
Lesson video

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Hello, my name is Dr.

Sharik and I am excited to be learning with you today.

We are gonna have so much fun together as we move through the learning.

So today's lesson is from our unit measuring length and recording in tables.

This lesson is called estimate in metres, and describe a metre in different ways as we move through the learning today, we're gonna learn all about the metre as a unit of measure and how we can estimate using the metre.

Sometimes learning can be a little bit challenging, but we can work really hard together today to be successful in our learning.

These are the key words that we're gonna be using as we progress through our learning today.

We've got estimate and then we've got metre and centimetre.

Now, I wonder if you notice, after the metre and the centimetre, we have got some brackets with an m or a cm.

I wonder why.

Yes, that's because we can abbreviate the word metre and just write an m and we can abbreviate the word centimetre and just write cm.

And you will see this as we move through the learning.

So let's practise these keywords together.

So my turn, estimate.

Your turn.


My turn, metre.

Your turn.


My turn.

Centimetre, your turn.


Well done.

So those are the words we're going to be using.

We will be exploring what these words mean as we move through our learning today.

So the lesson today is all about estimating metres and describing a metre in different ways.

We're gonna have a look at estimating lengths and heights in metres.

And also, we're gonna have a look at describing this relationship between 10 tens, 100 centimetres and one metre.

So let's start with thinking about estimating lengths and heights in metres.

So in today's lesson, Laura and Jacob are gonna help us with our learning.

So let's watch out for those as we move through.

So we can estimate length and heights of objects.

Now, that just means we can give a rough value to the length or the height of an object.

And Jacob here is wondering how we could estimate what the height of the door is.


What do you think? How could we estimate? So give a rough value for the height of the door.

Well, Laura is saying, "We could use our hands to measure." And maybe if you've got a grownup with you, you could have a go at using your hands to measure the height of a door near you.

So let's see if we can count with Laura as she uses her hands, so one and count with me.

Two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine 10, 11, 12, 13.

This door is about 13 hands tall.

That's what Laura thinks, but Jacob is saying, well, "I think it's about 10 hands." Should we have a look at his hands and see? One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, 10.

Oh, so yes, your says the height of the door is 13 hands, but Jacob's saying, well, actually it's 10 hands.

Who is correct? What do you think? That's right, they were kind of both correct for their hands, but when we measure the length or height of an object, we need to use a standardised unit.

So something that is the same every time we measure.

And our lesson today is all about this metre and the metre is a standardised unit of length so that everybody around the world can use the metre and we will all get the same measurement if we measured the same object using the metre.

So I'll show you an image here of a metre.

This metre ruler is one one-meter length.

So if you have an adult near nearby, they might be able to find you a metre ruler or they might be able to show you a tape measure that is about a metre.

And a metre is longer than I've got my hands at the moment.

If you did a giant step, that would probably be about one metre in length.

So that is the unit that we are looking at today.

This metre ruler is one one-meter length.

We can use metres when we estimate or measure the length or height of an object.

So instead of using our hands, we could use metres to estimate the height of the door.

Should we have a go? There's one metre.


So what do you think the height of the door would be in metres roughly? We can see it's bigger than one metre.

How many metres tall do you think the door is? That's right.

The height of the door is about two metres.

So we can use this metre to help us estimate the length or height of longer or taller objects.

So there's Jacob and we can see he is taller than one metre in height, but he's not quite two metres, is he? I wonder about you.

I wonder if you are taller than a metre.

And we can use the metre to help compare the length or the height of longer or taller objects.

So we can compare the heights of these sunflowers to a metre and we can notice that Laura's sunflower is less than one metre.

It's smaller, isn't it? Whereas Jacob's sunflower is more than one metre.

His is the tallest.

So we can use this metre as a unit to measure and then compare measures.

So which of these would you use metres to measure? So remember, we use metres to measure longer or taller objects.

