
Lesson video

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How are you today? My name is Dr.

Shark, and I am looking forward to guiding you through this learning today.

We are gonna have a lot of fun as we move through the learning together.

Today's lesson is from our unit measures mass and capacity.

The lesson is called measure volume in whole litres and millilitres.

We are going to be deepening our understanding of this concept of volume.

Sometimes learning can be a little bit tricky, but don't worry, I am here to guide you and support you through it.

And I know if we work really hard together, then we will be successful.

So how do we measure volume in whole litres and millilitres? Shall we find out? These are the key words that we will be using throughout our lesson today.

Volume, millilitre and litre.

Let's practise those.

My turn, volume.

Your turn.


My turn, millilitre.

Your turn.


And my turn, litre.

Your turn.


Volume is the amount of space that an object takes up.

In this lesson, when we talk about volume, we mean the actual amount of liquid in a container and volume can be measured in the units of millilitres or in litres.

The picture that you can see there is of a jug of orange juice and the volume of orange juice in this jug is 100 millilitres.

The millilitre is a metric measure of capacity, or in this case volume, and it's for a very small amount of liquid.

One teaspoon can hold five millilitres of water and we abbreviate millilitres to a lowercase ml, mil.

Here you can see one mil of water in a teaspoon.

It only fills the bottom of the teaspoon, some very small amount.

On the other hand, we've got the litre, which is another measure of capacity or volume, and a litre is made up of 1000 millilitres and the abbreviation is a lowercase l.

So look out for that.

It means litre.

And you can see I've got a picture here of one litre of water in a jug.

So today's lesson is about measuring volume in whole litres and millilitres.

We're going to start by looking at using litres and millilitres to measure the volume.

Throughout the lesson today, we've got the help of Aisha, Sophia, Jacob, and Andy.

So Jacob and Aisha both have a bottle of liquid to drink and they want to know how much liquid is in each bottle.

And Jacob is saying to find out how much liquid it in each is in each bottle, we need to find the volume of each liquid.

First they decide to measure the volume of Jacob's drink and they pour it into a measuring jug.

Jacob says, "I can tell the volume of liquid by looking at the scale and reading the number in line with where the liquid reaches.

There you can see the volume of liquid in the bottle is two litres." Then they measure the volume of Aisha's drink.

They pour the drink into the jug.

What do you notice about the jug? It's the same as Jacob's jug, isn't it? Hmm.

And Aisha is saying, "The volume of liquid in my bottle is more than two litres, but less than three litres." Can you see that the level of liquid reaches in between.

So to help Aisha work out the volume of her drink, we need to look at the relationship between litres and millilitres and we're gonna use a number line to help us.

What do you notice about my number line? That's right.

Aisha has noticed that one litre is equivalent to 1000 millilitres.

They are on the same place on the number line, so they must be the same.

There are 1000 millilitres in one litre.

That's a really key piece of learning today.

So we're going to practise saying it.

My turn, there are 1000 millilitres in one litre.

Your turn.

Brilliant, well done.

And you can see here I've got a picture of my one millilitre in the bottom of a teaspoon and my jug that has one litre of liquid inside it.

1000 of those little bits of liquid on the teaspoon are needed to make that one litre jug.


We can represent this equivalence in a bar model.

There's my bar model and we can see that one litre is equivalent to 1000 millilitres.

Let's check your understanding.

True or false, 300 millilitres is a greater volume than three litres.

What do you think true or false? And why? Is it 300 is greater than three, so 300 millilitres is a greater volume than three litres or one litre is composed of 1000 millilitres.

So three litres must be a greater volume.

What do you think? Pause the video and when you think you know press play.

How did you get on? Did you say that's false? 300 millilitres is not greater than three litres.

Why not? Because one litre is equivalent to that 1000 millilitres.

So three litres must be a greater volume because we've got three lots of 1000 millilitres.

Let's look at our number line again.

What else do you notice about this number line? Hmm, that's right.

Jacob noticed that halfway between zero millilitres and 1000 millilitres, or one litre, is 500 millilitres.

So half of one litre must be 500 millilitres.

And we can see that one litre is composed of two equal parts of 500 millilitres.

Let's use this learning to help us work out the volume of liquid in Aisha's drink.

