
Lesson video

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Hello, welcome, welcome.

My name is Dr.

Shorrock, and I'm really looking forward to working with you today.

We are going to have a lot of fun as we move through the learning together.

Welcome to today's lesson.

This lesson is from our unit, Measures: Mass and Capacity.

The lesson is called Understanding Capacity and Volume.

We are going to learn all about different containers that can hold different amounts of liquids.

Sometimes, new learning can be a little bit challenging, but I am here to help you and guide you through the learning, and I know if we work really hard, then we can be successful.

These are the key words that we will be using in our lesson today: capacity, volume, and millilitre.

And maybe you have heard those words before, but let's practise them anyway.

My turn, capacity.

Your turn.


My turn, volume.

Your turn.


My turn, millilitre.

Your turn.


Well done.

So capacity is a measure of the maximum amount of liquid a container can hold when it's full.

Maybe you have got a container in front of you now, such as a glass or a water bottle.

But if that was full of water, then that would be at its capacity.

And capacity can be measured in millilitres.

So you can see my image of the jug here.

It has a capacity of 500 millilitres.

Volume is the amount of space that an object takes up.

In this lesson, we're going to be thinking about the amount of liquid in a container, so the amount of space that that liquid takes up in that container.

And that too can be measured in millilitres.

And the volume of orange juice in this jug that I've got here is 100 millilitres.

And the millilitre is a metric measure of capacity or of volume.

It's a very small amount of liquid.

One little drop in the palm of your hand would be about a millilitre.

A teaspoon can hold about five millilitres of water.

It might be that you've got one near you now that you can have a look at how much five millilitres is.

We abbreviate millilitres to a lowercase ml.

So where you see ml written throughout the course of this learning, it means millilitres.

So in our learning today, we're going to think about capacity and volume.

We'll start off by deepening our understanding with regards to capacity, and then we will look at volume.

To help us in our learning today, we've got Aisha and Sophia.

Aisha and Sophia are baking a cake, and the recipe says that they need to use 300 ml of milk.

That's right, 300 millilitres of milk.

Aisha finds three jugs in the kitchen to help them measure the milk.

What do you notice about the jugs? Have a look at them.

Is there something that is the same? Is there something that is different? Ah, that's right, Sophia has noticed the jugs are different shapes and sizes.

Good spot.

Aisha has noticed that they all hold different volumes of liquids, and that means that the jugs have all got different capacities.

They've all got a different capacity of holding different volumes of liquids.

So, "How do we tell the capacity of a container?" Sophia is asking? Well, Aisha knows.

We can read the scale to help us, and we can see each scale has a numerical value in millilitres.

And millilitres are a unit of measure for capacity.

And the capacity of each jug is shown at the top of the scale.

If you look at the first jug, we can see it has a capacity of 100 millilitres.

The second has a capacity of 1,000 millilitres.

What about the third? Can you tell what capacity it is? That's right, 500 millilitres.

So let's check your understanding so far.

Could you start with the jug that you can see has the greatest capacity and put those jugs in order? Pause the video to do that, and when you are ready, press play.

How did you get on? Did you see that the jug with the greatest capacity was B because that goes up to 1,000 millilitres, then C with 500 millilitres, and then A with 100 millilitres? And we can write the capacities of the jugs as an inequality.

1,000 millilitres is greater than 500 millilitres, which is greater than 100 millilitres.

So which jug should we use to measure that 300 millilitres of milk, do you think? The first jug with a capacity of 100 millilitres, the second jug with a capacity of 1,000 millilitres, or the third jug with a capacity of 500 millilitres? Hmm, which one would you use? That's right, Sophia is telling us we can't use the first jug.

Its capacity is too small.

That milk would spill out, wouldn't it? But we could use either of the other two jugs.

Their capacity is more than the volume of milk that we need.

Is there one though that would be more efficient to use? So which one should we use? That's right, we should use the jug with a capacity that's nearest to 300 millilitres, so that would be the third jug.

Now, is there a way, though, that we could use that first jug? Hmm, what do you think? What do you notice? That's right, we could use it, but we would have to measure three 100 millilitre amounts, and that would be equal to 300 millilitres.

Let's check your understanding.

Which jug would it be the most efficient to use to measure 600 millilitres? And could the other jugs still be used? Maybe you'd like to have a discussion with someone about this.

So pause the video, and when you think you know, press play.

How did you get on? Did you decide that jug B would be the most efficient to use to measure 600 millilitres, because none of the liquid would spill out then? You can get 600 millilitres into that jug.

But you could also use jug A.

You would have to use it six times.

Six 100s would be that 600 millilitres.

You could use a mixture of jugs A and C because A is 100 and C is 500, and that would make 600 millilitres.

How did you get on? Good stuff.

Well done.

And another question for you.

True or false? Jug A has the greater capacity.

What do you think? Is that true or false? And then choose your reason.

Is it jug B is taller, so it must have a greater capacity? Or both jugs have the same capacity of 1,000 mls? What do you think? Pause the video, and when you think you know, press play.

How did you get on? Did you say it's false, jug A does not have the greater capacity, both jugs have the same capacity of 1,000 millilitres, because that is the number that is at the top of that scale? Well done.

Your turn to practise now.

For task A, question one, I'd like you to find some containers, and then can you see which one has the smallest capacity and tell me how you know? And then if you were really thirsty, which container would you choose to fill with water? Explain why you chose that one.

And then can you start with the smallest capacity and arrange your containers in order of their capacity? For question two, I'd like you to solve this problem.

These glasses all have different capacities, and they are all full.

Andeep mixes all the drinks together in a jug and it reaches its capacity.

Explain why this could not be a jug with a capacity of 500 millilitres.

