
Lesson video

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Hello, I'm Miss Miah and I'm so excited to be a part of your learning journey today.

I hope you enjoy this lesson as much as I do.

In this lesson, you'll be able to explain the relationship between adjacent, in other words, neighbouring multiples of 4.

Your keywords are on the screen now and I'd like you to repeat them after me.



Good job.

So adjacent means next to each other.

A multiple is the result of multiplying a number by another whole number.

So this lesson is all about multiples of 4, and in particular, adjacent multiples of 4, and we have two lesson cycles.

The first lesson cycle is all about adjacent multiples of 4 and we are going to look at how to find adjacent multiples of 4.

And in the second lesson cycle, we're going to use this knowledge to then solve problems. So let's get started with lesson cycle one.

What do you think we are going to need to know in order to find an adjacent multiple of 4? In this lesson, you will meet Andeep and Izzy.

So let's begin.

"Andeep writes multiples of four in order and looks at adjacent numbers; numbers that are next to each other." "What patterns do you notice?" "So adjacent multiples have a difference of 4.

When moving down the column, the product increases by 4.

When moving up the column, the product decreases by 4." So the adjacent multiple of 4 in this example is.

I'd like you to pause the video here and have a go.

And when you're ready, click play to join us again.

So what did you get? Well, you should have got 24.

We're going down the column, so that means we are counting on in 4.

Back to you.

So this time you will be filling in the gap.

The adjacent multiple is.

Hmm, have a look.

You are going to be subtracting 4.

You can pause the video here and click play when you're ready to rejoin us.

So how did you do? You should have got 28 and that's because 32 takeaway 4 is 28, so that means that adjacent multiple of 32 is 28.

Let's move on.

Adjacent multiples can also be represented on a number line.

So here we've started on 4 and we've counted on in 4 so our adjacent multiple of 4 is 8.

But if we look to the left and count back in 4, it's also 0.

So our adjacent multiples are 0 and 8.

Now let's refocus on this.

So you can write this as, 2 multiplied by 4 is equal to 1 x 4 add 4.

So 8 is equal to 1 group of 4 add 4.

Now, say if we jumped back or counted back in 4 from 44 to 40, we can also write that as 10 x 4 is equal to 11 x 4 subtract 4 or 40 is equal to 11 groups of 4 subtract 4.

The adjacent multiple of 16 is.

Pause the video here, have a go and when you're ready, click play.

So 16, add 4 is 20.

If you've got 20 as your multiple, well done.

The adjacent multiples of 24 are.

Now on the screen, we can see that 24 is the multiple that we're looking at.

In order to solve what the other multiples are, we're going to start off by subtracting 4 to figure out one multiple, and then we're going to add 4 to 24 to figure out the other multiple.

And by doing this, you would've identified both the adjacent multiples.

You could pause the video here, have a go.

How did you do? So you should have got 20 and 28.

Back to you.

So this time you're going to be completing the equation and on the screen you can see that something is equal to 9 x 4 take away something.

So have a look at the number line.

You can see that we've got 36 and we are subtracting 4.

Use this to help you to fill in the gaps.

I'd like you to pause the video here and have a go.

So how did you do? So if we subtract 4 from 36, we end up with 32.

So we know that 32 is equal to 9 x 4 subtract 4.

For your task in this lesson cycle, you are going to be finding the missing multiples for question 1.

So on this number line, we've got 0, gap, 8, 12, gap, 20, 24, gap, 32, gap, 40, 44, gap.

Now for the next question, you're going to be finding the missing adjacent multiples and then you're going to complete the equations.

For 2a, you've got 4, 8.

Now in order to answer this question, what you need to do is look at what 8 is equal to.

So if we have a look at the right hand side, you can see that 8 is equal to 1 x 4 add an unknown number.

So think about what you need to add to get 8, and you will do this for the next question, which is 12 and 16, and lastly, the adjacent multiple of 20.

Now the clue here is to check whether you are adding or subtracting a group of 4.

For question 2b, you're going to be writing your own.

You can pause the video here.

Now off you go, good luck.

