
Lesson video

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Hello, I'm Mr. Tilstone.

I'm really excited to be working with you today and what is a very important topic in our day-to-day lives, and that is money.

Now, when you go to a shop, you'll see some people paying for their goods with a card, like a credit card, sometimes you'll see them paying with their phone, which I do quite often sometimes you'll see them paying with their watch even, but sometimes, and in fact, oftentimes, you'll see them paying with cash.

So it could be coins or it could be notes, or most likely a mixture.

Today we're going to be focusing on coins and particularly the one pound coin.

So if you are ready, let's begin.

Our lesson outcome today what we'd like you to say by the end of the lesson is, "I can explain and represent whole pounds as a quantity of money," and we'll be doing that in various ways.

We're going to be using some special vocabulary today, some keywords, and those keywords are, pounds and the little symbol that you've see in brackets next to the word pounds, notation, tenth and hundredth.

You might have heard some of those words before.

Let's have a little reminder about what they mean.

The unit of money used in the UK is pounds, and we can also use that symbol.

Notation is a system of symbols used to denote special things in maths.

So for example, the pound symbol that we'll be using today.

A tenth, and you may have had some experience of using this vocabulary recently, is the name that we give to one part of 10 equal parts.

And finally, a hundredth is the name that we give to one part of 100 equal parts.

So let's begin with our first learning cycle, which is using decimal notation to record whole pounds.

And let's start with this, the pound coin.

I'm confident that you've seen a pound coin before.

You may even have one in your pocket right now.

I'm sure that recently you might have handled one, you might have used one in a shop, you might have been given one.

So my question to you is this, what sorts of things can you buy with a pound coin? So I'd like you to pause a video now, have a chat.

What kind of things cost about one pound.

Okay, I'm sure you came up with lots of suggestions.

Let's have a look at a couple now.

So this is Jacob, and Jacob says, "I can buy a big bag of sweets." Yes you could, that would cost about a pound, wouldn't it? I can picture that.

This is Sophia.

She says, "I can buy a bubble wand with a pound coin." Now what notation can we use for the pound? Well, we can use words, the words one pound is acceptable.

You could see that written and you would say that out loud.

You could also see this notation with the pound symbol so we can represent one pound that way.

Sophia says, "So we read that as pound one because the pound sign goes first." Hmm, what do you think about what Sophia just said? Jacob says, "No, Sophia, we still read the number first.

It's still one pound." And we can also record it like this with two decimal places both of them zero.

So that also says one pounds or one pound.

Sophia again says, "So Jake, could we read that as one pound and no pence?" Hmm, does that sound right? Have you heard anybody saying that before, one pound and no pence? Jacob says, "No, there's no need to read the no pence bit, it's still one pound." So when you see that representation, that notation, you don't need to say the no pence bit, just one pound is acceptable.

Okay, let's have a practise of that, let's check your understanding so far.

So what can you see there? Well, let's have a look.

I can see two pounds, so I could use that notation the words.

I can also see two pounds and use that notation, and I can see two pounds using that notation with the two decimal places, both zero.

But note that I didn't say two pounds and no pence.

So over to you.

Can you express this amount of money in the same three ways? Pause the video and have a go.

Okay, how did you get on? Let's have a look.

Well, you could say the words three pounds, that's acceptable.

You could use this notation, three pounds with the symbol in front of the three, that's acceptable too, and you could use this notation, three pounds with the pound symbol in front of the three and a decimal point and two zeros, and that still saves three pounds.

So all three of those ways are acceptable ways to record.

Okay, over to you for your first practise task.

Here's what we'd like you to do.

Hopefully you've got some dice.

You're gonna roll a die.

In this case I've rolled a two.

And then if you've got plastic coins, you're going to use that for this task, if you haven't got plastic coins, you could use counters to represent the pound coins.

You're going to recreate the number that you roll using those plastic coins.

So I've rolled a two and I've taken two different pound coins to represent that.

