
Lesson video

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Hi there.

How are you today? I hope that you're having a really good day.

My name is Miss Coe.

I'm really excited to be learning with you today as we explore the 2, 5, and 10 times table and the relationships between them.

If you're ready, let's get started.

In this lesson today, we'll be focusing on the five times table, and by the end of this lesson you will be able to say that you can represent counting in fives as the five times table.

This lesson has two key phrases.

I'm going to say them and I'd like you to say them back to me.

Are you ready? My turn, five times table.

Your turn.

My turn, skip counting.

Your turn.

Great job.

Keep an eye out for those phrases in today's lesson and see if you can use them in your explanations.

In our lesson today, we are representing counting in fives as the five times table, and there are two cycles to our learning.

In the first cycle we will be looking at counting in fives, and you've probably had some experience of skip counting in fives before.

In the second cycle of our learning we'll be building up the five times table.

If you're ready, let's get started with the first cycle of our learning.

In this lesson today you're going to meet Aisha and Laura, and they're going to be helping us with our maths along the way.

So let's start here.

Aisha is skip counting in fives and she's using the 10 frames, but as you can see we've only half filled each 10 frame.

Each 10 frame has one group of five.

Let's see how we can use that to skip count in fives.

Well, first we have one group of five.

That's five.

Then we have two groups of five.

That's 10.

And then we have three groups of five.

That's 15.

And we can skip count 5, 10, 15.

I wonder if you can do that with me.

Are you ready? 5, 10, 15.

Great job.

Time for a quick check of your understanding.

I would like you to skip count in fives using these 10 frames to help you.

Pause the video and have a go.

Welcome back.

How did you get on? Well, we had four groups of five, so let's see if we can skip count in fives together.

Are you ready? 5, 10, 15, 20.

We had four groups of five, so we skip counted 5 four times.

That's 20 altogether.

We can also use a number line to skip count in fives.

Let's start at zero and count forward in fives.

Are you ready? Let's go.

0, 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30, 35, 40, 45, 50.

We could keep going, but let's stop there.

Now let's see if we can skip count forward in fives, but even faster starting from zero.

Are you ready? Let's go.

0, 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30, 35, 40, 45, 50.

Excellent job.

We are counting on in fives there.

We are increasing by five each time or counting forward in steps of five.

We can also count backwards in fives on the number line.

So let's start at 50 and count backwards in fives.

Are you ready? Let's go.

50, 45, 40, 35, 30, 25, 20, 15, 10, 5, 0.

Well done.

Let's see if we can count backwards in fives from 50, but even faster this time.

Are you ready? Let's go.

50, 45, 40, 35, 30, 25, 20, 15, 10, 5, 0.

Excellent work.

Well done.

When we count in fives, we say the multiples of five, so all of the numbers that you can see on the number lines here are multiples of five.

These are the numbers, or some of the numbers, that make up the five times table.

We can see that when we count on in fives, each jump is five more.

So we start at 45.

If we add five, we get to 50, which is the next multiple of five.

When we count back, however, each jump is five less.

So if we started at 50 and we subtracted five, we would get to 45, and that's true wherever you are on the number line.

Time for a quick check of your understanding.

Laura is skip counting up in fives from zero.

What number will she say after 50? Will she say 45, 56 or 55? Pause the video here and have a think.

Welcome back.

Now, you may have skipped counted yourself.

You may have started at zero or you may have started at another number.

You might have just started at 50.

You might also have added five to 50 to realise that the next number that she will say is 55.

Five more than 50 is 55, so 55 comes next.

Well done if that's what you said.

I been clearing up my classroom and I found some packs of pencils.

We can see that the packs of pencils come in packs or groups of five.

There are five pencils in each group.

Aisha is wondering how many pencils there are all together.

What can you see? Can you work out how many pencils I have all together? Aisha says she could count each pencil one by one, so she could count one at a time, but she's actually going to skip count in fives because there are five in each pack.

And I agree with Aisha.

That would be much quicker.

Let's count with Aisha to find out how many pencils there are altogether.

Are you ready? Let's go.

5, 10, 15, 20.

