
Content guidance

Physical activity required.

Adult supervision recommended


Lesson video

In progress...


Hello and welcome.

My name is Claire, and today we're going to be doing some dance based on the idea of footprints.

So you need to make sure that you've got enough space around you.

That you've got some music you would like to dance to and that you're wearing PE kit or something comfortable and safe.

To make sure you stay safe during this lesson, have a parent or an adult you trust nearby.

Be inside in a space where you have enough room to move around safely, including room overhead.

Have bare feet and make sure that the floor isn't too slippery and make sure the clothing you're wearing means you can move freely and easily, no jewellery.

And if you have long hair, make sure it's tied back.

If you need to, pause the video for a moment while you get that organised.

Recently it snowed where I live.

And when I took my dogs out for a walk I could see footprints in the snow, tracks where the children had been playing.

Sometimes they were in straight lines and sometimes they were in curves.

So today we're going to use that idea of tracing footprints but we going to use different body parts to do it.

We're going to think about those pathways where they're straight or curved, and we're going to see if we can do it using more than one body part at a time to improve our coordination skills.

We will start today's lesson with a warmup using one body part and making it move all around us.

We will explore the space in front, to the side, behind us and even overhead.

Using different air patterns, straight and curved lines will be our next section.

And then we're leaving try coordinating more than one body part moving at the same time.

And we'll finish off, of course, with the cool down.

And today's star words are, pathways, curve, straight, coordination.

So the first thing you need to do is select one body part.

And we're going to use that to trace the patterns in the snow.

So maybe the patterns went straight and curved.

They might've been in front of you, up to the side, behind you or even overhead.

You can change which body part you're using whenever you want to.

Try and include some bends, stretches, tilts, and twists as you go.

Are you ready? Drawing air and pattern with just one part of your body add your music, let's dance.

We're going to try that again.

So pick a different part of your body to use this time.

And really concentrate on, sometimes doing straight pathways and other times making them curved.

So add some music and take a minute or so to try that.

Add straight or curved lines in the air, add music, let's dance.

So let's see if you can answer this question.

Pathways in dance must always be straight.

Is that true or false? Either point to the answer on the screen or shout it out, or pause the video if you need a bit more thinking time.

Of course it's false.

Do you remember that we used straight and curve pathways.

you could have used the exact or completely random.

Just like those footprints in the snow.

Well done.

This time we're going to try using two different body parts at the same time.

So we're going to be developing our coordination skills.

So you might start off using a hand and a foot or you might use a shoulder and a knee.

You're going to decide which body parts you're going to use.

And again, you can change them whenever you want to but really try and explore going over, under, around and through and using all the space around you.

Coordinating more and more body parts at a time, add music, let's dance.

The next question is about our star words from today.

What does coordination mean? Is it A, being able to hold and control a balance? B, moving only in straight pathways? Is it C, just moving one body part, maybe an arm, at a time or is it D, moving more than one body part at the same time? If you need a little thinking time, pause the video.

And then when you're ready either point to the answer or call it out.

It was answer D, wasn't it? Moving more than one body part at the same time.

Well done.

Whenever we exercise, it has any effect on our body.

So how's yours feeling right now? Let's take a moment to check.

So your heart, is that now beating a bit slower than usual about the same, or maybe a little faster? And what about your breathing? Is that slower, the same or a little faster and deeper? And your skin, what temperature is it? Cooler, the same or a little warmer? And your joints, how were they feeling now? Are they tighter than usual, about the same or looser? How's your body feeling right now? If you particularly enjoyed any of those activities you can always pause the video and do them again.

If not, you might want to take this time now, to cool down.

So we're going to use one body part to trace those pathways around us, in front, behind, or even overhead.

Just do it slowly this time to give your body a chance to come back to its normal state.

We're going to cold down now.

So we're going to do all about, but at a slow speed.

Lots of stretches, add your music, let's dance.

Another question for you now.

When we exercise, we get warmer? Is that true or false? Pause the video.

If you want some time to think about it or you can point to the answer on the screen or call it out.

It's true, isn't it? When we exercise we do get warmer, also our heart beats a little faster and we breathe more deeply.

Well done everybody, but it's time for us to finish there.

But if there's any bits you've really enjoyed doing, you can play the video again.

And why not try doing it with different pieces of music and seeing what different ideas that gives you.

See you soon.