
Lesson video

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Hello, I'm Miss Miah and I'm so excited to be a part of your learning journey today.

I hope you enjoy this lesson as much as I do.

In today's lesson, you will be able to divide a 2-digit by a 1-digit number using short division this time including regrouping.

Here are your keywords: regroup, regrouping.

Repeat after me, regroup, regrouping.

Good job, let's move on.

The process of unitizing and exchanging between place values is known as regrouping.

For example, 10 ones can be regrouped for 1 ten.

1 ten can be regrouped for 10 ones.

In this lesson cycle, we will focus on regrouping in short division.

You will also meet Andeep and Izzy.

So 52 glow sticks are shared equally between 4 children.

How many glow sticks does each child get? I know that 5 tens divided by 4 is 1 ten remainder 1 ten.

But what do I do next, how would Izzy record this? That's exactly what you will be exploring right now in this lesson cycle.

So 52 glow sticks are shared equally between 4 children.

How many glow sticks does each child get? So we can see here that we've got the place value counters on the right to help us represent what we are doing in the short division.

First we're going to start off by dividing by the tens.

So starting off with the left-hand side.

You can make 1 group of 4 tens from the 5 tens with a remainder of 1 ten.

So 5 tens divided by 4 is 1 ten remainder 1 ten.

So what we're going to do is write 1 in the tens column to represent that each child will get 1 bundle of 10 glow sticks each, so there we go.

Now, what's going to happen is that with the 1 ten that's left over, we must regroup.

So we regroup the 1 ten for 10 ones.

When it comes to recording this in the short division method, what we need to do is place this 1 ten that we've regrouped to the left of the ones digit to make the dividend 12.

When I was younger I had no idea why I was doing this, but now I know.

So that regrouped 1 ten is now placed next to the ones.

So lastly, you divide your ones.

So you can see here that you've got 12 ones and you can make 3 groups of 4 ones from the 12 ones in the dividend.

There we are, so 12 ones divided by 4 is equal to 3 ones.

So we write the 3 in the ones column to represent that each child will also get 3 singular glow sticks each.

So each child altogether will get 13 glow sticks each.

What do you notice about the ones? If the number of ones including any regrouped tens is a multiple of the divisor, there will be no remainder.

So in this case, if we have a look at our short division, we can see that there were 12 ones.

We know that 12 is a multiple of 4 because 4 multiplied by 3 is 12.

And so, there are not going to be any remainders.

Over to you, I'd like you to fill in the gap.

You can pause the video here, and when you're ready to join us, just click play.

Okay, so how did you do? You should have got 1 ten that has been regrouped and this is because 5 tens divided by 4 is equal to 1 ten remainder 1 ten.

The remainder 1 ten needs to be placed in the ones column to the left of the ones digit.

So 1 ten has been regrouped.

Back to you, which number is the quotient? And I'd like you to explain your thinking to your partner.

Or if you don't have someone sitting next to you, you can write your explanation down on your paper.

You can pause the video here.

So how did you do? 13 is the quotient because that is the number that has been recorded at the top, moving on.

38 pebbles are shared equally between 2 children.

How many pebbles does each child get? So our division equation is 38 divided by 2.

38 being the dividend and the divisor being 2.

We can see that this has been represented in short division and we're going to use our place value counters to help us.

We're going to start off by dividing our tens first.

I know that the number 3 in the dividend is not a multiple of 2, so we're going to have to regroup.

You can make one group of 2 tens from the 3 tens in the dividend.

So 3 tens divided by 2 is 1 ten remainder, 1 ten.

So what we do is we write the 1 in the tens column.

This represents that the children will get 1 basket of 10 pebbles.

Now, we have to regroup the remainder of 1 ten as 10 ones.

So because we've done that now what we're going to do is write the 1 to the left of the ones digit of the dividend to make 18 ones.

So that 1 that is written to the left of the digit 8 represents 1 ten, or 10 ones.

So 10 ones add the 8 now, make 18 ones so we're working with 18.

So lastly, we're going to divide the ones.

You can make 9 groups of 2 ones from the 18 ones in the dividend.

So 18 ones divided by 2 gives you 9 ones.

You're going to write 9 in the ones column.

This represents that the children will also get 9 extra pebbles.

So each child will get 19 pebbles.

So back to you, what does the 2 represent? Explain your thinking to your partner.

You can pause the video here, and when you're ready just click play.

So what did you get? The 2 represents the regrouped amount of tens.

It is the remainder of 6 tens divided by 4.

Back to you, fill in the blank.

You can pause the video here.

So how did you do? 3 tens has been regrouped and that's because 7 tens divided by 4 equals 1 ten remainder 3 tens and the digit 3 needs to be written to the left of the 1 digit in the ones column.

Izzy and Andeep are solving 84 divided by 6.

Andeep says, "I can tell if I have to regroup "in the tens straight away." "How?" "60, 66, 72, 78, 84.

