Hello, I'm Miss Miah, and I'm so excited to be a part of your learning journey today.
I hope you enjoy this lesson as much as I do.
In this lesson, you'll be able to represent counting in threes as the three times tables.
Your key words are on the screen now, and I'd like you to repeat them after me.
Factor, product, multiple.
Now we are going to use these keywords throughout the lesson, so anytime you use them, well done.
Numbers we can multiply together to get another number are known as factors.
And you can see an example there.
So you've got two multiplied by three is equal to six.
Two and three are your factors, because those are the numbers we have multiplied together.
Now, the answer when two or more values are multiplied together is known as a product.
So the product here is six.
And here's another example.
So four times three is equal to 12.
Four and three are our factors, and 12 is our product.
A multiple is the result of multiplying a number by another whole number.
So for example, a multiple of six is 12, because 12 is in the six times tables.
Now, this lesson is all about the three times tables.
We've got two lesson cycles here.
Our first lesson cycle is to do with counting in threes, and our second lesson cycle is to do with multiples of threes.
Let's get cracking.
In this lesson, you will meet Andeep and Izzy.
Andeep and Izzy are counting in threes.
Andeep says, "Counting in threes means adding three to the number before in the sequence." Izzy says, "You can use a number line to help you." And you can see that there's a number line on the screen from zero all the way up to 17.
Let's chant together.
So we will be chanting in threes, which means we'll be adding three to the previous number.
We'll start at zero, are you ready? Let's go, 0, 3, 6, 9, 12, 15.
Well done if you managed to count on in threes, let's do it again, but a little bit faster.
Are you ready? We're going to start from zero again, let's go.
0, 3, 6, 9, 12, 15, fantastic job, over to you.
Andeep is counting in threes, what comes after nine? You can pause the video here and talk to your partner if you need help.
And when you're ready, click play to rejoin us.
So how did you do? If you got 12, well done, and that's because 12 comes after nine.
Nine add three gives us 12.
Okay, this time using our number line, we are going to be counting back in threes.
So counting back in threes means that we are subtracting three, and we are going to chant together.
We are starting at 15.
So I want you to point to the number 15.
And remember, we're subtracting three each time.
Are you ready? Let's go.
15, 12, 9, 6, 3, 0, if you managed to count back in three, fantastic work, this time we're going to do it a little bit faster, are you ready? Okay, let's begin at 15, ready? 15, 12, 9, 6, 3, 0, fantastic work.
You managed to count back in threes even quicker than before.
Let's move on.
Over to you.
Andeep is counting backwards in threes.
What will he say after 18? Now remember, when you are counting back in threes, you're subtracting three each time.
So your number is 18, have a think, you can pause the video here and click play when you're ready to rejoin us.
So how did you do? If you got 15, you are correct, and that's because 15 comes before 18.
18 subtract three is 15.
Did you know by counting in threes you are actually saying the multiples of three? And you can see that they're highlighted on the screen right now.
So they've got a tiny little purple box around it.
So on the screen you can see all the multiples of three up to 20.
Now, Andeep says, "A multiple is the result of multiplying a number by a whole number." For example, 18 is a multiple of three, because three times six is 18.
10 is not a multiple of three.
Now, Andeep is counting in multiples of three.
Do you think he will count the number 28? Let's have a look.
He says that he'll start with zero and count in multiples of three.
Now I'd like you to justify your thinking to your partner before we find out whether he does or doesn't.
How do you think you might work this out? Right, let's have a look.
So we're going to start off at zero and we are going to count on in threes, ready? 0, 3, 6, 9, 12, 15, 18, 21, 24, 27, 30.
Hmm, Andeep did not count 28 because it is not a multiple of three.
On the screen there you can see the multiples of three.
Now, Izzy says that she kept on counting in multiples of threes, what do you notice? Now there's a lovely pattern that I can see straight away, diagonal lines of yellow.
So all of these numbers are also multiples of three.
There is a diagonal pattern, a multiple of three is every third number down the columns.
So let's have a look at the first number, so if we have a look at three and then we go down the columns, so we've got 13, 23 and the next highlighted number is 33.
So you can spot another multiple of three that way.
Now, the last digit of each multiple goes 3, 6, 9, 2, 5, 8, 1, 4, 7, 0, and that keeps repeating, how amazing.
Back to you.
