
Lesson video

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Hello, I'm Miss Miah, and I'm so excited to be a part of your learning journey today.

I hope you enjoy this lesson as much as I do.

In this lesson, you'll represent counting in sixes as the 6 times tables.

Your keywords are on the screen now, and I'd like you to repeat them after me.

Factor, product, multiple.

Well done.

Let's move on.

Now, numbers we can multiply together to get another number, are known as factors.

So on the screen you can see that we've got 2 times 3 is equal to 6, and in this example, 2 and 3 are our factors.

If I was to have another example, so for example, 5 times 5 is equal to 25, 5 and 5 would be my factors.

Now, the answer when two or more values are multiply together, is known as a product.

So in this case, 6 is our product because 2 times 3 is equal to 6.

Now, a multiple is the result of multiplying a number by another whole number.

Now these keywords are super important, and when it comes to explaining your reasoning for your answer, I'd like you to use these key words.

This lesson is all about the 6 times tables, and we've got two lesson cycles here.

The first lesson cycle is to do with counting in sixes, and then the second lesson cycle is to do with multiples of sixes.

So let's get started.

In this lesson, you will meet Andeep and Izzy.

Hmm, Andeep and Izzy are counting in sixes.

Andeep says, "Counting in sixes means adding 6 to the number before in the sequence." Izzy says, "Let's chant together." So we can see a number line here.

It starts at zero and ends at 32.

We're going to use this to help us to count in sixes.

We're going to begin by starting at 0.

And remember, we are counting on in.

So we're going to be adding 6 each time to the previous number.

Are you ready? Let's begin.

0, 6, 12, 18, 24, 30.

So, we counted on in sixes up to the number 32 and we've stopped at 30.


Let's do it again, but this time we're going to do it a bit faster.

Are you ready? Going to start at 0.

Let's go.

0, 6, 12, 18, 24, 30.

Well done if you kept up.

Let's move on.

Andeep is counting in sixes.


What comes after 36? There are three numbers on your screen.

You've got 30, 6, and 42.

You can pause the video here and click play when you're ready to rejoin us.

So what did you get? 42 is the correct answer.

42 comes after 36 because 36 add 6 gives you 42.

Now, let's count back in sixes.

Counting back in sixes means subtracting 6 each time.

And we're going to chant together for this part.

We're going to begin by starting off at 30.

And remember, we're going to count back in sixes, so we're going to subtract 6 each time.

Are you ready? Let's begin.

30, 24, 18, 12, 6, 0.

Let's do that again, but a little bit faster this time.

Are you ready? So we're going to start off at 30.

Ready? 30, 24, 18, 12, 6, 0.

Well done if you managed to count back in sixes quickly.

Over to you.

Now, Andeep is counting backwards in sixes.

What will he say after 72? You've got three numbers on your screen there.

You've got 66, 60 and 65.

You can pause the video here and click play when you're ready to rejoin us.

So what did you get? You should have got 66.

And that's because 66 comes before 72 when counting backwards.

Because 72 subtract 6 is 66.

Well done if you managed to get that.

Now, did you know by counting in sixes, you're actually saying the multiples of 6.

Now a multiple of 6 is the number that you get by multiplying two numbers.

And you can see the multiples of 6 highlighted here on our number line.

A multiple is the result of multiplying a number by a whole number.

For example, 18 is a multiple of 6, because we know that 6 times 3 is 18, three groups of 6 are 18.

Now, 17 is not a multiple of 6 because we do not count that as we're counting on in sixes from 0.

Andeep is colouring in multiples of 6.

Do you think he will colour the number 41? What do you think? Justify your thinking to your partner.

Now let's see what Andeep does.

He says that he'll start with 0 and counting multiples of 6.

You could do that, but we can see that he's already coloured up to 36.

So if I was Andeep, I would've actually started from 36 and counted on in sixes.

That would've gotten me to my answer quicker.

It's a more efficient way.

But let's go with Andeep and see what he does.

So 0, 6, 12, 18.

So I'm just going to stop there each time and we are counting on in 6.

So let's go back.

18, 24, 30, 36, 42.