When liquids have a larger volume than one litre, we can give the measure in whole litres and millilitres and we can see that the level of liquid is halfway between two litres and three litres.

We know that halfway between each litre is 500 millilitres.

So the volume of the liquid is that two litres.

It hasn't quite got to three litres yet, so we need to use two litres and 500 millilitres.

So we say that the volume of the liquid is two litres, 500 millilitres.

And we can represent this volume of liquid as a bar model.

My whole is two litres, 500 millilitres and you can see that that is composed of two litres, that's the whole litres, and 500 millilitres, which is a part of a litre.

Let's check your understanding.

What is the volume of water in this jug? I've given you a sentence, see if you can find someone and say the sentence to them filling in the blanks.

The volume of water in this jug is mm litres, mm millilitres.

Pause the video.

When you've had a go at saying the sentence, press play.

How did you get on? Did you say that the volume of water in this jug is between one litre and two litres, and that halfway between each litre is another 500 millilitres.

So the volume of water in the jug is one litre, 500 millilitres.

Well done.

So Sophia has another measuring jug here and she wants to work out the volume of liquid in her bottle.

What do you notice? That's right.

The level of liquid reaches between the one litre and two litre mark.

So we notice at least one litre, one litre and something.

And we can see there are five equal parts in between the marked litres.

And let's use a number line then to help us read the scale.

What do you notice? That's right, Sophia 1000 millilitres is composed of five equal parts of 200 millilitres.

And let's relate that number line then to the scale.

What do you notice? Can you see those equal parts, those five equal parts in between those litres? And so fear is noticing that the level of liquid reaches to the end of that third equal part of 200 millilitres.

So the volume of liquid is one litre plus 200 millilitres, another 200 millilitres and a third 200 millilitres.

We can say that the volume of liquid in the bottle is one litre, 600 millilitres.

And we can represent this as a bar model.

We can see the whole litre and then we've got three, 200 millilitres, which is the same as 600 millilitres.

So the total volume of liquid in that jug is one litre, 600 millilitres.

Let's check your understanding.

Can you tell me which of these is the accurate volume of liquid in this jug? You've got one litre, 200 millilitres, one litre, 400 millilitres, or one litre, 20 millilitres.

Pause the video.

When you think you know, press play.

How did you get on? Did you say it has to be B, one litre 400 millilitres because there are five equal parts in between those marked intervals of one litre.

So each part must be worth 200 millilitres and the level of liquid is up to the second equal part.

So it must be one litre, 400 millilitres.

Jacob has found a different measuring jug to fill.

What do you notice about this measuring jug? How many equal parts can you see? And Jacob has noticed that the level of liquid reaches between the one litre and two litre mark, so we know it's more than one litre.

And he's saying that this time there are four equal parts in between the marked litres.

Can you see them? Let's use a number line to help us read that scale.

What do you notice? That's right, this time there are four equal parts, which means one litre is composed of four equal parts of 250 millilitres.

So let's relate that number line to these scales.

What do you notice? What can we do now? How can we work out the volume of liquid in that jug? Well, we can see that the level of liquid reaches the end of the third equal part of 250 millilitres.

So we've got the volume of liquid is one litre, one whole litre, and then three 250 millilitre parts.

We can say that the volume of liquid is one litre, 750 millilitres, and we can represent this as a bar model.

You can see my whole litre and then my three 250 millilitre parts, which is one litre 750 millilitres.

Let's check your understanding.

What is the volume of liquid in the jug? I've given you a sentence to help you.

The volume of liquid is mm litres, mm millilitres.

Maybe you could find someone and say the sentence to them.

Pause the video.

When you've done that, press play.

How did you get on? Did you say that the volume of liquid is one litre 250 millilitres.

Why 250 millilitres? Well, because we've got four equal parts in between those marked in tools of one litre and each part is worth 250 millilitres and that level of liquid is one part further than one litre.

Your turn to practise now.

For question one, could you look at these jugs? Could you find the volume of liquid in each of them? And then could you tell me the total volume of liquid in the the two jugs? For question two, we've got a little problem for you.

Sophia wants to know the volume of water that she drinks in a day.

Good idea to see if she's being healthy.

When she drinks, she writes down the volume of liquid that she has drunk.

