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Lesson video

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Hi, and welcome to our second PE lesson, focused on gymnastics.

Today, we are going to be exploring travelling movements.

Very first thing that we need to think about is how to keep safe in this lesson.

You are going to need a grownup with you today.

So if you haven't got one, I think you should pause the video now and go find that grownup.

Okay, hopefully have you grownup sitting with you and now we can run through the rest of the list together.

This lesson is going to take place inside today.

And that means we need to think about which space that we have available to work safely.

We're going to need two metres by two metres length and width and we're going to need enough room overhead so that we can reach up on our tip toes my hands above her head without touching anything.

If you're not sure what that space looks like we're going to model that for you in a minute.

So don't worry.

We're also going to need some bare feet.

If you have socks and shoes on, they need to be removed.

We need to make sure that the floor is not slippery in any way, or it doesn't have anything that might trip us as we're working.

We're going hopefully to be using a yoga mat or a soft rug today.

It's really important that when we use those because we've been moving on them that they don't slip on the floor you might need to get your grownup to check that for you, before you begin.

Lastly, we need to make sure that we have something comfortable on.

Something that you would wear in your PE lesson at school, something like shorts and T-shirt or possibly some jogging bottoms would be fine.

If you have long hair like mine, then we need to tie that up in a ponytail or must be clipped up above our heads.

Something like that would be great.

And any jewellery needs to be removed.

So earrings, watches, rings, anything, bracelets that might catch us as we're moving.

Why don't you pause the video now so that you can see if there's anything that you need to do to get ready.

In this lesson today, you will need, space to exercise.

We talked about two by two metre space, yoga mats or you could use a soft rug but really importantly you check, it's not too slippery as you'll be moving arounds on that mat or that rug.

And you're going to need PE kit.

Pause the video now, if you need any last minute things that you need to get ready.

So here, Lucas is going to show you how to mark out a two by two metres space.

You'll see that he will turn around to check that there isn't anything that he will bump into as he spinning, or you could use your feet to mark out a two by two metre area.

He's using 10 to 12 footsteps from heel to toe walking across the space that he has and also walking along the width.

Pause the video now, if you need to do that, to get yourself ready.

In today's lesson, we're going to begin with a warm-up to get our bodies ready for gymnastics.

Today, we're going to learn some travelling movements.

Then we're going to think about how to improve our travel.

We will then follow that by exploring being creative and linking some of our travelling movements with some balances.

And last of all, we're going to reflect on our work and possibly share it.

Okay, it's time for a warm up today.

Why do you think it's important for us to warm up our bodies before we do gymnastics? I'm sure you thought of lots of reasons why.

Some of them include, we need to increase our breathing rate and we need to increase our heart rate.

The reason is, we will breathe in lots of oxygen and our hearts will pump that oxygen around our body to our muscles that will use them when we exercise.

And it would take away the carbon dioxide which we don't need in our muscles.

And with that, we take it back to our lungs and we'll breathe it out.

So by increasing our breathing rate, and our heart rate is helping our bodies to be more efficient when we're exercising.

It will also increase our temperature, which means, that our muscles will stretch as we're using them.

And we're a lot less likely to get hurt.

Today, we are going to play a game called Superheroes.

Lucas is going to fly around the room as a superhero and every so often he will stop and show you a superhero pose.

I wonder if you can guess which superhero he is, as he shows you the different poses.

Don't forget to copy him as he's moving in that way you're warming up your body too.

He's flying around the room and he is.

Hulk, you guessed that.

I wonder who he'll be next.

It's Spiderman this time, he's choosing to be, I said, you got it right? It's Hulk again.

Oh, who has a light in the middle of their chest? I wonder if you can guess that's right.

Its Iron man.

And now we have Superman, Spiderman, right? I'm going to let you copy the actions as Lucas moves around the room.

Right, It's time for the second part of our warmup.

We are going to do some mobilisation and stretching.

Lucas is rolling his shoulders, back in circles shrugging them up near his ears and dropping them down.

Now he's circling one of his hands.

Imagine you have a big truck tyre.

As you're trying to circle the rim of that truck tyre.

And don't forget to swap arms. Right, this time we are going to take glue stick and stick our chin to our chest and leave it there.

