
Lesson video

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Hello, I'm Ms. Miah, and I'm so excited to be a part of your learning journey today.

I hope you enjoy this lesson as much as I do.

In this lesson, you will learn to mark points specified as a translation from the origin, and mark the position of points specified by coordinates on a coordinate grid.

Your keywords are on the screen now, and I'd like you to repeat them after me.



Now, let's find out what these words mean.

Now, the origin is where the x-axis and y-axis cross.

Coordinates are a set of values that show an exact position.

This lesson is all about marking the position of points specified by coordinates in the first quadrant of a coordinate grid.

This lesson is made of two lesson cycles.

The first lesson cycle is all to do with coordinates as a translation from the origin.

Then we move on to coordinates on a labelled axes.

Now, coordinates help in real life by allowing us to precisely locate and navigate places.

Example, when using a map, coordinates tell us exactly where a city or landmark is.

In video games, they help characters move to specific locations.

Now, did you know architects and engineers also use coordinates to design buildings and layouts accurately? Even when sending a package, coordinates help the delivery service find the exact address.

They're like a set of directions that guide us to the right spot, whether it's maps, games, or designs.

Now, in this lesson, you'll meet Jacob and Sofia.

They are going to be helping us with our mathematical thinking.

Let's begin.

So Jacob and Sofia are learning about coordinates.

This looks like grids I have seen before when I have translated shapes.

But this time, there are two lines.

These are called the axes.

The horizontal line is called the x-axis.

The vertical line is called the y-axis.

What do you notice? There's a zero where the axes cross.

What does that mean? Now, the origin is the starting point on a coordinate grid located at zero, zero.

Now I want you to imagine that the origin is like the home base on a grid.

It is the point where the horizontal and vertical lines meet at zero, zero.

From this point, we can find and mark other points by moving horizontally and vertically.

Over to you.

I'd like you to name the different parts of the grid correctly.

You can pause the video here, and click play when you're ready to rejoin us.

So how did you do? The vertical line is known as the y-axis.

This is where the origin is, where the lines meet at zero, zero.

And this is the x-axis.

Now, we can mark points following instructions.

So what you'd have to do is start at the origin and mark a point along two, and up three.

Remember, we count the steps from the origin and not the origin.

Here's another example.

Start at the origin and mark a point along four, and up four.

So in order to do this, we're going to count along the x-axis by four.

One, two, three, four.

And now we're going to move up by four.

So one, two, three, four.

What did you notice? First, you count along the x-axis, and then you count along the y-axis.

Discuss Sofia's statement.

"I counted along five, and up four.

Jacob counted along four, and up five.

Do we mark the same point?" What do you think? You can pause the video here, and then click play when you're ready to rejoin us.

So, what did you get? Well, this would not be the same point, and that's because Jacob counted along four, whereas Sofia counted along five.

So Sofia counted one more than Jacob.

And also, Sofia counted up four, whereas Jacob counted up five.

So the position of the marked point would be different.

So, onto your main task for this lesson cycle.

For question one, what you're going to do is mark on the following points from the origin.

Five points to the right, three points up, three points to the right, three points up, three points to the right, five points up, and five points to the right, and five points up.

What do you notice? For question two, in this task you will need a dice.

And with your partner, you're going to take turns plotting points on the grid.

Partner A will roll the dice twice.

The first roll indicates the horizontal movement.

So, for example, if partner A rolled a five, partner A would mark point five along.

And the second roll indicates the vertical movement, so that if partner A rolled a two, it would be two up.

Then, partner B will plot the point on the grid based on the direction given by partner A.

And after that you'll swap.

Have fun.

Remember, the first number indicates how many points you will move along the x-axis, and the second number indicates how many points you will move vertically up the y-axis.

You can pause the video here, and click play when you're ready to rejoin us.

So, how did you do? This is what you should have got for question one.

By marking all the following points from the origin, you should have noticed that if you connect the points, it forms a square.

For question two, you may have got something along the lines of this.

So Jacob rolled a three and a six, so that's three along and six up.

Then Sofia plotted that point on the grid, and she made sure she counted from the origin, and that's key.

So one, two, three along, and six up, one, two, three, four, five, six.

So that's where she should have plotted the point.

Well done if you managed to get all of those questions correct, and also if you had fun plotting your new points onto your grid.

Let's move on.

Now we're going to focus on coordinates on labelled axes.

So now we're going to look at the axes in a bit more depth, and you're going to see how.

Let's begin.

So, I've got two grids here.

I want you to look at what's the same and what's different.

What do you notice about both the grids? Well, the structure of the grids are the same.

Both types of grids are used to plot points.

Both grids have a starting point, usually at the bottom left corner, which is known as the origin.

This is where you begin when plotting points.

Now, the grid with numbers is known as a quadrant.

Each grid line is labelled with numbers along the x-axis, which is horizontal, and the y-axis, which is vertical.

These numbers are used to show an exact position on the grid.

A position on this grid can be described using a coordinate.

We've got a coordinate here, four, five.

They are made up of two numbers.

The first number tells us how far to go along the x-axis.

Now this is super important.

I really hope you remember this.

So the first number tells us how far to go along the x-axis, which means the second number tells us how far to go up the y-axis.

And the way I remember this is across the corridor and up the stairs.

So we always go across the corridor, which means we will be looking at the x-axis first, and then up the stairs, means that the second number is the y-axis, and it tells us how many stairs we need to climb.

That's just the quick way that I used to remember what each number represents.

Now, coordinates help us to find exact places on a grid.

