Hi, I'm Miss Davies.
In this lesson, we're going to be representing column vectors as diagrams. Vector is a description of both direction and magnitude of a movement.
It tells you how many units to move and in which direction, the instruction, five right, three up can be written as the vector five, three.
The top value gives you the X component.
This is how many squares it moves in a horizontal direction.
The bottom value is the Y component.
It tells you how many units to move in a vertical direction.
The instruction six left, seven up can be written as the vector, negative six, seven.
The top value, which is the horizontal component is a negative value, if it is a movement left and it's a positive value, if it is a movement right.
The bottom value, which is the vertical component is a positive value for any upward movement and a negative value for downward movements.
The instruction, four down is written as the vector zero, negative four.
It doesn't have a horizontal component.
So the top value is zero.
As it is a movement down, the second value is negative.
The instruction, eight left is written as the vector negative eight, zero.
As it is a movement to the left, the top horizontal component is a negative value.
And as there is no vertical movement, the bottom value is zero.
The line AB can be written as a column vector three, negative four.
This means that the line AB moves three squares to the right and four squares down.
I have drawn this on our grid and labelled it AB.
We can also say that this line goes from point A to point B.
Here's some questions for you to try.
Pause the video to complete your task and resume once you're finished.
Here with the answers.
Make sure you have drawn an Arrow onto your diagram, as this shows the direction of movement.
Here's some questions for you to try.
Pause the video to complete your task and resume once you're finished.
Here with the answers.
Negative seven is the top value in the column vector.
Means, seven units to the left.
Tony has drawn it moving in a right direction.
That's all for this lesson.
Thanks for watching.