
Lesson video

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Hello, my name's Mrs. Hopper, and I'm really looking forward to working with you in this lesson.

The lesson comes from our unit on multiples of 1,000.

So we're gonna be looking at those bigger numbers.

How are they put together, how are they composed, where do we find them in real life, and how can we learn about them so that we can work with them when we're solving problems. So if you're ready to make a start, let's get going.

So in this lesson, we're going to be looking at the number 10,000 and explaining how it can be composed, how it can be made in different ways.

We've got two keywords in our lesson today.

So I'll take my turn to say them and then you can say them.

So my turn, multiple, your turn.

My turn, equivalent, your turn.

I'm sure you're familiar with these two words.

So let's just remind ourselves of what they mean because we're going to be using them in our lesson today.

They're gonna be useful to us.

So a multiple is the result of multiplying a number by another whole number.

And two expressions are equivalent if they have the same value.

So look out for these words as we go through our lesson today.

Our lesson's in two parts.

In the first part, we're going to be building 10,000, and in the second part, we're going to be looking at 10,000 in everyday life.

So let's make a start.

And we've got Sam and Lucas in our lesson today to help us.

So we've got some sticker books here.

There are 1,000 stickers in each sticker book.

Let's count in multiples of 1,000.

Sam and Lucas are gonna count with this part of the way.

We're gonna carry the count on ourselves.

So let's count.

Are you ready? 1,000, 2,000, 3,000, 4,000, 5,000, 6,000, 7,000, 8,000, 9,000, 10,000.

So 10,000 stickers.

Lucas says, "We can also count up by counting how many lots of 1,000 there are." So let's count with Lucas.

One, one thousand, two, one thousands, three, one thousands, four , one thousands, five, one thousands, six, one thousands, seven, one thousands, eight, one thousands, nine, one thousands, ten, one thousands.

We could use place value counters to represent each thousand as well.

And you recognise something.

We've put something a bit like a 10 frame around our stickers.

So let's replace them with the counters.

10 lots of 1,000 is equivalent to 10,000.

And there are 1,000 place value counters.

10 lots of 1,000 is equivalent to 10,000.

And we can represent this using a bar model as well.

So our bar model.

We've got 10,000 in the hole, and we've got 10 parts, each worth 1,000.

So 10 1,000 are equal to 10,000.

And there are our three representations.

10 lots of 1,000 stickers, 10 lots of 1,000 place value counters, and a bar for 10,000, split into 10 equal parts of 1,000.

Let's have a look at the bar model.

Each 1,000 is also composed of 10 hundreds.

So we've got our 10,000, which is composed of 10 one thousands, but each of those one thousands is composed of 10 hundreds.

Each one of these smaller bars has a value of 100.

So there's 100 shaded in.

And this is worth 10 hundreds.

And we know that 10 hundreds is equal to 1,000.

So Lucas asks, "How many hundreds then are equivalent to 10,000?" Well, should we use the bar model to help us? So Sam says, "Let's count them up.

10, one hundreds, 20, one hundreds, 30, one hundreds, 40, one hundreds, 50, one hundreds, 60, one hundreds, 70, one hundreds, 80, one hundreds, 90, one hundreds, 100, one hundreds." So 100 one hundreds are equivalent to 10,000.

What do you notice now? Each one represents one 10.

And if you look really carefully, there's one of those little squares shaded in.

So each one now represents one 10.

Remember, we had 10 one hundreds, and we've split each of those one hundreds into 10 tens, and there is our little tiny one 10 shaded.

So let's count up with Sam.

We've got 100 tens, 200 tens, 300 tens, 400 tens, 500 tens, 600 tens, 700 tens, 800 tens, 900 tens, 1000 tens? 900, 1,000 tens.

So 1,000 tens are equivalent to 10,000.

Wow, we've built this bar model up, haven't we? We've had one 10,000, and then we've had how many thousands, how many hundreds, and how many tens? Each bar is being divided into 10 parts below it.

So 10,000 divided by 10 gives us our 1,000.

1,000 divided by 10 gives us our 100.

100 divided by 10 gives us our tens.

Well, Sam says, "We could think of it a different way.

Each part is being multiplied by 10 to create the bar above." So 10 times 10 is equal to 100, 100 times 10 is equal to 1,000, and 1,000 times 10 is equal to 10,000.

Let's have a look on a place value chart.

Sam says, "I've noticed something." She says, "If you underline the numbers up to the unit you want, you can find out how many of that unit the number is composed of." Let's just say that again, "If you underline the numbers up to the unit you want," so those headings are our units that we could count in, "you can find out how many of that unit the number is composed of." Well, we are looking at 10,000 today.

So if we underline up to 1,000, we can see that there are 10 thousands in 10,000.

