
Lesson video

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Hello there, my name is Mr. Goldie.

And welcome to today's maths lesson.

And here is our lesson outcome.

So our lesson outcome is I can count up to, on from, and across 100.

And here are the keywords for today's session.

For the keywords are 100s boundary and pattern.

The 100s boundary is the point to which the numbers change into 100s numbers or from one set of hundreds to another.

98, 99, 100, 101, 102.

We've got there a change from two digit numbers to three digit numbers.

That's a 100s boundary.

A pattern is when objects or numbers are arranged following a rule.

A pattern is a repeated set of numbers, shapes, or objects.

And here's our lesson outline.

So the first part of the lesson is counting in 1s and 10s using 100.

And the second part of the lesson is counting across 100.

Let's get started.

In this lesson, you will meet Jacob and Aisha.

And Jacob and Aisha are going to be doing lots and lots of counting with you today.

So let's get started with some counting.

So Jacob counts in 10s to 100.

Here's Jacob and Jacob's going to count up in 10s, try and count with Jacob.

So Jacob counts 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80, 90, 100.


Aisha counts in 10s from 100 to 190.

Aisha's going to carry on from 100 and she's going to count all the way up to 190.

Try and count with her.

100, 110, 120, 130, 140, 150, 160, 170, 180, 190.

What do you notice? What is the same? What is different? Look at the numbers that Jacob has said.

Look at the numbers that Aisha said.

What's the same about them and what is different? There is a pattern in the numbers.

There's Jacob's numbers 10 all the way up to 100 and there's Aisha's numbers.

110 all the way up to 190.

Might be easy to spot the pattern now.

Aisha says the same 10s numbers are repeated.

The 10s number goes 10, 20, 30, 40.

You can see the top row of numbers.

We've got 10, 20, 30, 40.

Underneath we've got 110, 120, 130, 140.

So the same 10s numbers are appearing.

Jacob says the difference is that Aisha's numbers are 100 more than mine.

Jacob said 10.

Aisha said 110.

Her number was 100 bigger.

The tricky part is where the numbers change from two digits to three digits.

So 90 is a two digit number, 100 is a three digit number.

That's the tricky part.

And here's one to try on your own.

Count to 100 in 10s.

Jacob says start at 20.

So start at 20 and count all the way up to 100 in 10s.

Pause the video and see if you can do that.

Welcome back.

Let's see if you were right.

So you needed to start at 20.

Next number should be 30.

Then 40, 50, 60, 70, 80, 90, 100.

Very well done if you managed to get all those numbers correct.

Aisha counts to 150 in 10s.

I'm going to start at 100, says Aisha.

So her count goes 100, 110, 120, 140, 150.

Can you spot her mistake? Pause the video and see if you can work over what Aisha has done wrong.

Welcome back.

Let's see if you were right.

Did you manage to spot a mistake? Did you spot which number she'd left out? Sasha missed out 130.

So she didn't say 130.

So when you are counting, you need to make sure you say every single number.

Jacob counts back in 10s from 100.

So this time we're going to be counting back and again, try to join in, try to say every number.

That's Jacob.

So the first number Jacob's going to say is 100.

And then 90, 80, 70, 60, 50, 40, 30, 20, 10.

Aisha counts back in 10s from 190 to 100.

Aisha is also counting backwards, but she's going to be starting on 190 and counting all the way back to 100.

So you ready? So the first number's going to be 190, 180, 170, 160, 150, 140, 130, 120, 110 and 100.

Very well done if you said every number.

Jacob counts back in 10s from 100 to 40.

And there's Jacob and Jacob's asking a question.

He's saying, will I say 70? You might want to have a go counting back from 100 to 40 and actually see if you do say 70.

Pause the video, have a go at it.

Welcome back.

Let's see what you should have said.

So first number should be 100 and then 90, 80, 70, 60, 50, 40.

Remembering who's stopping at 40? Will I say 70? Yes.

Jacob should have said 70.

And so should you, if you had a go count in yourself.

Yes, 70 is included in Jacob's count.

So well done if you had a go yourself and you remembered to say 70.

Aisha counts back in 10s from 160 to 100.

Aisha's question is, will I say 170? So pause the video and again, you might want to have a go counting back.

Will Aisha say 170? Welcome back.

Did you have a go counting yourself? Let's see what you should have said.

So you should have started out 160.

And then it would be 150, 140, 130, 120, 110, 100.

When I say 170, that was the question that Aisha asked you.

No 170 is not included in Aisha's count.

She started on 160 and that is lower, that is less than 170.

She missed 170 out.

