
Lesson video

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Hello, I'm Miss Miah and I'm so excited to be a part of your learning journey today.

I hope you enjoy this lesson as much as I do.

In today's lesson, you will learn to divide using short division with regrouping and remainders.

Your keywords for this lesson are on the screen now and I'd like you to repeat them after me.

So remainder.

Good job.

Regroup, regrouping.


Let's move on.

A remainder is an amount left over after division.

It happens when the dividend does not divide exactly by the divisor.

The process of unitizing and exchanging between place values is known as regrouping.

For example, 10 ones can be regrouped for one 10.

One 10 can be regrouped for 10 ones.

What about 100? How many 10s can that be regrouped as? Have a think.

In today's lesson, there are two cycles.

Our first lesson cycle is to record regrouping and remainders in short division, and this is what we will be starting off with.

So let's get ready.

You will meet Andeep and Izzy.

On the screen now, you've got a division equation 553 divided by four.

So Izzy says that she knows how to divide a two digit number using short division, but what does she do if it's a three digit number? How do you think she will tackle this question? Today you'll be learning how to divide a three digit by one digit using short division.

In a previous lesson, you may have learned how to divide a two digit by a one digit number.

This is the next step and forms the foundation of you being able to solve division equations.

In real life, this may come in the form of splitting bills between your friends.

It's always good to have a strategy up your sleeve to use.

Let's move on.

So a bakery sells desserts in packs of four.

How many packs are required to pack 533 desserts? Will there be any desserts left over? So on the screen you can see that we've got our short division arrangement to the left.

So first you're going to start off by dividing the 100s.

Now remember, with division we always start by working from the left, then moving towards the right.

So you can make one group of four 100s from the five 100s in the dividend with the remainder of 100.

So this can be written as five 100s divided by four is equal to 100 remainder 100.

What you do is you write the one in the 100s column.

Now that's really important.

Make sure you align your digits correctly.

Now you regroup the 100 for 10 10s.

So there you go.

We've regrouped 100 for 10 10s.

This has shifted over into our 10s column and altogether now we have 13 10s.

When it comes to short division, we must record this.

So that's why we write one to the left of the 10s digit of the dividend to make 1310s.

When I first learned about this, I was mind blown because when I was younger, all I was taught was to just carry the one over to the 10s.

But this is why we do it.

So now we've got 13 10s.

So we move on to dividing our 10s now.

You can make three groups of four 10s from the 13 10s in the dividend with a remainder of one 10.

So this is the same as writing 13 10s divided by four is equal to three 10s, remainder one 10, and then you write three in the 10s column.

Now you regroup one 10 for 10 ones.

So let's see this happen.

And altogether we will now have 13 ones.

So we write one to the left of the ones digits of the dividend to make 13 ones.

Lastly, you divide the ones.

So you can make three groups of four, ones from the 13 ones in the dividend.

So 13 ones divided by four is equal to three ones remainder one.

So then you write three in the ones column, but don't forget the remainder.

So you write r1 next to the three ones, in other words, remainder one.

So that means 133 packs are needed and there will be one dessert leftover.

Over to you.

I'd like you to label the diagram for short division below.

You can pause the video here and join us when you're ready.

So how did you do? This is what you should have got.

If you got that, give yourself a tick.

Let's move on.

Back to you.

You're going to use the information to fill in the gaps.

Pause the video here.

Off you go.

So how did you do? This is what you should have got using the information that was provided to you.

If you managed to get that, well done.

Let's move on.

Izzy is solving the calculation below.

So her dividend is 535 and her divisor is three.

She says that she can tell that there will be a remainder just by looking at her ones.

So if we have a look at our dividend are ones, we've got 25 ones altogether.

Now we know that 25 is not a multiple of three.

So Izzy says she will know that there will be a remainder.

Let's see how.

Well, you can use a times tables facts to help you.

You need to think, is 25 a multiple of three? No.

So that means there must be something left over.

Now you can make eight groups of three ones in the dividend.

And we can also do this by skip counting in three.

So three, six, nine, 12, 15, 18, 21, 24.

