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Physical activity required.

Adult supervision recommended


Lesson video

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We need to look at how to stay safe in this lesson.

First of all, a parent or a trusted adult should be with you throughout the lesson.

This lesson should take place indoors.

Ensure there is space for you to work safely, including overhead.

Use bare feet.

Make sure the floor is not slippery.

Wear comfortable clothing.

Tie your hair up if needed, and remove any jewellery such as watches, rings, necklaces or earrings.

Please pause the video now if there is anything you need to do to get ready.

The equipment required for this lesson is PE kit, so T-shirt, shorts, tracksuit bottoms, or leggings, and bare feet.

Sponge balls or similar and in previous lessons I've been using rolled up socks, and empty cardboard tubes and baskets because we are going to be throwing at targets.

Hello, my name is Mr. Frapwell and I will be working with you today to answer the question, "How can I control my underarm and my overarm throws so they are accurate?" And we will be building on what we know about agility, balance, and coordination.

I'm so mixed up.


It's happened to me before.

I need to get changed properly.

I thought I was changed, but I need to put some shorts on.

Oh, no! It's not worked.

Let's go again.

Yes, ready this time.

The lesson is structured in four parts.

The first part is the warm-up.

The second part, we will focus on how to throw underarm.

The third part is a focus on how to throw overarm and the fourth and final part of the lesson is the cool-down.

In this lesson, we will introduce four star words.

The first star word is control.

The second star word is accuracy.

The third star word is coordination.

And the fourth star word is release.

In each section of the lesson we will be introducing these four star words and explaining their meaning during that section.

In the warmup, we are going to be doing activities that increase our heart rate and increase our breathing rate to get us ready for activity.

But we are also going to do activities that help warm up our movement memory, especially the ABC of movement, agility, balance, and coordination.

So for the warmup, you need four markers, I've got two cones and two sliders, and place them so that they make the shape of a square in the space available that you've got at home.

And you also need one pair of rolled up socks.

When your area is ready, all I want you to do is crouch down slightly and then roll your sock along the floor.

Try and keep it within your area.

If it goes out of the area, just bring it back in.

And when you have rolled your sock, you are just going to move in a different way to pick the sock up each time.

So for this first one I'm just going to run to the sock, pick it up, I'm going to roll it again, and now I'm going to two-foot jump to it, pick the sock up, roll it again.

I think I'm going to hop this time.

Pick the sock up and go again.

So the next part of the warm-up, because we are working on throws, underarm and overarm, I want to try and mobilise our shoulder joints.

So we're going to do that with our arms moving at the same time in big circles.

And if you remember when we looked at mobility in a previous lesson we are trying to get the full range of movement.

Do it back the other way.

Well done.

What I'd like you to do now is put one arm up and one arm down.

The arm that is up will start moving downwards and carry on in a circle.

The arm that is down will move up and carry on.

So one arm is moving forwards.

One arm is moving backwards.

Once you've thought about that movement we can then do it a little bit quicker.

And another challenge, the arm that was going down and the arm that was going up reverse.

Pause the video, practise mobilising your shoulder joint and practise that coordination.

Well done on warming up your agility, your balance and your coordination, and well done on working on the mobility of your shoulders, especially if you've managed to coordinate the arms going in different directions.

Let's feel even better about ourselves.

I will say, "Two with Mr. F.

Ready, ready." And when I've said that, I want you to respond with two claps.


Two with Mr. F.

Ready, ready.

Well done.

I have a quick recap for you, and this recap is actually from the last lesson, but if you didn't do the last lesson with me then you can have a guess.

Continuous and regular activity can improve our physical and mental health and well-being.

Is that statement true or is it false? Pause the video now if you need some thinking time.

And if you answered true, well done.

Continuous and regular activity can improve our physical and mental health and well-being.

Keep up your activity.

In this section of the lesson, we will be focusing on the underarm throw, and in particular how we can control our throws so they are accurate.

And control and accuracy were our first two star words.

We will also be introducing our third and fourth star words.

The third is coordination, and previously we've looked at coordination in terms of whole body coordination.

But in this section, we will be focusing on hand-eye and object coordination, and the object is sponge ball or the socks that we're going to throw.

And important in that coordination, is when and how we release our socks or release the ball so that they can hit the target.

Come on, let's get throwing.

For this activity, I've got five of these empty cardboard tubes and I've three rolled up socks.

The game is called a "Knock Down" game and I've put five empty cardboard tubes spaced out so that if I missed one of them, the sock would roll in between.

So if you put them all together you could just hit them all down in one go.

So it needs to be a bit of a challenge.

Go to the other side of your area and you are then going to underarm throw and try and knock down each of those cardboard tubes.

I said at the start of the lesson that we will be looking at how we can be more controlled and accurate in our movements.

And I'm going to tell you how.

First of all, hold the ball or the rolled up sock in your dominant hand.

For most of you, that would be the hand that you write with.

Both of my feet, my toes are pointing towards the target.

And you look at the target.

The arm I'm going to use to underarm throw, the opposite leg is the one that is forward.

If you are left-handed, my right leg would be forward.

You can then swing your arm back and then forward towards the target.

So a bit like an elephant's trunk.

So I'm now going to look at the target, swing back and then swing it forwards.

And I need to then let go or release the rolled up sock.

The more controlled and accurate you get, fewer throws it will take you to knock down the empty cardboard tubes.

Pause the video now.

Let's play that game.

For the next activity, again on the equipment side, I said that you would need some rubbish bins, some wastepaper bins, some buckets.

Each container actually gets smaller because I want to challenge myself to get it in the big container first and then finally get it into the small container.

So I'm going to use my left hand this time because I am left handed.

So your dominant hand, the ball is in the dominant hand.

My right foot is forward because it's the opposite leg that goes forward.