There are 20 pencils altogether.

What's happened now? What's the same? What's different? Has anything changed? What is the total number of pencils now? Laura says that we can skip count in fives to find the total number of pencils.

Laura is going to count in a slightly different way.

Let's see what she does.

One group of five is five, two groups of five is 10, three groups of five is 15, four groups of five is 20, five groups of five is 25.

So we can see that she has attached the number 5, 10, 15, 20, 25 to each group, but she's talked about the individual groups at the same time.

We still have the same answer though.

We still know that there are 25 pencils all together.

So Laura had 25 pencils.

She had five groups of five.

I come along and I remove a pack of pencils like that.

How many pencils are there now? We can still count in groups of five to find out.

5, 10, 15, 20.

There are 20 pencils altogether, but we could have been a little bit more efficient.

There were 25 pencils or five groups of five.

Now there are four groups of five, so we could have subtracted five and said that the multiple of five before 25 is 20.

So now we have four packs of pencils.

We have 20 pencils altogether.

Four children come along and they each take one pack of pencils.

I wonder what's going to happen.

Let's have a look.

Well, we started off with 20 pencils.

One group was taken away, so now we have 15 pencils.

Another group was taken away.

Now we have 10 pencils.

Another group was taken away.

Now we have five pencils.

What's going to happen now? That's right.

Another child comes along and takes the final pack of pencils.

We have zero packs of five pencils, which means we have zero pencils.

So we can count back in groups of five all the way to zero.

Time to check your understanding.

Count backwards in fives starting from 30.

Pause the video here.

Welcome back.

How did you get on? Did you get back all the way to zero? Let's count backwards together and see.

30, 25, 20, 15, 10, 5, 0.

Well done if you managed to count back in groups of five from 30 to zero.

This time Aisha has some coins.

She has some five pence coins.

Each coin is worth five pennies or five pence, so each coin can be thought of as a group of five.

How many coins does she have? That's right.

She has 3 five pence coins, so she has three groups of five.

We can skip count in fives to find the total amount of money that Aisha has.

Let's count together.

Are you ready? 5, 10, 15.

We had three coins, so we counted 5 three times.

We can say that she has 15 pence or 15p altogether.

Three groups of five pence is 15 pence.

Now Laura has come along and she has found 7 five pence coins, so she has seven coins.

Remember each coin has a value of five pence.

What is the total value? Well, she can skip count in fives to find out as well.

How many times will she need to count? That's right.

There are seven coins, so we will need to do seven steps to find out the total amount.

Let's count together.

Are you ready? 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30, 35.

Excellent counting.

You can see from the number line that we have counted seven steps.

Seven steps of five because there are seven coins.

The total value of the coins is 35 pence.

Seven groups of five pence is 35 pence.

Time to check your understanding.

These are five pence coins as well.

Skip count in fives to find the total amount.

Pause the video here.

Welcome back.

How did you get on? Let's count together.

5, 10, 15, 20, 25.

We did five steps on our number line because there are five coins.

That's 25p altogether because five groups of five pence is 25 pence.

Well done if that's what you said.

Now Laura is skip counting in fives from zero.

She's saying the multiples of five remember.

Will she say the number 19? Hmm, I wonder? Laura's going to start at zero, and she's going to count in multiples of five.

Let's count with her and see if we say the number 19.

0, 5, 10, 15, 20.

Do we need to keep counting at this point? We could.

We could keep counting 25, 30, 35 and so on, but we're looking for the number 19.

Laura did not say 19 because it's not a multiple of five.

She said 15 and she said 20.

I know that 19 falls between 15 and 20 on a number line.

So she said 15 and 20.

She would not have said 19.

19 is not a multiple of five.

Time to check your understanding.

Again, Laura is skip counting in five starting from zero.

She says, "I think I'll say 31 in my count." Do you agree? Explain your thinking to your partner if you have one.

Pause the video here.

Welcome back.

What do you think? Do you think she will say 31 when she is counting in fives from zero? No, she's incorrect, and there are several different reasons why.

You may have skip counted 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30, 35.

I know that 31 is one more than 30.

