
Lesson video

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Hello, I'm Mrs. Lashley, and I'm gonna be working with you as we go through the lesson today.

I hope you're ready to make a start.

So our learning outcome today is to be able to read from various different scales, and convert between different units.

There are some words that you will have met in your previous learning that you may wish to pause the video, so that you can reread and make sure you're happy with those before you move on into the main lesson.

So our lesson's gonna have two learning cycles.

The first part is looking at converting whilst we are doing any cooking.

And the second is exploring different scales in different places.

So let's make a start at looking at converting units of measure in the cooking context.

So a recipe is a set of instructions for a particular dish, and within a recipe, there's always a list of ingredients.

So Lucas knows that if he wishes to make some pancakes, then he is gonna need some eggs, some milk, and some flour to make the batter for the pancakes.

And so that's what he does.

He gets some eggs, he gets some flour, and he gets some milk.

But when he makes the batter, he notices it doesn't seem to be the correct consistency.

So he is made pancakes before, and this time round, he's looking at the batter, and it doesn't seem to be the right consistency.

So what might have happened? Why might the batter for this pancake mixture have not got the same consistency as before or the wrong consistency? You might wanna pause the video, and think about what has happened or what might have happened when Lucas has tried to make his batter.

A recipe is a set of instructions and the list of ingredients tends to have quantities against them, so that the ratio of ingredient to ingredient stays the same every time you make it.

So it may have been that Lucas has used too much flour this time or not enough flour, and that therefore, the consistency of the batter has changed from his previous times of making pancakes.

So here is the ingredient list from a recipe for pancakes.

So Lucas was correct, we needed flour, eggs, and milk.

And if you wish to make 12 pancakes, 100 grammes of plain flour, 2 large eggs, and 300 millilitres of milk.

So the units on this recipe are metric, and most modern kitchen measuring scales or jugs will use metric units.

So if we wish to make 24 pancakes, how many eggs would you need to use? So remember, that we need to keep the ratio between ingredients within the recipe the same if we scale it up.

So have a think how many eggs would we need if we want to make 24 pancakes using this recipe? So the recipe makes 12, and we wish to make 24, so that's twice the amount of pancakes.

So all of the ingredients also need to be doubled in order to keep the ratio between them the same.

And so therefore, we'd need four large eggs.

Jacob has found a recipe on the internet for chocolate chip cookies.

So you can see that on the left all the ingredients that Jacob needs to make chocolate chip cookies.

But Jacob says, "I know what tsp, so that's the shorthand for teaspoon, but what's a cup and a stick?" So I think he probably knows what a cup is and a stick is in terms of other context, but in a recipe, what is a cup and what is a stick? Maybe you've used a recipe that's had cups and sticks mentioned.

So this recipe, because he is found it on the internet, obviously, the internet allows him to find recipes from anywhere across the world.

And this one would've been written for the US or the United States.

And 1 cup is equivalent to 16 tablespoons, and 1 stick is equivalent to 8 tablespoons.

So in this recipe, because it's written for the US market, they tend to measure their ingredients, especially in baking in cups and sticks as opposed to what we normally use, which would be grammes or teaspoons and tablespoons.

So why do the cups and the sticks convert to tablespoons and not grammes? So just think about that for a moment.

If you're with somebody, if you've got a partner, you might wanna discuss that.

So why do they use cups and sticks, which are equivalent to our tablespoons, rather than telling us that it's equivalent to, let's say 30 grammes? Pause the video whilst you discuss that, and think about that, and when you are ready to check, press play.

While the cups and the sticks, tablespoons, and teaspoons are all measuring volume, whereas, grammes is a measure of mass.

And so it's important to recognise that different ingredients will have different masses.

So whereas one cup of flour, one cup of sugar would be the same volume of ingredient, because it's filled up the same cup, but it would have a different mass.

And so this is why it's not a conversion between one cup and grammes, because it would change dependent on the ingredient.

Whereas, one cup to a tablespoon is the same every single time.

Regardless of which ingredient you are using, they would have the same volume.

So we're gonna need to convert the cups to tablespoons for Jacob to go on and use this recipe, because he doesn't have anything in his kitchen that has a measure of cups or sticks, but he does have tablespoons.

So we know that 1 cup is equivalent to 16 tablespoon, so we're gonna use a ratio table here.

So that is multiplied by 16 in that direction to get from 1 cup to 16 tablespoons.