Keep that chin on that chest until you hear me say Now we're going to glue our ear and stick our ear to our shoulder.

Obviously don't do this with a real glue stick especially when you're in class, okay.

And glue the other ear and stick it to the other shoulder.

Now going to put our hands on our hips am going to move our hips from side to side.

You could move in some circles as well.

If you want to this time we're swinging upper arms from one side to the other make sure you've got enough rooms. You're not bumping into anything.

And we're reaching up above our heads as high as we can.

and swinging arms back and forward from the top to the bottom.

Loosening those shoulders.


We have our wrists.

Grab hold of one wrist and make some circles with that hand.

Now you're going to swap over and do the same with your other hand.

This time we're reaching up tall as we can and see if you can bend over and touch your toes.

Now we're going sit on the floor.

Take that glue stick again and stick your feet together this time.

Just let your knees drop down to the floor.

If you feel you want to, you don't have to you can increase the stretch by putting your nose on your toes.


Now take one leg out and put the make sure the back of your knee is on the floor.

You reach forward and try and touch your toe.

If you can't reach your toes, it really doesn't matter.

It's more important that you keep your leg straight.

You might find that you're reaching and you're only going as far your hands only reaching as far as your calf.

That's absolutely fine.


So this one's a little bit tricky.

You do have some options.

If your grownups there with you they could possibly help you stand up straight or you could lean against the wall.

So you're going to put your knees together and pull your ankle up towards your bottom.

Keep feel the stretch in the front of your leg.

Okay, then you can swap sides again.

If you need to lean against something, that's fine.

Keep your knees together.

Pull that leg up behind you or exchange your arm to balance like Lucas is there.

So we're trying to hold each stretch for about eight to 10 seconds.

If we can.

This one we stretch on calf muscles at the back of our legs, slide the feet back both feet facing forward bend the front knee and keep the back leg straight.

Then make sure you swap legs.

If you need to pause the video any point, or replay any of these make sure you get that full stretch then please do so.


So now it's our ankles.

We're going to stand on one leg and we're going to make some circular movements Wankel our ankle from one side to the other.

And then we can do the same with the other foot here.

You might want to lean against the wall or lean on a partner to help you if you need some help balancing.

And that's fine.


This time we're going to do some calf raises.

When raising up onto our tip toes and down again so heel your heels should raise up off the floor and then down and touch the floor again, up and down.

See if we can do 10 of those.

So it's time to look at our star words of the day.

We're going to begin with the word safety.

In the previous lesson, we talked about this a lot being safe in our setup of the lesson by making sure we have enough space ensuring the floor is not slippery.

And there isn't anything that could trip us up.

And we've also talked about a warmup today as a second star word.

Why it's important to warm up make sure our bodies are ready for exercise.

Okay Travelling movements.

This is based on our learning objective.

We are exploring travelling movements.

we're going to talk about that all through the lesson.

Another word is travel.

Sometimes we shorten travelling movements to just travel.

It means the same thing.

We'll talk about that a bit more in a moment.

And here's some examples of some of the travel that we're going to learn today.

So we have a twist, a spin, a bunny hop.

We're also going to think about a cool-down today.

At the end of our lesson we're going to make sure we lower temperature and lower heart rate and our breathing rate so we get ourselves in at state where we rested after our exercise today.

It's time to look at our travelling movements.

We are going to explore lots of different travelling movements.

And Lucas is going to demonstrate these to you, check your in that safe space and see if you can copy him as he guides you through the different travelling movements.

The first one is side step.

His hands are straight to the side and he step together, step together the step with his legs.

Step together, step together, step.

Next, he's got to spin.

He's showing you this quite slowly, hands reaching up above his head and he's just turning around.

You can also spin with your hands to the side.

Moving all the way round in a circle to face back to the beginning again.

The twist is slightly different.

Puts his leg across and in front of the other one.

And he twists his body round.

You'll be able to see, okay, stuck in front of his other foot and twist his body.

Now we've got to bunny hop.

he's hands around to the front of him and he's bringing his legs in towards, his hands.

The action is hands feet, hands, feet, hands, feet pause the video now, or play that slide again.

If you would like to copy those actions and practise.

Can we improve our travel? Lucas is going to guide you through the different travelling movements again.

we can also call this travel.

