
Lesson video

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Hello, I'm Miss Mia, and I'm so excited to be a part of your learning journey today.

I hope you enjoy this lesson as much as I do.

Today you will be able to solve problems using knowledge of the 4 times tables.

Let's get cracking.

Words for today are factor, product, and I'd like you to repeat these after me.

Let's go.

Factor, good.

And product.

Fantastic, let's move on.

Numbers we can multiply together to get another number are known as factors.

So in this example you've got 2 times 3, which is 6, and your factors are 2 and 3.

Now the answer when 2 or more values are multiplied together is the product.

So in this example you've got 2 times 3 again, which is 6, and 6 is the product.

So welcome to this lesson.

This lesson is all about representing counting in 4s as the 4 times tables.

And as you can see on the screen we have 2 cycles.

In the first cycle we will be representing counting in 4s, and in the second we will be solving problems with our knowledge of multiples of 4s and counting on in 4s.

So let's get started with lesson cycle one.

And in this lesson you will meet Andeep and Izzy.

Let's recap counting in multiples of 4, and I'd like you to chant with me.

Ready? 0, 4, 8, 12, 16, 20, 24, 28, 32, 36, 40, 44, 48.

Now what we're going to do is I will say a multiple of 4 and then I'd like you to say the next multiple, okay? Let's get ready.

Let's go.

0, 8, 16, 24, 32, 40, 48.

If you managed to say the correct multiples of 4 after me, well done.

Let's move on.

Now we're going to count back in multiples of 4, and I'd like you to join me.

Now remember, when we are counting back in 4s we are subtracting 4 each time.

And when we're counting on in 4s, we are adding 4.

Remember, we are counting back in 4s.

Let's go.

So we're going to start with 48.

So 48, 44, 40, 36, 32, 28, 24, 20, 16, 12, 8, 4, 0.

And similar to last time, this time we're going to take turns.

So we're going to start at 48 again.

Are you ready? 48.







If you got those multiples of 4 correct, well done.

Over to you.

I'd like you to write the multiplication fact for the image shown below.

Now, before you start, I'm just going to point out that you are looking at the number of legs that each otter has.

So begin by thinking about how many otters there are and then how many legs.

And in order to calculate how many legs there are altogether, think about how many legs each otter has.

Now if we look to the right hand side, there is a multiplication table there and there is a missing equation.

Use the multiplication facts that you can see to also help you.

You can pause the video here, off you go, good luck.

And when you're ready to rejoin us, click play.

So how did you do? You should have got 8 multiplied by 4 or 8 times 4 is equal to 32.

And that's because if we have a look at the left and look at how many otters there are, there are 8 otters altogether and each otter has 4 legs.

So that means my multiplication factor here is going to be 8 times 4, which is 32.

That also means that my factors are 8 and 4 and my product is 32, because there are 32 legs altogether.

One of my factors is 8 because there are 8 otters and one of my factors is 4 because each otter has 4 legs.

Fantastic job if you got that.

Let's move on.

Izzy and Andeep are completing a chart to record the number of wheels on cars.

They record the details using this chart.

So there is zero groups of 4 wheels, so there will be no wheels.

There is one group of 4 wheels.

There are 2 groups of 4 wheels, which means the total number of wheels we have will be 8.

So what do you notice? You can multiply the amount of cars by 4 to calculate the amount of wheels.

Over to you.

How many wheels will 3 cars have? You can pause the video here and click play when you're ready to join us.

So how did you do? Well, there are 3 groups of 4 wheels, that's 12 wheels altogether, or 3 4 times, which gives you 12.

Andeep says that he can say this as 3 groups of 4, which is the same as 3 multiplied by 4 or 3 times 4, which is 12.

One factor is 4.

That is the number of wheels.

The other factor is 3.

That is the number of cars.

So 12 is the product.

That is the total number of wheels.

Over to you.

What is 20 in this equation? You can pause the video here and click play when you're ready to join us.

So how did you do? 20 is the product.

It is the total number of wheels.

Your task for this lesson cycle.

Izzy and Andeep are completing a chart to record the number of legs on otters.

You're going to be completing the chart.

And for question 2, so using the chart now, answer the following questions.

So 2 A.

If there are 6 otters, how many legs are there altogether? Question 2 B.

If there are 9 otters, how many legs are there altogether? 2 C, how many otters are there if there are 28 legs altogether? And 2D, if the factors are 8 and 4, what is the product? You can pause the video here to have a go at these questions and when you're ready, click play so we can then mark the answers.

Off you go, good luck.

So how did you do? So for question one, this is what you should have got.

For one otter, there are 4 legs.

For 3 otters, there are 12 legs, and that's because 3 4 times or 4 3 times is 12.

For 4 otters, that's 4 4 times, you should have got 16 legs.

For 6 otters, that's 4 legs and that's 6 otters, so that's 4 6 times, that's 24 legs altogether.

And then you've got 8 otters, which is 32 legs altogether.

For 9 otters it would've been 36 legs altogether.

Now there's a bit of a reversal here.

We know that there are 44 legs.

We need to calculate the number of otters.

So for that one you should have got 11 because 4 11 times is 44.

And then for 12 otters you should have got 48 legs because 12 4 times or 4 12 times is 48.

Let's have a look at question 2.

So if there are 6 otters, how many legs are there altogether? 6 otters have 4 legs each, so there are 6 groups of 4.