Would you use metres to measure the length of a snail, the height of a house or the length of a pencil? What do you think? That's right.

We would measure the height of a house.

A snail is too small for metres, it would be much smaller and so would a pencil.

But the height of a house, we would need to use metres to measure it because it is a tall object.

Here is a plan of the inside of my house.

You can see I've got a bedroom, a bathroom, a kitchen, and a lounge.

I wonder if you can estimate the length of my bathroom.

You can see I've shown you what one metre would be.

How many metres do you think the bathroom is? The length of the bathroom is about mm metres.

Shall we have a look? What did you get? We've got one metre, two metres, three metres.

The length of the bathroom is about three metres.

So we are using the metre to estimate, so give a rough value for the length or height of objects.

I wonder if you can estimate the length of this bus.

So if I show you what a metre would be in relation to the bus, do you think the bus is two metres long, seven metres long or 20 metres long? Shall we have a look? One metre, two metres, three metres, four metres, five metres, six metres, seven metres.

The bus is seven metres long.

Well done if you estimated seven metres.

So it's your turn now to have a go.

And I'd like you to use a ruler, a metre ruler if you've got one or a tape measure and find three objects that are close to one metre in length or height and one that is not close.

You can draw them or write their name.

So I would like you to find object one, object two, but then for your third object, I would like to find an interesting object that nobody else will find.

And then an object that is not close to one metre.

What can you find? And for your second task, I want you to find some objects that are longer than one metre and using a metre ruler or tape measure, I want you to estimate and then measure their length.

Try to work with somebody else with this activity if you can.

Jacob says he's going to estimate the length of the classroom.

Maybe that's something you could do.

Okay, should we see how you did? So here are some examples of things that you might have found.

You might have found the width of a door is about a metre and the height of the desk is about a metre.

Maybe you found a sunflower that was about a metre and maybe your object that was not close to metre was an orange.

Those are the objects that I found.

And for your second task, these are some examples of what you might have estimated the length of.

Laura estimated the length of the hall was about 10 metres and Jacob estimated the length of the classroom was about four metres.

Let's move on to the second part of our lesson describing the relationship between 10 tens, 100 centimetres and one metre.

So here's a picture of one metre and underneath it, you can see there are 100 centimetres.

What do you notice then about this metre? Laura notices that a metre is made up of centimetres and Jacob says, "I notice that a metre is the same length as 100 centimetres," and you can see, you've got one metre and 100 centimetres.

Those 100 centimetres are smaller, aren't they? But 100 of those are the same as one metre.

I tell you what, show me a metre with your hands, that's it.

And then show me a centimetre.

You need 100 of those centimetres to make one metre, but one metre and 100 centimetres are the same length.

They are just different units.

So we are describing one metre in centimetres.

One metre is the same as 100 centimetres.

100 one-centimeter lengths are the same as one metre and you can see it in our diagram.

So my turn.

100 one-centimeter lengths are the same as one metre.

Your turn.


There are 100 of those one-centimeter lengths in one metre and we can use that relationship between centimetres and metres to compare length and height.

Laura has got a ribbon here, it's 70 centimetres long.

Hmm, I wonder what you notice.

Do you think that ribbon is longer or shorter than one metre? We know one metre is the same as 100 centimetres.

So what do you think? Is the ribbon longer or shorter? That's right, the ribbon is shorter than one metre because its length is less than 100 centimetres and 100 centimetres is equal to one metre.

What about this ribbon here? This ribbon is 150 centimetres.

Is that longer or is that shorter than one metre? That's right, the ribbon is longer than one metre because it's length is more than 100 centimetres.

It's 150 centimetres, so it's longer than one metre.

I wonder if you can tell me then which sunflower is taller.

You've got sunflower A is one metre and sunflower B is 100 centimetres.

Maybe pause the video and tell someone which is taller.

Okay, what do you think? That's right, both sunflowers are the same height.

That is because 100 centimetres is equal to one metre.

