
Lesson video

In progress...


Hi, everyone.

Ready, off I go.

Welcome everybody, it's time for us to sing.

Welcome everybody, it's time for us to sing.

One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, 10.

It's time for us to sing.

Can you join in with me this time? Ready, off I go.

Welcome everybody, it's time for us to sing.

Welcome everybody, it's time for us to sing.

One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, 10.

It's time for us to sing.

Great job.

I've got my friend here.

This is Hickety-tickety the bumblebee.

When he sings to you, you have to tell him your name.

I'll go first to show you how it's done.

Hickety-tickety bumblebee can you sing your name to me? My name's Ms. Klava.

What would you sing? Fantastic.

Let's have a go.

Hickety-tickety bumblebee can you sing your name to me? Good job, did you join in? Let's try one more time.

Hickety-tickety bumblebee can you sing your name to me? Great job everyone.

Today we are going to learn; to use objects in different ways, to use homemade instruments to make sound, and to identify sounds by listening.

In this lesson you will need; your body, give us a wave; your voice, say hello; a piece of paper, a saucepan, and two spoons.

Pause the video to go and get a piece of paper.

Ask an adult to help you get a saucepan and two spoons.

You can press play again once your finished.

I wonder how many noises we can get out of a piece of paper.

This doesn't look like a musical instrument, but in fact, you can make lots of different noises with lots of different things.

So when I make a noise with my paper, you can copy me and make noise with yours.

Are you ready? First thing I'm going to do is fold it together and then Wow, that makes it a big bang.

Doesn't it? Let's try it again.

Don't pull it too hard or you'll make it snap.

Let's go one more time.


What about this noise? Can you make that noise with your paper? What about if I rub two sides of my paper together? Like this? What about if I tear into it? What about if I scrunch it up? What about if I rub my hands on it? Or if I wave it in the wind? How many different noises can you get out of your piece of paper? Have a go? Pause the video to create your own instrument sound pattern using your paper now.

You can press play again once you are finished.

How many different noises do you think I can get out of these two spoons? I could wack them together like this, or I could rub them together like this.

Maybe try tapping them on the back.

I could hit them really hard.

What about if I move where my hand is? Can you hear all those different sounds? What about if I hit with the other end? What about if I hold them like this? Make them bash together.

How many different noises can you get out of your spoons? Have a go.

Pause the video to create your own instrument sound pattern with your spoons now.

You can press play again once you are finished.

I've got an old saucepan here.

I'm going to see how many different noises I can get out of my saucepan.

First I'm going to use just my hand.

After that, I'm going to try it with one of my spoons.

So, you can see this is quite a big saucepan, what happens if I knock my hand inside it, like this? Does it change as you move the position of your hand? What about on the side? That's a different noise, isn't it? What about on the outside? Or on the bottom? Can you see mine's got little ridges on the side here? I could use it like this with my nails.

Does yours have ridges.

What about on the bottom? What's about this sound? Do you hear all of those different noises? What about if I do it with my spoon? All those different noises just come from one saucepan and one spoon.

Why don't you have a go at home and see how many different noises you can get out of a saucepan.

Make sure you do it carefully and ask an adult to help you.

Pause the video to create your own instrument sound pattern with your saucepan now.

You can press play again once your finished.

Which instrument can you hear? Is that my voice, the paper, my saucepan or the spoons? That's right.

It's the paper.

What about now? That's right.

It's the spoons.

What about this time? That's right.

That was a saucepan.

Pause the video to think about what other objects in your house make interesting sounds.

You can ask a grown up to help you create fun sound patterns with other things you can find in your house.

You can press play again once you're finished.

Today we have learned; to use objects in different ways, to use homemade instruments to make sounds, and to identify sounds by listening.

Share your work with Oak National.

If you would like to, please ask your parent or carer to share your work on Instagram, Facebook or Twitter, tagging @OakNational and #LearnwithOak.