
Lesson video

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Hello, I'm Miss Miah and I'm so excited to be a part of your learning journey today.

I hope you enjoy this lesson as much as I do.

In this lesson, you'll be able to use your knowledge of the 3 and 6 times tables to solve problems. Your key words are on the screen now and I'd like you to repeat them after me, multiple, doubling, halving.

So a multiple is the result of multiplying a number by another whole number.

So for example, 6 multiplied by 7 is equal to 42.

42 is a multiple of the 6 times tables and a multiple in the 7 times tables.

Doubling is the act of becoming twice as many.

So another example of this is that 2 doubled is 4.

Can you think of any other examples? Halving means to divide into 2 equal parts.

So if 10 was the whole, half of 10 would be 5.

This lesson is all about the 3 and 6 times tables.

This lesson is made of 2 lesson cycles.

So the first part is solving worded problems, and the second part is all to do with solving multi-step problems. Let's get started.

In this lesson you'll meet Andeep and Izzy who will help us with our learning.

Now, sometimes you may come across worded questions which involve multiplication or division.

Now the big question here is, is whether we multiply or divide.

So here are some key tips to help you with that and if you forget, you can always rewind back to this point.

So this part is super important.

Let's see what Andeep and Izzy have to say about this.

Andeep starts off with saying, "Equal parts usually means I need to divide." So if you see that key term equal parts in a question, think to yourself, "Ooh, I may have to divide here." "Groups off usually means I need to multiply." "Halving means dividing by 2." "Double and twice often mean you are multiplying by 2." "Splits and cut often means a division question." "Times and lots of mean you'll be multiplying your factors," when you figured out what those are.

So let's move on.

Now identifying the key words will help you to find which operation to use.

Now we've got a question on the screen here.

Let's read it together.

Magazines cost 3 pounds.

Izzy buys 2 magazines.

How much did she spend altogether? So the first thing I would do is try and pick out the keywords, which will then lead me to my calculation by identifying what the operation is as well.

So let's have a look at this.

So magazines cost 3 pounds.

That's a key part there, and Izzy buys 2 of those.

So in this example, we'll have to multiply.

"3 pounds each for 2 magazines means 3 groups of 2." So if you know that 1 times 3 is 3, then you also know that 2 times 3 is 6 because 2 is double 1.

So when one factor doubles, so does your product, Which means is he spent 6 pounds altogether on both magazines.

Over to you.

You've got a question here.

Look at the word problem, what calculation is needed to solve the problem? Now Alex buys a magazine for 6 pounds.

Izzy buys 3 magazines.

How much does she spend altogether? Now reading the question, I'd like you to pick out the calculation that is needed.

You've got 3 calculations at the bottom.

A is 3 plus 6.

B is 6 times 3.

And C is 6 divided by 3.

You can pause the video here and click play when you're ready to rejoin us.

So how did you do? Well, let's have a look at the question in a little bit more detail.

By highlighting the key points, we can identify the calculation that is needed.

So 1 magazine sells for 6 pounds.

Izzy bought 3, which means we are finding 3 groups of 6.

So you should have ticked B.

The calculation was 6 times 3.

It could have also been 3 times 6.

Which means that she would've spent 18 pounds altogether.

Well done if you got that correct.

Let's move on.

Now identifying the keywords will continue to help us to find which operation to use.

And we've got another question on the screen here.

So Andeep scored 6 points in 1 round of a computer game.

Izzy scores 5 times as many points.

How many points did Izzy score? Hmm, the wording's a little bit different here.

I wonder what key words will help us solve this question.

Well, in this example we'll have to multiply and I'm going to show you why.

So by highlighting the key numbers that I can see in the question, we can then figure out what our factors are to then figure out the product is.

And I know I'm going to have to multiply because there's a key term there.

5 times as many means we need to multiply by 5.

"6 points, 5 times means 6 groups or 5." So if you know what 1 times 6 is, then you also know what 5 times 6 is.

Because 5 times as many tells us you are finding the whole or total, which tells us that you're multiplying by 5.

This means Izzy scored 30 points altogether because 5 times 6 is 30.

Over to you.

I'd like you to identify the keywords that will help you to find which calculation is correct and I'll read out the worded problem for you.

Andeep scored 3 goals in 1 week.

Izzy scored 4 times as many goals.

How many goals did Izzy score? Think about the key phrases, highlight the key numbers.

This will hopefully help you figure out what the calculation is.

You can pause the video here, click play when you're ready to rejoin us.

So how did you do? Well, this is what you should have got.

