
Lesson video

In progress...


Hi, my name is Mr. Tazzyman, and I'm very excited to be learning with you today.

If you're ready, then we can get started.

Right then, here's the outcome for today's lesson.

By the end, we want you to be able to say, I can identify how many equal parts a whole has been divided into.

Here are the key words that are important in this lesson.

I'm gonna say my turn, say the word, and then I want you to say it back to me when I say your turn.

Ready? My turn, whole.

Your turn.

My turn, part.

Your turn.

My turn, equal.

Your turn.

My turn, unequal.

Your turn.

What do these words mean? Well, the whole is all the parts or everything, the total amount.

A part is some of the whole, and there's a bar model there showing these concepts.

We say that two or more things are equal if they have the same quantity or value.

We say that two or more things are unequal if they do not have the same quantity or value.

Here's the lesson outline.

Identify how many equal parts a whole has been divided into, and there's two parts to the lesson.

First of all, we're gonna look at how the whole can be divided into equal parts, and then we're gonna make some connections across different contexts.

Ready to start? Let's do the first part.

Here's two friends that are gonna help us along the way, Alex and Laura.

They'll be discussing some of the maths prompts on screen and answering some of the questions.

If you're not sure about anything, it's worth looking at what they say because they can guide you through the maths.

Alex and Laura look at a group of hexagons divided into parts.

"If the hexagon is the whole, each whole has been divided into parts," says Laura.

Which is the odd one out? Look at those three hexagons and how they've been divided into parts.

What type of parts have they each been divided into? Alex says, "I think the middle one is the odd one out because it isn't divided into equal parts." Right, let's check that understanding.

These circles have been divided into parts.

Which has been divided into unequal parts? Look at the circles, have a think and pause the video.

Welcome back.

Which of these circles do you think has been divided into unequal parts? It was this one.

Both circles have two parts.

These are unequal because they are not the same size.

Alex and Laura replaced the unequal parts with new lines to create equal parts.

You can see them there in that middle hexagon.

If the hexagon is the whole, each whole has been divided into equal parts.

"Each whole has been divided into a different number of equal parts," says Alex.

"Let's count the parts and label them." There are two parts in that first hexagon, there are three parts in the second hexagon, and there are six parts in the third hexagon.

Next, they look at an irregular shape.

"If the irregular shape is the whole, each whole has been divided into equal parts." "Let's count and label the number of equal parts that each whole has been divided up into." Two, three and six.

Hmm, that sounds familiar.

Next, they look at some lines.

"If the line is the whole, each whole has each been divided into equal parts." "Again, let's count and label the number of equal parts," says Alex, and he gets going.

The first one is three equal parts.

But Laura realises something here.

"You're counting the ticks, not the intervals.

Remember, count the sections of the line." So she means that Alex has looked on the line and she's realised that he's been counting the marks on the line, which are called ticks, rather than the gaps between them.


Okay, let me try again," says Alex.

Two, three and six.

Sound familiar? "That's better," says Laura.

Finally, they look at arrays of 12 counters.

You can see them there.

Three arrays with 12 counters in each.

"If the array is the whole, each whole has been divided into equal parts." You can see that we've got some curved boxes that have been drawn round those different parts.

"It's trickier to label this," says Alex.

"We need to count the number of groups, not the counters themselves." "I agree," says Laura.

"The groups are the parts of the whole." There are two parts in that first array, three parts in that second array, and six parts in the third array.

Here are all the sets of wholes divided into parts.

What's the same and what's different? Alex says, "They are all split into two, three, or six equal parts.

The whole is different for each set.

It can be a shape, a line, or a quantity.

I suppose a whole can be anything." They have a look at some more lines.

What's the same? What's different? Have a look at each of these lines.

What is the same? What's different? Alex says, "If the line is the whole, they all have three equal parts." Remember, we need to count the intervals, not the ticks.

"The lines all go in different directions and one is curvy." Alex and Laura's friends get into pairs to play a game.

"There are six of our friends here and they have split up into three groups of two children.

So, if the number of children is the whole, which is six, then the whole has been divided into three equal parts." "But they're all beautifully different.

Can they be equal parts?" So Laura is thinking about what they look like, who they are, and how different they all are in a brilliant way.

Alex says, "Yes because we are counting.

They are each one child, even though they are unique." Okay, let's check your understanding.

Use the sentence below to describe the groups now.

If the something is the whole, then it has been divided into something equal parts.

Pause the video and have a go.

I'll be back in a moment.

Welcome back.

Let's complete the sentence.

If the number of children is the whole, then it has been divided into two equal parts.