"8 tens is not a multiple of 6.

"6 tens is a multiple of 6, there will be 2 tens remaining, "which means I will have to regroup 2 tens." So that means, "If the tens number is not a multiple "of the divisor then you will need to regroup." So which equation will require regrouping from the tens to the ones? You can pause the video here, have a think.

What did you get? Well, 7 tens is not a multiple of 3, so C was the correct answer.

Onto our main task for this lesson cycle.

So for Task A, question 1, you'll be filling in the blanks using the short division below.

Have a look at the short division and use the information from there to fill in the blanks.

And for question 2 you are going to be completing the table by ticking if the equation will require regrouping, and calculating how many tens will need to be regrouped.

You can pause the video here, off you go, good luck.

So how did you do? For question 1, this is what you should have got.

So the 1 represents the amount regrouped.

This is because 7 tens divided by 3 is 2 tens remainder 1 ten, the 1 is written to the left of the ones digit.

The regrouped amount of tens in this equation is 2.

This is because 8 tens divided by 3 is 2 tens, remainder 2 tens.

Now, there are 24 ones altogether.

24 ones divided by 3 is 8.

If you've got all of that correct, well done, give yourself a tick.

Now onto, question 2 so you had to complete the table by ticking if the equation would require regrouping and calculating how many tens would need to be regrouped.

So if we have a look at the first equation, 70 divided by 7, well I know that 70 is a multiple of 7, so we will not need to regroup.

Now, we're looking at 42 divided by 3.

If I look at my tens digit in 42, 4 is not a multiple of 3, so I will have to regroup from my tens to the ones, and the amount that I'd have to regroup is 1 ten.

Let's move on to the next equation, 39 divided by 9.

Now, I know the 3 in the tens digit is a multiple of 3.

The 9 in the ones digit is also a multiple of 3, so I won't need to regroup.

Now our penultimate question, 84 divided by 6.

So 8 is not a multiple of 6, so I know I'm going to have to regroup from my tens to the ones, and the amount that I'm going to have to regroup is 2 tens.

And lastly, 92 divided by 4.

Again, if we have a look at our tens digit, which is 9, 9 is not a multiple of 4, so we are going to have to regroup.

I know 8 is a multiple of 4, one more than 8 is 9, so that means I'd have to regroup 1 ten.

If you've got all of those correct, good job.

Well done, I'm super impressed.

Let's move on to our second lesson cycle, and that is applying short division with regrouping.

So everything that we've learned now, we are going to apply.

You can use stem sentences to support you when using short division.

And in this example here we are dividing 65 by 5.

6 tens divided by 5 is 1 ten remainder 1 ten.

So we place the 1 at the top.

1 ten is regrouped as 10 ones, and we place the 1 to the left of the ones digit.

10 ones add 5 ones is 15 ones.

15 ones divided by the divisor of 5 is 3 ones so we then place the 3 on top.

So 6 tens and 5 ones divided by 5 is equal to 1 ten and 3 ones, which is 13.

Over to you, what I would like you to do is take turns with your partner to read out the sentence stems for the short division shown below.

If you don't have a partner, have a go yourself.

You can pause the video here and join us when you're ready.

So how did you do? This is what you should have got.

So 5 tens divided by 4 is 1 ten remainder 1 ten.

1 ten is regrouped as 10 ones.

10 ones add 2 ones is 12 ones.

12 ones divided by 4 is 3 ones, and then 5 tens and 2 ones divided by 4 is equal to 1 ten and 3 ones.

Right, honey is stored in barrels that have a capacity of 5 litres.

So that means that the barrel can only be filled to a maximum of 5 litres.

How many barrels can be filled with 80 litres of honey? So I want you to think about what is known, what is unknown, and how could you represent this problem.

So let's start off with what's known.

Well, I know that I've got a total amount of 80 litres of honey, what I don't know is how many barrels are required so that is the quotient.

So my dividend is 80 and my divisor is 5, that's how many litres each barrel can have.

So in terms of representation, a bar model is always helpful.

So you can represent this using a bar model.

We know that the dividend is 80, and we are finding out how many groups of 5 are in 80.

We don't know how many groups we need so we can draw a model like this to represent our thinking.

Our division equation is 80 divided by 5.

You can also represent this using an equation.

The dividend is 80 and the divisor is 5.

You must find the quotient.

So begin by writing the dividend and divisor.

As you know, the dividend goes inside the division frame, and the divisor is placed outside to the left.

Next, you're going to start off by dividing your tens.

I'm looking at my tens number in the dividend, it is 8.

Now, I already know there is going to be a remainder because 8 is not a multiple of 5.

You can make one group of 5 tens from the 8 tens in the dividend.

8 tens divided by 5 is equal to 1 ten remainder 3 tens.

So you place the 1 in the tens column.

This represents a batch of 10 barrels.