4 times as many tells us we are finding the whole or total, which tells you that you're multiplying by 4.

Now, because Andeep scored 3 goals, that is our other factor.

So one of our factors is 4, the other factor is 3.

So you should have ticked A, 3 times 4 is correct.

Or we could have also had 4 times 3, which means he scored 12 goals in that week.

If you got that, well done.

Let's move on.

Now, sometimes you may come across questions in which you have to divide, and this is one of them.

We are going to find out why we have to divide in this question.

So I'll be reading this question out to you.

42 sweets are shared between 6 friends.

How many sweets does each friend get? Now looking at the numbers that we can see in that question, plus any other keywords, do you recognise a word that may suggest that we have to divide? Hmm, let's have a look.

Well, these parts that are highlighted in purple are our key bits of information.

So we've got 42 shared, 6 friends.

Shared tells us we are finding the quotient, which tells us we are dividing.

So the equation that we need to help us to calculate this question is 42, which is our dividend.

Our divisors is 6 because that's how many friends there are, which ultimately means our quotient is 7.

But what if you don't know how to divide and you find that difficult? Well, "You can use your knowledge of the 6 times tables to help you".

And that's because if you know that 6 groups of 7 is 42, then you know that the 6 friends will get 7 sweets each and that means all 42 sweets would've been shared out.

Each friend gets 7 sweets each.

What I want you to remember is if you find division difficult, you can always use your multiplication tables facts to help you.

That's also known as using their inverse.

So continue to use that to help you if you get stuck with division.

Let's move on.

Here's another question.

A 30 centimetre ribbon is cut into 10 equal sized pieces.

What is the length of one piece? Hmm, I wonder what key words will help us to identify what operation and what calculation we need to solve this problem? Well, if you got 30 centimetres cut into 10 equals size pieces, then you are correct because those pieces of key information will help us.

"Cut, tells us you're finding the quotient, which tells us that we are dividing." So the equation that we needed was 30 divided by 10, which is 3.

So 30 is our dividend because that's how much ribbon there is altogether.

It's cut into 10 equal size pieces, which is our divisor.

And our quotient in this case is 3 because that's what the length of one piece is.

Again, what if you struggle with division? Well, you can use your multiplication facts to help you.

In this case, we can use knowledge of our 10 times tables or even knowledge of our 3 times tables.

So you know that 3 times 10 gives you 30, which is the whole amount of ribbon that you have.

So that means each piece must be 3 centimetres each because there's 10 pieces altogether.

So the length of one piece is 3 centimetres.

Over to you.

I'd like you to select the correct equation for this worded problem.

And also I'd like you to think of a multiplication equation to also solve this problem.

So the question you have is 36 Guinea cards are shared between 3 friends.

How many cards does each friend get? So is it A, 36 divided by 3 is equal to 12? So each friend gets 12 cards.

B, 36 subtract 3 gives you 33 cards each or C, 36 plus 3 means that each friend gets 39 cards each.

What do you think? Pause the video here and click play when you're ready to rejoin us.

So how did you do? Well, shared was the key term here to tell us that we were dividing and finding the quotient.

You should have got A, because 36 was the whole and we were sharing between 3 friends, which means 3 was our divisor.

Each friend would've got 12 Guinea cards each, which is our quotient.

Now in terms of using a multiplication fact to help us, well you could have used knowledge of your 3 times tables for this because 3 multiply by 12 gives you 36.

Well done if you got that correct.

Let's move on.

Onto the main task for this lesson cycle.

For question 1, you're going to be completing the word problems and I'll be reading these out to you.

A, Andeep is collecting 3 leafed clovers.

He has collected 7 clovers.

How many leaves are there altogether? 1B, there are several tricycles in a garage.

Each tricycle has 3 wheels.

Andeep can see 8 tricycles.

How many wheels can he see? 1C, Izzy has collected star stickers.

Each star has 6 vertices.

If Izzy has collected 8 stickers but lost 2 stickers, how many vertices are there altogether? Izzy has 6 Guinea cards, Andeep has 4 Guinea cards and Alex has 3.

They all collected 3 times as many the following week.

How many cards did each person collect? Question 2, complete the following questions.

2A, Andeep is sharing 60 Guinea cards between 6 friends.

How many cards does each friend get? 2B, if Andeep has to share 60 cards between 3 friends, how many cards would each friend get and 2C, Andeep now has 66 cards and is sharing them between 3 friends.

How many cards would each friend get? Now remember, highlight the key words that you can see to help you identify the operation first and then look for the numbers to help you identify the calculation.