If we underline up to the hundreds, we can see that there are 100 hundreds in 10,000.

There are 1,000 tens in 10,000.

And there are 10,000 ones in 10,000.

So we can use the place value chart to help us think about how 10,000 is built up from those smaller units, how it is composed.

Time to check your understanding.

Thinking about the place value chart or our bar model, can you match the missing words to the correct sentence? All about how many tens, hundreds, and thousands there are in 10,000.

So pause the video, have a go, match the words, and we'll get together for some feedback.

How did you get on? So there are hm tens in 10,000.

Well, if you remember, there were 1,000 tens in 10,000.

Do you remember all those tiny tens in the bottom row of our bar model? And you might have thought, "If we underlined all the way to tens in the number 10,000 on our place value chart, we saw that we have 1,000 tens." And using the same way of thinking, we can see that we have 100 hundreds in 10,000, and we have 10 one thousands in 10,000.

Time for you to do some practise.

So fill in the missing numbers in these sentences with the gaps in for A, and then in B, can you fill in the missing values in the multiplications and divisions? You might want to go back and think about using the place value chart to help you, or go back and look at the bar model to help you.

Anyway, pause the video, have a go, and we'll come back for some feedback.

How did you get on? So the missing words, how many thousands are there in 10 thousands? There are 10 thousands in 10,000.

It's there in the name, isn't it? 10,000.

So there must be 10 thousands in 10,000.

How many hundreds are there in 10,000? That's right.

There are 100 hundreds in 10,000.

If there are 10 thousands, and we know that there are 10 hundreds in each thousand, there must be 10 times as many hundreds as there are thousands.

So can we use that thinking about how many tens there are? That's right.

There were 1,000 tens in 10,000.

And there's a bit of an interesting bit of language there, isn't it? There were 10 thousands, but there are 1,000 tens in 10,000.

So we've got 10 one thousands and we've got 1,000 tens.

What about our equations in B? Let's look at the multiplications.

So 10 times, well, we can use our sentences to help here.

10 times 1,000 is equal to 10,000.

So if you've got 10 times 1,000, we must have 100 times 100, we must have 1,000 times 10, and 10,000 times 1.

And what about our divisions? Well, 10,000 divided by 1,000 must equal 10, because we know that 10 times 1,000 is equal to 10,000.

10,000 divided by 100 is equal to 100, 10,000 divided by 10 is equal to 1,000, and 10,000 divided by 1 is equal to 10,000.

I hope you were successful in filling those in.

Let's move on to part two.

So in part two of our lesson, we're going to think about 10,000 in everyday life.

So what examples of 10,000 have you seen in everyday life? We've got some bags of flour here.

Have you've been to the supermarket maybe and seen bags of flour on the shelf.

Sam says, "A bag of flour weighs one kilogramme.

That's equivalent to 1,000 grammes." And Lucas says, "And I've definitely seen 10 bags of flour on the shelf before." So if one kilogramme bag of flour has 1,000 grammes in it, then 10 one kilogramme bags will have 10,000 grammes of flour.

So we can see 10,000 grammes of flour there.

What about this? This remind you of something.

Have you seen those water coolers? And you can push the button and get a glass of nice cold water out of it.

Well, the bottles that store water at a water cooler have 10,000 millilitres of water in them.

And Lucas says, "I've always wondered how much water they had in them." Sam says, "Have you been to a football stadium before?" I wonder if any of you have been to a football stadium.

Maybe you watch it on television and you can see the people in the football stadium.

Lucas says, "No, I haven't.

Have you?" And Sam says, "Yes, I've been to watch Wycombe Wanderers at Adams Park," she says.

"They can fit 10,000 people into their stadium to watch a match." Maybe you could have a look.

Do you support a football team? How big is their stadium? Can they fit 10,000 people in? Perhaps they can fit more than 10,000 people and maybe something to go and have a think about.

Ooh, we've got a calendar now.

I wonder what 10,000 we're thinking about here.

Or Lucas asks, "I wonder how many years 10,000 days is." Any idea? How many years do you think that's going to be? Do you think you've been alive for 10,000 days? Let's work it out.

Sam says, "Well, 365 days is one year." I know a leap year would be 366, but we're estimating here.

So we'll take 365 days.

So she says, "10 years will be 3,650 days, 20 years would be 7,300 days, and 30 years would be 10,950 days." Lucas says, "That's 950 days too many, which is a little under three years." So that makes 10,000 days just over 27 years.

Ah, so you've got a little way to go until you've been alive for 10,000 days, haven't you? Maybe you could keep an eye on that and celebrate your 10,000 day birthday.

"Okay, what do you reckon 10,000 hours is in days then?" says Lucas.

Hm, I wonder what that is.

He's gonna leave it to Sam to do the calculating again, isn't he? "Well," says Sam, "there are 24 hours in one day.