We said 30.

We won't say 31 because that's one more than 30, not five more than 30.

You may have also spotted a couple of other things.

All of the multiples of five end in zero or five.

31 ends with a one.

This means that it cannot be a multiple of five, so Laura would not have said it in her count.

We can also think about it in relation to the next multiple.

If we add four more to 31, we get 35, which is the next number in our count.

It's not five away, so it means that 31 is not one of the numbers Laura would say.

Well done if you said that.

And extra well done if you justified that in different ways.

Time for your first practise task.

For question one, I'd like to skip count in fives to fill out the next number in each example.

So for the first one you have zero, hmm.

If you're skip counting in fives from zero, what is the next number that you will say after zero? For question two, I'd like you to think about skip counting backwards in fives.

What number comes before? So if you're counting backwards.

15, hmm.

What would you say if you're counting backwards? Once you've filled all those in, take a close look at all of the numbers on your page.

What do you notice about the multiples of five? Is there something the same about all of them? For question three, I'd like you to complete the following sequences.

So this is very similar to question one and two, but this time you have more than one number to complete.

If we look for example at 35, hmm, hmm, 50, you have two numbers in between 35 and 50 to complete.

Remember you can skip count in fives to help you.

For question four, you need a set of cards up to 10, some five-spot counters or five pence coins.

With a partner, take turns to pick a card.

Represent the number on the card using coins.

What is the total value of the coins? Aisha and Laura are going to show you how to play.

Aisha has picked a three, so she has shown three five pence coins.

What is the total value of those coins? Well, we can also say that this is five pence three times, so we know that we need to skip count 5 three times to find the total.

We can use skip counting to help us if we need to to find the total value of the coins.

She has counted three groups of five, which means the total value of the coins is 15 pence.

Good luck with those tasks, and I'll see you shortly for some feedback.

Welcome back.

How did you get on? I hope you enjoyed playing that game.

For question one, we were thinking about skip counting in fives and thinking about what comes next.

If we start at zero and we're counting forward in fives, five is five more than zero, so the next number is five.

If we've said 20, five more than 20 is 25.

Take a close look at the rest of the examples to make sure you filled those in correctly.

For question two, we were counting backwards thinking about the number that comes before.

If we're counting backwards from 15, well, I can subtract five from 15 to find the answer.

Five less than 15 is 10.

I could also count backwards.

20, 15, 10.

If I start at 25, five less than 25 is 20.

Take a close look to make sure that you've got those correct.

I asked you to think about what you noticed with all of these numbers.

Well, hopefully you notice that all of the numbers in the five times table, so all of the numbers that you can see here, end in a zero or a five.

They all have a zero or a five in the ones place.

Well done ff you spotted that.

Let's take a look at the sequences for question three.

This time you had more than one number to fill out, but you could look at skip counting to help you find the answer.

Zero, five, hmm.

Well if I'm skip counting in fives, 0, 5, 10.

10 was my next number.

If I'm skip counting forward in fives, 0, 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30, I could also think about five more or five less.

So for the third one, 35, well I can add five to 35 to make 40.

So the first missing number was 40.

Five more than 40 is 45.

I could also think about what is five less than 50.

Five less than 50 is 45.

Take a close look at those sequences to make sure that you've got the correct multiples of five.

And for question four we asked you to play a game using coins or five-spot counters.

Remember, you'll have answered this in lots of different ways, but hopefully you skipped counted to find the total value of the coins.

Aisha chose the number six, so she found 6 five pence coins.

You can see them there.

We can also say that this is five pence six times.

So if we're going to skip count, we need to skip count 5 six times.

5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30.

So we know that the total value of these coins is 30 pence.

I hope that you enjoyed playing that game and you used lots of skip counting to find the total value of the coins.

Let's move on to the second cycle of our learning where we are building up the five times table.

Aisha notices that we have five fingers on each hand, and we can use that to count in fives.

So if we had one hand, we have one group of five.

That's five fingers altogether.

We can use that information to build up the five times table, so we can think about the number of hands and the number of fingers.

So if we have no hands, we have no fingers, and we can write zero multiplied by five is equal to zero.