You might want to represent this as a bar model to help you understand it.

So we've got a glass that has got 200 millilitres in it, another that has got 250 millilitres, and a third with 150 millilitres.

So pause the video, and when you've answered both questions, press play.

Can we see how you got on? So you might have found some containers like I did, shown below: a teacup, a glass, a jug, and a kettle.

And I think that the teacup has the smallest capacity because it is the smallest in size, so it's going to hold the least amount of liquid.

Then because I was really thirsty, I would choose the kettle because it can hold more liquid.

It's got the greatest capacity.

And then you might have arranged your containers, such like this with my teacup, my glass, my jug, and kettle in order of increasing capacity.

For question two, you might have drawn a bar model to represent the problem like this.

Those are my three glasses, my three parts.

And you might then have represented the problem with an equation.

I needed to add those three parts together to find the whole amount, which was 600 millilitres.

And then you might have noticed that the total amount of liquid was greater than the capacity of that 500 ml container.

So if Andy used that 500 ml container, the liquid would have spilt out.

Oh dear.

Fantastic learning, everybody, so far.

You have really deepened your understanding of this concept of capacity.

We're now going to move on and have a look at how we can estimate and compare volumes.

So let's look at this measuring jug.

What can you say about the volume of orange juice in the jug? And Aisha is saying, "Well, the volume of juice is more than 200 millilitres, but less than 300 millilitres." Can you see why she's saying that? That's right, we can see the level of the orange juice is more than 200, but it's not quite got to the 300 yet.

Aisha pours the orange juice into another measuring jug.

What do you notice? That's right, it looks like there's less orange juice, but actually it's just that the jug has a larger capacity.

So the volume of juice is still more than 200 millilitres and less than 300 millilitres.

And if we look at these jugs side by side, you can see there is the same volume of orange juice in the jugs, but their capacity is different so it looks like there is a different amount of orange juice.

So it's really important that when we are looking at volumes that we look at the capacity of the jug and the scale that is on the side of the jug.

Let's look at this different jug.

What do you notice about it? Have you seen the scale already? Well, Aisha has 300 millilitres of orange juice to pour into it.

Where do you think the level of orange juice will reach? Have a look at that scale on the jug.

What do you know about the number 300 and the numbers on the scale on the jug? That's right, we know that 300 is greater than 200, but it's smaller than 400.

So that level of the orange juice, if we poured it into that jug, would reach above the 200 millilitre mark, but it would stay below the 400 millilitre mark, like this.

Let's check your understanding.

Look at this jug.

Aisha wants to measure the volume of water in the jug.

What can you say about the volume of water? I'm gonna give you a sentence to help you.

The volume of water is greater than mm millilitres, but less than mm millimetres.

Maybe you could find someone to say that sentence too.

So pause the video, and when you've done that, press play.

How did you get on? Should we have a look? So the volume of water is greater than 600 millilitres because we can see it's gone above that 600 number, but it's less than 800 millilitres.

So we can use measuring jugs to help us compare liquids by their volume.

I wonder if you can have a look at these jugs and think about which jug contains a greater volume of water.

So what do you notice about the jugs? Are they the same? Are they different? And which jug contains a greater volume? Aisha is telling us the first jug contains a greater volume of water.

Can you see why? That's right, we can see because the liquid reaches 400 millilitres.

But in the second jug, the water does not reach 400 millilitres, so that first jug has to contain more water.

Your turn to have a go.

Which jug contains a greater volume of water? Is it jug A or is it jug B? Maybe you would like to tell somebody and discuss why.

Pause the video, and when you're ready, press play.

How did you get on? Did you say jug A contains a greater volume of water? The liquid is close to 200 millilitres, but in jug B, the volume of water is closer to 100 millilitres, so jug A has a greater volume of water.

Well done.

Your turn to have a go now.

Look at these containers.

You've got three, you've got A, B, and C.

Can you start with the container with the smallest volume of liquid and put the jugs in order? And for your second question, I've got some clues for you.

I would like you to read through the clues and use them to help you draw the rough level of water on each jug.

Jug A contains 100 millilitres more than jug B.

Jug B contains 300 millilitres of water.

Jug C contains 100 millilitres less than jug B.

And jug D contains the same amount of water as the total of the other jugs.

Pause the video.

When you have had a go at questions one and two, press play.

Shall we see how you got on? So to begin with, you were asked to put some containers in order of their volume.

So jug B had 250 millilitres, which is less than jug C, which had 300 millilitres.

And then the jug with the most water in was jug A at 400 millilitres.

Congratulations if you got that correct.

And then we had the question with the clues, and where did you start? Jug A contains 100 millilitres more than jug B.

Hmm, that doesn't tell me anything about jug A yet until I've done Jug B, does it? Ah, but Jug B contains 300 millilitres of water, so I could do that one to start with.

Then I can go back to jug A because it contains 100 millilitres more than jug B.

100 millilitres more than 300 millilitres is 400 millilitres.

Jug C contains 100 millilitres less than jug B.

Well, jug B is 300, and if I subtract 100, I get 200 millilitres.

And then Jug D contains the same amount of water as the total of the other jugs, so I needed to add together the 400, the 300, and the 200, and then I got 900 millilitres.

How did you get on with that activity? Brilliant.

Well done.

Brilliant learning today, everybody.

You really have deepened your understanding about capacity and volume.

We know that different containers have different capacities, and they hold a different amount of liquid, and that's what that means.

We know that we can use the scale on the measuring container to tell us the volume of liquid in the container, and that can be measured in millilitres.

We also know that the volume of liquids in different containers can be compared using that scale.

It's been a pleasure learning with you today, and I hope to see you again soon.
