
Lesson video

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Hello, I'm Miss Miah and I'm so excited to be a part of your learning journey today.

I hope you enjoy this lesson as much as I do.

In this lesson, you'll be able to represent counting in sevens as the seven times table.

Your key words are on the screen now and I'd like you to repeat them after me.


Skip count.


Let's find out what these words mean.

Now, a multiple is the result of multiplying a number by another whole number.

Counting in steps of equal size.

For example, skip counting in twos means to count in equal steps of two.

If we were looking at skip counting in threes, we would be counting in equal steps of three as well.

In this lesson, we will be looking at skip counting in sevens.

This lesson is all about representing counting in sevens as the seven times table.

We have two lesson cycles here.

Our first lesson cycle is all to do with counting in sevens, and then we're going to move on to building up the seven times table.

Now, learning the seven times table is super important because it helps you to solve problems faster and make maths easier in everyday life.

Imagine where you might be playing a game where you need to add up the points and they come in sevens.

Knowing your seven times tables means you can do it without having to use your fingers.

Plus, it's a skill that you'll be using in school and later on in life.

So it's super important that you pay attention and that we learn our seven times tables and this is the first step.

So let's get started.

Now, in this lesson you'll meet Aisha and Laura who will be helping us with our mathematical thinking.

Hmm, I want you to have a look.

There's a 50 P coin there, a 20 P coin, seven tomatoes on a plate, and seven children, as well as seven days of the week.

I want you to think about what's the same and what's different.

Well, you may have said each example is a group of seven.

The coins each have seven sides, there are seven children in a group, and there are seven tomatoes on the plate.

There are seven days in a week and the objects themselves are different.

These examples show seven in some way.

Now Aisha is skip counting in sevens.

Oh, I can see three plates of seven tomatoes.

She says, "One group of seven is seven, two groups of seven is 14, three groups of seven is 21.

7, 14, 21.

There are 21 tomatoes.

Over to you.

I'd like you to skip count in sevens to find the number of tomatoes.

You can pause the video here and click play when you're ready to rejoin us.

So what did you get? Let's skip count together.

Now skip counting in sevens means we are adding seven each time.

So we're going to start off with 7, 14, 21, 28.

So by adding seven each time, we found the total number of tomatoes, and that's 28.

Let's move on.

What is the total number of tomatoes? Ooh, I can see five plates of seven tomatoes.

Now Laura says we can count in sevens to count the total number of tomatoes.

And yes, we can do that because I can see there are seven tomatoes on each plate.

And here's another way of counting in sevens, one group of seven is seven, two groups of seven is 14, three groups of seven is 21, 4 groups of seven is 28, 5 groups of seven is 35.

So there are 35 tomatoes altogether.

The numbers that Laura said are all multiples of seven.

Aisha removes a plate of tomatoes.

How many tomatoes are there now? Skip count in groups of seven.

I can see five plates of seven tomatoes.

We've taken away one plate, so that's seven tomatoes, another seven and another seven and another seven.

So there are 28 tomatoes.

Seven less than 35 is 28, and we know that 35 is five plates of seven tomatoes.

So the multiple of seven before 35 is 28.

Now we can also skip count in sevens using a number line and this is a really good way to practise.

So let's start off at zero and I want you to count along with me.

0, 7, 14, 21, 28, 35, 42, 49, 56, 63 70.

And with practise, you'll find that you will get quicker at doing this.

So we've just counted on in sevens.

Now we're going to start at 70 and we're going to count back in sevens.

So 70, 63, 56, 49, 42, 35, 28, 21, 14, 7, 0.

Did you manage to get that as well? Well done if you did.

So we've just counted back in sevens.

You can also take some time here to continue practising doing that.

When skip counting in sevens, we are saying the multiples of seven.

So these are the numbers that make up the seven times table.

So we can also skip count in sevens using a number line.

So when counting on, each jump is seven more.

So we can see that that's there.

So to get from 63 to 70, we've added seven.

When counting back, each jump is seven less and we can see that to get from 70 to 63 we need to subtract seven.

So over to you.

Using everything you've learned so far, I'd like you to answer this question.

Laura is skip counting in sevens from zero.

