Hi there.
My name is Mr. Tilstone.
I'm delighted to be working with you today on your maths lesson, which is all about time.
Time's a really important concept, but it can be quite tricky to learn.
But don't worry.
If you persevere and you've got the positive attitude, we'll get there together.
So if you are ready, let's begin.
The outcome of today's lesson is, I can tell and write the time to five minutes "past" and "to" on a clock face.
Our keywords today are, my turn "hours," your turn.
My turn "minutes," your turn.
My turn "minutes past," your turn.
And my turn "minutes to," your turn.
Our lesson is split into two parts today, two cycles.
The first will be the minute hand, and the second will be the minute hand and the hour hand.
If you're ready, let's start by looking at the role of the minute hand.
And in this lesson, you're going to meet Laura and Izzy.
You might have met them before.
They're here today to give us a helping hand with our maths.
So here's Laura.
She's walking along a number line, going from one o'clock to two o'clock.
So she says one o'clock, 5 minutes past 1, 10 minutes past 1, 15 minutes past 1.
Can you see where this is going? Do you want to join in with us? Let's go.
20 minutes past 1, 25 minutes past 1, 30 minutes past 1, 35 minutes past 1, 40 minutes past 1, 45 minutes past 1, 50 minutes past 1, 55 minutes past 1, and finally, two o'clock.
When she's standing on these times, Laura is closer to one o'clock than she is to two o'clock.
So five minutes past one, that's closer to one o'clock than two.
Can you see quite a lot closer? 10 minutes past 1 is still closer to one o'clock than two o'clock.
So is 15 minutes past 1.
So is 20 minutes past 1, and so is 25 minutes past 1.
Those times are all closer to one o'clock.
"When she's standing at 30 minutes past, Laura is exactly halfway between the clocks." So there you look, you can see she's at 30 minutes past 1, and she's halfway between one o'clock and two o'clock.
So that's a special time.
This is the same as half past one.
Now, when she's standing on these times, Laura is closer to two o'clock than she is to one o'clock.
So here look, 35 minutes past 1.
Can you see she's actually now closer to two o'clock and she is when she's at 40 minutes past 1, and 45 minutes past 1, and 50 minutes past 1, and 55 minutes past 1.
She's closer to two o'clock.
On this clock, the small coloured blocks are each one minute.
So can you see? We've sort of highlighted a little bit there.
Can you see those minutes, the little colour blocks? They're each one minute.
You can work out how many minutes have gone past the hour, even when the clock does not show minutes.
And you might have had some recent practise doing this, so we can use mm minutes past.
So look, we've got 5 minutes past.
Even when there's no 5 minutes on the clock, you can see that.
Then 10 minutes past.
What do you think is gonna come up next? 15 minutes past.
What's next? 20 minutes past.
What's next? 25 minutes past.
What's next? 30 minutes past.
35 minutes past.
40 minutes past.
45 minutes past.
50 minutes past.
55 minutes past, and 60 minutes past.
But we don't say 60 minutes past.
That's the next hour.
So minutes past is usually used for the first 30 minutes.
So that blue part of this clock.
They're all minutes past times.
So mm minutes past.
So let's do it again.
5 minutes past, 10 minutes past, 15 minutes past, 20 minutes past, 25 minutes past, and 30 minutes past.
Now, after the 30 minutes past, you can start to say how many minutes there are to the next hour.
So this part of the clock is the minutes to part.
So we can say mm minutes to.
And when we get here, there's 25 minutes to the next hour.
So we can say 25 minutes to.
What do you think is going to come next? 20 minutes to, so can you see we're now counting backwards in fives? What's going to come next? 15 minutes to.
What's next? 10 minutes to.
What do you think's coming next? Five minutes to.
And then we get to the next hour again, the next o'clock.
So the number of minutes past and the number of minutes to are number pairs to 60.
So when you add those two numbers together, you'll get 60, because there's 60 minutes in an hour.
