
Lesson video

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Hello and welcome to today's lesson: Call and Response Singing Games.

I'm really excited we're going to be learning together today because singing games are tonnes of fun.

This is from our unit Start With Singing: Finding My Singing Voice, which is all about finding your singing voice.

By the end of this lesson, you will have created and sung your own responses to different calls as part of a call and response singing game.

Let's look at our keywords for today: echo.

An echo is an exact copy of a musical phrase.

And call and response, a question and answer musical structure.

We remember it's super important to warm up our bodies and our voices each time we sing.

We want to make sure all of our muscles, even these tiny muscles in our throat, are ready to move and sing safely.

We want our voices to stay strong and and healthy.

So in a moment, we're going to watch the warmups and join in so that you are ready to sing.

Are you ready to join in? Here they come.

(bright piano music) <v ->First, our shoulders.

</v> Here we go.

Raise and drop, raise and drop, raise and drop.

Raise and drop.

Circle arm, two, three, four.

Circle arm, two, three, four.

Other arm, two, three, four.

Other arm, two, three, four.

Tap your head, two, three, four.

Pat your shoulders, two, three, four.

Pat your tummy, two, three, four.

And your legs, two, three, four.

Pat your head, two, three, four.

And your shoulders, two, three, four.

Pat your tummy, two, three, four.

And your legs, two, three.

Now marching, one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, and jump! (music stops) Let's warm up all the muscles in our face.

Copy me.

Show me your happy face.

Show me your grumpy face.

Show me your big face.

Show me your small face.

Show me your silly face.

(chuckles) Show me your thinking face.

<v Kids>Hmm?</v> <v ->Let's remember how to breathe like a singer.

</v> Blow up our balloons.

(inhales) (exhales) And another one.

Get all that air into your lungs.

Keep your shoulders down.

(all inhaling) (all exhaling) Let's warm up our voices.

Are you ready? Copy me.

(all humming) (all buzzing) (all sighing) Have a go at our tongue twister.

My turn first.

Fuzzy Wuzzy was a bear.

<v Kids>Fuzzy Wuzzy was a bear.

</v> <v ->Fuzzy Wuzzy had no hair.

</v> <v Kids>Fuzzy Wuzzy had no hair.

</v> <v ->Fuzzy Wuzzy wasn't fuzzy, was he?</v> <v Kids>Fuzzy Wuzzy wasn't fuzzy, was he?</v> <v ->Let's try it together.

</v> <v All>Fuzzy Wuzzy was a bear.

</v> Fuzzy Wuzzy had no hair.

Fuzzy Wuzzy wasn't fuzzy, was he? <v ->Ah, yes.

I am so much warmer now.

</v> I hope you are too.

Now on this page are three more chants and songs that help us warm up further.

In a moment, you can pause the video to join in with these where you are, and if you need a reminder, you can press the Watch button for "Hey, Hey, Look at Me," "Music Time," and Copy Me, Copy Me." Pause the video and join in where you are.

Well, it feels like we're ready to sing.

Is your body feeling relaxed and warm? Is your voice warm and ready to sing? Is your mind focused for today's lesson? If so, let's crack on.

In today's lesson, we will begin by singing and chanting together, and then we will explore our call and response singing games.

To begin with, singing and chanting together.

When we sing, we sometimes sing on our own and sometimes all together.

If we're singing on our own or as part of a small group, maybe we are being the leader in an echo song or a call and response song.

What you must do is sing clearly, feel confident, and keep in time to the music.

If our friends are leading a song, we want to be looking at them, listening carefully, so that will help us join in at the right time.

We are going to begin with our echo song, "Doctor Knickerbocker." I'd like you to remember to move in time to the music, and you can join in with the echoes.

Oh, who would like to be the leader? Maybe, maybe you? You can pause the video if you need to, to decide who will be the leader or small group of leaders in your classroom.

Okay, in a moment, the music will come on and we will sing and move to "Doctor Knickerbocker." You might remember, Doctor Knickerbocker has the rhythm in his hands, his feet, and his hips.

