
Lesson video

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Hello there, my name is Mr. Tilstone.

I'm a teacher and one of the things that I love most in the world is maths.

So you can imagine how excited I am to be here with you today, teaching you a lesson all about time.

Are you ready? Let's begin.

The outcome of today's lesson, the target if you like, is I can tell and write quarter past and quarter to on a clock face.

Have you ever heard those words before, quarter past and quarter to? We're going to learn all about them today.

We got some keywords or key phrases.

So my turn, quarter past.

Your turn.

My turn, quarter to.

Your turn.

And we're going to use those words a lot today, so I think by the end of the lesson, you'll be an expert.

Our lesson today is split into two parts, two cycles.

The first is going to be quarter past and quarter to using the minute hand and the second, quarter past and quarter to using the hour hand.

But if you're ready, let's start by investigating quarter past and quarter to using the minute hand.

In this lesson, you're going to meet Jun, Laura, Izzy and Andeep.

Have you met them before? They're here today to give us a helping hand with our maths.

So here's Laura, she's walking along a number line going from two o'clock to three o'clock.

So she goes two o'clock, five minutes past two, 10 minutes past two, can you join in? 15 minutes past two, 20 minutes past two, 25 minutes past two, 30 minutes past two, 35 minutes past two, 40 minutes past two, 45 minutes past two, 50 minutes past two, 55 minutes past two and three o'clock.

Now, when she's standing on these times, Laura is closer to two o'clock than she is to three o'clock.

So here we are five minutes past two, that's close to two o'clock.

10 minutes past two, that's close to two o'clock.

15 minutes past two is close to two o'clock.

20 minutes past two is close to two o'clock and 25 minutes past two is close to two o'clock.

When she's standing on these times, Laura is closer to three o'clock than to two o'clock.

And you can also say how many minutes there are 'til the next hour.

So then look, she's on 25 minutes to three.

If she stands on the next one, you could say it's 40 minutes past or we could say it's 20 minutes to it, it's 20 minutes to three.

The next one we could say 45 minutes past or we could say 15 minutes to, 15 minutes to three.

The next one, we could say 50 minutes past, but what is that in terms of minutes to? 10 minutes to, that's 10 minutes to three and for the next one, we could say 55 minutes past or how many minutes to? Five, so that's five minutes to three.

When she's standing here at 30 minutes past, Laura is exactly halfway between the o'clocks, halfway between two and three o'clock, won't you agree? So she's at 30 minutes past two and there's a special name for 30 minutes past, and I'll bet you've learned this before.

See if you can remember it.

What do we call 30 minutes past? There's a clue if you look at the clock, the circular clock.

That's half past.

So when she's standing at the half past mark, she's exactly halfway between.

That's half past two.

There are two other minute times that have special names.

So 30 minutes past is a special time with a special name, and there are two more.

We're going to look at those now.

What do you notice about where Laura is standing this time? Mm, well, we can't she's exactly halfway between two o'clock and three o'clock anymore, but what can we say? She's standing at 15 minutes past two, we can say that, but what we can say is that she's halfway between two o'clock and half past two.

So she's exactly halfway between those points.

15 minutes past has a special name.

It's called quarter past.

So just like half past is a special name, quarter past is a special name.

So that's quarter past two.

What do you notice about where Laura is standing this time? Mm.

Think about what you noticed before.

She's halfway between half past two and three o'clock.

15 minutes to has a special name.

It's called quarter to.

So she's standing at quarter to three.

So those special names again.

What's this one, can you remember? This is quarter past.

What's this one? Can you remember? Quarter to.

When the minute hand is pointing to the number three, it is quarter past.

So when it's pointing exactly straight at the number three, it's quarter past.

And when the minute hand is pointing to the number 9, so straight to it, it is quarter to.

So when it's pointing to the number three, it's quarter past and when it's pointing to the number nine, it's quarter to.

Let's say that together.

When the minute hand is pointing to the number three, it is quarter past.

Can you say that? Off you go.

And when the minute hand is pointing to the number nine, it is quarter to.

Let's say that together.

When the minute hand is pointing to the number nine, it is quarter to.