So how did you do? So for question 1, let's have a look at this in more detail.

We can see that we've got 0 and the missing number here is between 0 and 8.

So if we count on it in 4s, we know that the first missing multiple is 4.

Now if we have a look at 12 and 20, the missing multiple in between 12 and 20, well if we add 4 to 12, we get 16.

And if we subtract 4 from 20, we also get 16.

So 16 is the missing multiple for that gap.

Now let's have a look at the missing gap between 24 and 32.

Similarly, if we add 4 to 24, we get 28.

And if we subtract 4 from 32, we get 28 as well.

So 28 was the missing number there.

And then if we move along, we've got 36 as our missing multiple because we could have subtracted 4 from 40 or we could have added 4 onto 32 to get 36.

And lastly, our missing multiple was 48.

And that's because if you add 4 to 44, you get 48.

So for question 2, I'd like you to have a look and mark your work.

We're going to look at the right hand column of this question.

So 8 is equal to.

Now 8 is equal to 1 x 4, so that's 4 and then you'd have to add another group of 4.

So 1 x 4, add 4 is equal to 8, 12 is equal to 2 x 4, which is 8.

And then you add on another group of 4 which makes it 12.

And the last one, 24, we know that 5 x 4 is 20, add 4 is 24.

Now when it comes to writing your own examples, you could have had 40 to 44, which is 10 x 4, and then you add 4 and then 48 back to 44 is 12 x 4 and then you take away 4.

Let's get ready for the next lesson cycle.

So for this lesson cycle, you're going to be using what you know to solve problems. "Andeep filled out the 4 times tables facts using his knowledge of the 2s, 5s and 10s." So at this stage, you are probably very confident in your 2s, 5s and 10s and maybe possibly your 4s.

But did you know if you already knew your 2s, 5s and 10s, you only need to calculate 8 more facts to complete the 4 times tables, and I'm going to show you how you can do this.

So you can use an array to represent finding the missing facts.

So Andeep says that if he knows that 2 x 4 is 8, then he also knows that 3 x 4 is basically 2 x 4, but you are adding on 4 more.

So we're going to now show you this using an array.

So here you've got two groups of 4.

So you know that 2 x 4 is 8.

Now if you add on another group of 4 and we look at the array, we can see that 8 add 4 actually gives us 12.

So that means 3 x 4 is 12, and this can be represented as 2 x 4 add 4.

Now using that fact you can then find out what 4 x 4 is.

So the equation here is.

Well, if you know that 3 x 4 is 12, you're just adding on another group of 4 which is 16, so that means 4 x 4 is 16.

And again, we can show this using the array.

So we've got three groups of 4 here that, and that's because we know that 3 x 4 is 12 and then when you add on another group of 4, that is 16.

So for this question, you are going to draw an array to calculate what 6 lots of 4 are, okay? And Andeep's giving you a hint here, 5 x 4 is 20 and that's because you know your 5 times tables use that to help you.

You could pause the video here and click play when you're ready to join us.

So how did you do? Okay, so knowing that 5 x 4 is 20, the next step would've been to add on a group of 4.

So by adding on a group of 4, what we would've ended up with is our mixed operation equation of 5 x 4 add 4, which gives you a product of 24.

This also means that 5 x 4 add 4 is equal to 6 x 4.

If you got that correct, well done.

Let's move on.

So Izzy says that if she knows 12 times 4 is 48, then she also knows that 13 times 4 is 52.

What do you think? Is Izzy correct? I'd like you to prove it.

Well, Izzy is correct because she has added 4 more to 48 to find the adjacent multiple.

So using the fact that she already knows, all she has to do is add 4 more to 48 to solve this question.

So we can then represent this using an array.

You've got 12 x 4 is 48, you add on another 4 and that is 52.

Isn't it amazing how knowing one fact can lead you to solving other facts? The key point here is to remember the fact that you know and then use it.

So Izzy says that if she knows 13 x 4 is 52, then she also knows that 14 x 4 is 56.

Do you agree? Explain how you know to your partner.

You can pause the video here and once you've had your discussion, click play so we can move on.