They are the same height or the same length, just different ways of describing the measure.

One metre is equal to 100 centimetres.

What do you think to this ribbon then? Is the length of the ribbon shorter or longer than one metre? The length of the ribbon we can see here is 90 centimetres.

Is it longer or shorter than one metre? What did you get? Did you get that it's shorter? The length of the ribbon is shorter than one metre because it's less than 100 centimetres long.

Okay, what else then do you notice about one metre? We've got one metre is equal to 100 centimetres.

What else do you notice? That's right, Laura notices that there are 10 10-centimeter lengths in one metre.

Can you see them there at the bottom of the bar model? And Jacob is saying, "I notice that 10 10-centimeter lengths are the same as 100 centimetres, which is the same as one metre." So all of those measures are equal.

They are all the same length or height.

One metre, 100 centimetres and 10 10-centimeter lengths are all equal to one metre.

So 10 tens is equal to 100.

You know that, you learned your 10 times table.

10 tens is 100.

So 10 10-centimeter lengths must also be equal to 100 centimetres.

100 centimetres is equal to one metre.

100 is 10 times the size of 10.

So one metre is 10 times the size of 10 centimetres.

So we're learning here all about the relationship between the 10 tens, 100 centimetres and one metre.

They are all the same length or height.

So we can see on our number line that 100 centimetres is equal to one metre.

But we can also, on this number line, see the relationship between the 10 tens, the 100 centimetres and the one metre.

Because 10 centimetres is one 10-centimeter length, 20 centimetres is two 10-centimeter lengths, 30 centimetres is three 10-centimeter lengths, 40 centimetres is four 10-centimeter lengths, 50 centimetres is five 10-centimeter lengths, 60 centimetres is six 10-centimeter lengths.

I wonder if you can tell what's coming next.

That's right, 70 is seven 10-centimeter lengths.

Then we've got 80 is eight 10-centimeter lengths, 90 is nine 10-centimeter lengths and 100 is the same as 10 10-centimeter lengths, which is the same as one metre.

So 10 tens are the same as 100 centimetres, which is the same as one metre.

And we can use this relationship between the 10 tens, 100 centimetre and one metre to solve problems when the length or height of an object is a multiple of 10.

So a multiple of 10 are numbers in your 10 times tables.

So we've got a ribbon here, it's 100 centimetres and Laura wants to cut this ribbon into 10 centimetre lengths.

How many lengths will she have if she chops in two 10 centimetre lengths? Well, first of all, what do you notice? The ribbon is 100 centimetres long.

Wonder what that's also the same as.

That's it, 100 centimetres is equal to one metre, which is also equal to 10 10-centimeter lengths.

So if Laura is cutting this ribbon into 10 centimetre lengths, there must be 10 of them.

One metre is equal to 100 centimetres, 100 is equal to 10 tens, 100 centimetres is equal to 10 10-centimeter lengths.

So Laura will have 10 10-centimeter lengths.

What about this ribbon? Laura wants to cut this ribbon into 10 centimetre lengths.

How many lengths will she have? So this ribbon is 80 centimetres, 80 is equal to eight tens, 80 centimetres is equal to eight 10-centimeter lengths.

So Laura will have eight 10-centimeter lengths.

Here's one that we can have a go at together.

Laura wants to cut this ribbon into 10 centimetre length.

How many lengths will she have? This ribbon is 60 centimetres.

So let's have a think.

Mm is equal to mm tens.

Mm centimetres is equal to mm 10-centimeter length.

So Laura will have mm 10-centimeter lengths.

What do you think? Maybe you could pause a video and work with someone.

Okay, should we have a look? So 60 is equal to six tens, 60 centimetres is equal to six 10-centimeter lengths and she will have six 10-centimeter lengths and we can count in tens to check.

Count in tens with me.

Are you ready? 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60.

There are one, two, three, four, five, six 10-centimeter lengths.

Okay, let's work on one together.