No groups of five is equal to none, no fingers.

Remember that multiplication is commutative, so we can also write five multiplied by zero.

Five no times is equal to nothing, zero.

So we know that if we have one hand, we have five fingers.

Remember we can say these multiplication equations in two different ways.

One group of five is equal to five, or 5 one time is equal to five.

I wonder if you can predict what's going to happen next.

That's right.

If we have two hands, that's two groups of five which is 10, and we can say two groups of five is equal to 10, or 5 two times is equal to 10.

And then? That's right.

If we have three hands, we have 15 fingers because three groups of five is equal to 15.

Let's say that sentence together.

Three groups of five is equal to 15.

Great job.

Can you predict the other way of saying that multiplication equation? That's right.

We can say 5 three times is equal to 15.

Let's say that together.

5 three times is equal to 15.

Well done.

And what happens next? That's right.

If we have four hands, we have 20 fingers, and we can say four groups of five is equal to 20, or 5 four times is equal to 20.

We can carry on thinking about hands and the number of fingers and build up the five times table.

We can say five groups of five, then six groups of 5.

7, 8, 9, 10, 11 and 12.

12 groups of five is equal to 60.

Five 12 times is equal to 60.

We could keep going, but these are the multiples that you need to know and the facts that you need to start to learn, so we'll pause at 12 groups of five for now.

Remember we can say all of these in two different ways.

So for example, we can say six groups of five is equal to 30 or 5 six times is equal to 30.

And once we know these times table facts, we can start to think about solving problems. If we think about seven multiplied by five is 35, we can say that there are seven groups of five fingers, and we know therefore that there are 35 fingers altogether.

We can also say that's five fingers seven times.

Time to check your understanding.

There are eight hands.

How many fingers are there altogether? Can you complete the missing parts in the stem sentence and the equation? Pause the video here and have a think.

Welcome back.

Well, if there are eight groups altogether, that's eight groups of five, so that's eight groups of five fingers.

And we can write eight multiplied by five is equal to 40 or we can write five multiplied by eight is equal to 40.

Remember multiplication is commutative, so the factors can be written in either order.

Well done if that's what you said.

Another quick check of your understanding.

This time I'd like you to complete the missing information.

So there is a question mark in the table at the top, there are a couple of equations, and there are some stem sentences.

Use the hands, the images, to help you.

Pause the video here and have a think.

Welcome back.

So I can see that if there are 11 hands, we don't yet know how many fingers there are.

We could skip count to find that out or we could recognise that it's the next multiple along from 10 which is 50.

Five more than 50 is 55.

I can write two equations.

I can say that 11 groups of five is equal to 55 or five fingers 11 times is equal to 55.

So I can say that if there are 11 hands, there are 55 fingers altogether.

Well done If you answered all of that and found all the missing information.

Once we've found out the times table and once we've started to learn those times table facts, we can use that to help us answer problems. If there are six hands, how many fingers are there? Aisha can use her table to help her.

There are six hands each with five fingers, which means there are 30 fingers altogether.

All she needed to do was look at the table.

Now she knows she could skip count as well, but when we start to learn these facts, we start to recall them more fluently or we can use a table to help us.

I wonder if you can spot the answer before Aisha does.

If there are three hands, how many fingers are there altogether? Again, we can use the table to help us.

This time there are three hands, which means each hand has five fingers, and that means there are 15 fingers altogether.

All Aisha needs to do is look across the table because she's multiplying by five.

Well done if you got to the answer before her.

Time to check your understanding.

Use the table to help you answer the question.

If there are four hands, how many fingers are there altogether? Pause the video here.

Welcome back.

Well, I can use the table.

I know that there are four hands.

Each hand has five fingers, which means I can look across to say that there are 20 fingers altogether.

We can say that this is four groups of five fingers and we can write four multiplied by five is equal to 20.

Even when we have a table of multiplication facts, we can still use that to help us.

If there are nine hands, how many fingers are there altogether? I wonder if you can spot the multiplication fact that Aisha needs.

Well, that means there are nine groups of five fingers.