Just you.

So they're special times.

Here we've got quarter past on a clock.

And that's where the minute hand would be pointing, so pointing to the number three, look, that's quarter past.

And here we've got quarter to on a clock and that's where the minute hand would be pointing, to the nine.

Let's count in five minutes around the clock using quarter past, half past and quarter to when they come up.

So minutes past.

Five minutes past, do this with me.

10 minutes past.

Quarter past.

20 minutes past.

25 minutes past.

Half past.

25 minutes to.

20 minutes to.

What's gonna come up next, special one? Quarter to.

10 minutes to.

Five minutes to.

And then the next o'clock.

So that was those special names in action.

Quarter past, half past and quarter to, special points on the clock.

Let's have a little check.

Using your blank paper clock face and a pencil to represent the minute hand or something long like a pencil, show me quarter past.

Pause the video.

Let's see what you came up with, let's have a look.

It should be pointing straight to the three.

Shall we do another one? Using your blank paper clock face again and a pencil, can you show me quarter to? Pause the video.

Where did you point your pencil? This time, for quarter to, hopefully straight to the number nine.

If you got that, that's correct, that's the quarter to position.

It's time for some independent practise.

So number one, complete the labels, quarter (blank) and quarter (blank).

Which one's which? And number two, you're gonna write true or false after each statement and explain why to your partner.

So 15 minutes past is the same as quarter to.

Is that true or is that false? And 45 minutes past is the same as 15 minutes to and quarter to.

Is that right, is that true or false? Pause the video.

And off you go.

How did you get on with that? Let's have a look, so for the first one, it's quarter to on the left and quarter past on the right.

And for number two, 15 minutes past is not the same as quarter to, that's false.

15 minutes past is the same as quarter past.

And for B, 45 minutes past is the same as 15 minutes to and quarter to, that's true, because 45 and 15 combine together to make 60.

You doing really, really well so far.

Are you ready for the next cycle? I think you are.

The hour hand in a particular position at each of the special points in the hour, it's in a special position, so let's have a look.

So this is half past.

This is where the hour hand will be pointing at half past, exactly halfway between the hours.

And this is where it would be pointing at quarter past.

Halfway between the hour and halfway past, that is quarter past.

That's where the hour hand will be pointing to.

So it's got a special place.

And then quarter to will be halfway between half past and the next hour.

So remember, that hour hand is moving all the time, including between the hours.

So the hour hand moves slowly in between the two hour numbers.

Look out for the position of the hour hand at quarter past and quarter two.

Are you ready? So this is five minutes past one, 10 minutes past one, quarter past one.

So have a look at the hour position at quarter past.

It's gone a little bit past the one.

Let's keep going.

20 minutes past one, 25 minutes past one.

Now we've got a special time coming up, 30 minutes past one, which is the same as half past one.

25 minutes to two, 20 minutes to two and now a special time coming up.

What's next? Quarter to two, this is where our quarter to always goes, pointing to the nine, but have a look at the hour hand.

Can you see that it's moving on, it's moving very close now to the two, because we're getting close to two o'clock.

And then 10 minutes to two, five minutes to two, and two o'clock.

Izzy's teacher is calling out times and she is making them on her clock, and you could do this too.

"Quarter to five," says her teacher.

Let's see what Izzy does.


Is she right, are the hands in the right position? Is that showing quarter to five? I think there might be one or two things that need changing about that.

Let's have a look.

The minute hand is point to 20 minutes to, that's not quarter to, is it? She's not in the right position.

Remember, it needs to the nine for quarter to.

The hour hand is not right either, that's pointing to an o'clock time, but that's not what we asked for.

But she's had another go, because that's what Izzy does.

She's got a good growth mindset, she carries on, she has another go until she gets it right.

Let's have a look this time.

Is that showing quarter to five? Has she got it right? Mm, have a look.

Well, I think she's getting closer.

I think one of those hands is in the right position and one's not, what do you think? The minute hand is pointing to quarter to, good, but the hour hand is still pointing to an o'clock time.

So she needs to change that.

She needs to think about the position of it.