You can pause the video here and click play when you're ready to rejoin us.

Off you go.

Good luck.

So how did you do? Let's have a look at question 1.

Andeep is collecting 3 leafed clovers.

So we know that 3 leafed clovers have 3 leaves each.

Now he's collected 7.

So that's 3 groups of 7, which gives us 21 leaves altogether.

If you've got that, give yourself a tick.

For question 1B, we know that tricycles have 3 wheels each.

Now Andeep can see 8 tricycles.

So that's 3 groups of 8, which means we've got 24 wheels altogether.

If you also got that, well done, give yourself a tick.

Let's move on.

So for 1C, Izzy has collected star stickers.

Now she had 8 stickers, but she lost 2 stickers.

So 8 takeaway 2 is 6 stickers altogether.

Now in order to calculate what the total vertices are, we know that 1 star has 6 vertices.

So groups of 6 is 36, so there would be 36 vertices altogether.

Now for question D.

We know that Izzy has 6 Guinea cards, Andeep has 4 Guinea cards and Alex has 3.

So for this question, the following week, Izzy, Alex, and Andeep collected 3 times as many.

Now that's a key term there.

We know that times as many means we need to multiply and we're multiplying by 3.

That's our factor.

So if Alex began with 3 Guinea cards, now our calculation is 3 times 3, which means he has 9 cards altogether.

Andeep started with 4.

We're now multiplying that by 3.

So our factors are 4 and 3, which means our product is 12.

So Andeep now has 12 cards.

And lastly Izzy started off with 6, so that's our factor.

3 is our other factor because do remember they collected 3 times as many the following week.

So 6 times 3 is 18, so that means Izzy has 18 cards altogether.

Now for question 2, the key word here.

So let's look at 2A.

The key word here that tells us our operation is division is the word sharing.

If we were to calculate this question using division, our equation would've been 60 divided by 6, which means each friend would've got 10 cards each.

Alternatively, we could have used our multiplication factor knowledge.

So if we knew that 6 times 10 is 60, we know that each friend would need to have 10 cards each in order to share all 60 cards equally.

For 2B, you should have got 3 times 20 is 60 or 60 divided by 3 is 20.

So each friend will get 20 cards each.

For 2C, what you could have done is used a division equation.

So 66 divided by 3 would've meant that each friend would've got 22 cards.

Or using your multiplication knowledge, if you knew that 3 times 22 is 66, then you also knew that each friend would've got 22 cards each.

Let's move on to our second lesson cycle.

And this time you are going to be solving multi-step problems. Now when you solve problems, you need to decide what operation to use.

Sometimes there will be more than one step with different operations.

The language in a worded problem can help us decide on the operation.

Sometimes you may come across 2 step problems. So here's an example.

Andeep scored 3 points in one round of a computer game.

Izzy scores 8 times as many points but has 10 points deducted.

How many points does he have? So in this example you will have to multiply and subtract and I'll show you why.

So we know we need to multiply because 8 times as many tells us we are finding the whole or total, which means we're multiplying.

So that means our first equation that we have to calculate the answer is 3 times 8, which is 24.

Now 10 points deducted means you have to subtract.

So taking the whole of what we've got so far in terms of points, we are now subtracted 10.

So 24, subtract 10 leaves us with 14.

So Izzy scored 14 points altogether.

Now this is a tally chart.

A tally chart is a simple way of recording data and counting the amount of something.

So here if we have a look at the tally chart carefully, we've got player and number of points and we've got one player's details here that have been recorded.

His name is Jun.

So one is represented by one vertical line.

4 is 4 vertical lines.

But when it comes to 5, it's 4 vertical lines plus a line across the 4 lines.

So that's how we represent the number 5.

Now Andeep and Izzy take part in a bowling competition and you can see that there's a tally chart there.

There's 2 players, Andeep and Izzy, and you can see the number of points that they've scored.

Andeep says he scored 6 points and Izzy scored 18 points.

Izzy says, "I scored 3 times as much as Andeep, but I had 3 points deducted." Is that the case? Has 3 points been deducted? What do you think? Well, 3 times as many means that we have to multiply by 3.

And that's one of our factors.

We know that the other factor is 6 because that's how much Andeep scored.

So one group of 6 is 6, 2 groups of 6 is 12, 3 groups of 6 is 18.

And we can see that's been represented correctly in Izzy's number of points in the tally chart box.

So 3 times 6 is 18.

Now deducted means that you need to take away or subtract.

So 18 subtract 3 is equal to 15 and we can take those away.

And now Izzy has scored 15 points and it's been recorded accurately.