So if we look at the three cups of all purpose flour that Jacob needs to use, we're gonna put that in the ratio table.

Well, we can see that that is three times as many cups, as our sort of unitary conversion, and we can also use this idea that that's multiplied by 16 going horizontally in the ratio table.

So how many tablespoons is 3 cups equivalent to? 48, so Jacob can use 48 tablespoons of all purpose flour, and that would be equivalent to the recipes 3 cups.

So can you do this one without the table? The granulated sugar, there was half a cup necessary in the recipe, so how many tablespoons is that equivalent to? That would be eight.


So then we need light brown sugar, and the recipe says 1 1/4 cups.

So again, we can use our ratio table to convert between our cups to our tablespoons.

Every 1 cup has 16 tablespoons.

So 1 1/4, you can see the different multiplicative relationships within that ratio table.

And so how many tablespoons is that equivalent to? It's equivalent to 20 tablespoons.

So the recipe requires two cups of chocolate chips.

How many tablespoons of chocolate chips is equivalent to two cups? So what's the missing number in the ratio table? Pause the video whilst you calculate that.

And when you're ready to check your answer, press play.

So that would be 32.

We've got twice as many cups, so that's twice as many tablespoons.

And we know that every cup is equivalent to 16 tablespoons.

So 2 times 16 is 32, and 16 times by 2 is also 32.

So now, we've got to think about the stick of butter.

So in the recipe, we need two sticks of unsalted butter.

We know that one stick is equivalent to eight tablespoons.

We can see that in the ratio table now.

So if we place the two, then how many tablespoons is that equivalent to? Or using all the multiplicative relationships within those that ratio table, we can see that that's equivalent to 16 tablespoons.

So our recipe is now being converted from cups and sticks into using teaspoons and tablespoons other than the eggs, which is just two large eggs.

So Jacob decides that he doesn't need to make 28 cookies.

So the recipe is for making 28.

So he decides to try, and make just seven cookies.

So he is rewritten his ingredient list for making seven.

But the cookies do not come out correctly.

Can you see why? So pause the video, and have a scan through the two recipe lists.

Remember back to the batter that if the ratio between the ingredients within the recipe is not the same when it has been scaled up or down, then the consistency, or the texture, or the result will be different.

So pause the video and see where Jacob went a little bit wrong.

Press play when you're ready to check.

To go from 28 cookies to 7, then it's 1/4 of the ingredients that we need.

So it's 1/4 of the quantity of cookies, therefore, we need 1/4 of every ingredient.

And so if you go down the ingredient list, has he quarter it, has he quarter it, has he quarter it? And hopefully, you'll see that the eggs is the issue.

But maybe you can think about why that was a problem for Jacob and maybe why he made a decision to use one large egg, because he needed only half of a large egg.

But if he's gonna crack open an egg, he's got a whole egg.

So then there's a little bit of effort there to measure how much that weighs and divide it by two, etc.

So sometimes, we make these decisions to slightly alter the recipe, but that will have an impact on the outcome.

So it was the eggs that has caused the cookies to not quite have the desired effect.

So here's a check.

Jacob makes another batch of 32 cookies.

His mother tries one, and says they're very sweet.

Jake used 10 tablespoons of granulated sugar.

Is that the correct amount? So that's the original recipe for 28.

Remember that the conversion rate between cups and tablespoons is every 1 cup is equal to 16 tablespoons.

So pause the video and when you're ready to check, press play.

So no, he didn't use the correct amount of sugar, which is probably why his mother recognised that these cookies were very sweet.

The recipe for 28 requires eight tablespoons of sugar and 2 tablespoons of sugar would be for 7, 'cause if it's 1/4 of the amount, then you only need 2.

So Jacob had used the amount of sugar for 35 cookies, not 32.

So he is used more sugar than necessary for the 32 cookies, which would have an impact of being very sweet.

So we're now up to the task part for this lesson.

So question one is an ingredient list for a recipe for ketchup.

There are three parts that you need to answer, and there is a conversion of one ounce, which oz is the shorthand is approximately 28 grammes.

You can use that conversion rate within this question.

So press pause whilst you're working through question one.

When you press play, we'll move on to question two.

So now, we're up to question two, and question two is an ingredient list for white bread.

So it makes one loaf.

Andeep has only got access to a weighing scale in ounces.

1 ounce is approximately 28 grammes.

You will have used that on question one, complete the ratio tables to convert the quantities.