So we're going to use a new stem sentence now.
"If it is mm minutes past the hour, it is mm minutes to the next hour." So let's practise that stem sentence.
So if it's 35 minutes past the hour, which that's showing there, how many minutes is it to the next hour? What goes with 35 to make 60? 35 plus what equals 60? 25.
So if it's 35 minutes past the hour, it is 25 minutes to the next hour.
What about this one? If it is 40 minutes past the hour, it is how many minutes to the next hour? What do you think? 20 minutes.
So if it's 40 minutes past the hour, it is 20 minutes to the next hour.
What's this showing? What do you think? If it is 45 minutes past the hour, it is how many minutes to the next hour? 15.
So if it is 45 minutes past the hour, it is 15 minutes to the next hour.
Those numbers add together to make 60.
What's about this one? If it is mm minutes past the hour, how many minutes this time? 50 minutes past the hour.
How many minutes to the next hour? What goes with 50 to make 60? 10.
If it is 50 minutes past the hour, it is 10 minutes to the next hour.
What about this one? If it is 55 minutes past the hour, it is 5 minutes to the next hour.
So let's try that again.
But this time, without the minutes displayed.
They were there to help, but you often don't see them on a clock like on this one, but we can still work it out.
So let's have a think.
If it is minutes past the hour, it is minutes to the next hour.
So the minute hand's pointing to 7.
That's not 7 minutes past, is it? Think about 7 lots of 5, that will tell us the answer - 35.
So if it's 35 minutes past the hour, what goes with that to make 60? 25.
It is 25 minutes to the next hour.
Let's do the next one.
So it's not 8 minutes past, it's actually 40 minutes past.
So how many minutes to the next hour? 20.
Let's do another one.
So it's pointing to 9.
9 lots of 5 are 45.
So if it's 45 minutes past the hour, how many minutes to the next hour? 15.
What about this one? If it's mm minutes past the hour, it is mm minutes to the next hour, pointing to the number 10.
So how many minutes does that mean? 10 lots of 5 - 50.
If it's 15 minutes past the hour, it is, what goes with 50? 10, 10 minutes to the next hour.
What about this one? It's pointing to 11.
Think about 11 lots of 5 to tell us what number of minutes that is.
55, so if it's 55 minutes past the hour, it is 5 minutes to the next hour.
So we can do that even without seeing the number of minutes.
Izzy is challenging Sophia to show some "minutes to" times on her clock, and she's using a pencil to represent the minute hand, and that's perfect 'cause the pencil's long, like the minute hand.
Izzy says, "Show me 5 minutes to." Hmm, let's see where Sophia puts her pencil.
I don't think that's in the right place, do you? Wonder what she's done there.
Can you explain what she's done wrong? Hmm.
Is she right? No.
Sophia is thinking about the hours and not the minutes, and she's also showing past and not to, so that's wrong on two fronts.
But I know Sophia, I know what she's like.
She's going to have another go.
She's going to try again.
That's what good mathematicians do.
Okay, what do you think this time? Is that showing five minutes to? Hmm.
Is she right? I don't quite think so.
She's done something right and something not right here.
She's showing five minutes, isn't she? But that's five minutes past.
Izzy asked for five minutes to, so that's not quite right.
But I know Sophia.
She'll have another go until she gets it right.
So look what she does this time.
Is she right this time, do you think? Is that showing five minutes to? Yes, it is.
Well done, Sophia.
Let's have a quick check.
Using your blank paper clock face and a pencil to represent the minute hand or something similar to a pencil, show me, are you ready? Show me 20 minutes to.
Pause the video and have a go.
Let's see what you got.
So 20 minutes to is here.
So pointing to the 8.
So that is 40 minutes past, which is 20 minutes to.
And you may wish to practise that a few more times before we move on.
But well done if you got that.
It's time for some practise.
For the first question, you can see a clock face, and it shows hours and minutes, but some of the numbers are missing, they've fallen off.
Fill in the blanks.