Over to you.

I'd like you to look at the problem below, which word shows you that you must multiply by 2.

Izzy says that she scored double what Andeep scored.

You can pause the video here.

Off you go, good luck.

So what did you get? Well, double means that you must multiply by 2.

Let's move on.

Andeep, records the scores of his teammates during sports day.

So we've got 3 teammates there, Eric, Izzy, and Jun.

And then we've got the number of points that have been recorded so far.

Now Jun scored twice as many as Izzy but had 5 points deducted.

So using the information from the question, we now need to calculate how much Jun scored.

So we know that he scored twice as many as Izzy, but had 5 points deducted.

How many points did he score altogether? Well, let's have a look at what Izzy scored.

Izzy scored 6 points, so twice as many means to double or multiply by 2.

6 doubled is 12.

But then he had 5 points deducted and we know that deducted means to subtract.

So 12, subtract 5 gives us 7, which means Jun scored 7 points.

Now Eric scored 3 times as many as Izzy and was given 7 bonus points.

How many points did he score altogether? Now this question is slightly different to the previous question.

What do you think's changed? Ah, the key terms. So let's have a look.

Now, 3 times as many means that we still need to multiply or triple.

So we need to multiply 6 by 3, which gives us 18.

Now the key change here is the 7 bonus points, which means we have to add.

So you are going to be adding 7 to 18, which gives you 25.

And this can be represented like this on the tally chart.

So 5 groups of 5, Over to you.

Look at the problem below, which calculation is needed? Jun scored 3 times as many as Izzy and was given 5 bonus points.

How many points did he score altogether? You can pause the video here and click play when you're ready to rejoin us.

So how did you do? Well, 3 times as many means you need to multiply by 3.

That's one of your factors.

You're also looking at what Izzy got.

So Izzy scored 6 points, that's your other factor.

So 6 multiplied by 3 would've been your first calculation.

We know that 6 times 3 is 18.

Now he was then given 5 bonus points.

So what do we do to 18? We add 5.

So 18 add 5 is 23, which means he scored 23 points altogether.

So if you got that, well done, give yourself a tick.

Onto the main task for this lesson cycle.

You are going to be solving the following worded problems below and you're going to be completing the table using that information.

Now this can get a little bit tricky, but I'm going to help you through this and give you some helpful tips.

So the key information you need in these questions starts off with the first question and then you need to build on those answers.

So question 1A, we've got a tally chart here.

We've got quite a few players.

So we've got Eric, Izzy, Jun, Sam and Aisha.

And then on the right hand side you can see how many points, well how many points Eric has scored.

He scored 3 points, but we don't really know what the other players have scored so far and we're going to be figuring that out together using the information from the questions.

So 1A, Jun scored 3 times as many points as Eric.

So you're going to have a look at what Eric has scored and use that information to help you figure out what Jun scored.

However, Jun had one point deducted.

How many points did he score? So now using information from what Jun scored, you need to look at question 1B.

So 1B, Izzy scored double the amount of points as Jun and was given 3 extra points.

How many points did Izzy score? 1C, Sam scored 3 times as much as Eric and had 4 extra points awarded.

How many points does he have altogether? And 1D, Aisha scored 3 times as many points as Sam but had 10 points deducted.

How many points did Aisha score altogether? You can pause the video here.

Off you go, good luck.

And click play when you're ready to rejoin us.

So how did you do? Well for question one, our factors were 3 and 3 because Eric had scored 3 points, but Jun had scored 3 times as many, so 3 times 3 is 9 and then he had one point deducted.

So 9 subtract 1 is equal to 8 points.

For 1B, you should have got 19 points and that's because 8 times 2 is 16.

And then Izzy was awarded 3 extra points.

So 16 add 3 is 19 points altogether.

For question 1C, you should have got 13 points altogether because 3 times 3 is 9.

9 add the extra 4 points was 13 points.

So 13 points altogether.

For 1D, your equation would've been 13 times 3, which is 39 points.

However, Aisha had 10 points deducted.

So 39 subtract 10 is equal to 29 points altogether.

If you manage to get all of those questions correct, well done, I'm super proud of you.

Let's summarise our learning.

So today you use knowledge of the 3 and 6 times tables to solve problems. You should now understand that knowing and counting in 3s and 6s can help you to solve problems. You should also understand that you can use the relationship between the 3s and 6s to solve problems. So if one factor doubles, so does the product.

If one factor halves, the product also halves.

I want you to make sure you remember that.

Thank you for joining me in this lesson and I look forward to seeing you in the next one, bye.