What multiple of seven will she say after 56? Now the key word being after 56.

So is it A, 49, B, 57, or C, 63? You can pause the video here and click play when you've got the answer.

So what did you get? If you got 63, you are correct.

Seven more than 56 is 63.

63 comes next because we are adding seven to 56.

Well done if you managed to get that correct.

Let's move on.

British ladybirds most commonly have seven spots on their wings.

Aisha can skip count in sevens to find the total number of spots.

Now, how many spots would three ladybirds have? I can see three ladybirds with seven spots each.

So let's count on in sevens to find out.

7, 14, 21.

There are 21 spots, three groups of seven spots is 21 spots.

So how many spots would seven ladybirds have? Laura can skip count in sevens.

Let's do it together.

So we're going to start off at zero and we're going to add seven each time.

So 0, 7, 14, 21, 28, 35, 42, 49.

So that's 49 spots altogether.

Seven groups of seven spots is 49 spots altogether.

When I was younger, I always found it a little bit tricky to remember that seven groups of seven is equal to 49, but now I just remember it and I think that's because I repeatedly kept learning that seven groups of seven is equal to 49.

Let's move on.

Over to you.

Skip count in sevens to find the total number of spots.

Now, I can see five lady ladybirds with seven spots each.

You can pause the video here and click play when you're ready to rejoin us.

So how did you do? Let's skip count together in sevens.

So that is 0, 7, 14, 21, 28, 35.

That's 35 spots, five groups of seven spots is 35 spots.

Let's move on.

There are six groups of seven spots.

Six and seven are called factors and that's because when we are going to be multiplying both of those numbers together, 42 is the product of six and seven.

So in other words, the answer of six times seven.

Let's double check that.

So we are going to count on in sevens six times because there are six ladybirds with seven spots.

So we're going to start off at zero.

0, 7, 14, 21, 28, 35, 42.

So 42 is the product of six and seven.

Six groups of seven is equal to 42.

42 is called the product.

So instead of saying 42 is the answer, let's speak mathematically.

We are going to say 42 is the product.

Over to you.

Aisha has found five ladybirds with seven spots.

Now, I'd like you to fill in the blanks.

Something is a factor and something else is a factor.

The product of and is and something is the product of and.

You can pause the video here and click pay when you're ready to rejoin us.

So how did you do? Well, let's have a look.

I can see that there are five ladybirds, so five has to be a factor.

And each ladybird has seven spots, so seven is the other factor.

Now, the product of five and seven is 35.

35 is the product of five and seven.

Well done if you managed to get that correct.

Laura is skip counting in sevens from zero saying the multiples of seven.

Will she say the number 29? Hmm.

Laura says, "I'll start with zero and count in multiples of seven." Justify your thinking to your partner.

Well, let's begin skip counting in sevens from zero.

So 0, 7, 14, 21, 28, 35.

So Laura did not say 29 because it is not a multiple of seven.

The closest multiple to 29 of seven is 28 and the next multiple would be 35.

Over to you.

Laura is skip counting in sevens.

Do you agree? Explain your thinking to your partner.

Laura says, "I think I'll say 34 in my count." Do you agree? I'd like you to explain your thinking to your partner.

You can pause the video here.

So how did you do? Well, Laura is incorrect.

You may have said, "If we add one more to 34, we get 35, which is the next number in the count." Well done if you manage to get that correct.

Onto the main task for this lesson cycle.

So for question one, you're going to skip count in sevens what comes next? So you've got 0, 14, 21, 35, 42, and 49.

You're going to be finding what comes next if you skip count in sevens from these numbers.

And for question two, you're going to skip count backwards in sevens.

What comes before these numbers? So 14, 35, 42, 63, 56 and 70.

For question three, you're going to complete the following sequences.

For the first sequence you're going to start at zero and then you're going to fill in the next two blank boxes.

Then you've got 28, a blank box, 42, then 28 followed by two blank boxes up to 49 and then 49 followed by three blank boxes and then one blank box followed by 21, then another blank box.

Then you've got 35, 63 and 70.

For these what I'd like you to do is count backwards in sevens.

You could pause the video here and click play.

Once you finish the task.

Off you go.

Good luck.