Andeep did not colour in 41 because it is not a multiple of 6.

It wasn't within our counting.

We did not count 41 when we were counting on in multiples of 6.

Now, Izzy kept counting on in sixes.

Have a look at this.

This is what she's coloured in on her 100 square.

Is there anything that you noticed? You could tell your partner, if you are sitting next to someone, what you notice, or if there's any patterns that you notice as well.

Well, these numbers are all multiples of 6, and this time we've gone all the way up to 100 and we can see what the multiples of 6 are.

Now the placement is very interesting.

I can almost put a pattern there.

So some of these are also multiples of 3.

For example, I know 6 is a multiple of 3, because 3 times 2 is 6.

I know 12 is a multiple of 3, because 3 times 4 is a multiple of 3.

Hang on a minute, the only number that's not a multiple of 3 here is the number 3.

So that means the rest of these numbers must be multiples of 3.

But don't worry, we are going to explore that relationship between the threes and sixes in later lessons.

Well done if you managed to spot that.

Here's another thing, if you look down the columns, the numbers are 30 apart.

So let's look at the number 10.

I want you to point to the number 10.

And if we look further down the columns, so we go from 10, to 20, to 30, so we can see that the numbers are 30 apart.

And then if we go from 30 all the way to 60, and that's another 30 apart.

They also all end in 0, 2, 4, 6 or 8, and they are all even numbers.

So that means, when we're counting in multiples of 6, or if we're trying to identify a multiple of 6, it has to be an even number and it also has to end in a 0, 2, 4, 6, or 8.

So these rules can help us identify a multiple of 6.

Over to you.

Identify which numbers are multiples of 6 and which are not.

So on the screen here, you can see multiples of 6 and not multiples of 6.

The numbers that you have are 56, 36, 24, 12, 6, 39, and 26.

You can pause the video here and click play when you sorted those numbers.

So how did you do? This is what you should have got.

Now, we could have used those rules to help us or we could count aloud in sixes, and for the numbers that we say they would be our multiples of 6, and the numbers that we didn't say would not be our multiples of 6.

So let's start with 0, and we're going to count on in sixes.

Let's do it together.

0, 6.

So 6 is a multiple of 6.


12 is a multiple of 6.

12 add another group of 6 is 18.

Then 24.

So 24 is a multiple of 6.


Now, we did not say the number 26, so 26 is not a multiple of 6.


So 36 is a multiple of 6.

36 add another group of 6 gives us 42, which means we did not say 39.

So 39 is not a multiple of 6.

From 42 we go to 48, 54, 60.

We did not say the number 56, so that means 56 is not a multiple of 6.

Well done if you manage to get all of those correctly sorted.

Your task for this lesson is to count on in multiples of 6.

You're going to start from 0 and you're going to add 6 each time.

Question two involves counting back in multiples of 6, and you are going to start from 72 and you are going to subtract 6 each time.

For question three, you are going to identify what comes next.

So you've got the number 6, 24, 48, 66.

Now remember, when you're identifying what comes next, you're adding 6 to the number that you've got there.

For question four, you're going to identify what comes before.

Hmm, I wonder what I have to do.

Ah, of course, when you are trying to calculate what comes before, you're going to have to subtract 6 from the number that you see on your sheet.

6 subtract 6 gives me 0.

So that is the number that I'd write in the first box.

For question five, you're going to be looking for the multiple that comes before the number that you see and the multiple that comes after.

So not only are you going to subtract 6, in some cases, you may also be adding 6.

So I'm going to read out the numbers that you've got.

So you've got gap, 12, gap, 24, gap, 36, 42, gap, 54, gap, 48, gap, gap, gap.

So you're going to be adding 6 each time from 48.

Now for the second column, you've got gap, 6, gap, 6, gap, 18, so we can see that 6, and then there's a gap.

Then it's gone to 18.

That means we are increasing, which means we have to add.

Then if we look at the next question, we've got 54, gap, gap, 72.

We've gone from 54 to 72.

We've increased, which means we must add, and then I'm going to let you figure this one out.

