Hi there.
How are you today? I hope that you're having a really good day.
My name is Ms. Coe and I'm really excited to be learning with you in this math lesson today.
Now in this lesson, we're going to be thinking about skip counting.
And throughout the unit we're going to be focusing on skip counting and our multiplication tables for the 2, 5, and 10 times tables.
I'm really excited that we get to share this learning together.
If you're ready, let's get going.
This lesson today is from the unit focusing on the 2, 5, and 10 times tables.
By the end of this lesson, you will be able to say that you can represent the 2 times tables in different ways.
Our lesson today has two keywords.
I'm going to say them, and I'd like you to say them back to me.
Are you ready? My turn, 2 times table.
Your turn.
My turn, skip count.
Your turn.
Great job.
Make sure you watch out for those keywords in this lesson today.
This lesson today is focusing on representing the 2 times table in different ways, and we have two learning cycles.
In the first learning cycle, we'll be focusing on counting in 2s.
And in the second learning cycle, we'll focus on multiples of 2.
Let's get going with our first lesson cycle.
In today's lesson, you are going to meet Aisha and Laura, and they are going to be helping us with our learning and asking us some questions along the way.
So, let's start here.
We can skip count in groups of 2 using our fingers.
Each finger represents one group of 2.
So, let's see if we can do this together.
Zero groups of 2, which is zero.
The next one if we show one finger, that is one group of 2.
I know one group of 2 is equal to 2.
The next one, if I have two groups of 2, it will be 4.
So, let's see if we can skip count together using our hands and saying the right number.
Are you ready? Zero, two, four, six, eight, ten.
Great job.
So, at this point we have five groups of 2, which is 10.
Let's carry on.
You're going to need two hands for the next one, which is six groups of 2.
What's six groups of 2? So if you've got eight, ten, be ready with the next number.
Are you ready? Let's go.
Twelve, fourteen, sixteen, eighteen, twenty.
We now have 10 fingers, which is 10 groups of 2, and 10 groups of 2 is 20.
Excellent counting.
We can also skip count in groups of 2 using a number line.
So, we have two number lines at the moment.
Look carefully.
How many divisions can you see on our number line? Remember we skip counting in 2s.
We're going to count on in 2s and we're going to start at zero.
I wonder if you can count with me.
Are you ready? Let's go.
Zero, two, four, six, eight, ten, twelve, fourteen, sixteen, eighteen, twenty, twenty-two, twenty-four.
Oh, did you notice that we went beyond 10 groups of 2? 11 groups of 2 is 22 and 12 groups of 2 is 24.
Let's skip counts again forward from zero, but let's see if we can do it even quicker this time.
Are you ready? Let's go.
Zero, two, four, six, eight, ten, twelve, fourteen, sixteen, eighteen, twenty, twenty-two, twenty-four.
Excellent work.
What we've just done is counted on in 2s and that means we've added 2 each time.
So if we look at the gap between 2 and 4, I've added 2, and that's the same wherever we are on the number line.
We can also use the number line to count backwards in groups of two.
So, let's start at 24, and this time we're going to count back in 2s.
Are you ready? Let's go.
Twenty-four, twenty-two, twenty, eighteen, sixteen, fourteen, twelve, ten, eight, six, four, two, zero.
Well done if you kept up the count.
Let's try counting backwards again from 24 but a little bit quicker this time.
Are you ready? Let's go.
Twenty-four, twenty-two, twenty, eighteen, sixteen, fourteen, twelve, ten, eight, six, four, two, zero.
Great job.
Well done.
So, this time we counted backwards in 2s.
If we count back in 2s, that's the same as subtracting 2 each time.
So, if we work from right to left on the number line, for example from 20 to 18, we can see that 18 is 2 less than 20.
We've subtracted 2.
Now all of these numbers that you can see on either number line, are the numbers that make up the 2 times table.
So keep an eye out for those in the rest of our lesson.
Time for a check of your understanding.
Laura is skip counting in 2s just like we did.
What number will she say after 8? Pause the video here and have a go.
Welcome back.
So, if Laura's skip counting in 2s, what number will she say after 8? 2 more than 8 is 10.
10 comes next.
And we can check by skip counting.
Zero, two, four, six, eight, ten.
10 is the next number.
Well done if that's what you said.
Let's move on to think about money.
