35 and 55? Pause the video here and have a think.

Welcome back.

How did you get on? Hopefully you recognise that it was b.

45 subtract 5 is equal to 40.

So the previous multiple is 40 because it's 5 less than 45.

The next multiple, well we had to add 5.

45 plus 5 is equal to 50, so the next multiple is 50.

So 40 and 50 fits.

Well done if that's what you got.

Time for your second practise task.

For question 1, you're going to play a game, and Laura and Aisha are going to show you how to play the game in a moment.

You'll need a set of cards up to 12.

Partner A is going to pick a card and will multiply the number by 5.

That will give them a product.

Remember you can skip counts in 5s to find that product or you might be starting to recall some of those 5 times table facts.

Partner B is then going to identify the previous multiple of 5 and the multiple that comes next.

So Aisha picked three.

So she's going to do 3 multiplied by 5, which she knows is 15.

The product is 15.

Laura's job is to think of the previous and next multiple for 15.

She says the previous multiple of 5 to 15 is 10 and the next multiple of 5 to 15 is 20.

She may have added and subtracted 5 to work that out.

Aisha says, "Yep, that's correct," and then they swap roles and have another go.

For question two, you are going to play a game like Aisha's.

I would like to find the previous and next multiples of 5 to the numbers in the circles.

So there's 5, 20, 5, 50, and 40.

Can you find any other connected multiples? Then, I'd like to fill in the gaps in the equations for 5, 20, 40, and 55.

Think about what you're multiplying and what you can add or subtract to get to that next or previous multiple.

Good luck with those two tasks and I'll see you shortly for some feedback.

Welcome back.

I hope you had fun playing those two games and thinking really carefully about previous and next multiples of 5.

For question one, remember your game may have gone differently to Laura and Aisha's, but Aisha chose a 7, so she did seven multiply by 5, which is 35.

I wonder if you can think of the previous and next multiples for 35.

Well, that's right.

The previous multiple is 30.

It is 5 less than 35.

The next multiple is 40 because it is 5 more.

Well done, Laura.

That's absolutely correct.

For question 2, here are the connections that you will have got for the four numbers that were circled.

Let's take a closer look at 50.

I know that the next multiple of 5 from 50 is 55.

It is 5 more than 50.

I know the previous multiple is 45 because it is 5 less.

I also asked you to think about equations that could represent these numbers.

Let's take a closer look at 5.

5 is one group of 5, so I could write zero groups of 5 plus 5 would give me 5.

The previous multiple is zero, so 5 more than that is 5.

And then I could write two groups of 5, which I know is 10, minus or subtract 5 is equal to 5.

Take a close look at those equations to make sure that you've got the numbers.

We've come to the end of the lesson where we've been explaining the relationship between adjacent multiples of 5.

Let's summarise our learning.

We understand that adjacent multiples, numbers that are next to each other, have a difference of 5.

We also understand that to find the previous multiple of 5, we need to subtract 5 and to find the next multiple of 5, you must add 5.

Thank you so much for all of your hard work in this lesson today and I look forward to seeing you in another math lesson soon.