So part A is for the flour, and part B is for the yeast.

So press pause whilst you are answering question two.

When you press play, we're gonna go through the answers to this task A.

So A and B, parts A and B of question one are on the screen.

So parts A was Izzy follows the recipe, and uses two medium onions.

How many servings in ketchup is she making? So we needed to look at the original recipe, which it required 1 medium onion, and that made 24 servings.

So if she's used 2 medium onions, then she's effectively doing the recipe twice, and therefore, she's making 48 servings of ketchup.

Part B, Jun follows the recipe and uses seven pounds, lb is the shorthand for pound, an imperial measurement of plum tomatoes.

How many servings of ketchup is he making? So the recipe had 2 pounds of canned plum tomatoes makes 24, and he has chosen to use 7.

So that is 3.

5 times larger, and therefore, he's going to be making 84 servings of ketchup.

And then finally, part C, Aisha only has 60 grammes of brown sugar.

How many servings of ketchup can she make? So this was a little bit more involved, and this is where that conversion between the imperial and the metric came in.

It was an approximation.

So 1 ounce is approximately 28 grammes.

If she only has 60 grammes, that is equivalent to 2 and 1/7 of an ounce of brown sugar.

So then we need to use the recipe where she needed 3 ounces of brown sugar to make 24 servings, but she didn't have 3 ounces.

She had 2 1/7 or 15/7, if you write that as an improper fraction.

So again using a ratio table, we can work out that that's equivalent to 17 and 1/7 servings.

So that would be 17 servings that Aisha can make with the quantity of brown sugar that she has available.

So we had to go from the metric 60 grammes into our imperial ounces, because that's what the recipe was written in, was imperial measurements.

And then by knowing how much brown sugar she had working out how many servings that would be able to create as long as she has all of the other ingredients.

And then question two, using the ratio tables to convert the quantity.

So for flour, you should have got 17 and 6/7.

You may have rounded that, you may have put a decimal that you've rounded, but 17 and 6/7 would be how many ounces she needs to measure.

And for the yeast, it would be 1/4.

So she would need 1/4 of an ounce of fast action yeast to make the one loaf.

So in the second learning cycle, we're gonna be exploring different scales, and thinking about how we read different scales in different contexts.

Scales can be seen in different contexts, and we are familiar with scales on different rulers to measure length.

The units of measures could be millimetres or centimetres.

They would be our metric units of measure for length, but they could be inches or feet, et cetera, if we were working with imperial.

So you can see an image there of probably a tape measure that you would use for DIY, or if you were in the building trade, the middle one is normally a sort of a cloth measuring tape that you might use in upholstery or sewing.

And then the metal rule would be a ruler that you might use for drawing and an accurate construction.

So this is part of a scale on a ruler measuring in inches.

Aisha says that the piece of ribbon is just under three inches, and I think you can see that that's true.

We've not quite reached three on the scale, so it is under three inches.

and Laura says, "I think it is 2.

7 inches." Well, 2.

7 is less than 3, it's under 3.

So that agrees with Aisha, but is Laura correct? If that is a piece of ribbon that we are measuring on this ruler that's in inches, is it 2.

7 inches? Well no, the ruler is not divided into intervals of 0.


There are eight intervals.

So there is a gap of one unit between the two and the three inches, and there are eight intervals between that.

So each one of them is an increment of 0.

125 and eighth, because one unit divided into 8 equal intervals would give you 0.


So each of those little marks along the scale is an increase of that 1/8.

So the ribbon would be 2.

875 inches or we could write that as 2 7/8 of an inch.

So just to check, I would like you to match the ruler with the correct reading, so the rulers there, and then the readings on the right, which ones go together? So pause the video whilst you decide which ones match up, and when you're ready to check, press play.

So A matched with E, 2.


So that was similar.

So the last one we saw that it was going up in eighths.

There are eight intervals between that unit of one, and therefore, each little increment is 0.

125 B matches with 2.


So this one we've going between two and three as a unit is one, and there are four intervals.

So that would mean that each increment is 1/4 or 0.


And so if we are at the third one, we're at 2.


And lastly 2.

6, so the last one has got 10 intervals.

So each increment is 0.

1, so we can count up 2.

1, 2.

2, 2.

3, 2.

4, 2.

5, 2.


Or you could count down from three.

You could start at the 3, and go 2.

9, 2.

8, 2.

7, and you still get to 2.