Aisha found some 2 pence coins in her mum's wallet.
You can see the 2 pence coins there.
"I wonder," says Aisha.
"How much money does mum have altogether?" Hmm, I wonder what we could do to find out.
She says we could count them one by one, but she's going to skip counting 2s because the value of each coin is 2 and it's quicker.
So we know that there are four coins, but we know that that doesn't mean that there's 4 pence because each coin has a value of 2 or 2 pence.
So we can skip counting 2s to find the total amount of money.
Let's do that together.
2p, 4p, 6p, 8p.
Well done.
Aisha's mum has 8 pence or 8p altogether and we skip counted in 2s to work that out.
Laura's found some money now.
What is the total amount here? So, we still have 2 pence coins and Laura's saying that we can use our knowledge of groups to help us count the total amount.
Remember what we did with Aisha's money? We skip counted in groups of 2.
Can we do the same here? So, instead of counting in 2s, we can think about it as groups.
We have one group of 2.
And one group of 2 is the same as 2 pence.
Two groups of 2 which is 4 pence.
Three groups of 2, which is 6 pence.
Four groups of 2, which is 8 pence.
Five groups of 2, which is 10 pence.
So, there are two different ways of counting there.
And we can see that the total amount of money is 10 pence.
Time to check your understanding.
Take a good look at these 2 pence coins.
What is the total value of the coins? Remember to skip count carefully.
You can use your fingers if you need to.
Pause the video here.
Welcome back.
How did you get on? Well, I can see 12 coins, which means there is 12 groups of 2.
And if we skip counted in 2s, 12 times, that would be 24.
Let's count together.
Are you ready? Two, four, six, eight, ten, twelve, fourteen, sixteen, eighteen, twenty, twenty-two, twenty-four.
There are 12 coins which means there is 24 pence altogether.
Well done if you skip counted to find that answer.
Laura is skip counting in 2s from zero and she's going to say the multiples of 2.
So the numbers in our 2 times table.
Will she say the number 9? Hmm, I wonder.
So, Laura is going to start with zero and count on in multiples of 2.
Now you might be doing that in your head.
Will she say the number 9? Justify your thinking to your partner.
What do you think? Well, let's try together.
Zero, two, four, six, eight, ten.
Oh, well, I know that the number 9 comes in between 8 and 10.
So no, Laura did not count the number 9.
It is not a multiple of 2.
It's not something that we skip count when we skip count in 2s from zero.
Time to check your understanding.
Laura is skip counting in 2s again.
She's starting at zero.
And she says, "I think I will say 21 in my count." Do you agree? Explain your thinking to a partner.
Pause the video here.
Welcome back.
What do you think? Will Laura say the number 21 if she's counting on in 2s from zero? Did you skip counts to check yourself? Laura is incorrect, and there are a couple of reasons why.
You may have said that 21 is an odd number, and actually all multiples of 2, all the numbers that we've said so far are even.
If we add two more to 20, which we know is a multiple of 2, we get 22, which is the next number in our account.
So, we'd go 18, 20, 22.
We did not say 21.
Well done if you reasoned about why 21 is not in Laura's count.
Time for your fast practise task.
For question one, I'd like you to skip count in 2s and think about what comes next.
So, if you skip counting in 2s from zero, what is the next number you're going to say? If you skip counting in 2s and you say 12, what is the next number you're going to say? For question two, I want you to think about the same thing, but this time, what comes before? So, if you skip counting in 2s and you say the number 2, what number have you just said? What comes before 2? What do you notice then the multiples of 2? So, once you've completed question one and question two, what do you notice about those multiples? For question three, I'd like you to complete the following sequences.
Let's look at the first one together.
We'll skip counting in 2s.
Zero, two, mhm.
What number will you say next? Some of them are a little bit more tricky.
If we look at the next one.
16, mhm, 20, mhm.
What number comes between 16 and 20 when we are counting in 2s? Then, I'd like you to finish the stem sentences.
When counting on in 2s, we add mhm each time.
When counting back in 2s, we subtract mhm each time.
Good luck with those three tasks and I'll see you shortly for some feedback.
Welcome back.
How did you get on with those three tasks? Let's take a closer look.
For question one, if we skip counting in 2s each time, the next number will be two more than the last number.
So, we start at zero and add 2, we get 2.