You can see there are two groups there with an equal number of children in each, three.

Okay, it's time for your first practise task.

Number one, we have some wholes that have been divided into equal parts, and for each of these wholes, you need to complete the sentence that describes them.

"The whole is something," and then another sentence that says, "The whole has been divided into something equal parts." There's A and B, and we also have C, which is a different context again.

For number two, you need to look carefully at all of these different images.

You have to tick all the wholes that have been divided into four equal parts.

Pause the video here, enjoy those tasks and give them a really good go, and I'll be back in a little while for some feedback.

Welcome back.

Let's see how you got on.

Get ready to mark.

For 1A, the sentences should have read as follows: the whole is a hexagon.

The whole has been divided into 12 equal parts.

For B, the whole is a line.

The whole has been divided into four equal parts.

And for C, the whole is eight children.

The whole has been divided into four equal parts.

You may want to pause the video here so you can have a moment to discuss some of the variety of answers that you might have, because although these are the answers provided, there can be some variations.

Let's do number two.

You needed to tick all the wholes that were divided into four equal parts.

The line on the left, the squiggly line towards the middle, the array at the bottom, the square, and the group of children at the top, as well as this interesting looking whole that's clearly started with the part.

I'll give you a moment now to just make sure that you've marked those accurately, and I'll be back to start the second part of the lesson shortly.

Okay, we've completed the first part, so now it's time to move on to looking at connections across contexts.

Alex makes a puzzle for Laura using what he has learned about parts and wholes.

He takes nine blank cards and writes or draws a whole divided into an equal number of parts.

Alex says, "The whole can be a shape, a line, or a quantity, or anything else that I can think of." He must include three cards with wholes divided into two equal parts, three cards with wholes divided into three equal parts, and three cards with wholes divided into six equal parts.

There's two equal parts, three equal parts, and six equal parts.

Laura's task will be to arrange the cards, so they make three sets.

Alex says, "If I use different wholes, I think this might be tricky for Laura." Sneaky Alex.

Laura gives it a go.

"I'll look at them one at a time and make a note of the number of equal parts as a jotting." A good strategy, Laura.

Here's the first.

"The whole is the numeral six, and it's been made up of six equal parts." Here's the second.

"The whole is the outline and it is made up of three equal parts." Here's the third.

"The whole is six bears, but they are in two equal groups, so it's two equal parts." She's done the top row.

She's got six equal parts, three equal parts, and two equal parts.

Nothing matching yet.

Here's the fourth.

"The whole is the outline and it is made up of two equal parts." She writes two.

"The whole is the line and it is made up of three equal parts," so she writes down three.

"The whole is the squiggly line and it is made up of six equal parts." Tricky one to count that, so she writes down six.

She's completed the second row.

Can you start to see some that might match? Here's the French flag.

She says, "This whole is the flag and it is made up of three equal parts.

This whole is the oblong and it is made up of two equal parts.

The whole is the hexagon and it is made up of six equal parts." She's managed to go through each of them and count the number of equal parts that they have been constructed from.

Now she says, "I'll group them according to their number of parts." There they go.

In the top row, she's got all of the cards that have been divided up into two equal parts.

In the second row, she's got all of the ones that have been divided up into three equal parts.

And in the bottom row, she's got all those wholes that have been divided up into six equal parts.

The wholes are quite varied.

They all have slightly different contexts.

But she's managed to group them together anyway.

"Well done," says Alex.

Here's your second practise task.

I'd like you to create your own version of the puzzle by designing nine cards with different wholes divided into equal parts.

Play it with somebody else if you want.

You could even see who completes it the fastest.

It's always good to get competitive for a bit of motivation.

Okay, pause the video here, enjoy making those puzzles, and I'll be back in a little while for some feedback.

Welcome back.

Here's what Laura did.

She says, "I raced a few other people in my class.

I'm going to keep my set and take it home to try on the adults." What a good idea.

She goes on to say, "I noticed that the wholes look different in each set but have the same number of equal parts.

Sometimes it's less clear like with the bears, but I looked carefully to see how many equal parts there were." Okay, we've arrived at the end of today's lesson.

Here's a summary of all of the learning that you've enjoyed.

A whole can be divided up into many parts.

Parts can be equal or unequal.

You can identify and count the number of equal parts a whole has been divided into.

The whole can be anything, including a shape, a line, or a quantity.

I really enjoyed learning with you today, and I hope you enjoyed making those puzzles.

Do keep hold of them because they're good fun and you can play them with other people.

My name's Mr. Tazzyman.

I hope to see you again soon in another maths lesson.