Jacob counts in 1s from 90 to 100.

So this time we're gonna have a go at counting in 1s not 10s anymore, in 1s starting from 90.

So again, try and keep up, see if you can say every number.

So here's Jacob.

So Jacob's first number's going to be 90.

And then 91, 92, 93, 94, 95, 96, 97, 98, 99, 100.


Now the tricky part is where the numbers change from two digits to three digits.

And this is particularly tricky when we're counting in 1s.

Can you see there when it changes from 99 to 100.

So 99 is the last two digit number and the changes to 100, the first three digit number.

99 is the last two digit number, here's Aisha and 100 is the first three digit number says Jacob.

Aisha counts in 1s from 100 to 110.

So she starts from 100 and next number's going to be 101, 102, 103, 104, 105, 106, 107, 108, 109, 110.

What do you notice? What is the same and what is different? So let's have a look.

There is a pattern in the numbers and if you look carefully you might spot the pattern.

The same one's numbers are repeated, the one's number goes 1, 2, 3, 4, and so on.

So the 90s count up 90, 91, 92, 93, 94.

And then we've got 100, 101, 102, 103, 104.

So the same one numbers are being repeated.

And here's Jacob.

And Jacob is saying the difference is that Aisha's numbers are 10 more than mine.

Aisha's are 100s numbers and mine are 90s numbers.

How do you say the numbers? How can you make sure you are saying them right? First number is 91, here's Aisha, and Aisha saying this number is 91.

And here's Jacob.

And Jacob is saying this number is 101.

How do you say these numbers? How would you say that number there.

Number is 99.

And what about that number and how would you say that number? That number is 109.

So be really careful when you are reading those numbers and make sure you say 'em correctly.

Jacob counts in 1s from 96 to 100.

I think I missed a number out says Jacob.

So see if you can spot the number that he missed out.

Pause the video.

Which number has Jacob missed out? Welcome back.

Did you manage to spot the number? Which number was missing? Which number Jacob missed out? Let's see if you were right.

Can you spot Jacob's mistake? Jacob missed out 98.

That's where 98 should go.

Very well done if you spotted that missing number.

Aisha counts from 100 to 107 in 1s.

Will I say 104 says Aisha.

Again, pause the video and see if you can work out the answer to Aisha's question.

Will I say 104? Welcome back.

Did Aisha say 104? What do you think? Let's check to see whether she would've said 104.

100, 101, 102, 103, 104, 105, 106, 107.

Will I say 104? Yes, 104 is included in Aisha's count.

Jacob counts back in 1s from 100.

So we're still counting in 1s, but this time we're counting back in 1s.

It's Jacob.

So the first number he's going to say is 100.

It's the tricky bit next, what number comes before 100? So it would be 99, 98, 97, 96, 95, 94, 93, 92, 91, 90.

Very well done if you said every number.

Aisha counts back in 1s from 110 to 100.

So here's Aisha.

So her first number's going to be 110.

You ready? The first number's going to be 110.

Then it's 109, 108, 107, 106, 105, 104, 103, 102, 101, 100.

Well done if you kept up there.

Count back in 1s to 92.

And here's Jacob.

And Jacob saying start at 100, start at 100, count back in 1s to 92.

Pause the video and have a go at that on your own.

And welcome back.

Did you manage to count all the way back to 92 in 1s? Let's see if you were right.

So the first number should have been 100 and then 99, 98, 97, 96, 95, 94, 93 and 92.

Well done if you said every number.

And here's another one to try on your own.

Aisha counts back from 109 to 100 in 1s.

So Aisha's going to be starting on 109 and she's counting back in 1s.

Have I made a mistake says Aisha.

Let's see.

109, 108, 107, 106, 104, 103, 102, 101, 100.

Did she make a mistake? Or did she say every number? Pause the video and see if you can work out the answer to her question.

Have I made a mistake? Welcome come back.

What did you think? Did Aisha make a mistake? Yes, Aisha made a mistake, she missed out 105.

Very well done if you spotted that.

And there's where 105 should be.

And welcome to our task.

So this is part one of task A.

You're going to play a game with a partner and you're going to choose one of these options.

You can count up in 10s starting with 10.

So 10, 20, 30, 40, or you can count back in 10s starting with 190.

So 190, 180, 170.

You're going to take it in turns.

You can say one, two, or three numbers on your go.

The winner is the player who says 100.

So if you were going to go first and you were going to count up in 10s from 10, you could say 10, 20, 30, or you could say 10 20 or you could just say 10.