So you might notice, look, we're counting in fives as we go to the minutes past, and then backwards in fives as we go to the minutes to.
You might want to use a stem sentence to help.
"If it's mm minutes past the hour, it is mm minutes to the next hour." For number two, use some skipping ropes or string or something like that to create a clock.
Label the hours 1 to 12 using digit cards or numerals written on sticky notes, something like that.
And then walk or jump.
That sounds fun, doesn't it? Jump in between the numbers.
Jump around the clock, saying minutes past as you go.
Now, after 30 minutes past, start saying minutes to.
So it'll be 30 minutes past, 25 minutes to, and so on.
And for B, using minutes to, challenge your partner to stand on different parts of the clock and keep swapping.
So Izzy is challenging you here to stand on 15 minutes to.
So what number would you stand on for that? And then number three, join the time to the correct clock.
So we've got 5 minutes to, 15 minutes to, 25 minutes to and 20 minutes to.
Can you join it to the right clock showing that time? Have lots of fun.
Pause the video and I'll see you soon for some feedback on those tasks.
Welcome back, did you have fun? So for number one, this clock face shows hours and minutes.
Some of the numbers are missing.
Let's have a look what they are.
So for the minutes past, look, it's going 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30 minutes past.
And then as we go to minutes to, it counts backwards in fives.
So 25 minutes to, 20 minutes to, 15 minutes to, 10 minutes to, and then 5 minutes to.
So number two, you've created this clock using something like a skipping rope.
And if you are standing right here, that is 20 minutes to.
Hopefully, you practise that with some other examples too.
And then you were challenging each other at this part to stand on different minutes to parts.
So here, as you're saying stand on 25 minutes to, and if you stand on number 7, that is showing 25 minutes to, because that's 35 minutes past or 25 minutes to.
You're doing really, really well, and I think you're ready to move on to the next cycle, which is the minute hand and the hour hand.
When it's an o'clock time, the hour hand points directly to a number, as you can see.
So this is showing one o'clock.
When it's a not o'clock time, the hour hand points somewhere between the numbers.
So this is one o'clock and a bit.
This is also one o'clock and a bit, and this is two o'clock.
The hour hand and the minute hand are both moving at the same time all the time but at different speed.
So you can see the hour hand is moving slightly slower than the minute hand.
And I must tell you, that's not the actual speed that they move.
That's just to show you that they move at the same time but at different speeds.
The more minutes that have gone past the hour, the closer the hour hand gets to the next hour, and 30 minutes past is the same as half past.
At half past, the hour hand is exactly halfway between the numbers.
Watch what happens in one hour to the hour hand as the minute hand moves to each five minutes.
So we've got, starting at one o'clock, the hour hand is pointing directly to the one.
5 minutes past 1, that's 1 and a bit closer to 1.
10 minutes past 1, 1 and a bit.
15 minutes past 1, 1 and a bit.
20 minutes past 1, 1 and a bit.
25 minutes past 1, 1 and a bit.
And now, at 30 minutes past 1, that's showing 1 and a bit still, but exactly halfway between 1 and 2.
And for the next lot of times, it's going to be closer to 2, the hour hand.
So 25 minutes to 2, that's 1 and a bit but closer to 2.
20 minutes to 2, 1 and a bit but closer to 2.
15 minutes to 2, 1 and a bit but closer to 2.
10 minutes to 2, that's 1 and a bit again but closer to 2, and 5 minutes to 2, that's 1 and a bit and closer to 2.
And then back to two o'clock.
So the hour hand moves slowly in between the two hour numbers all the time.
It doesn't jump from one to the other.
It slowly moves between them.
It just can't see it.
It's really slow.
"Izzy's teacher is calling out times and she's making them on her clock." 25 minutes to 5.
Let's see where she puts the hands.
So 25 minutes to 5.
So that's where she's put the minute hand.
Is that 25 minutes to? And that's where she's put the hour hand.
