
Lesson video

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Hello, I'm Miss Miah, and I'm so excited to be a part of your learning journey today.

I hope you enjoy this lesson as much as I do.

In this lesson, you are going to be using knowledge of the nine times tables to solve problems. And your keywords are on the screen now.

I'd like you to repeat them after me.

So equation.


Fantastic, let's find out what these words mean.

Now, an equation is used to show that one number or calculation is equal to another.

An operation is a mathematical process.

Examples that you know are addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division.

Symbols are used to show the operations.

Now, this lesson is all about the nine times tables and using that knowledge to solve problems. Now we've got two lesson cycles here.

Our first lesson cycle is to do with solving worded problems and our second lesson cycle is to do with solving problems in different contexts.

I'm super excited about this.

Let's get started.

Now, joining us on our journey here is Jacob and Sophia.

They are going to be helping us with our mathematical thinking.

So let's begin.

Now, when you solve problems, you need to decide what operation to use.

Sometimes there will be more than one step with different operations.

This is known as a multi-step problem.

The language in a worded problem can help us decide on the operation.

You may come across worded questions which involve using two operations.

So sometimes you may come across worded questions which involve multiplication or division.

So the ultimate question here is to divide or to multiply.

Now, division.

Equal parts usually means I need to divide.

Groups of usually means I need to multiply.

Halving means dividing by two.

Double and twice often mean we are multiplying by two.

Splits and cut often means a division question.

Times and lots of mean we will be multiplying our factors.

Now, to add or to subtract.

Add and more usually means I need to add.

Decrease usually means I need to subtract.

Given means addition.

Less than and gave away often mean we are subtracting.

Some and more often means an addition question.

Difference and minus means we will be subtracting.

Now, don't worry if that was a lot of information to take on.

You can always flick back through this PowerPoint to have a look again if you need to refer to this.

Let's move on.

Jacob is collecting guinea cards.

They come in packs of six and he collects nine packs.

How many cards has he collected altogether? I can write an equation for this.

Nine times six is equal to, I don't know that table fact.

I know that 10 times six is 60.

So if Andeep collected 10 packs, that would be 60 cards, but he only connected nine packs, so I needed to subtract six.

60 cards subtract six is equal to 54 cards.

Andeep collected 54 cards altogether.

Six is a factor, nine is a factor, 54 is the product.

Now, Sophia has collected 63 cards altogether.

If each pack contains nine cards, how many packs of guinea cards has she collected altogether? The operation is division.

I find it hard to divide, so I'll use my multiplication facts to help me.

I know that seven times nine is equal to 63.

So if I collected seven packs, that would give me 63 cards in total.

So we can check this using the inverse.

63 which is our dividend because that's how many cards we have altogether.

Our divisor is nine because that's how many are in each pack.

Our quotient would be seven because that's how many packs there will be.

So that means Sophia has collected seven packs altogether.

Over to you.

What equation would you use to solve this problem? Andeep collects four packs of guinea cards.

Each pack has nine cards each.

How many cards does Andeep have altogether? Is it A, four times nine is equal to 36; B, nine times nine is equal to 81; or C, nine ad four is equal to 13.

You can pause the video here and click play when you're ready to rejoin us.

So how did you do? Well, A is correct and that's because we know one of our factors is four because there's four packs and the other is nine because there are nine cards in each pack.

So that means the product is 36.

4 times nine is equal to 36.

Well done if you've got that correct.

Now, Sophia's mom bought nine packets of felt tip pens, each with nine pens each.

Izzy borrowed 12 to complete her homework.

How many felt tips were left? Now this is a two-step problem.

The operations on multiplication and subtraction.

We know this because of the language that's been used.

Of usually means to multiply and borrowed means something's been taken away, so we are subtracting.

So we now have identified our factors.

We know that this is nine and nine because there's nine packets each with nine pens each.

So this is step one.

Nine times nine gives us a product of 81.

So there are 81 felted pens altogether.

Now remember this is step one, we've not finished yet.

Now we have to subtract.

So this is step two and we are subtracting 12.

So I know that 81 subtract 12 is 69.

There are 69 felt tip pens left.

Over to you.

Which words highlight the operations? Which operations do you think will be needed? Pizza boxes come in slices of nine.

Andeep's mum orders 10 boxes of pizza and gives one box to her neighbour.

How many slices of pizza does she have altogether? You can pause the video here and click play when you're ready to rejoin us.

So how did you do? Well, of usually means to multiply and give usually means to subtract.

So Jacob has collected seven packs of nine guinea cards.

Jun gave Jacob an extra 12 cards.

How many cards does Jacob have now? So this is another example of a two-step problem.

The operations are multiplication and addition.