So you can say one, two or three numbers and then your partner would have a go and they could say one number, two numbers or three numbers carrying on from where you went.

So if Aisha was playing Jacob, Aisha could say 10.

And then Jacob could say 20, 30, 40.

And Aisha could say 50, 60 and they were Jacob's go and he can say one, two, or three numbers.

But the winner is the player who says 100.

And here's the second part of task A.

So you're gonna play a game with a partner.

So it's the same game, but the numbers are slightly different this time.

So you're gonna pick one of these options.

So count up in 1s starting with 90 or count back in 1s starting with 110.

So take it in turns.

You can say one, two or three numbers on your go.

And the winner again is the player who says 100.

So Jacob went first.

He could say 90, 91, 92.

And then Aisha could say 93, 94, 95.

And then Jacob could say 96 and it would be Aisha's go.

pause the video and have a go at that game with a partner.

Welcome back.

Let's see what your learning should have looked like.

So your learning might have looked like this.

So Aisha and Jacob decide to count back in 10s from 190.

Aisha goes first and says three numbers.

So she says 190, 180, 170.

Jacob goes next and also says three numbers, 160, 150, 140 says Jacob.

Aisha says only one number on her next game.

So Aisha says 130.

Jacob says another three numbers and he wins.

So he says 120, 110, 100 and he wins because he said 100.

And this is what Aisha and Jacob decided to do on the second part of the task.

So they decided to counting 1s from 90.

So Aisha again goes first and says three numbers.

So she says 90, 91, 92.

Jacob goes next and also says three numbers.

So he says 93, 94, 95.

Aisha says only one number on her next game.

So she says 96.

Jacob also says only one number.

He says 97 and Aisha says three numbers and she wins.

She says 98, 99, 100.

That game is a really good fun way of practising your counting.

I hope you enjoyed it and maybe you even won one of your games.

Let's go on to part two of our lesson.

So part two is counting across 100.

So Jacob and Aisha are ready to count across the 100s boundary.

I think I can count up to 100 in 10s or 1s and keep going, says Jacob.

I'm ready to count back to and crossover the 100's boundary.

So you should think she's ready to count back as well.

So Jacob definitely can count up in in 10s or 1s.

Aisha also thinks she can count backwards as well.

Remember the tricky part is where the numbers change from two digits to three digits.

So it might be where it changes from 90 to a hundred or changes from 99 to 100 depends whether you are counting in 10s or 1s.

Jacob counts in 10s from 50 to 150.

Are you ready to count with him? So Jacob's gonna start from 50 and count all the way to 150.

Are you ready? The first number's going to be 50, 60, 70, 80, 90, 100, 110, 120, 130, 140, 150.

Very well done.

Aisha counts back in 10s from 170 to 70.

The Aisha's first number is going to be 170.

Are you ready? So first we start with 170, 160, 150, 140, 130, 120, 110, 100, 90, 80, 70.

Very well done if you kept up.

Jacob counts in 1s from 93 to 103.

Are you ready? So Jacob's first number's going to be 93 and he's gonna count all the way to 103.

93, 94, 95, 96, 97, 98, 99, 100, 101, 102, 103.

Excellent work.

Aisha counts back in 1s from 108 to 98.

So again, she's crossing over that 100s boundary.

Are you ready? So Aisha's first number's going to be 108.

108, 107, 106, 105, 104, 103, 102, 101, 100, 99, 98.

Very well done if you managed that one as well.

And here's one to do on your own.

So Aisha counts from 50 to 140 in 10s.

What number have I missed out says Aisha.

So have a look at the numbers she says.

50, 60, 70, 80, 90, 110, 120, 130, 140.

What number has she missed out? Pause the video and see if you can spot the missing number.

Welcome come back.

Did you spot the missing number? What do you think it was? Let's see if you were right.

The missing number was 100.

Aisha missed 100 from her count.

Well done if you spotted that.

And there's 100, that's where it should go.

Jacob counts back from 105 to 97 in 1s.

When I say 96 says Jacob, what do you think? What would Jacob say 96? You might want to have a go counting back yourself just to check whether Jacob says 96 or not.

Pause the video and have a go trying to work out the answer.

And welcome back.

Does Jacob say 96, what do you think? Let's find out if you're right or not.

So he starts from 105, then 104, 103, 102, 101, 100, 99, 98, 97.

Did he say 96? No, Jacob does not include 96 in his count.

He stopped at 97.

96 would've been the next number, but he didn't say it.

Jacob and Aisha are counting across the one 100s boundary.

Are they counting in 1s or 10s? Are they counting up or back? What number will come next? Here's Jacob.