You are going to identify which numbers are multiples of three and which are not.
So on the screen you've got, on the left hand side, multiples of three, and on the right hand side, not multiples of three.
The numbers that you are going to be sorting are 35, 17, 15 and 3.
You can pause the video here and click play when you're ready to rejoin us.
So how did you do? This is what you should have got.
So 15 and three are multiples of three, because when we count on in threes from zero, we say those numbers, but let's check anyways, ready? We're going to start off with zero.
0, 3, so that's already our multiple of three, we can pop that there, and let's carry on, 6, 9, 12, 15, 15 is a multiple three, let's carry on.
15 add three is 18, so actually we didn't say 17, so 17 is not a multiple of three.
Let's carry on from 18.
18, 21, 24, 27, 30, 33, 36, we did not say 35, so 35 is not a multiple of three.
Over to your main task.
So you are going to be counting in threes for this task.
For question one, you are going to write down what comes next.
You've got some numbers on the screen there, so you've got 3, 9, 15, and 24.
Now, when you are trying to figure out what comes next, that must mean you are adding one three to each number.
So for example, let's look at the first one together.
The next multiple that comes next would be six, because three add three is six.
Now let's look at question two, what comes before? Hmm, I wonder what we have to do.
Ah, if you said you need to subtract three from each number, you are correct.
That's how you're going to find out what comes before.
So the numbers that you're going to do this for are 3, 18, 27, and 36.
Now, for question three, you are going to be completing the following sequences.
Now not only are you going to be counting on in threes, you are also going to be counting back in threes.
So have a careful look.
I'm now going to outline what the sequences are.
So for the first one, you've got three in the middle.
Then for the second question, you've got 12, gap, 18, and for the third one you've got 27, gap, gap, 36.
Now it's interesting to note that 27 is the smaller number and 36 is the bigger number.
So that means we are counting on, that's a quick tip there.
Then we've got 39, so after 39, it's gap, gap, gap, and for this part of the question you are actually going to be counting on in threes.
Then we've got gap, six, gap, so we need to figure out what comes before six and what comes after six.
For the next one we've got 24, gap, 30.
The question after that we've got gap, gap, gap, 36.
And then for the last question, we've got 27, gap, 21, gap, 15.
You can pause the video here and when you're ready, click play to rejoin us, off you go, good luck.
So how did you do? Well, for question one, this is what you should have got, and we're going to look at this together.
So you've got three and then six, and that's because you've counted on three.
Then you've got nine, 12, again, you've added three to 9.
15, 18, so there you've added three to 15, and lastly, 24, 27, you've added three to 24.
For question two, you've got what comes before.
So three subtract three gives us zero.
Then you've got 15 and 18.
18 subtract three is 15.
Then you've got 24, 27, so 27 subtract three gives us 24.
And 33, 36, so 36 subtract three is 33.
If you've got all of those correct, well done.
So this is what you should have got for question three, and I will read out the sequences for you.
Get ready to mark.
So you've got 0, 3, 6, 12, 15, 18, 27, 30, 33, 36, 39, and actually we'll look at this question in detail.
So to 39 we needed to add three, which gives us our next multiple of three, which is 42.
42 counting on three gives us 45, which is our next multiple of three.
45 add on another three gives us 48.
Now let's look at the next column of questions.
We've got 3, 6, 9, 24, 27, 30, then what you should have got was 27, 30, 33 and 36.
So ultimately we were counting back in threes.
And then lastly, we've got 27, 24, 21, 18.
If you got all of those correct, well done, good job, I'm very proud of you.
Now let's move on to our second lesson cycle.
Our second lesson cycle is all about the multiples of three.
So we've just discovered what multiples of three are.
This time we're going to have a look at that in more detail.
Let's go.
Ooh, I can see two objects here.
So this is a tricycle.
Now a tricycle has three wheels.
And tri actually means three, so having three.
Can you think of any other words that has the prefix tri? Hmm, oh, I can think of a word, triple.
Triple also means three or three times as many.
Now let's have a look at the other object.
Well, this is a clover.
It has three leaves.
Sometimes a clover might have four leaves, but in this example, we're going to be looking at clovers that have three leaves.
How many wheels are there? I'd like you to count in groups of three.
We've got a number line here to help us, and we can see four tricycles each with three wheels.
