
Content guidance

Physical activity required.

Adult supervision recommended


Lesson video

In progress...


We need to look at how to stay safe in this lesson.

First of all, a parent or a trusted adult should be with you throughout the lesson.

This lesson should take place indoors, ensure there is space for you to work safely, including overhead, use bare feet.

Make sure the floor is not slippery.

Wear comfortable clothing, tie your hair up if needed and remove any jewellery such as watches, rings necklaces or earrings.

Please pause the video now if there is anything you need to do to get ready.

Equipment that you will require for this lesson is PE Kit, t-shirt, shorts, leggings or tracksuit bottoms, bare feet and cones or similar.

Hello, my name is Mr. Frapwell.

For those of you who worked with me before, you may refer to me as Mr. F but I'm here today to work with you in answering the question, how do I manage my emotions to improve in different challenges? And in this lesson, we will be learning about how you can make up your own challenges and how we can manage or how we can be positive about any negative emotions that we experience.

All the activities that we will be doing in the lesson will involve.

Some of the activities we've done previously and lessons we've done previously have looked at stability which included balance and coordination.

And we've looked at lessons that include agility.

We can summarise those in three letters, A, B, C, agility balance and coordination.

And we will be working on all of those.

When we make up our challenges and when we are looking to be positive about our emotions.

All you got to do now is change ready for the lesson.

Ready, come on.

The lesson is structured in four parts.

First of all, the warm-up the second part is personal challenges.

The third part, we will focus on recognising and managing emotions.

And the final part is to cool-down.

In this lesson, we will introduce four star words.

The first is challenge.

The second is emotions.

The third is manage and the fourth is fair.

In each section of the lesson these star Wars will be introduced and we will be using them in our learning in that section.

In the warm-up, we will be using some activities that we have learned previously and some new activities to raise our heart rate and breathing rate and get us ready for activity.

We will also play a game.

Come on let's get movement.

For the warm-up, you're required four markers.

And so it helps us with the transitions for the next activity.

We're going to put those markers down in a diamond shape.

So one, where I am, another line from that.

I've got my two sided, one all the sides.

So in your diamond, I want you to move around in different directions.

Usually the activity that I shout out to you, are you ready? Running, around your diamond, changing direction.



Skipping Bear! bear.


If you want to do the activity anymore, pause the video get the adult who is working with you to shelter some more.

For the next activity we are going to combine some jumping jacks which will help with our movement coordination.

It will help with our balance but you need to think.

So you will do a jumping jack which starts off the same arm and same leg.

And I'll do that to the side, same arm, same leg.

And when you return, you return to the centre.

What I mean by that is that your legs are together.

So you do a jumping jack, forwards, together and then a jumping jack with arms coming above your head and your legs go in apart.

I'll show that both from the front and the side.

Oh, come on, think.

Let's try again.

Yes, I'll show it from the side now.

Oh, I've got it wrong.

Come on, think.

Yes, okay.

Pause the video now, spend some time practising that until you could code out that movement.

And only to think, you need to practise, off you go.

So for the Warm-up game, here we go.

We've got our diamond shape and you come and stand in the middle.

At the front, that way is cool.

Crisp, at the back, for me that way is cool.

Crunch and then I decide is just normally left and right.

We're going to add something to this game.

Let's have a quick demonstration.


Okay, so I'm thinking the movement and then I'm waiting for the word.



Penguin, crisp.

That's the game.

I'd like you to pause the video now and play it that with your adult.

Really well done on the Warm-up.

Again, those who've been with me before to make ourselves feel even better.

I will call out two with Mr. F ready, ready.

And when I'll say that you all going to clap twice.

Just practise two with Mr. F ready, ready.

Really well done.

I have a quick recap question for you.

What does the A, B and C of movement stand for? And only one of the four options is correct.

Option one, anger, boredom, and can't.

Option two, agility balance and coordination.

Option three, aeroplane, bicycle and car.

And option four, airways, breathing and circulation.

Pause the video now, if you need some thinking time.

And if you answered option two, well done.

The ABC of movement stands for agility, balance and coordination.

In this section of the lesson, we are going to learn how to make up our own challenges.

And those challenges will be personal to you because it's only you that are making them up.

Challenge is our first star word.

But because I am asking you to make up more than one challenge, it's plural.

We add an s so it becomes challenges.

Come on let's learn how to make up challenges and challenge ourselves.

So you're now going to learn about how you can make up your own challenges.

On the framework I'm going to give you is S.





That's not a word.

They are individual letters that themselves stand for a word.

They mean something so S.





The first S is Space.

And when I set up an activity for you, I always tell you the space or the shape of the space you're going to working in.






T, the Task.

If you remember, the Task in the Warm-up was to move around the area changed direction.






