
Content guidance

Physical activity required.

Adult supervision recommended


Lesson video

In progress...


Hello everybody, and welcome.

In today's lesson we're going to be thinking about going on a journey.

It might be one you know well, or it could be an entirely imaginary one.

We're going to be starting off with thinking about stopping and starting, we'll also think about changes of direction, as well as changes of speed, so make sure you've got enough space! To make sure you stay safe during this lesson, have a parent or an adult you trust nearby.

Be inside, in a space where you have enough room to move around safely, including room overhead.

Have bare feet, and make sure that the floor isn't too slippery, and make sure the clothing you're wearing means you can move freely and easily, no jewellery, and if you have long hair, make sure it's tied back.

If you need to, pause the video for a moment while you get that organised.

We're going to start off by using the game Musical Statues to help us warm-up.

After that, we're going to be thinking about changing directions, as if we've come to a junction, or a crossroads, or even a roundabout.

Then we're going to add in changes of level, as if we're going up or down a hill.

And the final aspect we're going to add in are changes of speed, sometimes we might be going slowly, other times we might need to hurry.

I'll put all of that together to make a sequence at the end.

And our star words today are, directions, levels, speed, and sequence.

So are you ready to start off with a game of Musical Statues? You're going to need somebody to press play and pause on the music for you, because when the music plays, you dance, and when the music stops, hold still, don't move.

Try and include a wide range of actions, jumps, turns, travels, whatever you like, but remember, when the music stops you really need to control those shapes, and don't move a muscle! So you're going to play Musical Statues now, remember, I can't hear when you pause the music, so I might be stopping at a different time from you.

Ready, add your music! We're not going to pause the music anymore, we're just going to let it play on, but if you want to include some moments of stillness while you're dancing, of course you can.

But what I really want you to include this time are some changes of direction.

Sometimes you might turn and face a different way, or do a complete turn that makes you rotate all the way round.

So let's play the music, add some changes of direction, please.

As well as pauses, lots of changes of direction this time.

Add music, let's dance! In our dance today, we were thinking about changing direction.

What are the ways we did that? Well, was that moving forwards and backwards, or was it making our actions bigger or smaller? Which do you think it was? Point to the answer on screen if you know, or call it out, or if you need some more time, pause the video and have a think.

Yes, one of the ways of changing direction today was travelling forwards and backwards, well done! This time, as well as including those moments of stillness, as well as changes of direction, can you now add in different levels? Sometimes high, sometimes medium, other times low.

You might think of going from low to high, as if you were going up a hill, fall back down again.

Maybe you might think about getting over a bridge, that would make you change levels, or under a tunnel.

Lots of different ways of thinking about this on your journey, so play your music and off you go! This time, let's include some changes of level.

Put your music on, let's dance! In dance, we use different levels, high, medium, and low.

Are we most likely to use these different levels if we're travelling up and down, or if we're turning around? Which one do you think it will be? Pause the video if you want time to think, or point to the screen, or call out your answer.

Yes, we change levels when we travel up and down, when we use those directions.

As well as using stopping and starting, different directions, and different levels, we've got one more thing to add in, different speeds.

Sometimes we might be going slowly, we've got all the time in the world, or the traffic is very busy.

Other times we might go quicker, as if we're hurrying or maybe we're travelling on a main road, like a motorway.

So this time, include different speeds as you move.

Make sure you've got enough room! This time, as well as pauses, directions, levels, can you think about changing the speed too? Add your music, let's dance! In dance, we like to use different speeds for our actions.

Different speeds, does that mean we are going either fast or slow, or does it mean we're going high or low? Which one's right? Pause the video if you want to take a moment to think about it, or call out your answer, or point to the screen.

Speed, yes, that one's the fast or slow, isn't it? Well done if you got that right.

Now I'd like you to think about a journey you know well, or an imaginary one if you'd prefer, and think about each section of the journey, the turns, the hills, maybe the tunnels, the places where you can go fast and other times we need to go slower, and see if you can make up a sequence that has an action for every section of the journey.

If you particularly enjoyed any of those activities, you can always pause the video and do them again.

If not, you might want to take this time now to cool down.

So we're just about at the end of our session now, so I'm wondering what effects there are on your body of the cool-down.

Your heart, is that starting to return to its normal speed? And your breathing, is that becoming slow and steady once more? What about the temperature of your skin, is it starting to return to normal? And your joints, hopefully they're feeling loose and relaxed now.

When we're finished exercising, it's always a good idea to have a cool-down, but what happens to our bodies when we do? Does our heart rate speed up? Does it return to its normal speed? Do we get warmer? Do we breathe faster? Pause the video for a moment if you need to, or point to the correct answer on the screen, or you can call it out.

That's right, our heart rate returns to its normal speed.

We should also get cooler and our breathing return to its normal rate too.

Well done everybody, but it's time for us to finish there.

But if there's any bits you've really enjoyed doing, you can play the video again, and why not try doing it to a different piece of music and seeing what different ideas that gives you.

See you soon!.