So we've got eight groups of three, which give us 24.

There is a remainder of one, which means 25 is not divisible by three.

24 can therefore be a part in the pothole model.

And one is the missing part and it is also the remainder.

The quotient is 178, remainder one.

Right, back to you.

I'd like you to tick the division equations which will result in a remainder.

Remember to look at your ones.

You can pause the video here.

Off you go.

So how did you do? You should have got B and C, so you should have got B because if we have a look at our ones, we've got 15 ones, now we're dividing this by seven.

15 is not a multiple of seven.

So we know that there will be a remainder.

That's because 15 ones divided by seven is two ones remainder one.

Now let's have a look at C.

If we have a look at our ones there we've got 19 ones, now we're dividing by four.

19 is not a multiple of four.

19 ones divided by four is equal to four ones, remainder three.

If you've got B and C, well done.

Good job.

Let's move on.

Back to you.

Describe the regrouped amount indicated in this short division in different ways.

You can pause the video here and click play when you're ready to join us.

So how did you do? Now there are various ways that you could have described the regrouped amount.

For example, you may have said that it means 10 10s have been regrouped.

You may have also said that there is 100 left over or remaining and you may have said that it represents 100.

It's very important that we understand the value of the regrouped amount.

Onto our first task.

For task A, question one, you are going to be completing the table.

You are going to write down how many 100s or 10s have been regrouped.

You can pause the video here.

Off you go, good luck.

So how did you do? This is what you should have got.

So let's look at this in detail.

If we look at our first question, it is 367 divided by three.

So there's no regrouping happening from our 100s to 10s.

It's the same for our 10s to our ones as well.

There will be a remainder of one.

For the next one, yes, there will be regrouping and you will be regrouping 100 for 10 10s and then you will also be regrouping in your 10s column.

So one 10 would've had to be regrouped as 10 ones.

And lastly, there will be a remainder of one.

Look at the last two questions, see if you've got the correct answers.

If you have, give yourself a tick.

Good job.

Let's move on.

Second lesson cycle.

You are going to be using short division and this time the questions will involve remainders.

Let's read this question.

So Andeep has collected 496 guinea cards.

He wants to divide them equally amongst three of his friends.

How many cards does each child get and are there any leftover? Now I want you to think about what division equation is needed to solve this question.

How do you know it's a division equation? Are there any key words that indicate this? Well, we know our division equation needs to be 496 divided by three.

496 being the dividend.

This is the amount that we are dividing up.

Our operation is division because there is a keyword there in the question that says to divide, and then our divisor is three.

This is the amount that we are dividing by.

The quotient is unknown.

That is what we are calculating.

So it's my turn.

I'm going to begin by writing the dividend and the divisor.

The divisors is placed outside to the left and the dividend is placed inside.

I'm going to start off by dividing the 100s, not the ones.

Okay, so the 100s.

You make one group of three 100s from the four 100s in the dividend.

There is a remainder of 100.

So four 100s divided by three is equal to 100, remainder 100.

So you write one in the 100s column.

Now you must regroup, 100 can be regrouped as 10 10s.

So then you write one to the left of the 10s digit in the dividend.

So now you've got 19 10s altogether.

Now we can divide our 10s.

You can make six groups of three 10s from the 19 10 in the dividend there is a remainder of one 10.

So that is the same as 1910s divided by three, which is equal to six 10s remainder one 10.

So you write the six in the 10s column.

Don't forget the remaining one 10, you have to regroup that one 10 for 10 ones.

So then you write the one to the left of the ones digit in the dividend.

So now you've got 16 ones altogether.

Now you can make five groups of three ones from the 16 ones in the dividend and there is one leftover.

So that's the same as saying 16 ones divided by three is equal to five ones remainder one.

So you write the five in the ones column and then you write the remainder one on top of the ones next to the ones digit.

So that means each friend will get 165 cards each.

Your turn.

I'd like you to pause the video and use short division to answer the following division equation.

637 divided by five.

You can pause the video here.

So how did you do? So you would've started off by looking at your 100s digit in the dividend and dividing it by our divisors of five.