This is what she wrote, 200 millilitres, one litre 50 millilitres, 100 millilitres, 50 millilitres, and 100 millilitres.

Could you represent that as a bar model? Could you find the total volume that she drank? And then could you colour this jug to show the volume of liquid that she drank? Pause the video.

Have a go, both of those questions.

And when you are ready, press play.

Shall we see how you got on? For question one, you had to look at these jugs and find the volume of liquid in each of them.

And then the total volume.

In the first jug, it's one litre, 500 millilitres because the level of water is past the one litre but not quite the two litres.

So it's one litre and then there are four equal parts.

So each part must be worth 250 millilitres.

Two of those would be 500 millilitres.

So one litre, 500 millilitres.

And the second jug, while the level of liquid has gone past the three litres, so it's three whole litres and this time there are two equal parts in between the marked intervals of one litre.

This is 500 millilitres each part.

So the total volume is three litres, 500 millilitres, and we needed to add them together to find the total volume.

If we add three litres, 500 millilitres and one litre, 500 millilitres, you get five litres.

Well done.

For question two, you had a problem and you were asked to represent it as a bar model that your bar model might look something like this.

I've got my whole amount, which is what we're trying to find out.

Then I've got all the different parts that she drank throughout the day.

Then we had to find the total volume that she drank.

And a useful strategy I find is to add the millilitre amounts first.

So when I added those, I got 500 millilitres.

Then add in any whole litres.

So there was only one whole litre there.

So she drank one litre, 500 millilitres.

Then you were asked to colour this on the jug to show that amount of liquid.

There we go.

Yours might look something like that.

One litre 500 millilitres.

Well done.

Fantastic learning so far everybody, I am really impressed with how much understanding you now have of this concept of volume and the fact that we can now measure in whole litres and millilitres.

Let's move on and have a look at how we can compare and order liquids based on their volume, shall we? So let's revisit Jacob and Aisha's bottles of liquid.

Which bottle had the greatest volume? Well what do you notice about these jugs first? When the measuring drugs are the same and have the same scale, we can just compare the volume by looking at the level of the liquid.

What do you notice? We can see there is a greater amount of liquid in that first jug.

We could also compare the actual volume of liquid in the jugs.

We know that in the first jug there is two litres, 500 millilitres.

And in the second jug is two litres.

Two litres, 500 millilitres is more than, is greater than two litres.

And we can represent this in a bar model.

The whole is the jug with the greater volume, two litres, 500 millilitres, the two litres is the other jug, and then that 500 millilitres.

Wow, that's right Jacob, what does that 500 millilitres represent? That's right Sophia.

That 500 millilitres represents the different in volume of liquid in both bottles.

Let's check your understanding.

True or false, a volume of four litres, 100 millilitres is less than a volume of three litres, 900 millilitres.

Is that true or false, and why? Is it because 900 millilitres is greater than 100 millilitres? Or is it because four litres is greater than three litres? Pause the video.

When you think you know, press play.

How did you get on? Did you say that's false? Four litres, 100 millilitres is not less than three litres, 900 millilitres, but why not? That's right.

Four litres is greater than three litres and that means four litres 100 millilitres must be greater than three litres 900 millilitres.

We always compare litres first because they are the greater unit.

So Sophia, Jacob, and Aisha each have a tin of paint and they want to put them in order of volume, starting with the smallest.

They each use a different jug to pour their paint in to measure its volume.

Because if they're going to have to compare it, they'll need to know their volume, don't they? Let's look at the volume of Sophia's paint.

What do you notice about the measuring jug and its scale? That's right, Sophia has noticed there are four equal parts in between the marked litres.

Each part is worth 250 millilitres and we can use that to work out the volume of her paint.

We can see the level of paint has gone past one litre, but it hasn't quite got to two litres.

Where has it got to? That's right, it's got to the end of the third part after one litre.

So Sophia has one litre, 750 millilitres of paint.

Let's look at the volume of Jacob's paint.

Again, what do you notice about that jug and the scale? How many parts are there in between those marked intervals of one litre? That's right, there are two parts aren't there? And Jacob can see those two equal parts and each part is worth 500 millilitres.

So Jacob must have one litre, 500 millilitres of paint.