That way if you are right-handed.

Look at the target.

I'm going to go for the big blue basket first.

Both feet are facing the target.

I swing my arm back, I swing it forwards towards the target, and then I release the sock.

You might not have seen that, but.

In it went.

Right in the target.

Count how many goes it takes you to get into the target.

It might take me four or five.

Have a go again and try and improve by focusing on these points.

And if I do it in two or three, that's better.

I've been more accurate more of the time.

I'm just going to try and challenge myself for the smallest container.


Get in! That's why I call this game "Get In".

Pause the video.

Play the game.

Well done on playing the "Knock Down" game, and well done on playing the "Get In" game.

What you have practised is your control and accuracy.

And if you listened to the points that I gave you, your control and accuracy will get better.

Two with Mr. F.

Ready, ready.

So a quick recap for you.

What are the main points to remember about the underarm throw? One of these is false and I want you to pick out which option is false.

Option one, don't release the ball.

Option two, look towards the target.

Option three, point both feet towards the target, or option four, swing your arm back then forwards towards the target.

Which statement is false? Pause the video now if you need some thinking time.

And if you answered option one, don't release the ball, that is correct because obviously you do release the ball.

In this section of the lesson, we will now focus on the overarm throw.

So everything that we have looked at regarding the underarm throw, how we can control the throw and how we can make them more accurate, the coordination of our hands, our eyes, and the object that we are throwing, rolled up socks or sponge ball, and the timing of the release, all our star words, we will still be using so that our overarm throw can be controlled and accurate.

For this activity, We are going to repeat the same games, the "Knock Down" game and the "Get In" game, but we are going to use an overarm throw.

So I've got my empty cardboard tubes set out, I'm at the other side of my area.

And this time you stand sideways on.

So I'm looking over my left shoulder at the targets.

My non-throw arm is going to point to the target.

So you are now going to lift the throwing arm with the rolled up socks in or the ball in, sponge ball, and put it just behind your ear.

My weight moves back slightly so that I can be ready to push forward.

So my weight goes onto my back foot and then I will move forwards.

I will twist.

And then my throw arm will move towards the target, releasing the sock, hopefully at the right time.

And then.

Pause the video, play that game.

So for the "Get In" game, what I've done, I've taken out my big blue target because that was too easy for me.

So I'm challenging myself with the smaller ones, the pink, the wicker basket and the jug.

And you can set your own challenges.

If you remember, we did the lesson where you can set your own challenges, so that it's difficult for you.

I'm going to demonstrate with my left hand this time.

So we are sideways on, I point towards the target with my non-throw arm.

I lift my throwing arm so that the rolled up socks are just behind my ear, and I move back a little bit onto my back foot.

And then I am going to move my weight forward.

I will twist and then bring my throw arm and move it towards the target, releasing it at hopefully the right point.


So I was aiming for the pink container, and I got it in.

Practise, off you go.

Well done on working on your overarm throws, and the points that you need to remember so that you can throw with more control and accuracy.

Three with Mr. F.

Ready, ready, ready.

Well done.

So as a recap, what are the main points to remember about the overarm throw? And they are slightly different from the underarm throw.

One of the options is false.

I want you to tell me which option is false.

Option one, stand sideways on, feet shoulder width apart, and your non-throw arm pointing towards the target.

Option two, lift your throwing arm so the ball is near your ear and to move your weight back.

Option three, move forwards, twist and bring your throw arm forward to release the ball.

And option four, jump from two feet to two feet.

Which of those options is false? Pause the video now if you need some thinking time.

And if you answered option four, that is correct.

You do not jump from two feet to two feet.

So that statement is false.

For the cool-down, I will show you some more stretches that you can use to stretch out the muscles in your arms, shoulders and chest especially, to relax them.

I also want you to relax your mind.

Especially if you've got a bit frustrated at your attempts to try and hit the target.

We don't want you leaving the lesson feeling stressed.

Come on, let's relax.

So each stretch I show you, pause the video 7-10 seconds, And when you've done one arm, repeat it one the other.

Here's a reminder of some of the stretches we can do.

You can hook your arm, so my left arm has gone across my chest, and I'm hooking that and pulling it back with my right arm and it stretches my shoulder.

Next stretch is we are going to stretch in the back of our arm here by just pulling the elbow back behind the head.

7-10 seconds, change arms. The next stretch for our muscles in our chest, pull back and push your arms right back.

The next stretch is we are going to stretch the muscles in our side that helped us twist.

Like a teapot.

Reach across and repeat it for the other arm.

So remember the cool-down also helps relax our mind.

I don't know about you and I didn't video it so you could see, but I got a bit frustrated when I was practising my throws and they were missing.

So we can calm ourselves down.

We can relax our mind so that we're not angry with people or we don't get stressed after this lesson.

So you can do some deep breathing.

And the second stage of our positive thinking routine was to let it go.

Let go of all the distractions.

We've got another chance to practise it again in the future.

You can practise it anytime you want.

Breathe in.

Breathe out.

And say to yourself, "Let it go." Do that a few times and the cool-down is finished.

Two with Mr. F.

Ready, ready.

Thank you for working with me this lesson where we looked at how we can improve the control and accuracy of our underarm and overarm throws.

For each of the throws, I gave you some points to focus on and remember when you were either underarm or overarm throwing.

So we used our muscles to control our movements and we used coordination that we had learned about our bodies, our legs and our arms as in previous lessons.

But this time we coordinated the timing of our hand, eye and object that we were throwing so that we could be more accurate.

In particular, we had to learn, or you had to learn, when we released the object, the rolled up socks or the ball, so that it would hit the target.

I look forward to working with you next week where we will focus on how we can improve our control and accuracy when throwing and catching.

See you then.

Two with Mr. F.

Ready, ready.

Well done.