And then finally, you're going to write that amount in three different ways.

So here we've got the words two pounds we've got two pounds with the pound symbol in front of the two, and we've got two pounds with a pound symbol in front of the two with a decimal point and two zeros and they all read two pounds.

You're going to do that three times.

Good luck and I'll see you shortly.

Okay, let's have a look.

How did you get on with that task? Let's have a look at an example, shall we? So I rolled this, I rolled a five.

That means I would need five one pound coins 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, I can subitize that, I don't need to count, I can see 5 there.

So I'd write that this is the important part in three different ways.

I could write the words five pounds, I could write five pounds with a pound symbol in front of the five, and I could do the same thing with a decimal point and two decimal places and they all say five pounds.

Let's move on to the second part of our lesson, which is using tenths and hundredths to describe relationships between coins.

You may have had some recent experience of working with decimals, particularly tenths and hundredths.

Let's put that to practise now, shall we? Ten one pence pieces have the same value as one 10 pence piece.

Let's see that as a bar model.

So here we have one 10 pence piece and ten one piece, and they're exactly the same, they're worth the same amount.

If something costs 10 p, you could pay for it with what's on the top of that bar model, you could also pay with for it with what's on the bottom of the bar model.

So they're equal.

10 groups of 1 p is equal to 10 p.

How else could you describe that relationship? You might want to pause a video and have a think.

Well, we could say 10 groups of 1 p is equal to 10 p, but we could show it as an addition equation.

We could say 1 p + 1 p + 1 p + 1 p + 1 p + 1 p + 1 p + 1 p + 1 p + 1 p = 10 p or 10 pence, both acceptable ways of saying that.

We could show it as a multiplication equation and that will take less time.

So we could say 1 p, or one pence x 10 = 10 p, or we could say 10 x 1 p = 10 p.

We could use that commutative relationship.

We could also use division.

10 P divided by 10 = 1 p.

We could also say 1 p is one tenth of 10 p, because 10 1 p's equals 10 p, so one of them is one tenth, and that's one of our key words for today.

Okay, let's do a check for understanding, shall we? Let's see how you're getting on.

You're gonna write down the relationships that you can see in this bar model, as many different ways as you possibly can.

Pause the video and good luck.

How did you get on? Let's have a look at some possible responses.

You might have said 1 p x 10 p = 10 p, you might have said one tenth of 10 p is 1 p, there's lots of different things that you might have said.

Well done, if you've got any of those.

Now let's move on, let's start thinking about our one pound coin.

Got a generalisation for you here.

10 groups of 10 P is equal to one pound.

How else could you describe that relationship? Let's think about some of the ways we used before.

We could say 10 p times 10 equals one pound, we could say 10 times 10 p equals one pound, we could say one pound divided by 10 equals 10 p.

All of those things can be seen in that bar model.

10 groups of 10 P is equal to one pound.

So 10 P is one tenth of one pound.

Let's do another check for understanding, shall we? Have a look at that image, look at the bar model and tell your partner all the relationships that you can remember or that you can think of that you can see in this bar model.

Pause the video.

See you shortly.

Let's have a look at some possible response that you might have said.

You might have said 10 p times 10 equals one pound, one tenth of 1 pound is 10 p, many possible responses.

Let's move on to thinking about the relationship between a different coin and one pound.

We're gonna think about a penny and how many times one penny goes into one pound or how many pennies are worth one pound.

100 groups of 1 p is equal to one pound.

So both of those values are worth exactly the same, they're both worth one pound.

100 groups of 1 p is equal to one pound.

How else could you describe that relationship? Think about some of the ways that we used before.

Let's investigate, shall we? We could say 1 p times 100 equals one pound, we could say 100 times 1 p equals one pound, we could say one pound divided by 100 equals 1 p, 100 groups of 1 p is equal to one pound so 1 p is one hundredth of one pound.

Let's do a check for understanding.

Which of these statements are true? 1 p is one tenth of one pound.