That's the same as 5 nine times, and we can see that on the table there.

So we know therefore that there are 45 fingers altogether.

Remember this is commutativity.

The order of the factors are different, but the product is still the same.

So both of these equations will give you the correct answer for nine hands and how many fingers there are.

We can also answer questions about products.

If the product is 50, what are the factors? Remember the product is the result of multiplying two numbers together.

Aisha can still use the table, but this time she's looking for the product.

"If the product is 50, the factors must be five and 10," she says.

I wonder if you can spot the multiplication fact that showed her that.

That's right.

It's because there are five groups of 10, which are equal to 50.

We're looking for 50 on the table, and we can see that the two factors, the two numbers that multiply together, are five and 10.

Time to check your understanding.

True or false? When the product is 55, the factors are 11 and five.

Do you think this is true or false? Pause the video here.

Welcome back.

Well hopefully, you realise that that is true.

If the product is 55, the factors must be 11 and five.

11 groups of five is equal to 55.

We could write 11 multiplied by five is equal to 55.

Well done if you recognise that that statement was true.

Time for your second practise task.

For question one, you will need a set of cards up to 12 and some five pence coins or five-spot counters.

Take turns with a partner to pick a card.

Represent the number on the card using coins and find the total value.

Then I'd like you to write the equation in the correct space in the table, which I'll show you in a second.

Let's see how Aisha and Laura play the game.

Aisha has picked a three, so she has got 3 five pence coins.

Remember you can use skip counting to help you if you want to find the product.

We have 3 five pence coins, so that's 5, 10, 15.

We can write that as five multiplied by three is equal to 15 or we can write it as three multiplied by five is equal to 15.

She's correctly placed the two equations on the table.

This is the table that I'd like you to complete.

You can see that you have zero groups of five at the start and 12 groups of five at the end.

Keep playing the game until you've completed all the spaces on this table because you're going to use that table to help you answer the questions here.

For question a, if there are four children and they raise one hand each, how many fingers are there all together? b, pencils come in packs of five.

If there are six packs of pencils, how many pencils are there altogether? For c, Aisha has collected 11 five pence coins.

How much money has she collected altogether? And then d is slightly trickier, slightly different.

If Aisha has 60 pencils altogether, how many five pence coins does she have? Good luck with those two tasks.

Remember, use your table from question one to help you answer question two, and I'll see you shortly for some feedback.

Welcome back.

How did you get on? For question one, remember your game will have looked very different to Aisha's and Laura's.

Aisha pick the number, so she showed 4 five pence coins, and she skip counted 5, 10, 15, 20.

She could then write two equations.

Four multiplied by five is equal to 20 or five multiplied by four is equal to 20.

Hopefully you played the game like Aisha and Laura and you completed the table.

Your table when finished should have looked something like this with all of the multiples of five up to 12 times five.

Once you've completed that, you could use that to answer the questions for question two.

So for a, if there are four hands and they raise one hand each, that means there are four groups of five fingers.

Four multiplied by five is equal to 20, so there are 20 fingers altogether.

For b, there were six packs of five pencils, so that means that there are 30 pencils altogether because six multiplied by five is equal to 30.

For c, Aisha had 11 five pence coins, which is 11 groups of five.

11 multiplied by five is equal to 55, so the total amount was 55 pence.

Remember, d was a little bit different.

This time we started with the product.

We knew the product or the total was 60 pence.

If Aisha had 60 pence altogether, we needed to find the two factors that multiply together to make 60.

We knew that 12 multiplied by five is equal to 60.

That meant there were 12 five pence coins.

Well done If you spotted that.

We've come to the end of the lesson where we have been representing counting in fives as the five times table.

Let's summarise our learning.

We understand that skip counting in fives is the pattern of the five times table, and we've learned that we can show a group of five in different ways.

Sometimes the five individual objects can't always be seen, like a five pence coin.

We can show groups of five as multiplication equations.

And remember, we can write the factors in any order, so we can say that five multiplied by three is equal to 15 or three multiplied by five is equal to 15.

Thank you so much for all of your hard work today, and I look forward to seeing you in another maths lesson soon.