
Lesson video

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My name is Mr. Tazzyman and I'm really looking forward to learning with you today.

I hope you sat comfortably because we're ready to start.

Here's the outcome for today's lesson then.

By the end, we want you to be able to say, I can represent unit fractions in different ways.

Here are the keywords that we are going to come across and you might have heard some of these before.

I'm gonna say them and I want you to say them back to me afterwards.

I'll say my turn, say the word and then I'll say your turn and you can say it.

Ready? My turn, half.

Your turn.

My turn, third.

Your turn.

My turn, quarter.

Your turn.

My turn, fifth.

Your turn.

Okay, let's have a look at what each of these means.

A half is one equal part of a whole that has been divided into two equal parts.

A third is one equal part of a whole that has been divided into three equal parts.

A quarter is one equal part of a whole that has been divided into four equal parts.

A fifth is one equal part of a whole that has been divided into five equal parts.

If these are a bit confusing at the moment, don't worry because during the lesson we are going to learn more about them and here's the lesson outline.

We're gonna start by looking at fraction notation and names.

You've just heard some of the names in the key words.

Then we're gonna move on to representing fractions in different contexts.

Are you ready to start? Okay, let's go for it.

We'll start with fraction notation and names.

You are gonna meet these two during this lesson, Lucas and Jacob, and they're gonna discuss some of the mass prompts in the slides.

They'll help us with some feedback too and they'll reveal some clues to aid your thinking.

Jacob and Lucas have a range of shapes, divided into equal parts alongside some fraction names.

They try to match the names with the shapes using clues.

You can see there we've got one fifth, one sixth, one half, one third, one quarter.

Lots of our key words there.

And we've also got some representations, some wholes split into equal parts with one part shaded in.

What do you think? Which of these names matches with the whole? Lucas kicks us off and says, "All the names, "have one at the start, which is the numerator.

"That tells me that one equal part is shaded, "which is true of all of them, "so I can ignore that for now." Jacob says, "I hear half an hour when telling the time." Good thinking, Jacob.

There are two half hour parts in an hour, so I think half links with two equal parts.

And there it goes underneath that representation.

When you come third in a race, you are the last of three people, so that links to three equal parts says Lucas.

One third goes with that whole.

"That's similar with a fifth and sixth in a race.

"So, they must link to five and six equal parts," says Jacob.

There they go, one fifth and one sixth matching, some of those representations.

"So, quarter must link to four equal parts," says Lucas.

"Maybe that's from French." There it goes.

"Yes, maybe French for four is quatre, which is similar," says Jacob.

Jacob and Lucas discuss the names.

Jacob says, "I've got some alternative names "that I think would be better." One-twoth, one-threeth, one-fourth, one-fiveth.

"Sixth, fits into my system," he says.

"They use fourth in many places in the world, "but not the UK," says Lucas, "but unfortunately that's not how we say them in the UK." "Yes, my suggestions are incorrect, "but would be easier I think." I wonder if any of you agree with Jacob.

Let's check your understanding now.

Which of the following fraction names is incorrect? We've got one-half, one-threeth, one quarter, one fifth and one sixth.

Pause the video here and try to find the incorrect name.

Welcome back.

Let's see how you got on.

Did you find it? "Threeth should be third," says Lucas and he corrects it.

Did you get it? I hope so.

Okay, let's move on.

Lucas and Jacob remind themselves how to write fraction notation.

They use a shape to help.

Fraction notation is how to write fractions down, using numerals and a division bar.

We write the division bar says Lucas.

There it is.

The whole has been divided into three equal parts, so the denominator is three.

One of the equal parts has been shaded in, so the numerator is one.

There's a quick recap for us.

You may have come across this notation in prior learning.

Instead of shapes, they look at fraction notation.

They match the fraction notation with the name.

What do you think? Can you match them? "The denominator tells us the number of equal parts," says Jacob.