And I'm going to explain why that is the case.

Well, our factors are seven and nine and that's because there are seven packs of nine guinea cards.

Our operation is multiplication and that's because I've spotted the word of and of usually means we need to multiply.

So we know that seven times nine is equal to 63.

So there are 63 cards altogether.

Now, that is step one.

Step two is that we have to add 12 and that's because we can see that Jun has given Jacob an extra 12 cards.

So 63 ad 12 gives us an ultimate total of 75.

Jacob has 75 cards altogether.

Over to you.

What are the equations needed to solve this question? What operations will you use? Pizza boxes come in slices of nine.

Andeep's mom orders 10 boxes of pizza and gives one box to her neighbour.

How many slices of pizza does she have altogether? You can pause the video here and click play when you're ready to rejoin us.

So how did you do? Well, we know that step one is to do with multiplication and that's because I can see the word of and the factors are nine and 10.

So our first equation would be nine times 10 or 10 times nine, which gives us a product of 90.

Now because she gives one box away, we know that one box has nine slices of pizza.

So that means we now have to subtract, we now have to subtract nine from 90, which gives us a total of 81 slices altogether.

Balloons come in packets of nine.

Jacob's granddad buys 21 packets ready for a party.

How many balloons does he have? Now, Jacob says the equation I need to calculate is 21 times nine, but he doesn't know that.

But remember we can use our knowledge of the 10 times tables to help us.

21 times 10 is equal to 210.

I can use this to help me.

This is too many because the packets have nine in not 10.

I need 21 fewer balloons.

21 groups of 10, subtract one group of 21 is equal to 21 groups of nine.

So 210 subtract 21 is equal to 189.

So 21 times nine is equal to 189.

My granddad has 189 balloons.

My party will look great.

Over to you.

What equation is needed to solve this question? Balloons come in packets of nine Jacob's granddad buys 31 packets ready for a party.

How many balloons does he have? Is it A, nine times 30 add nine; B, nine times 30 add 30; or C, nine times 30 subtract 30? You could pause the video here and click play when you're ready to rejoin us.

So how did you do? Well, let's have a closer look.

Now, we can use our knowledge of tens to help us.

This time, instead of looking at nine times 31, let's look at nine times 30.

So we know that each packet has nine balloons.

So that means we're going to be adding nine onto nine groups of 30.

So A was the correct answer.

Well done if you managed to get that.

Onto your main task for this lesson cycle.

So you're going to solve the following questions using your knowledge of the nine times tables.

You're going to show the equations that you use.

Question one, Andeep is collecting guinea cards.

They come in packs of nine and he collects eight packs.

How many cards has he collected altogether? Question two, Izzy has collected 99 cards altogether.

How many packs of guinea cards has she collected altogether if they come in packs of nine? Three, Izzy bought four chocolate boxes each with nine chocolates each.

She then received another box of chocolates.

How many chocolates does Izzy have now? Question four, Andeep collects five packs of nine guinea cards.

Jun gave Andeep an extra 63 cards.

How many cards does Andeep have now? Question five, Andeep has 99 cards.

He gives Jun 45 cards.

Andeep then shares his cards between nine of his friends.

How many cards does each friend get? You can pause the video here and click play when you're ready to rejoin us.

So how did you do? So for question one, you should have got 72 cards altogether because eight packs of nine cards gives us 72 altogether.

For question two, you should have got 11 packs altogether.

Now you could have used a multiplication equation to help you with this because you know, 11 times nine is equal to 99.

So we need, so she would've collected 11 packs.

Or alternatively, you could have used a division equation.

There's 99 cards altogether, so that's our dividend.

Our divisor is nine because each pack has nine cards, so that means our quotient would've been 11.

For question three, Izzy bought four chocolate boxes each with nine chocolates.

Now, this is a two-step problem because she then receives another box of chocolates.

We need to calculate how many chocolates Izzy has altogether.

So let's start off with step one.

Four times nine is 36.

So our factors were four and nine because there's four chocolate boxes each with nine chocolates, which gives us a product of 36.

Now we need to add another group of nine and that's because each box has nine chocolates.

So 36 add nine is 45.

She would've had 45 chocolates altogether.

Now for question four, Andeep collects five packs of nine guinea cards.

Jun, so that's step one.

Now, Jun gave Andeep an extra 63 cards, so that's step two.

So straight away I've noticed that my operations are going to be multiplication because I can see the word of and addition because Jun's given Andeep an extra 63 cards.

So the first step is going to be calculating how many cards Andeep has altogether before Jun gave him the extra 63 cards and that's 45 cards because five times nine is 45.

Then we need to add the extra 63.

So 45 add 63 gives us a total of 108 cards altogether.