Six 100s divided by five is equal to one 100s, remainder 100.

So you put the one on top of the 100s column and you place the remaining 100 as 10 10s and you write the ones digit to the left of the 10s column.

Now you've got 13 10s.

So 13 10s divided by five is equal to two 10s, remainder three 10s.

You should have popped the two 10s on top of the 10s column and the remaining three 10s, you've guessed it, you have to regroup.

So three 10s regrouped as ones is 30 ones, then placed the three to the left of the ones digit.

So now you've got 37 ones.

37 ones divided by five is seven ones, remainder two ones, and you should have recorded it like this.

So if you've got your quotient as 127 remainder two, you are correct.

Good job.

Over to you again.

Describe the quotient in this short division in different ways.

What does it mean? You can pause the video here.

Now, there were various ways of describing the quotient.

You may have got something like it means five groups of 127 and two makes 637.

It means 637 is not a multiple of five, and that's because there's a remainder.

And you may have also written what 127 represents.

So it represents one 100s, two 10s, and seven ones and a remainder of two ones.

Now Izzy is calculating using her whiteboard, but one of her numbers has rubbed off.

What advice would you give to Izzy to find the missing digit? I'd like you to explain this to a friend.

If you don't have someone sitting next to you, you can write it down on a piece of paper.

Well, we can begin by looking at our dividend.

Our dividend is 557.

I want you to ignore the regrouped amount for now.

Izzy says five 100s divided by something gives me 100, remainder 100.

You can use your table facts for questions like this to help you, and actually it really comes in handy because you'll find using multiplication very efficient.

So Izzy says she can make one group of four 100s from the five 100s with 100 remaining.

So that means the missing digit is four.

Now, there are many ways that you could have tackled this question.

Another way would've been to use a pothole model, but once you've completed a question like this, it's always a good idea to complete the calculation to check that 557 divided by four is 139 remainder one.

Over to you.

Izzy can find the missing digit by looking at her columns first.

You can pause the video here.

Off you go.

So what did you get? Izzy can look at her 100s column first.

If you got that, good job.

Onto our tasks for lesson cycle two.

So for question one, you're going to be ticking the calculations, which will require two or more instances of regrouping.

For question two, you're going to complete the calculations using short division.

For question three, you're going to solve the word problems below using division.

So 3A.

Andeep has collected 754 guinea cards.

He wants to divide them equally between six of his friends.

How many cards will each friend get? 3B.

Izzy is packing 890 T-shirts to sell at a fun fair.

She packed them into boxes of three.

How many boxes will she need? Will there be any T-shirts remaining? And question four, I'd like you to fill in the missing digits.

You can pause the video here.

Off you go.

Good luck.

So how did you do? You should have ticked this division equation, so 937 divided by four.

And this is because if we look at our dividend and look at each digit separately, we know that nine is not a multiple of four.

So that means we'd have to regroup.

So if we were to regroup, we would end up with 13 10s.

Now 13 10s is not a multiple of four, so we'd have to regroup again.

We would end up with one 10, which would then be 10 ones, and we'd have to regroup again because 17 ones altogether is not a multiple of four.

Now for question two, this is what you should have got.

You can pause the video here to mark the answers.

Okay, let's move on to the other questions.

So for question 3A, you should have got that each child will get 125 cards and there will be four leftover.

Your short division equation should have had the dividend 754 placed inside with four as the divisor placed outside.

For 3B, your dividend was 890 and your divisor is three.

So Izzy will need 296 boxes.

There'll be two T-shirts remaining.

So altogether she would've needed 297 boxes.

And for question four, this is what you should have got.

You can pause the video here to mark your work.

Well done.

We've made it to the end of the lesson.

So let's summarise our learning.

Today, you divided using short division with regrouping and remainders.

You can now hopefully understand that if the digits in the dividend are not a multiple of the divisor, you will need to regroup.

You'll also understand that if the one number is not a multiple of the divisor, then there will be a remainder in the answer.

And lastly, you record the partial quotients above the dividend in the correct place value columns.

Well done, fantastic effort and I look forward to seeing you in the next video.