And Lucas replies, "So we can match them up easily "by looking at the denominator." One half, one third, one quarter, one fifth and one sixth.

Nice and simple, well done.

Okay, let's check your understanding of that.

Match the fraction notation with the name.

I'm not gonna read them out this time because if I did, I think I'd be giving away the answers.

Pause the video here and have a go.

Welcome back.

How did you get on, let's see.

This was one half.

This was one third and this was one quarter.

Okay, let's move on to the next bit.

Jacob and Lucas look at a new shape.

They discuss the fraction notation and the name.

The denominator is seven, because the shape has been divided into seven parts.

Let's start with the division bar to show the relationship between part and whole.

The denominator is seven, because the shape has been divided into seven parts.

The numerator is one because one equal part is shaded.

"So, what about the name," says Jacob? "For six equal parts, we use sixth.

"The number with T-H as a suffix." What do you think? What's the name for this fraction? Well, Lucas says, "Then it must be seventh, "including the numerator that makes one seventh." One seventh.

Jacob and Lucas look at another shape.

Again, they discuss the fraction notation and the name.

Wow, look at that whole.

Lots of equal parts there.

I think whoever created this started with the part and then created the whole.

Jacob says, "The denominator is 12, "because the shape has been divided into 12 parts." Lucas says, "Let's start with the division bar "to show the relationship between part and whole" and then he puts 12, the denominator down.

The numerator is one because one equal part is shaded.

So, what about the name? 12th doesn't sound right.

I finished 12th in a cross country race though.

What do you think? Well, that sounds right to me.

12th, including the numerator that makes one 12th.

One 12th.

What do you think the name of this fraction is? Again, I'm not going to read it out, but you can see there we've got two representations already.

We've got a shape and we've got the fraction notation.

This is to check your understanding, so pause the video, have a go and I'll be back in a moment with the answer.

Welcome back.

Let's reveal what the name is.

It was one eighth, following on that same pattern as most of the other fraction names.

It follows on from sixth and seventh.

It is the word eight with the suffix, T-H to show it is a fraction.

Jacob arranges a shape, name and notation in a diagram to show they represent the same fraction.

One half.

Lucas does the same thing, but Jacob says, "I think there's a mistake here." Can you spot the mistake? Have a look at each of the three parts of his diagram.

Is one of them incorrect? Ah, yes, it should be quarter, not fourth and Lucas corrects it.

Let's check your understanding.

Can you spot the mistake in this diagram? Pause the video and see if you can.

Welcome back, did you spot the mistake? Lucas says it should be 12th, not twelfth.

He corrects it.

Okay, time for your first practise.

Match the fraction names with the representations, but there's an odd one out.

You can see there are only four of the shapes, but there are five fraction names, so one of those fraction names is going to be unused.

For number two, match the fraction names with the right notation, which is the odd one out, so this time we've got more fraction notation than we need.

There's one extra.

Which of those is going to be unused? For number three, you need to finish off these diagrams by writing in numerals, writing in the fraction name or shading a part.

Pause the video here and have a go at these practise questions.

Good luck.

Welcome back.

Let's do some marking together.

In the first one, we had to match the fraction names with the representations.

Here was one third, here was one half.

Here was one quarter and here was one fifth.

That meant that the odd one out was one six, because it wasn't represented as a shape.

Here's number two.

You had a similar task, but at this time you were matching fraction names with the right notation.

This was one half, this was one quarter.

This was one eighth, one fifth wasn't there as a name.

One 12th and one sixth.

All right, here's number three.

You had to finish off these diagrams. For A, we had to write third at the top and we had to write the denominator of three as a numeral.

For B, we had to write one quarter and we had to shade in one quarter of that shape.

All right, we finished the first part.

Let's move on to the second part, representing fractions in different contexts.

Lucas and Jacob look at a line split into intervals.

They discuss the fraction notation and the name.

Let's start with the division bar to show the relationship between the part and whole.