So how did you do? Well, for question one this is what you should have got and I'll read out the answers for you so you can mark the work.

So 0, 7, 14, 21, 21, 28, 35, 42, 42, 49, 49, 56.

For question two you will skip counting backwards in seven.

So that means you will subtracting seven each time from the given number.

So this is what you should have got, 14, 7, 35, 28, 42, 35, 63, 56, 56, 49, 70, 63.

And for question three this is what you should have got, and I'll read out the sequences for you.

So 0, 7, 14, 28, 35, 42, 28, 35, 42, 49, 49, 56, 63 70.

And then moving on to the next column, if you added seven to 21, you would've got the next number in the count, which is 28.

and by subtracting seven from 21, you would've got the previous number in the count, which is 14.

Then should have subtracted seven from 35 and this would've given you 28, which is the previous number in the count.

And from 28 if you subtracted another seven you would've got 21.

You would've then repeated this for the next two answers.

So subtracting seven each time.

So what you should have got was 63, 56, 49, 42 and then from 70 you should have got 63, 56, 49 and 42.

Well done if you managed to complete that task.

It means that you are able to skip count forwards and backwards in sevens.

Let's move on to our next lesson cycle.

So building up the seven times table.

Now Aisha knows that most UK ladybirds have seven spots on their wings, and here we can see that.

So that's one group of seven spots, that's seven one time.

Let's build up the seven times table.

So the first row shows the amount of ladybirds and the second row will show us the amount of spots.

So zero ladybirds, that's zero groups of seven or seven times zero, which is equal to zero.

So that means there's no spots.

One ladybird, so that's one times seven is equal to seven or seven times one is equal to seven.

Now remember we can change the order of the number because of the commutative law.

That means we have seven spots altogether.

So one group of seven is equal to 7, 7 one time is equal to seven.

Now we've got two ladybirds.

Two groups of seven is equal to 14.

Seven two times is equal to 14.

So that's two ways of saying that there's two groups of seven, or two times seven.

We can also say seven times two.

Goodness me, there's so many ways to represent the seven times tables.

Now there's three ladybirds.

So three groups of seven is equal to 21.

Seven three times is equal to 21.

And now there's four ladybirds.

So four groups of seven is equal to 28.

Seven four times is equal to 28.

So that means there's 28 spots altogether and we can see that the number of spots increases each time by seven.

Now let's carry on building up the rest of the seven times tables using our knowledge of UK ladybirds.

So already on the screen, we've got four ladybirds, each with seven spots.

So now we've got five ladybirds and that's the same as saying five times seven is equal to 35.

Six ladybirds, seven ladybirds, eight ladybirds, nine ladybirds, 10 ladybirds, 11 and 12 ladybirds, each with seven spots.

Now, let's have a look at this in a little bit more detail.

So six groups of seven is equal to 42.

Seven seven times is equal to 49.

So seven ladybirds with seven spots is equal to 49 spots altogether.

Now Aisha says, "There are seven groups of seven spots.

There are 49 spots altogether.

That is the product.

Which also means that seven in this equation is our factor.

That is seven spots seven times." Back to you.

I'd like you to complete the missing information using the ladybirds to help.

You could pause the video here and click play when you're ready to rejoin us.

So how did you do? If you got 11 times seven is equal to 77 or seven times 11 is equal to 77, you are correct.

And that's because 11 groups of seven is equal to 77 and seven spots 11 times is also the same and that's because there are 11 ladybirds with seven spots each.

Now if there are six ladybirds, how many spots are there altogether? Aisha says, "I can use the table to help me.

There are six ladybirds." Now, on this table you've got number of ladybirds in the left-hand column and then in the right-hand column, you've got number of spots.

How can you use the table to help? Explain your thinking to your partner.

Well you may have looked at the number of ladybirds first so we can see that we've got six ladybirds, so we're going to go straight to the bottom and find the number six.

Now, the number of spots is in the right-hand column.

Now six, each with seven spots, means that we are going to have to multiply six by seven and we end up with 42.

So there are 42 spots altogether.

I just need to look at the table.

I could also skip count to check.

What do you think's easier? I think using the table is definitely easier but if I didn't have the table, I would obviously skip count in sevens.