So 6 4 times or 6 times 4 is 24.

Now if there are 9 otters, how many legs are there altogether? Well, 9 times 4 or 4 9 times is 36.

So if you've got 36, you are correct.

Now, how many otters are there if there are 28 legs altogether? So you can use your chart for this.

If the product is 28, there must be 7 otters.

Now let's have a look at question D.

If the factors are 8 and 4, what is the product? Well, we know that the equation for this then is 8 multiplied by 4 or 8 times 4, which is 32.

8 otters with 4 legs each, there are 32 legs.

If you managed to get all those questions correct, well done, good job.

Let's move on to our second lesson cycle.

So for this lesson cycle, you're going to be solving problems by counting in 4s.

You can count in 4s to solve problems. Now, there are 3 dice here.

I will count each dot individually.

Izzy says that she thinks there is a more efficient way.

We can count in 4s to help us.

So there's 3 groups of 4, or 4 3 times.

Now let's complete the equations.

So 3 times 4 or 4 add 4 times 3.

And the amount of dots that we have altogether are 12.

3 is a factor, 4 is a factor, 12 is the product.

So this time we have 7 dice altogether and we know that there are 4 dots in each dice.

So Andeep repeats the same, so he says there are 4 dots.

So one of our factors is definitely 4, and we can also represent this as 4 times 7, which is 28.

And then Andeep also says that he can see 4 7 times.

So we can also represent this as 7 times 4, which is 28.

Over to you.

I'd like you to complete the equations using the image that you see on the screen to help you.

You can pause the video here and click play when you're ready to join us.

So how did you do? You should have got 24, and that's because 6 4 times is 24 or 4 6 times is 24.

Now, how many ways can you represent this image? One quick tip that I would give you is to start off by looking at how many dice you can see on the screen and then how many dots there are for each dice.

You will then have identified your factors to help you with this question.

Pause the video here and when you're ready to join us, click play.

So how did you do? Well, there are 8 groups of 4.

There's 4 8 times, there's 4 times 8 or 8 times 4.

If you've got all of those representations, good job.

Let's move on.

So one dessert costs £4.

What is the cost of 5 desserts? I want you to think about what is known, what is unknown, and how else you can represent this problem.

Well, this problem can be represented as a bar model.

We know that one part is £4 and there are 5 parts.

So you know the factors, but you do not know what the product is, which is the total cost.

One dessert costs £4, how much does 5 desserts cost? And thinking about what is known and what is unknown.

Well, there are 5 desserts and they cost £4, so this can be represented as the equation that you see on the screen, 5 4 times.

So I know 5 groups of 4 is 20, so that means the desserts cost £20 altogether.

Right, onto your main task for this lesson cycle.

For each picture, you're going to be completing the equations to show how many dots there are altogether.

For question 2, you're going to solve the worded problems, represent them using a bar model if you need to.

So for 2 A, a book costs £4.

How much do 6 books cost? For 2 B, if one car has 4 wheels, how many wheels do 8 cars have? And for 2 C, a cat has 4 legs.

If there are 9 cats, how many legs are there altogether? You can pause the video here to complete the tasks.

Off you go, good luck and click play when you're ready to join us again.

So how did you do? Let's have a look at question one.

Well, I can see that each die has 4 dots.

So 4 is one of my factors, and I can see that there are 7 dice altogether.

So 4 7 times is the same as 4 times 7, which is 28.

Now let's look across to the right.

There are 4 dice there and 4 dots.

So 4 4s are 16.

And then for the bottom left we can see again we've got 4 8 times.

So there are 32 dots altogether.

And for question D, there are 4 10 times, that's 40.

There are 40 dots altogether.

If you've got all of those questions correct, good job.

And for question 2, this is what you should have got.

A book cost £4.

How much do 6 books cost? Now, what we know about this question is that a book costs £4, so that's one of our factors.

And 6 is the other factor because that's how many books there are.

The product is unknown and is the total that we need to calculate.

So 4 6 times is 24.

You could have also represented it as a bar model, and if you did, this is what it should have looked like.

And the total cost is £24.


So 8 cars, 4 wheels.

There are 32 wheels altogether, and that's because we know that one car has 4 wheels, there are 8 cars, so that's 4 8 times.

So that's 32 wheels.

Now let's look at C.

So a cat has 4 legs.

If there are 9 cats, how many legs are there altogether? Well, one of our factors is 9 because there are 9 cats.

And if we know that each cat has 4 legs, that means the other factor is 4.

9 times 4 is 36 legs.

And finally the last question, D.

If one dessert costs £4, how much does 8 desserts cost? Well, we know that one dessert costs £4, so that means 4 is a factor.

We know that there are 8 desserts, so 8 is the other factor.

So 4 times 8 is 32.

£32 is our product, and that's how much it would cost altogether.

If you managed to get all of those questions correct, fabulous job, well done.

Right, you could pause the video here to mark the rest of your work, And then once you've done that, then we can move on to round off this lesson.

So if you managed to get all of those questions correct, well done.

You've been able to use your knowledge of the 4 times tables to solve problems. Let's summarise our learning.

So today you used your knowledge of the 4 times tables to solve problems. You now hopefully can count in 4s to help you solve problems. You also now understand that counting in 4s and the 4 times tables can be represented in different ways.

I really hope that you enjoyed this lesson as much as I did and I can't wait to see you in the next one.