So it's really important that you are figuring out and you're working out the value of the interval.

What is the scale increasing in? So we are thinking about these different scales in different contexts.

So these are weighing scales.

You may have something similar at home, and they have two different scales in them.

The top one which is black in this image is measuring stone.

So it's measuring your mass.

If you were to stand on this weighing scale, you're measuring mass in stone, the imperial unit.

Whereas the bottom scale which is red, is in kilogramme.

So if you are standing on there and you needed to take your metric unit of mass, then you would be using the red scale.

So there are 14 intervals between the 0 and 1 stone.

So if you were to count how many intervals in a similar way that we just did with the rulers, there are 14 intervals, and that is over a space of 1 stone.

And the reason that there are 14, 14 feels pretty random as an amount to have it broken into, but that is because 1 stone is equal to 14 pounds.

So in the imperial units of measure for mass, 1 stone is a quantity that could be divided up into pounds, which is a smaller measure of mass, and there are 14 within a stone.

So every one of those little lines is one pound more.

So if your arrow, if this had an arrow that moved was pointing here, that the reading for that point would be one stone and four pounds, because it is the fourth line after the one marker.

On the weighing scale, we've got these two scales, we've got the imperial and we've got the metric.

And if we take it out of the curve, that's the way that it, within it, it's a dial that spins as you stand on it, we can actually think of it as like a double number line.

So we've got our stones in the black, and our kilogrammes in the red, and you are measuring the same thing when you are stood on it, your mass is not different, it's just which unit you are using.

So it's effectively the double number line but drawn on a curve, because of the mechanics of the weighing scale.

Stone is an imperial measure of mass, and kilogramme is a metric measure of mass, I've already mentioned that.

And the mass in kilogrammes is directly proportional to the mass in stone.

And we know from our other learning about direct proportion that variables that are directly proportional can be represented on a double number line as we see here.

And remember, in the scales, it was just curved, or as a graph.

So if we had our kilogramme as our horizontal axis, and then we've got stone as our vertical axis, they are directly proportional to each other.

And so we could plot a graph to show the direct proportional nature.

They're linearly directly proportional, and that's why we can see that this is a line.

So we can use the graph to get an approximate conversion rate of one stone in kilogrammes by going across at the one stone using the correct axis.

And once we hit our graph, going down perpendicular to that, and taking a reading in kilogrammes.

So this is an approximate conversion of 6.

4 kilogrammes.

So if we go back to our weighing scales and look more closely at the red scale, there are 20 intervals between the 0 and 10 kilogrammes.

So each small interval, we could calculate to be 0.

5 kilogrammes or 500 grammes, which is equivalent to each other.

So we are measuring that in kilogrammes.

We could have just had 10, and then we just know ourself to a rounded value of 1 kilogramme.

But by having this sort of smaller interval in between, it can be more accurate in measuring our mass.

And we can see here that what we just saw on the graph, that one stone using the black scale just above, if we go directly below it is equivalent to our, again, about 6.

4 kilogrammes.

There's many places that you can find scales, but another place where there are scales is the dashboard of a car.

So here is one that is a tachometer or a revolution counter, and it is measuring the revolutions each minute of the vehicle's crankshaft, and we measure that using the unit r, which is revolutions per minute or RPM.

So you can see that on the picture there.

And so the bars will increase as the accelerator is pushed, and the crankshaft spins faster.

And so on this one, the bars have reached the 2, which means that this engine's crankshaft is rotating at 2,000 revolutions per minute or 2,000 RPM.

So the speedometer is another place on the dashboard of a car where we need to be able to read a scale.

Again, this might now be digital in the car that you are used to being within, or you've been in a car with a digital speedometer now.

But there are still cars that will have a sort of analogue scale that you need to be careful and confident to read in order not to, you know, break the speed limit once you are driving.

So the outside scale is in miles per hour, and you can see MPH written there, and the inside scale is in kilometres per hour.

And you probably can see the KMH.

So this is a UK car, where we still travel the roads reading and our speed limits in miles per hour.

If you were in a car on mainland Europe, the scales would be the other way round, kilometres per hour would be the more prominent scale, and the miles per hour would be the inside one.

And another place is the fuel gauge.

So it's really important that you know how much fuel is in your car, because of how much distance left you can cover with the amount of fuel that is power in the car.

So it indicates the proportion of fuel left in the tank.

So this one here, you could read as 1/3 used, or 2/3 remaining, depending on how you want to look at it.