Now if there are three ladybirds, how many spots are there altogether? Aisha says that she can use the table again to help her.

Explain your thinking to your partner.

Well, I would look at the number of ladybirds and we've got three.

So I'm going to look at the number of ladybirds there in the left-hand column and go straight down to three.

This time there are three ladybirds each with seven spots.

That's why I'm looking at the number three to the right-hand side of the column I can see the number of spots there would be 21 because there are three ladybirds, that's one factor, seven is the other factor, so there are 21 spots altogether.

I just need to look across because I'm multiplying by seven.

21 is the product.

Over to you.

So if there are four ladybirds, how many spots are there altogether? I'd like you to fill in the blanks.

So there are something groups of something spots.

Something multiplied by something is equal to.

You can pause the video here and click play when you're ready to rejoin us.

So what did you get? Well, there are four groups of seven spots.

Four times seven is equal to 28.

Good job if you manage to get that correct.

Now, if there are nine ladybirds, how many spots are there altogether.

This time, Aisha's using the table to help her.

Now, there are nine groups of seven spots.

That is the same as seven nine times.

So we are going to look down our table and find nine groups of seven.

Ah, there it is.

So there are 63 spots altogether.

63 is the product.

Seven and nine were our factors.

Remember, this is commutativity.

The order of the factors can be different, but the product still stays the same.

Back to you.

True or false? When the product is 77, the factors are 11 and seven.

Is this true or false? And why? You could pause the video here and click play when you're ready to rejoin us.

So what did you get? It's true, and that's because if the product is 77, the factors must be 11 and seven, 11 groups of seven is equal to 77.

So for this task you will need a set of cards up to 12 and counters.

With a partner, take turns to pick a card, represent the number on the card using the counters.

So each counter will represent a value of seven for this task.

What is the total value? I'd like you to write the equation into the correct space in the table.

So I picked three, that's three counters each with a value of seven.

You can use skip counting to help you.

7, 14, 21.

So that means seven times three is equal to 21 and you can see Aisha's written down seven times three is equal to 21 in the correct space.

So she's counted three spaces down, then she's also swapped the factors because she's applied the commutative law here.

Three times seven is also equal to 21.

So this is the table that you will be filling in.

And then for question two, you're going to use your table from question one to answer the questions.

Write a multiplication equation for each.

2A, if there are four ladybirds and they have seven spots each, how many spots are there altogether? 2B, a basketball team is made of seven players.

If there are six teams, how many players are there altogether? 2C, if there are 77 players altogether, how many teams are there? 2D, apples come in bags of seven.

If there are eight bags of apples, how many apples are there altogether? And 2E, Aisha has 12 coins.

Laura has seven times as many coins.

How many coins does Laura have? You can pause the video here and click play when you're ready to rejoin us.

So how did you do? Well, this is what you may have got when filling out your table.

"I picked four.

That's four counters," Aisha says, "so each counter has a value of seven." Now Laura reminds her, "Remember, you can use skip counting to help you." So Aisha will start at zero and count on in sevens.

So that's 7, 14, 21, 28.

Seven times four is equal to 28 and she pops that into her table.

She applied the commutative law, so she also knows that four times seven is equal to 28.

And this is what you should have got.

Now for question two.

For 2A, you should have got 28 spots altogether, and that's because four groups of seven is equal to four times seven, which is 28.

For question 2B, you should have got 42 players altogether.

For question 2C, let's look at this in a little bit more detail.

So we know that there are 77 players altogether.

Now, to find out how many teams there are, there could have been two options here.

We know that there are seven players in each team.

Now, if we count on in sevens 11 times, we end up with 77.

So that means there would be 11 teams altogether.

For 2D, you should have got 56 apples altogether, and for 2E you should have got 84 coins altogether.

And that's because 12 seven times is equal to 12 times seven, which is equal to 84.

Well done if you managed to get all those answers correct.

We've made it to the end of this lesson.

Fantastic work.

Let's summarise our learning.

So today, you represented counting in sevens as the seven times table.

You now understand that counting in sevens is the pattern of the seven times table and when you skip count in groups of seven from zero, you say the multiples of seven.

Thank you so much for joining me in this lesson and I look forward to seeing you in the next one.