Are you ready to join in? Here comes the music.

(bright music) ♪ Doctor Knickerbocker, Knickerbocker, number nine ♪ ♪ He likes to dance and to keep in time ♪ ♪ Now I've got the rhythm in my hands ♪ (hands clap twice) ♪ Now I've got the rhythm in my hands ♪ (hands clap twice) ♪ Now I've got the rhythm of the number nine ♪ ♪ One, two, three, four ♪ ♪ Five, six, seven, eight, nine ♪ ♪ Doctor Knickerbocker, Knickerbocker, number nine ♪ ♪ He likes to dance and to keep in time ♪ ♪ Now I've got the rhythm in my feet ♪ (feet stamp) ♪ Now I've got the rhythm in my feet ♪ (feet stomp) ♪ Now I got the rhythm of the number nine ♪ ♪ One, two, three, four ♪ ♪ Five, six, seven, eight, nine ♪ ♪ Doctor Knickerbocker, Knickerbocker, number nine ♪ ♪ He likes to dance and to keep in time ♪ ♪ Now I've got the rhythm in my hips ♪ ♪ Now I've got rhythm in my hips ♪ ♪ Now I've got the rhythm of the number nine ♪ ♪ One, two, three, four ♪ ♪ Five, six, seven, eight, nine ♪ (piano flourishes) <v ->Excellent.

So much fun.

</v> Okay, it's now time to choose a new leader or small group to lead our next echo song, "Charlie, Over the Ocean." We know that the leader or that small group of leaders will sing "Charlie Over the Ocean" and we will echo what's been sung each time.

If you need to pause the video to choose a leader, then do so, otherwise, here comes the music.

♪ Ready, steady, off you go ♪ (metronome clicking) ♪ Charlie over the ocean ♪ ♪ Charlie over the ocean ♪ ♪ Charlie over the sea ♪ ♪ Charlie over the sea ♪ ♪ Charlie caught a big fish ♪ ♪ Charlie caught a big fish ♪ ♪ Can't catch me ♪ ♪ Can't catch me ♪ ♪ Ready, steady, off you go ♪ (metronome clicking) ♪ Charlie over the ocean ♪ ♪ Charlie over the ocean ♪ ♪ Charlie over the sea ♪ ♪ Charlie over the sea ♪ ♪ Charlie caught a big fish ♪ ♪ Charlie caught a big fish ♪ ♪ Can't catch me ♪ ♪ Can't catch me ♪ ♪ Ready, steady, off you go ♪ (metronome clicking) ♪ Charlie over the ocean ♪ ♪ Charlie over the ocean ♪ ♪ Charlie over the sea ♪ ♪ Charlie over the sea ♪ ♪ Charlie caught a big fish ♪ ♪ Charlie caught a big fish ♪ ♪ Can't catch me ♪ ♪ Can't catch me ♪ ♪ Ready, steady, off you go ♪ (metronome clicking) ♪ Charlie over the ocean ♪ ♪ Charlie over the ocean ♪ ♪ Charlie over the sea ♪ ♪ Charlie over the sea ♪ ♪ Charlie caught a big fish ♪ ♪ Charlie caught a big fish ♪ ♪ Can't catch me ♪ ♪ Can't catch me ♪ <v ->Well done.

I'm giving a clap to all the leaders</v> and all of you for echoing those phrases back each time.

Right then, are you ready for a true or false? Here it comes.

When our friends are the leaders, should we look at them, should we listen carefully and should we join in at the correct time? If you think that's true, you can give a thumbs up and if you don't, a thumbs down for false.

Of course, it's true.

Well done, all of you, and this is because we need to know when it's our turn to sing.

If we are looking and listening, we're going to be in time, we're going to sound better, we're going to be ready and more successful.

You are doing really well.

It's now time for Task A where we play our echo game, Yoo Hoo.

Yoo hoo, yoo hoo! I really like this one.

We must remember that we listen carefully to our friends and that we are echoing, because if we're listening really carefully, we are going to identify that secret voice.

If you need a reminder of how to play the game, here it comes now.