The paint has gone past one litre, but it hasn't got to two litres, but it's got to the end of that first part, so it must be one litre, 500 millilitres.

Let's look at the volume of Aisha's paint.

What do you notice about this jug? That's right this time there are five equal parts in between the mark litres.

So each part is worth 200 millilitres.

The level of the paint has gone past one litre, but it's not got to two litres, it's got to the end of that fourth part after one litre.

So Aisha has one litre, 800 millilitres of paint.

So the children put their tins of paint in order of volume, starting with the smallest.

Do you agree? We've got one litre, 800 millilitres, one litre 750 millilitres, one litre 500 millilitres.

Oh wait, they put them in the wrong order, didn't they? They order them greatest to smallest.

That's not what they were asked to do.

It's always very important to read that question.

The children have now put their tins of paint in order of volume, starting with the smallest.

Are we happy? Shall we check? We've got one litre 500 millilitres, one litre 750 millilitres, and one litre 800 millilitres.

They've all got one litre, haven't they? So now we need to compare their millilitres.

One litre 500 millilitres.

Well, that's less than one litre 750 millilitres because 750 is greater than 500.

And then one litre 800 millilitres is the largest.

Let's check your understanding.

Starting with the smallest, could you put these volumes in order? Pause the video, and when you've done that, press play.

How did you get on? Shall we have a look? So this jug was the smallest at one litre 200 millilitres.

Then we had one litre 750 millilitres, and then we had the largest volume at two litres 500 millilitres.

We can tell that's larger than the other two because it's got two whole litres.

The others only had one whole litre.

So we've got one litre 200 millilitres is smaller than one litre 750 millilitres.

They've both got one litre, but 750 is bigger than 200, and then that last jug had more than two litres.

It's your turn to practise now.

For question one, look at these volumes, starting with the smallest, could you put these volumes in order? You've got one litre 200 millilitres, one litre, two litres 200 millilitres, two litres 900 millilitres, and 900 millilitres.

Could you then find the difference between the greatest and smallest volume? For question two, could you look at these measuring jugs? Could you tick the jug with the greatest volume? And what would be the total volume of the liquids in the jugs? Be careful with these questions to make sure you notice what is the same and different about the jugs and really pay attention to the scales.

You've got two questions to have a go at.

Pause the video.

When you have done them both press play.

How did you get on? Did you identify that 900 millilitres is the smallest, then one litre, then one litre 200 millilitres, two litres 200 millilitres, and finally two litres 900 millilitres.

You were then asked to find the difference between the greatest and smallest volume, and we can represent that in a bar model.

Two litres 900 millilitres is my greatest volume, and that is the whole.

900 millilitres was my smallest volume, and that is a par.

How do we find that missing par? That's right.

To find a missing par, we need to subtract the part we know from the whole, two litres 900 millilitres.

Well, if we subtract that 900 millilitres, we're left with two litres.

So the difference is two litres.

For question two, you were asked to tick the jug with the greatest volume, so we needed to work out the volume of all of them, didn't we, to be able to see which had the greatest.

The first jug was one litre 500 millilitres, the second jug, one litre 200 millilitres, and the third jug one litre 250 millilitres.

They all had more than one litre, didn't they? So we had to look at the millilitres.

500 millilitres is greater than 200 or 250.

So that first jug had the greatest volume.

You were then asked to find the total volume of liquids in the jugs.

So I like to represent this in a bar model.

You can see my three parts are the volumes of liquids in those three jugs.

So how are we going to find the total or the whole? That's right, we need to add the parts together.

I can add my three parts together.

So I'm gonna start by adding the litres.

I can see I've got three whole litres and then I can add the millilitres.

I've got 500, 250 and 200.

That is 950 millilitres.

So the total volume of liquid in the jugs is three litres 950 millilitres.

Well done if you've got both of those questions correct.

Fantastic learning today everybody.

We have really deepened our understanding of how we can measure volume in whole litres and millilitres.

We now know that one litre is equivalent to 1000 millilitres.

We know the volume of larger amounts of liquids can be measured in whole litres and millilitres, and we can use our knowledge of one litre and 1000 millilitres to determine the volumes of liquids which have a volume in between a whole number of litres.

Really impressed with your learning today.

Very well done everybody, and I will see you again soon.