But she's going to have another go.

Go on, Izzy, have another one.

And this is what she's tried.

This time, is she right? Is she finally right? What do you think? At quarter to, which is what we're asking for here, the hour hand is close to the next hour.

Well done, Izzy.

She's got it right, both hands are in the right position.

Let's have a quick check.

Which of these clock shows quarter to four? Be careful, because they all look sort of a bit like quarter to four, but only one's right.

See if you can spot it.

Pause the video.

Did you find which one it was, which one's right? Well, it's not A.

That's not showing quarter to four.

The hour hand is showing an o'clock time, but that's not what we asked for.

We need a quarter to time, so the hour hand's in the wrong position there.

The minute hand's right there.

It's not C, the minute hand's wrong there.

That's showing quarter past four, but we want quarter to four.

B is right.

The minute hand and the hour hand are both in the correct positions to show quarter to four.

When it's quarter to, the minute hand is always on the nine and this is quarter to four, so the hour hand needs to be quite close to the four, but not quite on it yet.

Let's have another check.

So using a clock with moveable hands or your clock face and pencil and paperclip, can you show me this? Ready? Quarter past 12, pause the video.

Where did you put your hands? Let's have a look.

Well, that's showing quarter past.

When the minute hand's point to three it's quarter past.

It needs to be pointing straight to it as well, directly at it and it's gone past 12, so it's a little bit after 12, just like that.

So very well done, if that's what your clock look like too, you're on track.

You might want to do a bit more practise and do a few more of those before we move on to the independent work.

Time for task B.

Got a little game for you here.

You can play this as a whole class, you can do it as a little group or you can even do it on your own.

So you got some cards.

So they're going to be all shuffled up.

And if you're playing as a class, make sure you've got at least one card each.

Then you're going to move around the class until you've made a trio showing the same time.

So in this example look, we got Izzy, Andeep and Jun.

They found each other because they've all got clocks showing the same time.

They all show quarter past one.

So Izzy's clock face shows it and we've got the words from Andeep, quarter past one, and Jun's showing 15 minutes one.

So they all knew the same thing.

So that's what you've got to do.

Now, if you haven't got a class to play with, if you're playing on your own, turn the card over and play it as like a matching memory game, okay? And then here's some of the cards that you will use for the task.

So have a look at those.

You've got a full set there.

And then number two, with your partner, practise making different times using this stem sentence.

Show me quarter to or quarter past something.

So in this example, Izzy is asking Andeep, "Show me quarter to five." And Andeep put the hands in the right position.

He's pointed his pencil towards the nine showing quarter to and his paperclip's almost pointing to five, but not quite, so it's perfect, that's quarter to five.

And you're gonna do that.

Practise that lots and lots.

Show me quarter to or quarter past something.

Pause the video, have fun with that.

Good luck and I'll see you soon for some final feedback.

Welcome back, how did you get on? So for number one, I hope you had fun moving around the classroom if that's how you did it.

Here's another example of Izzy, Andeep and Jun finding each other and this time, Izzy's got 15 minutes to eight, Andeep's got quarter to eight and Jun's got that time on the clock face.

So they're all showing the same time or saying the same time.

So hopefully you've managed to find your partners too.

And then you have your practise at this stem sentence.

So in this case, Izzy's asked Andeep, "Show me quarter past seven." And Andeep has put his paperclip on just after seven, because it's gone past seven and he's put his pencil on the three, which is where you put the minute hand when it's quarter past.

So he's got that exactly right.

So hopefully you're really good at that now.

We've come to the end of the lesson.

It's been great fun.

Hope you've had fun too.

I certainly have.

Today's lesson's been all about quarter past and quarter to.

Quarter past and quarter to are special points on the clock.

When the minute hand is pointing to nine, it's a quarter to time.

And when the minute hand is pointing to three, it's a quarter past time.

So if you can go away from this lesson knowing those facts, you've done really well.

You've been amazing today.

You should give yourself a pat on the back to celebrate your accomplishments and achievements.

It's been a real pleasure working with you.

Enjoy the rest of your day, whatever it is you've got in store.

Take care and goodbye.