, E is the third letter standing for a word.

Can you guess? Meaning equipment.

And the equipment I told you to use was four markers.

And I used two blue cones and two sliders.






, P, the only person or the people that will be doing this activity P for people is one it's you.

And the final S, S.





is for safe.

And the way you stay safe is that you stay in your area.

I've told you to change direction in the area.

And if you think back to lesson one, you're also safe because I taught you how to slow down and stop.

So using that framework, I want you to make up your own challenges using some of the movements that you've practised today.

Some of the movements you've practised in previous lessons and set yourself a challenge and you can make up more than one challenge.

I hope you came up with some good challenges and that you enjoy doing that.

It'd be great at some stage.

If you want to send them in to the Oak Academy, to see what your challenges were well concentrated.

Well worked three with Mr. F, ready, ready, ready? Impressive.

So I have another small recap question for you.

And there are four options and only one of those options is correct.

What do S.





help us do? Choose the correct option that finishes this sentence.






, help us option one, get from one place to another.

Option two, S.





help us learn how to fly aeroplanes.

Option three, S.





help us eat all of our vegetables.

And option four, S.





help us makeup personal challenges.

Pause the video now if you need some thinking time.

And if you finish the sentence with the statement, S.





help us make up personal challenges.

Option four, well done that is correct.

In this third section of the lesson, we will be focusing on how we manage our emotions and that introduces our second and our third star words.

You might have noticed in the Warm-up that I was getting a little frustrated because I couldn't do things or always getting things wrong.

And that's part of my emotion, frustration, anger, feeling stressed.

These emotions are all part of everyday life.

The important thing is that we learn how to manage them, how to deal with them.

And in physical education, we can either think we can do it or we can't do it.

And one is positive and one is negative.

So it is good in any physical activity context to have a positive approach.

And that's what we're going to look at now.

How do we manage our emotions so that we have a positive approach? Come on, let's be positive.

So there is a way that you can improve in different challenges.

In the Warm-up, you did seem to get quite frustrated if I got things wrong.

And what you can do to help improve in different challenges is to have a positive thinking routine.

And this is good, not just in physical education but in other subjects.

If you get frustrated and sometimes angry and sometimes even sad.

In physical education, there are three stages.

The first, is to close your eyes, breathe deeply and then imagine yourself being successful.

And in this section of the lesson we are going to do the jumping jack combination.

We're going to do that again cause it's quite difficult.

I would even almost getting it wrong.

The second stage of the positive thinking routine is to let go of distractions.

So it could be the TV or music.

It could be a brother or sister.

It could be one of your pets a dog or a cat that are distracting you.

So the second state is to let go of these distractions.

And one of the things you can actually say to yourself is let it go, let it go, let it go.

The third state of the positive thinking routine is you then return your focus to the challenge.

I'm saying, I can do this.

So we close our eyes breath deeply and imagine us being successful, we let go of distractions.

We reset and then we turn our focus to the challenge and say, "I can do this." So I'm going to practise that now and demonstrate for you.

Let it go, I can do this.

Nailed it, your turn.

Three stages, positive thinking, pause the video now.

It doesn't matter if you've made some mistakes.

It's important that you stay positive and you can stay positive with that three stage process, positive thinking routine.

And with more practise, you will develop your agility.

You will develop your balance, you will move in balance and you will develop your coordination and then you'll be able to do it.

Keep practising really well worked.

Three with Mr. F, ready, ready, ready.

So I have a recap question for you.

And all you need to do is answer true or false.

It isn't possible to manage your emotions.

It isn't possible.

Is that true or false? And if you answered false, that is correct well done.

Because you can't manage your emotions.

For the cool-down.

You're going to walk around your space for a minute or more and you can practise some of the breathing exercises to help relax your body and bring everything back to normal.

So not just your body this time a cool-down can help relax your mind.

When you've done that you can choose the stretches that you want to do to relax your muscles.

Final , true or false recap.

Just to see if you have been listening.

A cool-down can help to relax your body and your mind.

Is that true? Or is it false? Pause the video now, if you need some thinking time and if you answered true, well done.

A cool-down can help to relax your body and your mind.

Thank you ever so much for working with me this lesson, where we looked at how we manage our emotions to improve in different challenges.

When we break that down, we learned about setting our own challenges and using the S.





framework, Space, Task, Equipment, People, and Safe.

We then looked at our emotions and how we manage them.

And you may have noticed that there was a full star word that we haven't mentioned today so far, but that word is fair.

And the important thing in managing your emotions is that you are fair to the rules, that you are fair to yourself and that you don't cheat and that you are fair to everyone around you.

Have a great rest of the day.

Have a great week.

Be fair two with Mr.F.

Ready, ready.