♪ Ready, steady, off we go ♪ ♪ There's someone sitting on a high, high hill ♪ ♪ I wonder who it could be ♪ ♪ There's someone sitting on a high, high hill ♪ ♪ Who always answers me ♪ ♪ Yoo hoo ♪ ♪ Yoo hoo ♪ ♪ They always answer me ♪ ♪ Yoo hoo ♪ ♪ Yoo hoo ♪ ♪ They always answer me ♪ ♪ Ready, steady, off we go ♪ ♪ There's someone sitting on a high, high hill ♪ ♪ I wonder who it could be ♪ ♪ There's someone sitting on a high, high hill ♪ ♪ Who always answers me ♪ ♪ Yoo hoo ♪ ♪ Yoo hoo ♪ ♪ They always answer me ♪ ♪ Yoo hoo ♪ ♪ Yoo hoo ♪ ♪ They always answer me ♪ ♪ Ready, steady, off we go ♪ ♪ There's someone sitting on a high, high hill ♪ ♪ I wonder who it could be ♪ ♪ There's someone sitting on a high, high hill ♪ ♪ Who always answers me ♪ ♪ Yoo hoo ♪ ♪ Yoo hoo ♪ ♪ They always answer me ♪ ♪ Yoo hoo ♪ ♪ Yoo hoo ♪ ♪ They always answer me ♪ <v ->Now we know how to play the game,</v> you are going to play it where you are.

You can pause the video and use the Listen button, that will give you the track to sing and play along with.

Are you ready? Pause the video now and enjoy "Yoo Hoo." Well, I hope you enjoyed playing that.

Well done.

Let's have a little check in with ourselves.

Were we listening carefully? Because if we were, I'm sure we were able to identify those secret voices, and if you did, well done.

We're going to watch a little clip in a moment and while you watch it, I'd like you to think, "Hmm, how do I know that those children are listening carefully? Here comes the clip, ♪ Ready, steady, off we go ♪ ♪ There's someone sitting on a high, high hill ♪ ♪ I wonder who it could be ♪ ♪ There's someone sitting on a high, high hill ♪ ♪ Who always answers me ♪ ♪ Yoo hoo ♪ ♪ Yoo hoo ♪ ♪ They always answer me ♪ ♪ Yoo hoo ♪ ♪ Yoo hoo ♪ ♪ They always answer me ♪ ♪ Ready, steady, off we go ♪ ♪ There's someone sitting on a high, high hill ♪ ♪ I wonder who it could be ♪ ♪ There's someone sitting on a high, high hill ♪ ♪ Who always answers me ♪ ♪ Yoo hoo ♪ ♪ Yoo hoo ♪ ♪ They always answer me ♪ ♪ Yoo hoo ♪ ♪ Yoo hoo ♪ ♪ They always answer me ♪ <v ->So those children were able to identify who's singing</v> or they could make a really sensible guess who they thought it was, and also they knew when it was their turn to join in the song.

I hope you managed to do that too.

It's now time for the second part of our lesson.

It's our call and response singing games.

This first one is "Doggie, Doggie," and I think someone stolen Doggie Doggie's bone.

Have a listen and see what you notice.

Here comes the music.

♪ Ready, steady, off we go ♪ ♪ Doggie, doggie, where's your bone ♪ ♪ Someone stole it from my home ♪ ♪ Who stole your bone ♪ ♪ I stole your bone ♪ <v ->When you were listening,</v> if you thought "Doggie, Doggie" sounds like a call and response song, you are right, and it's one that we can use as a singing game.

We call it call and response because the dog and the bone stealer both respond to the children's questions, or the call.

So when the call is: ♪ Doggie, doggie, where's your bone ♪ The response can be: ♪ Someone stole it from my home ♪ Which is very sad.

And we can turn it into a singing game.