So Jacob says 80, 90, 100.

Is he counting in 1s or 10s? He's counting in 10s, isn't he? Is he counting up or back? He's counting up.

Numbers are getting bigger.

80, 90, 100.

What number would Jacob say next? He would say 110.

110 will come next.

Here's Aisha and Aisha saying 102, 101, 100.

Is she counting in 1s or 10s, she's counting in 1s, isn't she? Is she counting up or back? She's counting back.

The numbers are getting smaller.

102, 101, 100.

What number would she say next? This is a tricky one because she's crossing the 100s boundary.

So next number would be 99.

99 would come next.

What number would come next? Are they counting in 1s or 10s? Are they counting up or back? So here's Jacob and here Aisha pulls the video and work out which number they should say next.

Welcome back.

Did you manage to get the answer? Let's see if you were right.

So Jacob's next number should be 90.

90 will come next.

120, 110, 100.

Jacob was counting back in 10s Aisha's next number would be 101.

She was counting up in 1s.

Her next number would be 101.

Complete the number track.

Is the count in 1s or 10s ask Jacob.

You could count up or down to work out the missing numbers.

So here we've got a number track and there are missing numbers on you.

You've gotta work out what the missing numbers are.

So is the count in 1s or is it in 10s? What do you think? Bit tricky to work out.

'cause there's numbers missing.

But it goes 100 and then there's a missing number then 102.

It's not counting in 10s, is it? It must be counting up in 1s.

So we've gotta work out what the missing 1s numbers are.

So it starts off with 95.

What would come next after 95? It would be 96.

Then we've got 97.

Next number would be 98 and then 99, 100 is on there already.

Next number would be 101.

Then we've got the number 102 already on the number track.

Next number would be 103 and the last number would be 104.

And here's one to try on your own.

So complete the number track.

Is the count in 1s or 10s.

You'll need to do some counting up and back to find the missing numbers.

Here's the number track.

Can you work out what the missing numbers are? Pause the video, see if you can work out what all of them are.

Welcome back.

Let's see how you got on.

So it's the counting 1s or 10s.

Well they're all 10s numbers, aren't they? So the numbers are going up in 10s.

In fact you can see it goes from 130 to 140.

There's no particular order you have to work the numbers out in.

Although sum easy to work out than others.

I think probably one of the easiest numbers to work out is the number that comes after 140.

That number would be 150.

And then you could work out the number between 110 and 130 by counting up or counting back.

So 110 the next 10 that comes after it would be 120.

And 120 is the 10s number that comes before 130.

Then we've got a missing number between 90 and 110.

What number goes there? It's 100.

And then it's probably easiest to count back from 90.

So we've got the number 90 number before that would be 80 and then 70 and then 60.

Very well done if you've got all those correct.

And now we're onto our task.

So what number comes next? We've got up there six number patterns.

You've got to work out what number comes next.

So look carefully at the numbers.

Think about what the numbers are getting bigger or smaller.

Think are they going up or they going down? Are they counting up in 1s or counting back in 10s or counting back in 1s or up in 10s? Okay, lots to think about.

That's the first task.

And here's part two of task B.

You've got to complete the number tracks.

You've got to work out what the missing numbers are.

So think are they counting up in 1s? Are they counting up in 10s? And do you need to count back or do you need to count up to work out what the missing numbers are? And here's the third task.

So third task is spot the mistake.

Where should the missing number go? So what numbers have been missed out from those sequences, from those patterns? Can you work out what number is missing? Okay, so pause the video and have a go at your tasks.

And welcome back.

Let's see how you got on.

So here are the answers for our first task.

So what number comes next.

For A, we've got 80, 90, 100 and the next number is 110.

For B, we've got 102, 101, 100.

Next number is 99.

And here are the answers to the second part of task B that we've got the missing numbers on the number tracks.

So you might wanna pause the video and have a good look at those.

And then the third task spot the mistake.

Where should the missing number go in A, the missing number was 99 and that goes between 98 and 100.

For B the missing number was 104 and that goes between 103 and 105.

And C was a bit of a trick question because there was no missing number.

All the numbers were there.

Very well done on today's work and I hope you're feeling much more confident at counting up and back in 1s and 10s across 100.

Excellent work today.

And here is our lesson summary.

So use patterns to help you find missing numbers.

Look carefully to see whether numbers are going up or down.

Are they getting bigger? Are they getting smaller? Look carefully to see what you are counting in.

Are you gonna be counting in 1s or 10s? And be careful when the numbers change from 99 to 100.

This 100s boundary can be tricky.