Is Izzy right? Have a look at that.
No, she's not.
So there's a couple of things not quite right about that.
Good try though, Izzy.
Very good try.
The minute hand is pointing to 20 minutes to, not 25 minutes to, yes.
And the hour hand is pointing to an o'clock time.
But this is not an o'clock time.
So good try, Izzy, have another go.
She's had another go.
Is she right? Is that showing 25 minutes to 5? Hmm.
Well, I think she's getting there but still not quite there.
I think one thing's right and not the other.
The hour hand is still pointing to an o'clock time, hmm.
So the minute hand's right this time.
That is showing 25 minutes to, but the hour hand looks like it's on 5 o'clock.
That's not what time is being asked for.
Good try, Izzy.
Why don't you have another go, Izzy? She's done that this time, what do you think? 25 minutes to 5, is she right this time? 25 minutes to is just after half past, as you can see.
So the hour hand needs to be slightly closer to 5 than 4.
Just a little bit after halfway, so she's got it.
Well done, Izzy.
That is 25 minutes to 5.
Let's do a quick check.
Which of these clocks is showing 15 minutes to 4? Hmm, pause the video.
See if you can find which one.
Let's have a look.
Well, it's not A.
The hour hand is not showing three o'clock and a bit that it needs to, but it's pointing to 4.
And it is not C.
The clock is showing 15 minutes past 4 but we want 2.
But it is B.
The minute hand and the hour hand are both in the correct position.
That's showing 15 minutes to, and the hour hand is almost on 4, so that's a perfect position.
Very well done if you said B.
Using a clock with movable hands, hopefully, you've got one of those in front of you, or your clock face with a pencil and a paperclip.
Show me this, ready? 15 minutes to 8.
Pause a video and try that one.
15 minutes to 8 looks like this.
That's 15 minutes to, so that's what where your minute hand needs to point the long hand, and then your shorthand, your hour hand needs to be pointing just a little bit before the 8.
Just like that.
If you've got that, perfect.
You may wish to practise that a few more times, 'cause it's quite tricky, until you feel like you've got it right and you're ready to move on.
Time for some more practise.
Let's have a look at this.
Is Izzy correct? She say, "My clock is showing 20 minutes to 2." Is that right? Can you explain? Number two, draw hands on the clock to show 25 minutes to 1.
So think about where your hour hand's going to go.
Think about where your minute hand's going to go.
And number three, with your partner, practise making different times using this stem sentence.
"Show me mm minutes to mm." So this example, Izzy's saying, "Show me 20 minutes to 5," and Andy has put his pencil and his paperclip into those positions, and that's perfect, Andy.
That is showing exactly 20 minutes to 5.
So practise that as many times as you can.
Pause the video, have fun, and I'll see you soon.
Welcome back, how did you get on? Let's have a look.
So is she correct here? No, she's not.
The minute hand is in the right position, brilliant, but the hour hand needs to be in between 1 and 2, because it's not reached two o'clock yet, so she's not thinking about that and a bit part of it.
Draw hands to show 25 minutes to 1.
There's 25 minutes to pointed exactly to the 7, and the hour hand needs to be getting close to the 1.
And just after halfway, I would say.
So something looking a bit like that, well done.
And then hopefully, you had lots and lots of opportunities to practise doing this.
So if Izzy say, "Show me 15 minutes to 11," Andy is doing this.
That's 15 minutes to 11.
So not quite at 11, almost there.
We've come to the end of the lesson.
Today's lesson's being telling and writing the time to five minutes past and to on a clock face.
So when telling and writing the time to five minutes past and to on a clock face, both the hour hand and the minute hand are used.
They have special positions depending on the time.
So let's have a look at this example here.
It shows the time, 40 minutes past 9, but that can also be said as 20 minutes to 10.
Very well done on your accomplishments and achievements in this lesson.
Hopefully, I get the chance to work with you again soon.
But in the meantime, enjoy the rest of your day.
Take care and goodbye.