We've gone from 66 to 42.

When you've finished, click play to carry on.

Off you go.

Good luck.

So how did you do? For question one, this is what you should have got.

I'm going to read you out the sequence and you can tick them along with me as I say them.

And you can also chant the sixes with me as well.

Ready? Let's go.

0, 6, 12, 18, 24, 30, 36, 42, 48, 54, 60, 66, 72.

Well done if you've got those all correct.

Now we're going to be counting back in multiples of 6, starting with 72.

Are you ready? Let's go.

72, 66, 60, 54, 48, 42, 36, 30, 24, 18, 12, 6, 0.

If you managed to count back correctly from 72 all the way to 0 in sixes, fantastic work.

Let's look at question three now.

Now for question three, we were identifying what came next.

So, each time we were adding 6 to the number that we saw.

So in this you should have got 12, 24, 30, 48 to 54, and 66 to 72.

So each time you added 6.

Now for question four, because you were finding out what came before, you had to subtract 6.

So from 6 to 0, from 36 to 30, from 48 to 42, and from 72 to 66.

If you managed to get all of those correct, well done.

Let's move on to the final question, question five.

So your answers are on the screen now.

I'm going to read you out the sequences.

You can read them alongside with me and tick them as we go along.

So for this question, we started off with 6, 12, 18.

For this one, we were identifying the multiple in the middle, in between 24 and 36, so that was 30.

So 24, 30, 36, 42, 48, 54, 60.

For this last sequence on the left-hand side, we were also counting on in sixes from 48.

So you should have got 48, 54, 60, 66.

Now, let's look at the right-hand side.

We needed to calculate what came before 6 and what came after 6.

So if you got 0, well done, because 6 subtract 6 is 0.

If you've got 12 for the right-hand side, that's also correct, because 6 add 6 is 12.

Now, the missing multiple in the middle was 12, because if we added on 6 to 6, we would've got 12.

Or alternatively, if you subtracted 6 from 18, you would've got 12.

Now let's look at 54 to 72.

Now we increased here, so we needed to add 6 each time from 54 to find the missing numbers.

So you should have got 60 or 66.

Alternatively, you may have subtracted from 72 by 6 to get 66 and 60, which is also correct.

And lastly, if I were you, I would've looked at the number 54 and I would've subtracted 6 to get 48, and added 6 to get 60.

If you managed to get all of those correct, well done.

I'm incredibly proud of you.

Let's move on.

Now for this lesson cycle, we're looking at the multiples of 6.

How many legs? We've got a beetle here and a ladybird.

The beetle says, "I have six legs." The ladybird also has six legs.

How many legs are there? I'd like you to count in groups of 6.

So one ladybird has six legs, two ladybirds have 12 legs, three ladybirds have 18 legs, and four lady birds have 24 legs.

So 6, 12, 18, 24.

There are 24 legs altogether.

There is 6, four times.

there are 24 altogether.

Oh, this time I can see ladybirds and beetles.

But what do they have in common? Well, they've got six legs in common.

We're going to be counting in groups of 6 to figure out how many legs there are altogether.

Let's begin.

0, 6, 12, 18, 24, 30.

There are 30 legs altogether.

There is 6, five times, so there are 30 legs altogether.

Now, we can write this as 6 times 5, which is 30, or 5 times 6, which is 30.

The order of the factors do not matter because the product stays the same.

5 is a factor, 6 is a factor.

The product of 6 and 5 is 30.

Over to you.

How many legs are there? Count in groups of 6.

You can pause the video here and click play when you're ready to rejoin us.

So how did you do? Well, there are 6, six times.

I can see that there are six insects, and each insect has six legs.

So the equation is 6 times 6, which is 36, there are 36 legs altogether.

If you manage to get that, well done.

I'd like you to fill in the gaps using the number line below.

Six is a.

Three is a.

The product of six and three is.

You can pause the video here and click play when you're ready to rejoin us.

So what did you get? Well, 6 is a factor, 3 is a factor.

The product of 6 and 3 is 18.

If you manage to get 18 as your product, good job.

How many legs are there? Count in groups of 6.