But it goes from 0 to 1.

So 0 would be your tank is empty, and 1 is your tank is full.

So a check, when the speedometer needle points at 80 kilometres per hour, how fast is the car travelling in miles per hour? So pause the video and have a look at that, and then when you're ready to check, press play.

So this is the scale that you needed to be trying to read.

If imagine that that needle had moved round to 80 kilometres, which is with the inside scale on this speedometer, then that would also be pointing at 50 miles per hour.

So let's think about scales in other contexts.

So another scale that you might be familiar with or you may have seen in different contexts these get used is a probability metre.

They're used to indicate expected outcomes in various competitions.

It might be a debate, it could be a sports match.

You may have seen it in our sort of general election when it's known as a swingometer.

So Izzy and Alex are both standing for a position on the school council.

They're presenting their opinions on various issues around the school, says, "I would ensure the trip to New York happens." The sort of opinion poll is showing that Alex is in favour right now for getting elected.

onto the school council based on that promise.

Izzy said she would lobby for less homework.

What do you think is gonna happen here? Do you think Alex is still gonna be in the sort of favourable position or will it swing back to Izzy? Well, it's quite a happy one for most pupils.

So it's gone back towards Izzy that the expected outcome is that she is going to win, and be elected into the school council.

Alex has returned with, "I would raise the amount of charity fundraising," so that the school takes part in, and that's moved back towards Alex.

Izzy said she's gonna try and increase the number of external speakers, so people from industry or celebrities perhaps that might come in, and speak to the student body.

It's moved it slightly back towards Izzy.

So as each statement is given, who is most likely to win the school council election changes.

So here's a check.

So this one is during a professional cricket game, this win-o-meter is shown.

So which team is expected to lose, team A or team B? Pause the video whilst you think about that, and when you're ready to check, press play.

So team A, the arrow is pointing more on the side of team B, and this is a win-o-meter.

So it's who's expected to win, which means that team A is expected to lose.

Base that we are going to look at scales is older electric metres, and they use dials with scales.

So each dial is a different digit in the number of kilowatts per hour used by the household.

So you may have a very similar looking electric metre in your own house or flat, or it may have been a more updated one.

So on these older scales, each dial represents a digit.

So the set of dials shows the number of kilowatts a household has use and needs to submit to the electricity company.

And so these dials show a reading of 42,951 kilowatts per hour, so let's go through each dial.

The first dial is telling us that this is the digit in the 10,000 column.

So it is going in the clockwise direction, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5.

So the arrow that's pointing is gonna move clockwise.

So it has passed past the four.

So our first digit is four 40,000.

Now, if we look at the dial that is for 1,000 digit, then this one is running anticlockwise, it goes 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5.

So it is moving to the left.

It's moving anticlockwise, And so here, it hasn't actually yet got to the three.

And if we were unsure, we need to look at the 100 dial to really guarantee we've written the right number.

So we needed to write 2 for the 2,000, because when we look at 100 dial, we are just past 9, we're on the way to completing that dial.

Once you pass that, when you get back to zero on a new dial, the next one would clock up one.

So it's two, nine, and then on the tens dial, it's anticlockwise, so it would've passed past the five, and it hasn't yet met the six, so five is our next digit.

And lastly on the ones, it's going clockwise on this one, so it would've started at zero, and then it's passed through using one kilowatt of per hour.

It hasn't yet up to the two.

So our digits are four from the first dial two, from the second dial nine, five, one kilowatts per hour.

So here is a check for you.

How many kilowatts per hour are these dials showing? So pause the video, and write down the five digits that these dials represent.

Press play when you're ready to check.

So the dials are showing a reading of 70,458.

So the 7 is pretty much pointing directly at the 7, and that is because if you look at 1,000 dial, it's only just past the 0.

So it's just clocked onto the number above, because if you think about what each of those digits mean on 1,000, it's 1,000, 2,000, 3,000, 4,000, 5,000, 6,000, 7,000, 8,000, 9,000.

And once you've return and you've done a full revolution on that dial, that would be 10,000.

So it carries over just like we use our columns, our place value columns, they are carrying over once it does one full lap, one full revolution.

So we're onto task B of the lesson, where we're gonna look at various different scales.

So question one is a scale from a sort of a weighing scale in a kitchen.

So part A and part B is on the screen.

Then question two, there is some scales, again, with where an arrow is pointing, you need to answer those.