And lastly, Andeep has 99 cards.

He gives Jun 45 cards.

So already, I can see that we need to subtract.

Andeep then shares his cards between nine of his friends.

Now shares means we need to divide.

So we've got two operations here, subtraction and division.

So let's look at what the equations are.

So we start off with 99 and we have to subtract 45 because that's how many Andeep gave away Jun.

So 99 subtract 45 is 54.

Then from this, Andeep shared the rest of the cards between nine of his friends.

So 54 is our dividend, our divisors is nine.

Well done if you've got that correct.

Let's move on.

For this part of the lesson, you're going to be solving problems in different contexts.

Let's get started.

Now, this is a tally chart.

A tally chart is a simple way of recording data and counting the amount of something.

One is represented by a vertical line.

Four is four vertical lines and five is four vertical lines plus a line across the four lines.

Jacob has recorded two times nine, Sophia has recorded three times nine.

Is she correct? Explain your thinking to your partner.

Well, you can record groups of nine using a tally.

I have correctly recorded two groups of nine.

And there you are.

Now, let's check Sophia's recording.

And we can see that Sophia has got three groups of nine.

Sophia is correct.

We can see the three groups of nine are there and they've been recorded properly.

Over to you.

Jacob and Sophia have recorded four times nine or four groups of nine.

Who is correct? I'd like you to explain your thinking to your partner.

So you've got Jacob's recording there and Sophia's recording there.

You can pause the video here and click play when you're ready to rejoin us.

So how did you do? What did you spot? Let's have a look.

Jacob has recorded four groups of eight.

So he is incorrect.

Sophia is correct because she has recorded four groups of nine.

Now, this tally chart shows how many points each of Andeep's friends scored on a computer game.

Now we can see that Jun has scored one point.

Sophia scored nine times as many as Jun.

How can you represent this? Times as many means to multiply.

So you need to multiply one by nine.

So one times nine is equal to nine.

And you can record it like this.

So that's five with an additional four vertical lines, which means we've got one group of nine there.

Sophia scored nine points.

Let's move on.

So Jacob records the scores of his teammates during sports day.

We need to calculate what Eric scored.

Now, Eric scored twice as many as Izzy and was given four bonus points.

How many points did he score altogether? Now hang on, this isn't a one-step problem.

This is a two-step problem.

Now, twice as many means to double or multiply by two.

So in this case, one of our factors is nine and we're doubling.

So the other factor is two.

We end up with a product of 18.

Bonus points means to add, so you have to add four to 18, which gives us 22.

So in this question, we had two operations here.

We had multiplying and we had addition, which means Eric scored 22 points altogether.

Over to you.

Look at the problem below, which operations are needed? Jun scored three times as many as Izzy and was given 12 bonus points.

How many points did he score altogether? You can pause the video here.

So how did you do? Well, three times as many means we have to multiply by three.

And given means to add.

So you have to add 12.

Onto your main task for this lesson.

Question one, you're going to solve the following worded problems and complete the table below.

1A, Jun scored nine times as many points as Eric.

How many points did he score? B, Izzy scored double the amount of points as Jun and was given four extra bonus points.

How many points did Izzy score? Now, it is very important that you take care with the answers that you get in each question because the answer from the previous question will help you answer the following questions.

Just a quick tip.

Question C, Sam scored three times as much as Jun and had four extra points awarded.

How many points does she have altogether? And D, Aisha scored five times as many points as Jun, but had 10 points deducted.

How many points did Aisha score altogether? You can pause the video here and click play when you're ready to rejoin us.

Off you go, good luck.

So how you do? Well, for question 1A, you should have got nine because Jun scored nine times as many as Eric.

Eric only scored one point, so one times nine is equal to nine.

For B, you should have got 22 points and that's because nine times two is 18 and then she would, Izzy was given an extra four bonus points.

So 18 add four would've given us 22.

C, Sam scored three times as many as Jun.

Because Jun scored three times as many means the factor, the other factor is three.

So the product is 27.

27 add four is equal to 31, which is our product.

Question D, Aisha scored 35 points altogether and that's because she had 10 points deducted, which means we needed to subtract at the end.

So we knew that if Jun scored nine and she scored five times as many, the product would've been 45 because nine times five is 45.

45 subtract 10 is equal to 35.

Well done.

You've made it to the end of this lesson.

Good job.

We're now going to summarise our learning.

So you use your knowledge of the nine times tables today to solve problems. You should now understand that counting in nines can be represented in different ways and that it can help to solve problems. You also understand that the nine times tables can be represented as multiplication equations.

I hope you found this lesson super useful to help you practise your nine times tables as well and to apply knowledge of the nine times tables.

Thank you for joining me.