So 10 days is 240 hours.

100 days is 2,400 hours." Ah, Lucas is gonna help out.

He says, "Four lots of 2,400 is 9,600 hours.

So that must be 400 days." So that's still 400 hours to go, isn't it? He says, "And if we divide the remaining 400 hours by 24." Ooh, Sam says, "That gives us another 16 days and 16 hours." She's done a bit of working out there, hasn't she? But thank you for doing it for us some.

So it's 416 days and 16 hours.

So that's over a year, isn't it? 365 days in a year.

So 10,000 hours is more than a year.

Ooh, we've got a map of the British Isles here.

So we can see England, Scotland, Wales, and Northern Ireland here.

The rest of the island of Ireland is missing.

So we can see the British Isles.

Did you know that if you were to walk around the mainland of the U.


, so that doesn't include Northern Ireland, it would be just over 10,000 miles.

Wow! That's amazing, isn't it? But I suppose our coastline is quite wiggly, isn't it? There's lots of bits where you go in and up and around bays and estuaries and bits of rivers and things.

So the coast isn't a straight line.

So you've got to do lots of curves and bends in that.

But 10,000 miles.

"Really?" says Sam.

That's amazing.

My reaction too, Sam.

Lucas says, "Yeah, and it would take about three years to walk it." And Sam says, "Maybe when I've retired then!" I think you've got a little way to wait then, haven't you, Sam? Let's think about length then.

What examples of 10,000 do you see in everyday life? So we've got a metre stick here, 100 centimetres.

Sam says, "There are 10,000 metres in 10 kilometres." Yep, 'cause there's a thousand metres in one kilometre.

So if we imagine laying down 10,000 metre rulers, that would be 10,000 metres would be 10 kilometres.

"And," says Lucas, "there are 10,000 millimetres in 10 metres." There are 1,000 millimetres in one metre.

So if we laid down 10 metre sticks, we'd have 10,000 millimetres.

That's something you could perhaps picture or go and measure out on the playground.

That would be 10,000 millimetres.

Millimetres are quite tiny, aren't they? So there's our 10 centimetres and there are 100 millimetres in 10 centimetres.

There's our one millimetre.

Of course, this isn't to scale, so it's not exactly the same when you look at it on your screen.

So we can imagine 10 metre sticks and one millimetre would be really tiny on one of those 10 metre sticks, wouldn't it? But there would be 10,000 millimetres in 10 metres.

Right, lots of things to think about there.

Let's just pause and check our understanding.

How many 100 millilitre cups of water would it take to fill this 10,000 millilitre bottle? So think back to the first part of our lesson, where we looked at the composition of 10,000.

And let's just think, if we had a 100 millilitre cup of water, just a very big cup of water, how many of them could we fill from the 10,000 millilitre bottle? Pause the video, have a think, and we'll come back for some feedback.

How did you get on? Well, there are 100 hundreds in 10,000.

So there must be 100 100 millilitres in 10,000.

So we could fill 100 of those cups from our 10,000 millilitre water cooler.

And time for you to do some practise.

How many different examples of 10,000 can you find in your own everyday lives? You might want to think about some of the examples we've used and explore those a little bit further.

You might want to find out about your local football club.

Maybe they can take 10,000 people to watch a match.

Pause the video, have a discussion and a think, and see how many different examples of 10,000 you can come up with from your everyday lives.

What did you come up with? Here are a few examples I came up with.

It's a good aim to walk 10,000 steps in each day.

You might have heard lots of people talking about that.

So 10,000 steps in each day.

I wonder if you could work out how far a hundred steps takes you and how far that would take you.

How far do you have to walk to do 10,000 steps? A TV show could give away 10,000 pounds as a prize.

10,000 pounds, what would that buy you, do you think? But 10,000 pounds is an amount of money you might have heard people talk about.

And when you're doing your reading, which I hope you do every day, it takes about 30 minutes to read 10,000 words.

I wonder if you could challenge yourself not only to do 10,000 steps a day, but to read 10,000 words a day.

Think of all the wonderful books you could explore if you did.

Well, I hope you had fun exploring the ways that 10,000 appears in our everyday lives.

And we've come to the end of the lesson.

We've been explaining how 10,000 can be composed.

So what have we learned? We've learned that 10 one thousands are equivalent to 10,000.

100 hundreds are equivalent to 10,000.

1,000 tens are equivalent to 10,000.

And 10,000 can be big or small.

It depends on the unit you are counting in.

Remember, 10,000 metres was a long way.

10,000 millimetres was not that far at all.

We could quite easily fit it into our playground.

So I hope you've enjoyed learning all about 10,000 and thinking about 10,000 in different contexts.

I've certainly enjoyed it, and I hope I get to work with you again soon.