So how did you do? Well, Izzy is correct because she has added 4 more to 52 to find the next adjacent multiple of 4.

Now you can compare adjacent multiples using knowledge of groups.

Andeep says that he knows that 2 lots of 4 or 2 x 4 is greater than 1 x 4.

How? Well you can use an array.

So here's 1 group of 4 or 1 x 4, and here's 2 groups of 4 and we can instantly see a massive difference which is greater.

So that means 1 x 4 is less than 2 x 4 or 2 x 4 is greater than 1 x 4, 4 groups of 4, and then you've got 2 groups of 4.

4 x 4 is greater than 2 x 4.

And we can clearly see that because we've represented this using an array.

But we also know that 4 groups of 4 is 2 more groups of 4 greater than 2 groups of 4.

So again, we know that that would be greater.

Over to you.

Which is greater? And if you're unsure, you can draw an array to help you with your explanation.

I'd also like you to justify how you know to your partner.

You could pause the video here.

So how did you do? Well, 7 x 4 is greater than 6 x 4 because it has one more group of 4.

Onto your main task for this lesson cycle.

So for question 1, you're going to be using what you know to build up the table's facts.

Don't forget to use the facts that you know to help you do this.

For question 2, you are going to be filling in the missing symbols using your inequality sign.

So over to you.

Good luck.

Once you've finished the tasks, click play so we can review your learning.

So how did you do? Well for question 1, this is what you should have got.

Knowing that 2 x 4 is 8, well 3 x 4 is one more group of 4 greater.

So all you had to do was add another group of 4 to 8 to get 12, and then from there, you could have used that fact so knowing that 3 x 4 is 12, you then know that 4 x 4 is 16 because all you would've had to do was add 4 to 12 to get 16, then 24 would've been your next fact, and that's because you know that 5 x 4 is 20 because you know you're 55 times tables and then all you would've had to do was add 4 again.

To calculate 7 x 4, you are adding 4 again to 24 to get to 28, and then 8 x 4 is 32 because you're adding 4 to 28 to get to 32.

9 x 4 is 36.

There are two ways you could have filled in that gap there.

So you could have either added 4 to 32 or you could have subtracted 4 from 40 to get 36.

Now for 11 times 4, it's 44 and that's because 40 add 4 is 44 and then 12 x 4 is 48.

And that's because 44 add 4 is 48, right? Question 2 fill in the missing symbols.

So this is what you should have got.

3 x 4 is greater than 2 x 4.

5 x 4 is equal to 4 x 5.

6 x 4 is less than 4 x 7, 8 x 4 is less than 9 x 4, 1 x 4 is greater than 0 x 4 or 0 x 4 is less than 1 x 4.

And then for the second column, this is what you should have got.

And we are going to look at this in more detail.

So we know that 2 x 4 is less than 3 x 4, add another group of 4 because without even looking at the additional 4, we already knew that 3 x 4 is greater because it's already got an extra group of 4.

Now 3 x 4 add 4 is greater than 3 x 4 because we've added on 4, it's got one more group of 4.

6 x 4 is equal to 5 x 4 add 4.

And that's because when you add 4 to 5 x 4, that is the same as 6 x 4.

7 x 4 is less than 7 x 4 add 4.

And that's because we've added an extra group of 4 to 7 x 4.

And lastly, 9 x 4 is equal to 10 x 4 subtract 4 because 10 x 4 subtract 4 is the same as 9 x 4.

If you got all of those questions correct, well done.

I'm very proud of you.

It means that you are able to solve problems using your knowledge of adjacent multiples of 4.

So let's round off our learning.

For today's lesson, you explained the relationship between adjacent multiples of 4.

You then use this to solve problems. So hopefully now you understand that adjacent multiples of 4 have a difference of 4.

You also understand that if you add 4 to a multiple of 4, you get the next multiple of 4.

And if you subtract 4 from a multiple of 4, you get the previous multiple of 4.

I really hope that you enjoyed this lesson and that you can continue to use the facts that you know to help you solve other multiplication equation questions that you might not be so sure about.

I really enjoy teaching you this lesson and I hope you join me in the next one.