If our number is 12 or if we skip counting, we say 10, 12, 14.
14 is the next number.
If the number is 4, the next number is 6 because it's 2 more than 4.
And if it's 14, it's 16, which is 2 more than 14.
If we've got 8, the next number we say is 10.
And if it's 18, the next number we say is 20.
Now you might just watched some patterns in those last two pairs, 4 and 6, 14 and 16.
The 1s number of those 10s numbers are the same as the previous example.
If we skip counting backwards, we need to subtract 2 from the number.
So, we had 2.
2 subtract 2 is equal to zero.
So, the previous number that we'd say is zero.
If we skip counting and we say 4, the number we've just said is 2.
If we say 8, the number before 8 is 6.
For 14, the number before 14 is 12 because it's 2 less than 14.
If we say 16, the number that is 2 less than 16 is 14.
And if we say 18, the number that is 2 less is 16.
What did you notice about the multiples of two here? You may have noticed that they are all even numbers.
They end in 0, 2, 4, 6 or 8.
And that's because all multiples of 2 are even numbers.
Well done if you spotted that.
For question three, you may have skip counted to find the missing numbers, 0, 2, 4.
You may have used that to find the other missing number, mhm, 2, 4, the missing number is zero.
16, 18, 20.
18 is 2 more than 16 and 2 less than 20.
If we move down to the next one, we had two missing numbers.
10, mhm, mhm, 16.
Whereas skip counting in 2s, 10, 12, 14, 16.
For the next one you can skip count again.
8, 10, 12, 14.
Well done if you managed to identify all those missing numbers in the sequences.
And how did you get on with our missing numbers in our stem sentences? Can we say those sentences together? Are you ready? When counting on in 2s, we add 2 each time.
When counting back in 2s, we subtract 2 each time.
Well done if that was a strategy you used to find the missing numbers in today's problems. Let's move on to the second part of our learning where we're focusing on multiples of two.
On the screen now, we've got some things that come in pairs.
So, you may talk about your pair of shoes.
Hopefully you're wearing a pair of shoes right now.
You might be wearing a pair of socks with those shoes.
You might have eaten cherries, and cherries often come in pairs.
We say, a pair of cherries.
And in the wintertime when it's cold you probably wore gloves.
And we talk about these as being a pair of gloves.
So, we use this word pair to describe lots of things.
You can probably think of some other examples that we describe as coming in pairs.
What do you notice about all of these things? A pair is a group of two things.
It is an even group.
So, a pair of shoes is a group of 2.
It comes in pairs.
I can think about pairs to think about groups.
If I have three pairs of shoes, that means I have three groups of two.
So let's apply that thinking about pairs.
Aisha has three pairs of shoes.
We can see them there.
How many shoes are there? Well, to work that out we can count in groups of 2.
Are you ready to count? Let's go.
2, 4, 6.
We have counted 2, three times, because there are three pairs or three groups of 2.
We can see that there are 6 shoes altogether.
We can also describe this as 2, three times.
Two things, three times over, and there are six altogether.
Let's look at another example.
Laura has seven pairs of shoes.
So, seven groups of 2 shoes.
She can also count in 2s.
She will need to count seven groups of 2.
Let's count with Laura.
Are you ready? 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 14.
She has counted 2, seven times.
So we can see that there are 2, seven times, which means there are 14 shoes altogether.
Seven pairs of shoes is the same as 14 individual shoes.
How many shoes are there this time? Let's count in groups of two.
Are you ready? Let's go.
2, 4, 6, 8, 10.
We can see that there are five pairs of shoes, which means there are 10 individual shoes.
There are 10 shoes altogether, and we can say that 10 is a multiple of 2.
Let's say that bit together.
10 is a multiple of 2.
And a multiple is a number that's in the 2 times table.
We can also say that there are 2, five times, and there are 10 shoes altogether.
We can write a multiplication equation to show this.
Five groups of 2 is equal to 10, so we can say 5 times 2 is equal to 10.
We can also write it with the multiple of 2 at the start.
10 is equal to 5 multiplied by 2.
They both mean the same thing, and they both show that five groups of 2 is equal to 10.
The 5 represents the number of groups or pairs.
The 2 represents the number of shoes in each group or pair.
And the product of 2 and 5 is 10.
Time to check your understanding.