So that means we need to count in threes.
So let's start with zero, 0, 3, 6, 9, 12.
And in other words, there are three, four times, which means there are 12 altogether.
Over to you, how many wheels are there? Count in groups of three, you can pause the video here and click play when you're ready to rejoin us.
So how did you do? Well, I can see that there are nine tricycles altogether.
Each tricycle has three wheels, so that means there are three, nine times.
The multiplication equation for this would've been three times nine, which means there are 27 wheels altogether.
Ooh, this time we've got different design tricycles, but each still have three wheels.
How many wheels are there? Count in groups of three, let's count together.
We're going to start at zero, are you ready? So we're going to start with zero, one tricycle has three wheels, two tricycles have six wheels, three tricycles have nine wheels, four tricycles have 12 wheels, five tricycles have 15 wheels, six tricycles have 18 wheels, and seven tricycles have 21 wheels.
There are 21 wheels altogether, which means there are three, seven times.
There are 21 altogether.
So we can record this as multiplication equations.
Let's see how we do that.
So because there are three, seven times, one of our multiplication equations can be three times seven, which is 21.
Or we could record it as seven times three, which is also 21.
And that's because it doesn't matter which order the factors are, you still get the same product.
Seven is a factor, three is a factor, the product of three and seven is 21.
Over to you, how many leaves are there? Count in groups of three, you can pause the video here and click play when you're ready to rejoin us.
So what did you get? There are three, nine times, which means there are 27 leaves.
I'm going to count on in threes just to double check, and you can join me.
We're going to do this quite quickly, we're going to start off at zero.
So 0, 3, 6, 9, 12, 15, 18, 21, 24, 27.
If you've got 27, well done, you are correct, let's move on.
Hmm, what does the six represent in this equation? So you've got three times six is equal to 18.
You could pause the video here, have a think.
So what did you get? Now, when I look at this question, I think to myself, okay, so I can see three times six is equal to 18.
Now I know three is a factor, I know six is a factor, and I know 18 is the product.
So in this case, the six represents the number of clovers, and it also represents the number of groups of three leaves.
Which means that the three represents the number of leaves in each clover.
And if you managed to say that 18 is the product and that represents how many leaves there are altogether, well done.
Back to you.
Use the number line to say the sentences.
So three is a mm, and five is a, the product of three and five is.
Off you go, you can pause the video here and click play when you're ready to rejoin us.
So how did you do? Well, three is a factor, five is a factor, and the product of three and five is 15.
And that's because we can see that there are three, five times.
Onto your main task for this lesson cycle.
So for question one, each leaf has three leaves.
How many leaves are in each set of clovers below? What do you notice? And for question two, each tricycle has three wheels.
How many wheels are in each set of tricycles below? So for the first set, you've got four tricycles, for the second set, you've got five tricycles, and for the last set, you've got eight tricycles.
You can pause the video here and click play when you're ready to rejoin us.
So how did you do? Let's have a look at the first question.
For question one, you should have got nine leaves altogether, and that's because there are three clovers with three leaves each.
That means your equation that you were calculating was three times three, which is nine.
For the second question, your equation would've been six times three, or three six times, which is 18.
And for the last question, your equation should have been three, nine times, which is three times nine, and that is equal to 27.
And you may have also noticed that the number of clovers doubled from three to six, which means that the number of leaves also doubled.
And you may have noticed that if you added the first two answers, you also get the third answer.
Now, for question two, now each tricycle has three wheels.
How many wheels are in each set of tricycles below? Well, we've got four tricycles there, so we know that three, four times or four, three times is 12, so that means the product is 12.
Then in the second set of tricycles, we've got five tricycles.
So that means three, five times is 15, so the factors are three and five.
And for the last set of tricycles we've got eight tricycles.
That means three eight times is 24, so the factors are three and eight, and the product is 24, because that's how many wheels there are altogether.
If you managed to get all of those questions correct, good job, because that means you are now confident in representing the three times tables and also answering questions based on the three times tables.
Let's summarise our learning.
Today, you've represented counting in threes as the three times tables.
You should now hopefully understand that counting in threes is the pattern of the three times tables and that it can be represented in different ways.
You should also understand that counting in multiples of three can help you to solve problems. Well done, I really hope you enjoyed this lesson as much as I did and I look forward to seeing you in the next one, bye.