You're now going to watch a clip of children playing "Doggie, Doggie." ♪ Ready, steady, off we go ♪ ♪ Doggie, doggie, where's your bone ♪ ♪ Someone stole it from my home ♪ ♪ Who stole your bone ♪ ♪ I stole the bone ♪ ♪ Ready, steady, off we go ♪ ♪ Doggie, doggie, where's your bone ♪ ♪ Someone stole it from my home ♪ ♪ Who stole your bone ♪ ♪ I stole your bone ♪ (children giggling quietly) (children speaking indistinctly) ♪ Ready, steady, off we go ♪ ♪ Doggie, doggie, where's your bone ♪ ♪ Someone stole it from my home ♪ ♪ Who stole the bone ♪ ♪ I stole the bone ♪ (children giggling) <v ->Now you understand how to play the game,</v> you can pause this video and use the Listen button to play where you are.

Well, I hope doggie got their bone back in your game.

Let's check in.

In "Doggie, Doggie," which of these are responses? That's responses to a call.

We have: ♪ Someone stole it from my home ♪ And: ♪ Doggie, doggie, where's your bone ♪ And we have: ♪ Who stole your bone ♪ And we have: ♪ I stole your bone ♪ So which ones of those are responses? Think about them being answers to a question.

A, B, C, or D, two to choose.

They are: ♪ Someone stole it from my home ♪ which is the answer to Doggie, doggie where's your bone? And the answer to who stole your bone is: ♪ I stole your bone ♪ So the responses are the answers to the questions, A and D.

Well done if you got those right.

Here's a new song.

This is "Lemonade." We can have a listen to the children singing this song.

Here it comes.

(metronome clicking) ♪ Ready, steady, off we go ♪ ♪ Here I come ♪ ♪ Where from ♪ ♪ Bristol ♪ ♪ What's your trade ♪ ♪ Lemonade ♪ ♪ Give us some, don't be afraid ♪ <v ->What did you notice?</v> Well, if you thought that "Lemonade" is a call and response song, well done.

And we know it because the lemonade seller gives the call, "Here I come" and everyone else sings "Where from?" Even though that's another question, they're still responding.

"Here I come." "Where from?" Let's sing "Lemonade." I'd like you to listen carefully to the leader and join in with the responses.

Here it comes.

(metronome clicking) ♪ Ready, steady, off we go ♪ ♪ Here I come ♪ ♪ Bristol ♪ ♪ Lemonade ♪ ♪ Here I come ♪ ♪ Liverpool ♪ ♪ Cherryade ♪ ♪ Here I come ♪ ♪ Cornwall ♪ ♪ Orangeade ♪ (metronome clicking) <v ->How was that?</v> Did you stay silent when it was the leader's turn to sing? And did you use your singing voice to join in with the responses at the right time? I bet you did.

It's now time for us to find a partner and practise playing and singing our call and response song, "Lemonade." Here's what you're going to do.

Number one, but not just yet, but when everyone's ready, you're going to choose a partner.

Then you're going to sing the correct part.

Is that the call or the response? Make sure you know.

You'll use your singing voice.

I know we're playing an exciting game, but we'll be calm and singing safely.

Plan your calls ahead so you can keep in time to the music.

What is it you might be selling? Maybe you might sell raspberryade, chocolateade.

Spinachade? Ugh! Time to pause the video and play along.

Use the Listen button.

Well, I hope you had fun there.

I'd be keen to hear some of those creative trades that you might have had.

Someone came up with rhubarb and custardade.

I thought that sounds delicious.

Now, were we playing the game correctly and using our singing voice? Let's have a check in.

If you sang the correct part with your partner, so there was a clear call and a clear response, then well done.

That sounds like a neat conversation.

And if you managed to keep in time with the music, even when you were inventing your own calls, really well done.

And if you used your singing voice throughout and weren't shouting, that's marvellous.

Really well done, you.

And just before we finish for today, let's have a recap on what you've learned.

We know it's really important to warm up before we sing.

We warm up our body, our mind, and our voices.

This helps us to sing safely.

We also know we use our voice and our movements to chant and sing those echo songs and those call and response songs.

And lastly, we've been creating musical responses as part of a singing game.

I hope you enjoyed the ones that came out in your class.

Well done and see you next time.