How many shoes are there? Count in groups of 2 to check.
Pause the video here.
Welcome back.
How did you get on? Well, I can see that there are six pairs of shoes or six groups of 2, so I can skip count in 2s, six times.
There are 2, six times, which means there are 12 shoes altogether.
If we keep thinking about pairs of shoes, how many shoes are there this time? Let's count in groups of 2 again.
Count with me.
Are you ready? 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12.
There are 12 shoes altogether, and we can say that 12 is a multiple of 2.
So, 10 is a multiple of 2, and 12 is a multiple of 2.
We can also say that there are 2, six times.
There still 12 shoes altogether.
Remember that we can write multiplication equations to show this, six groups of 2 is equal to 12, or 12 is equal to six groups of 2.
So, we can say that 6 multiplied by 2 is equal to 12.
The 6 represents the number of groups or pairs.
The 2 represents the number of shoes in each of the groups, and 12 is the product.
It's the product of 2 and 6, and it's also a multiple of 2.
Time to check your understanding.
We have some pairs of shoes here and we have an equation, 7 multiplied by 2 is equal to 14.
What does the 7 represent in that equation? Pause the video and have a think.
Welcome back.
How did you get on? Well, the 7 represents the number of groups or pairs of shoes.
Let's count.
1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7.
We have seven pairs of shoes.
Seven groups of 2.
So, well done if you spotted that the 7 in the equation represented the number of groups of 2.
Time for another practise task.
For question one, I'd like you to find out how many shoes are in each set below.
And you have some stem sentences and some equations to complete.
Let's look at the first example.
I can see, mhm, pairs of shoes.
How many pairs of shoes can you see? That is mhm groups of mhm.
Think about how many shoes are in each group.
And then we've got a multiplication to complete.
Mhm multiplied by mhm is equal to mhm.
So, how many shoes are there altogether? You have two other examples in this question.
And then, some further examples here.
How many shoes are in each set below? You have some slightly different stem censuses to complete.
Let's look at the first one together.
The mhm represents the number of groups.
And the mhm represents the number of shoes in each group.
So, if you're going to write a multiplication equation, what numbers would represent the number of groups? And what would represent the number of shoes in each group? Good luck with those two tasks.
Pause the video here and come back when you're ready for some feedback.
Welcome back.
How did you get on with those two tasks? Let's look at question one.
For the first part, we had two pairs of shoes.
Two pairs of shoes is the same as two groups of 2.
So, we could have written an equation, 2 multiplied by 2 is equal to 4.
And we could have skip counted in 2s to find out the answer, 2, 4.
There are 4 shoes.
So, two groups of 2 is equal to 4.
2 multiplied by 2 is equal to 4.
For the second one, there are 4 pairs of shoes, so four groups of 2.
The multiplication equation is 4 multiplied by 2, and if we skip count, 2, 4, 6, 8, there are 8 shoes altogether.
For the third example, we had 6 pairs of shoes, which is six groups of 2.
The multiplication equation is 6 multiplied by 2.
And again, we could skip count, 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12.
There are 12 shoes altogether.
For question two, we asked you to fill out the missing parts of the sentences.
We could have written an equation of 3 multiplied by 2 is equal to 6.
For the first one because there are six shoes.
The 3 represent the number of groups because there are three pairs or groups in the picture.
The 2 represents the number of shoes in each group because there are 2 shoes in each group.
I could skip count, 2, 4, 6 to find out that there are six shoes.
In the second one we had 5 multiplied by 2 is equal to 10.
The 5 represents the number of groups and the 2 represents the number of shoes in each group.
There are 10 shoes altogether.
And in the last example, the seven represents the number of groups because there are seven pairs of shoes.
There are two shoes in each pair.
So the 2 represents the number of shoes in each group.
7 multiplied by 2 is equal to 14.
There are 14 shoes altogether.
Well done if you completed those stem sentences correctly.
We've come to the end of the lesson and I hope you've enjoyed thinking about representing the 2 times table in different ways.
Let's summarise what we've learned today.
We understand that the 2 times table can be represented in different ways with groups of 2.
And we also know that the 2 times table can be recorded as skip counting in 2s on a number line.
Two is the size of the group and is one of the factors in our multiplication equation.
Thank you so much for all of your hard work in this lesson and I look forward to seeing you again soon.