Without the coordinates, I don't think we would really know where to place the points, or even if we did, it might not be accurate if we didn't have the axes labelled.

Over to you.

True or false? When plotting points, it does not matter whether you go up or across first.

Hmm, is this true or false? And I'd like you to explain why to your partner, or you could write your reasoning down.

Click pause now and then click play when you're ready to rejoin us.

So, what did you get? If you got false, you are correct.

And that's because when plotting the points, you must always count along from the x-axis first.

And if we use my little tricks, so across the corridor, so we're always going across the x-axis first and then going up the stairs, which tells us that we're going to go vertically second.

The first number represents the point on the x-axis, and then the second number represents the point on the y-axis.


Well, let's move on.

We are now going to plot the coordinate, four, five.

Now, remember the first number tells us how far to go along the x-axis.

So that means we need to find four.

There it is.

Now, the second number tells us how far to go up the y-axis, and we are going to find five.

There it is.

So the point four, five is where the grid lines cross.


And that's where our coordinates is.

Now, a dot or a cross can be used to mark, so you can choose which you use.

Now let's put the coordinate, three, zero.

The first number tells us how far to go along the x-axis.

So we're going to find three.

There we are.

The second number tells us how far to go up the y-axis.

The coordinate is zero, which is on the axis.

There we are.

The point three, zero is where the grid lines cross.

So there's three, and there's the grid line for zero.

So that means our point is there.

Let's move on.

My turn.

So I'm going to plot the point two, four.

First I'm going to find two on the x-axis.

Then I'm going to find four on the y-axis.

I'm going to plot where the grid lines cross.

So there it is.

Your turn.

I'd like you to plot five, one.

You can pause the video here, plot the point, and then click play when you're ready to rejoin us.

So how did you get on? Well, you should have plotted it here.

So first, you would've found five on the x-axis, and then you would've found one on the y-axis.

And then by plotting where the grid lines cross, this is what you should have got.

Well done if you managed to get that correct.

Now, Jacob and Sofia are playing a game called alien treasure hunt.

They both secretly mark three alien treasures on their own coordinate grid.

"I'll mark my grid now," Jacob says.

"And I'll guess the coordinates to find your treasure." Treasures can be represented as single points or clusters of two to three points, either horizontally or vertically.

Jacob and Sofia keep their grids hidden.

So here's Jacob's grid.

Sofia can't see this, remember? Only Jacob can.

"My first guess is two, one." Ooh.

So Sofia's plotted this point onto her grid.

Well, Jacob says, "There's no treasure here." She did not correctly guess one of the points that Jacob plotted.

Oh no, Sofia missed.

She marks an X on her own grid.

Now, here is Sofia's grid.

Now, remember, Jacob cannot see Sofia's grid.

"My guess is one, one." "Ooh, you found a treasure!" "Yes! I'll mark an X on my own grid." Now it's Sofia's turn again.

So Jacob is plotting the point three, four for his alien treasures on the grid.

What mistake has Jacob made? I'd like you to explain your thinking to your partner.

You can pause the video here, and click play when you're ready to rejoin us.

So what did you get? Well, Jacob has plotted four, three and not three, four.

He's confused the x and y axes.

Now Jacob tests Sofia's knowledge of plotting points.

"First plot one, three, and five, three, draw a straight line between them." So Sofia plots one, three and then five, three.

And now she draws a straight line between them.

"Then plot three, five and three, one." So Sofia does that.

And then Jacob asks Sofia, "Draw a straight line between them." There we are.

"What are the coordinates where the lines cross?" "The coordinates are three, three." Over to you.

What are the coordinates where the line cross? You can pause the video here, and click play when you're ready to rejoin us.

So what did you get? Well, the coordinates are four, three, because we go along four and up three.

Over to you now.

So for task one, you're going to play alien treasure hunt with partner.

You will need two coordinate grids each.

Step one.

On the grid, plot three alien treasures which can be a maximum of three connected points.

Make a note of the coordinates.

Step two.

Take turns to suggest coordinates to each other.

Mark the coordinate on your other grid to keep track of how many treasures you can find.

Task two.

Sofia is plotting the point four, five for her alien treasures on the grid.

What mistake has she made? Mark the following points and draw a straight line between them.

So A is one, one and one, four, and 3B is zero, three and three, three.

What are the coordinates where the lines cross? You could pause the video here, and click play when you're ready to rejoin us.

Off you go.

Have fun.

So what did you get? For question one, your game may have looked like this.

So this is Sofia's grid and Jacob guesses four, four.

"Ooh, that's part of a treasure." "Great.

What about five, four?" "Ooh, no treasure there." For question two, Sofia was meant to plot four, five, but she has actually marked five, four, so she's got the axes confused.

This is what she should have marked.

So she should have gone along the x-axis and found four, and then up the y-axis and found five.

And where the grid lines cross, that's where she should have plotted the point.

And that's where it is.

It is the green dot.


For question three, the coordinates were one, three, and that's because by plotting one, one and one, four, this is what you should have got.

And by plotting zero, three and three, three, this is what you should have got.

Is the coordinate one, three? Because we find one and we go up three.

That is one, three.


Let's summarise our learning.

So, in this lesson, you are able to mark the position of points specified by the coordinates in the first quadrant of a coordinate grid.

You can understand that the points on a coordinate grid are measured from the origin.

You also understand that the points have a horizontal and vertical distance from the origin.

You know that the points are marked where the lines of the grid cross.

You also know that the horizontal distance from the origin is recorded first.

Thank you so much for joining me.

I really hope you enjoyed this lesson, and I look forward to seeing you in the next one.