Is that true or is that false? 1 p times 100 equals one pound.

Hmm, is that true or false? 1 p is one hundredth of one pound, true or false? And one pound is one hundredth of 1 p.

I think some of those are true and some of those are false.

So over to you.

Can you decide which is which? Pause the video and have a go.

Let's investigate.

Well, it's not true to say that 1 p is one tenth of one pound.

It's one tenth of something, isn't it? It's one tenth of 10 p.

It is true to say that 1 p times 100 equals one pound, they're worth the same.

It is true to say that 1 p is one hundredth of one pound because it fits into it a hundred times a hundred of them make one pound,, so it's hundredth.

But it's not true to say that one pound is hundredth of 1 p.

Over to you for your second practise task, you're going to complete the missing fractions.

So 1 p is 1 mm, of 10 p, 10 P is 1 mm, of one pound, and 1 p is 1 mm, of one pound.

We've got some diagrams there to help you with your thinking.

The second task is to describe the relationship between the sets of coins in as many ways as you can, so think multiplication, division, addition, fractions.

Have a go at that as many ways as you possibly can.

Number three, to describe the relationship between the sets of coins in as many ways as you can.

And again, we've got a little image there, a little reminder, but think about multiplication, addition, fractions, all of the things that we've looked at so far.

Pause the video, good luck, and I'll see you shortly for some feedback.

Okay, so complete the missing fraction.

So 1 p is one tenth of 10 P 10 P is one tenth of one pound, 1 p is one hundredth of one pound.

So let's have a look how we got on with task 2 on cycle B, which was to describe the relationship between the sets of coins in as many ways as you can.

Now you can see the bar model is showing equality.

So the top row is equal to the bottom row.

So we've got 10 10 p's and we've got one 1 pound and they're worth the same amount.

But how can you describe that? Well, you might for example, use fractions.

You might say 10 P is one tenth of one pound.

You might use a longer edition sentence and say 10 p, 10 P, et cetera, et cetera equals one pound as you can see from the example on the screen, you might have thought about multiplication.

So you might have said 10 p times 10 equals one pound, you might have thought about switching those over as well.

So 10 times 10 p equals one pound, and you might have also thought about division.

So we can see here from the bar model that one pound is divided by 10, so divided into 10 equal parts gives you 10 p and they're all acceptable.

So well done if you've got any of those and big well done if you've got all of those.

Let's have a look at task 3, let's see how we got on with that, that was to describe the relationship between these sets of coins.

So we've got different coins this time, we've got one p's and we've got one pound, 100 one p's to be exact and one 1 pound.

And they're equal too.

So you might have used fractions, you might have said something like 1 p is one hundredth of one pound, you might have thought about multiplication, you might have said, 1 p times a hundred equals one pound, you might have switched those values and said, 100 times 1 p equals one pound, you might even have thought about division.

So you might have said one pound divided by 100 equals one p.

They're all true.

So well done if you've got any of those, and a big well done if you managed to get all of those.

We've come to the end of the lesson.

Let's summarise, shall we? Our lesson today was explaining and representing pounds as a quantity of money.

So we've had a big focus on the one pound coin.

We've looked at other coins too, but our big focus today has been the one pound coin.

Whole numbers of pounds can be written in different ways, including using two decimal places.

So for example, you can write four pounds like that with the pound symbol in front of the four, the decimal point and two zeros.

And we read that, remember, not as four pounds and no pence, but simply as four pounds.

And you can express it in other ways as well, for example, just the pound symbol and the number four would be an acceptable way of saying four pounds.

And notice that although they're written in two different ways, we say them in the same way, they're both four pounds.

And then we looked at some fractional relationships.

So we looked at, for example, 1 p is one hundredth of one pound because 100 pennies equals one pound.

We also looked at tenths.

So for example, 10 P is one tenth of one pound.

I've had great fun learning about money with you today, and hopefully I'll see you again soon.

Thank you and bye-Bye.