Well, we've got three insects there.

Each insect has six legs.

So let's begin.

6, 12, 18.

Now, Andeep and Izzy are going to count this together.

Andeep says "6", one group of 6 is 6.

That's 6 once.

12, two groups of 6 is 12.

That's 6, two times.

18, three groups of 6 is 18.

That's 6 three times.

Over to you.

How many legs are there? Count in groups of 6.

You can pause the video here and click play when you're ready to rejoin us.

How did you do? Well, we've got one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight insects altogether.

So, there are 6, eight times.

There are 48 legs altogether.

Hmm, back to you.

What does the 9 represent? So we've got an equation here, 9 times 6 is 54.

You can pause the video here and click play when you're ready to rejoin us.

Now, how did you do? If I were you, I can see that there are insects, and each insect has six legs.

So that means the 6 represents the amount of legs there are.

Now I wonder what the 9 represents.

Well, the 9 represents the number of insects that there are.

So that means it's also a factor, which leaves us with 54 being the product, because there are 54 legs altogether.

Onto the main task for this lesson cycle.

For question 1, you're going to complete the questions.

"Each ladybird has six legs, how many legs do three ladybirds have?" "How many legs do six ladybirds have?" "How many legs do eight ladybirds have?" "How many legs do 10 ladybirds have?" And lastly, "How many legs do 12 ladybirds have?" For question 2, "Each insect again has six legs.

How many legs are in each set of the insects below?" For question 2A, you've got three insects, for question 2B, you've got six insects, and for question 2C, you've got nine insects.

For these questions, you're also going to fill in the gaps.

So something multiplied by six gives you.

And you need to identify what that product is.

For question 2B, you're also going to be writing down the multiplication equation that you need to calculate the amount of legs that there are, and you're also going to be identifying what the factors are.

And you are also going to do this for question 2C.

Now, for question 3, "Andeep has created a digital design for a math competition using hexagons.

Counting each hexagon separately, how many sides are in each design?" Now, what do I know about a hexagon? Ah, you may have said that one hexagon has six sides.

And we can see Andeep's design here.

He's got four hexagons.

Now remember, one hexagon has six sides.

Andeep's got four hexagons here.

He's used four hexagons and each has six sides.

So that means there are 24 sides altogether.

The factors here are 6 and 4.

So for question 3, what you are going to do is counting each hexagon separately, how many sides are in each design.

You've got three designs there.

You need to identify how many sides there are altogether and what the factors are.

You can pause the video here and click play when you're ready to rejoin us.

So how did you do? So this is what you should have got.

For question 1, three ladybirds with six legs each, that's 18 legs altogether.

Six ladybirds with six legs each, that's 36 legs altogether.

Eight ladybirds with six legs each, that's 48 legs altogether.

10 ladybirds with six legs each, that's 60 legs altogether.

And lastly, 12 ladybirds with six legs each, that's 72 legs altogether.

If you manage to get all of those correct, well done.

Let's move on to the next question.

Now for question 2, you should have got 18 legs because there's three insects with six legs each.

That's 18, 18 is our product.

Then we've got six insects with six legs each.

That gives us 36 legs altogether, and the factors are 6 and 6.

And lastly, there are nine insects with six legs each.

That's 54 legs altogether.

Our factors are 6 and 9.

For question 3, you should have got 30 sides for 3A, and that's because there are five hexagons with six sides each.

So 5, six times, is 30.

For question 3B, you should have got 36 sides altogether because there are six hexagons with six sides each.

And for question 3C, you should have got 48 sides altogether because there were eight hexagons with six sides each, which means our factors were 8 and 6, 8 times 6 is 48.

If you managed to get all of those questions correct, fantastic job.

I'm super proud of you.

We've made it to the end of this lesson, and now we're going to summarise our learning.

So, today, you represented counting in sixes as the 6 times tables.

You should now understand that counting in sixes is the pattern of the 6 times table, and can be represented in different ways.

You should also understand that counting in threes can help you to count in sixes.

Well done.

I really hope you enjoyed this lesson, and I look forward to seeing you in the next one.