Now, we need to regroup the tens.

So what we do is we write the 3 to the left of the ones digit of the dividend to make 30 ones altogether.

So lastly, we divide the ones.

Now looking at this, I know that 30 is a multiple of 5, so there shouldn't be any remainders because you can make 6 groups of 5 ones from the 30 ones in the dividend.

So 30 ones divided by 5 is equal to 6 ones.

So what you do is you then write the 6 in the ones column.

This represents an extra 6 barrels.

So 10 barrels add 6 barrels is 16 barrels altogether.

16 barrels will be filled.

Over to you, select the correct short division arrangement for this worded problem.

Now it's super important that we can select the correct division equation because, ultimately, we need to know that what we're working out is correct, and we can only know that by looking at the information that the worded problem is giving us.

So Izzy is making a friendship bracelet for 3 of her friends, she has a bundle of thread that is 72 centimetres long in length.

What is the total length she can use for each bracelet? Is it A, B, or C? Can you justify why you've picked your option? You can pause the video here.

So B is the correct answer because 3 is the divisor and 72 is the dividend.

If you got that, well done.

Right, for this part I'm going to have a go at using short division and I want you to see how I tackle this question and then, it's going to be your turn.

So my question is 75 divided by 3, and I can see that it's been arranged correctly because the divisor is placed outside of the division frame, and the dividend is placed inside.

So you're going to begin by writing the dividend and the divisor, and that's already been done.

Next, you're going to divide the tens.

And again, I'm looking at the tens number, it is 7.

7 is not a multiple of 3 sixes so there is going to be a remainder.

You can make two groups of 3 tens from the 7 tens in the dividend.

So 7 tens divided by 3 is 2 tens remainder 1.

So we place the 2 in the tens column above.

What we have to do now is write the 1 to the left of the ones digit of the dividend to make 15 ones altogether.

Lastly, we're going to divide the ones.

So you can make 5 groups of 3 ones from the 15 ones in the dividend.

So 15 ones divided by 3 is equal to 5 ones.

So then you write the 5 in the ones column.

The quotient is 25.

Now it's your turn, your division equation is 95 divided by 5.

You can pause the video here, off you go.

So how did you do? So this is how you should have arranged your short division.

The divisor should have been placed outside with the dividend 95 in the inside of the division frame.

Then, you're going to start off by dividing the tens.

You can make one group of 5 tens from the 9 tens in the dividend.

So 9 tens divided by 5 is equal to 1 ten remainder 4 tens.

So what you're going to do is write the 1 in the tens column.

You're then going to write 4 to the left of the ones digit of the dividend to make 45.

Lastly, you're going to divide the ones.

You can make 9 groups of 5 ones from the 45 ones in the dividend.

So 45 ones divided by 5 is equal to 9 ones.

So then you're going to write 9 in the ones column.

So that means your quotient is 19.

Onto the final tasks for this lesson.

So Task B, question 1, what you're going to do is solve the word problems below using short division.

Cupcakes are delivered in boxes of 4.

If 52 cupcakes need to be delivered by the end of the week, how many boxes are needed? 1b, Izzy is making a friendship bracelet for 5 of her friends.

She has a bundle of thread that is 90 centimetres long in length.

What is the total length that she can use for each bracelet? C, Andeep has collected 91 pebbles from his trip to a beach.

He wants to share these with 7 of his friends.

How many pebbles will each friend receive? D, Honey is stored in barrels that have a capacity of 4 litres.

How many barrels can be filled with 96 litres? You can pause the video here, off you go, good luck.

So how did you do? For 1a, the quotient that you should have gotten is 13.

So 13 boxes will be needed.

For 1b, what you should have got was 18 as your quotient.

So the total length of each bracelet would've been 18 centimetres.

Right, let's have a look at c.

So Andeep has collected 91 pebbles, and he's sharing these with 7 of his friends.

So already I know that the dividend must be 91 because that is the total amount that he has and that we need to divide up.

The divisor is 7 so we need to then place that in the correct arrangement that you can see on the screen here.

We then, start by dividing our tens.

So you can make one group of 7 tens from the 9 tens in the dividend.

So we place the number 1 at the top, and we've got 2 tens remaining, and we place that to the left of the ones digit to make 21 ones altogether.

We then, divide 21 by 7 and that gives us 3.

We write that at the top, which means our quotient there is 13.

So each friend would've got 13 pebbles.

And for the last question, you should have got 24 as your quotient.

If you got all of those questions correct, well done.

That means you can regroup within short division from your tens to your ones, fantastic job.

So let's summarise, today you divided a 2-digit by a 1-digit number using short division with regrouping involved from your tens to your ones.

You can regroup the remainder, and record this correctly in short division.

And you also understand that if the ones including regrouped tens is a multiple of the divisor, there will be no remainder.

Thank you so much for joining me in this lesson, and I look forward to seeing you in the next one.