So press pause whilst you're working through questions one and two, and then when you're ready to move on, press play.

Questions three and four are both on the screen.

Question 3, you need to add the arrows to the dials to show a reading of 64,926.

And question four, write down three other contexts where you would need to read off a scale.

So this gives you the opportunity to think about in your day-to-day life, where you have read from a scale.

So press pause whilst you're working through question three and four.

When you press play, we're gonna go through the answers to task B.

So question one, we've got this scale that would come from a weighing scales probably in a kitchen, but A was some flour has been measured on this weighing scale, how much flour has been weighed out? We can see the unit has been written there as lb, which is the shorthand for pound.

So we are in imperial measurements, and there were 8 increments between 0 and 1.

So 5/8 of a pound.

If you wrote that as 0.

625, then that is equivalent and also correct.

Part B says given that 16 ounces is equal to 1 pound, and 1 ounce is approximately 28, what is the approximate mass of the flour measured in grammes? So if you've measured this using this scale, which is in pounds, what is it equivalent to in grammes? Well, 5/8 of a pound is equal to 10 ounces, because they are imperial units of mass that have a direct conversion.

And therefore, 10 ounces is approximately 280 grammes.

Question two, there was a couple of conversions given to you.

So 1 ounce is approximately 28 grammes, and 1 pound is equal to 16 ounces.

So part A, this scale is in grammes, approximately how many ounces is it showing? So if you look, we go from 240 to 260, so that is a change of 20.

And then how many increments are there or how many intervals there are 10 intervals, which means that each interval is two grammes, because 20 divided by 10 is 2.

So we can count up the scale to work out that the arrow is 252 grammes, and then we can use our approximate conversion that 28 grammes is equivalent to 1 ounce to work out that 252 grammes, would be equivalent to 9 ounces.

You might have wanted to use a ratio table there.

Part B, this scale is in pounds or lb.

Approximately how many kilogrammes is it showing? So again, there's 20, then there's 21, then there's 22.

So we could just focus on that part between 21 and 22.

There is four intervals marked, and the arrow we're going to assume is pointing halfway between those two.

And we can use the 1 pound is 16 ounces to know that that would be pointing at 21 pounds and 6 ounces.

We can then convert that all into ounces, which that's 342 ounces, and use in our approximate 28 grammes, that would be the same as 9,576 grammes, which hopefully, you remembered that the kilo prefix means 1,000 times grammes.

So to move, we can divide by 1,000 to work into kilogrammes.

So 9.

576 kilogrammes is an approximate equivalent metric measure to the 21 pounds, 6 ounces shown on the scale.

So question three, you needed to add to the arrows.

So it was 64,926.

The first arrow should have been between six and seven, nearly halfway, because it was the next one was nearly a five, which would be half.

The arrow on 1,000 should have been quite close to the 5, because the next one was a 9.

And as soon as that becomes a zero again, it would've gone to 5.

So you were very close to it moving up one digit.

So pointing towards the five but not on the five, then it was nine, and the next digit was a two.

So we were, you know, partway through that interval of nine and zero.

Then we move on to two, which was followed by a six.

So again, you're about halfway between the two and the three.

And then on the one unit, you are on the six, somewhere between the six and the seven.

So those arrows, just thinking about which direction they were going clockwise or anticlockwise, making sure you had passed the digit that you would've written down, and not gone too far around.

Question four, write down three other contexts where you need to read off a scale.

So some examples that I came up with that maybe you did as well, a thermometer scale, an oven dial, volume control, pressure gauge, and a protractor.

So to summarise today's lesson, which was checking and securing understands of scale and conversion.

So scales can be found in various places.

Over the next week, maybe you could see how many you can spot, and can you work out what they're measuring and what units they use.

The intervals that are marked on a scale are often chosen related to the conversion rate of the unit and the subunit.

Converting within and between systems of measure may be necessary.

So if you were on holiday and the only way in scale was in pounds, but your recipe was in grammes, then you might need to convert to use the measuring scale.

So in the UK, we still use a mix of imperial metric and that's why we often have double scales.

So we saw that on our speedometer, and we saw that on our weighing scales.

So make sure you are using the right one when you're using any of those with double scales.

Modern scales do have digital displays, but much like reading a clock, but maybe we might need to call it a timeometer, it's still an important skill to be able to interpret the scales in whatever form you are given to.

Really well done today, and I look forward to working with you again in the future.