Well done, Lucas.

I'm going to label the intervals.

There are too many to count without jottings, I think, and he writes in all of the numbers for the intervals.

The line has been split into 14 parts, so the denominator is 14.

The numerator must be six, because the sixth interval is shaded.

"I don't think that's right," says Jacob.

What do you think? Do you think the numerator should be six or should it be something else? What does a numerator tell us? A numerator tells us how many parts have been shaded.

Only one part has been shaded, so it's one.

"Yes, you are right," says Lucas.

"What will the name be I wonder?" What do you think? There's the notation, 14 as a denominator and one as a numerator.

What might that be called? "I think it will be one 14th," says Lucas.

Okay, let's check your understanding.

What is the fraction shown in this representation? Write the name and the notation.

Pause the video and have a go at that.

Welcome back.

Let's reveal the name and the notation.

You should have got one eighth.

Lucas explains, there are eight equal parts and one equal part is shaded, so the fraction is one eighth.

Hopefully you got that.

Ready to move on.

Let's see if there's another context for fraction notations and names.

Lucas and Jacob look at a group of their friends.

They discuss the fraction notation and the name.

Again, Lucas says, "Let's start with the division bar "to show the relationship between parts and whole." Jacob says, "There are six children here, "but they have been divided into three equal groups, "so the denominator is three." Well done, Jacob.

The numerator normally tells us how many equal parts have been shaded but not here.

I hope they're not planning to shade in any children.

"What if one pair was selected" says Jacob, "Jun and Izzy? "That might help us." So, the numerator must be one, because one equal part has been selected.

The name of this fraction is one third.

Lucas uses two representations in a new diagram and leaves one space blank.

"I want to use something other than shape," he says.

Lucas and Jacob think of some other representations of one half.

Lucas says, "All of these are divided into two equal parts.

"One of the parts is different or has been selected." Lucas returns to his diagram.

"I'll use the glass of squash," he says.

Jacob says, "It has one equal part empty "and one equal part full." "So, it shows one half," says Lucas.

Jacob wants to create a diagram with a line as a representation.

He's put one quarter in fraction notation and in words.

He says, "I'll start with one part, "instead of dividing the whole into four equal parts." Well done Jacob.

Start with the part.

There it is, one part.

Then I'll repeat that part three more times, giving four equal parts, which is the denominator of four, and he does that.

Now I'll select one part and highlight it to show the numerator of one.

There it is.

Notice that he hasn't selected the first one.

It doesn't matter which part he chooses, so long as only one of them is selected or shaded.

Okay, let's check your understanding.

Can you explain to somebody else how this set of counters shows the fraction one half? Pause the video and have a go.

Welcome back.

How did you get on with explaining? Here's what Lucas said.

"There are six counters, "but they have been divided into two equal groups.

"One of the groups is yellow, which is one half." And Jacob says, "Or one of the groups is red, which is one half." Now, it's time for your second practise.

This one is gonna be a bit creative.

Choose one third or one quarter and write the notation and name of it in the middle of a piece of blank paper.

You can see an example at the bottom, but that's been done with one half.

Around it include as many different representations as you can think of.

Remember, start with the part to create the whole.

Here is an example for one half.

Pause the video here and have a go at creating that poster.

I hope you enjoy it.

Welcome back.

Let's give you a little bit of feedback on that task.

Lucas suggests this, "Could you display your posters "in the classroom to help remind you about your learning?" All right, we've come to the end of the lesson there.

Here's a summary of the things that we have thought about.

Fractions can be written as notation, but they also have names.

One half, one third, one quarter, one fifth, and one 12th are named slightly differently, but the other fractions use the suffix T-H, th, added to the denominator.

Fractions can be represented in many ways, including notation, words, shape, lines and quantities.

These different representations can all show the same fraction.

My name's Mr. Taziman and I've really enjoyed learning with you today.

I hope to see you again soon in another maths lesson.