So how many 10 centimetre lengths will we get if these ribbons are cut? I've modelling one here with 70 centimetres and I would like you to have a go at one with 90 centimetres.

So with my 70 centimetres, I can see 70 is equal to seven tens, 70 centimetres is equal to seven 10-centimeter lengths.

So we will have seven 10-centimeter lengths.

If you'd like to pause the video now and have a go at telling me how many 10 centimetre lengths we will get if your ribbon of 90 centimetres is cut into 10 centimetre lengths? Okay, shall we see how you got on? So you had 90 centimetre ribbon, 90 is equal to nine tens.

90 centimetres is equal to nine 10-centimeter lengths, you'll have nine 10-centimeter lengths.

Well done.

So now it's your turn to have a practise.

I'd like you to find three objects on the next slide that have a total length of one metre and then three objects that have a total length that is less than one metre.

And I wonder if you can find more than one way to answer question B.

Remember, one metre is equal to 100 centimetres and also equal to 10 tens.

I wonder once you finish that, if you can write the equations to show the sum of the length of the ones that you have ticked.

For example, if you ticked the 30 centimetre object, a 20 centimetre object and a 10 centimetre object, that would equal 60 centimetres.

So I'd like to show me the equations for the objects that you have found.

These are the objects that you have got to choose from.

You've got a helicopter, a toy helicopter, 50 centimetres, a pencil that is 10 centimetres, a book that is 30 centimetres, and a toy car that is 20 centimetres.

And for your second task, I'd like you to have a go answering this question.

A whole length of string has been cut into five equal pieces and each of those pieces is 10 centimetres.

What is the length of the whole piece of string? Let's read that again, shall we? A whole length of string has been cut into five equal pieces and each of those pieces is 10 centimetres.

How long is the whole piece of string? You might like to draw something to help you.

Pause the video and when you've completed tasks one and two, press play.

Okay, shall we see how you got on? So for task B, question one, these are the objects that I found that had a total length of one metre or 100 centimetres.

So the car was 20 centimetres, the book was 30 centimetres and the helicopter was 50 centimetres.

And you can see my equation, 20 centimetres add 30 centimetres, add 50 centimetres, that's equal to 100 centimetres, which is equal to one metre.

So those are the three objects that had a total length of one metre.

Then for parts B, you were asked to find objects that had a total length of less than one metre, and we put the answers together with part C because you were asked to find different objects that might, or that would total to less than one metre.

So you might have got the 10 centimetres, 20 centimetres, and 50 centimetres, which is 80 centimetres and that is less than one metre because it's less than 100 centimetres.

You might have found 10 centimetres, 30 centimetres, and 50 centimetres, which is 90 centimetres, which is less than 100 centimetres.

So less than one metre.

You might have found 10 centimetres, 20 centimetres, and 30 centimetres, which is equal to 60 centimetres, which is less than 100 centimetres.

So those are also less than one metre.

Maybe you found some other ways.

And for your second task, you may have drawn something to help you.

But we have five 10-centimeter lengths, which is 50 centimetres, five tens of 50.

My turn, five tens of 50, your turn.

That's it.

It's 50 centimetres.

The length of the whole piece of string must be 50 centimetres.

So to summarise today, the lesson has all been about estimating in metres and describing a metre in different ways.

And hopefully, you now have a much deeper understanding of the metre as a unit of measure.

We now know that the length and height of an object can be estimated using the standardised unit of metres.

And we know that a metre is about one giant step.

We also know that 100 one-centimeter lengths are the same as one metre.

So we can say we've got one metre or we can describe the metre as 100 centimetres.

And then we learn that there are 10 10-centimeter lengths in that one metre.

So there are 10 10-centimeter lengths are the same as 100 centimetres, which is the same as one metre.

So I hope you have enjoyed learning with me today.

We have made some really great progress with our understanding of the metre and how we can use it to measure or estimate the length and height of taller or longer objects.