It means the same thing.

As he shows you those different movements can you copy him and think about how your body looks and how your body feels As you are Showing those different movements.

Let's watch the video.

For the sidestep, are you bringing your feet together in a step together, step movement, you could have your hands up by side or by your side.

If you want to with the spin, is your body tucked in really neat.

You're moving around without wobbling, or you could tuck your hands out to the sideways again, keeping that balance.

You don't wobble around and that you turn full turn to face the front.

With the twist are you stepping across? So one foot in front of the other twist, your body around could try this with different arm movements if you wanted to.

So to the side or above your head And with This next one, the bunny hop have you got the right pattern with your hands? You need to move your hands and your feet at different times.

If you watch, Lucas is showing you hands then feet, hands, feet, hands, feet.

pause the video now practise any of those travelling movements that you can make them even better than you did in the last time we tried together.

What do you think makes a good travelling movement? Is it option one? Moving with floppy arms and legs, Is it option two? keeping our body moving as fast as we can.

Is it option three? keeping still or is it option four? moving with control and that could be quick or slow but the important point is moving with control.

Let's see That's right.

You got it.

It's option number four, moving with control.

And you can do that at different speeds depending on what the travelling movement is Right, it's time to recap the balances that we learned last week.

The first one is tuck balance.

Lucas has his toes touching his knees are touching.

He has his he's thinking about his back making sure it's extended and up reaching up tall.

Now he has his straight balanced toes together hands up above his head reaching up fingers together and star balance.

Again, things together, reaching out as wide as he can with a strong base and pike balance comes next with toes pointed, arms lifted fingers together.

Thinking about that extended back and his straddle balance.

So toes pointed back really tall.

Imagine you got piece of string on your head pulling yourself up and his hands are up to calves.

Now we've practised those balances.

We're going to think about how we can link them together with the travelling movements that we've learned today.

We are going to show you an example where we have linked together balances and travelling movements or balance and travel as we've also called it.

This is just an example that you could use if you were struggling to construct your own ideas.

You could just copy this one.

If you want to, or you might use it to as a way to compare what you've already created and see if you're on the right track.

Let's start here.

We started with a stripe balance now using a bunny hop which is a travel, then choosing a star balance another bunny hop and finishing with a straddle.

That wasn't a perfect sequence because Lucas could have held those balances for slightly longer to show the difference between travelling movements and balances.

As my feedback to him, that's what I would tell him to do so we would reflect on our work and think about it.

But it's a good starting idea.

Pause the video.

Now have a think about your sequence where you have linked together balances and travel or you could play that bit again and copy Lucas's sequence.

Maybe try holding the balances for slightly longer too to see if you can improve it and make it even better.

Pause the video now and have a go at that.


So we have another example here.

This time Lucas is going to try and hold his balances for slightly longer, but he's chosen some different balances and travelling movements.

Let's see how he gets on starts with a star balance spinning into a straight balance with those toes together reaching up high, he's spinning again but this time with his hands above his head, slightly different positioning.

And he's finishing the tuck balance thinking about his back, being really tall.

He's lifting his head up there.

So wondering if you think Lucas improved his sequence he needed to improve the time that he held his balances for.

So we could show you the difference between still balances and movements.

Pause the video.

And think about if Lucas did improve.

What ideas could you take when you're thinking about your own sequence, maybe you could have a going now at creating another one where you're linking together those balances and travelling movements.

You could use that five finger guide to help you.

If you want to, you might want to create an even longer sequence than that is completely up to you.

Pause the video now and have a go Well done for a brilliant lesson today we've been exploring travelling movements.

So we started with a warmup to get our bodies ready for exercise.

Then we learnt lots of different travelling movements.

Can you remember them? We had spin, We had twist, we had sidestep, and we had bunny hop.

There are lots of other travelling movements too.

You might already know some of them and you could also practise some of those.

If you'd like to we then recapped balances from the previous week.

So we thought about Star, straight balance tuck balance, pike balance, and straddle balance.

And then we were creative and we linked our balances and our travelling movements together.

We thought about our work.

We reflected that's what that word means.

Reflected thought about our work.

We saw what we could maybe improve to make it better.

Or we maybe took some ideas from some of Lucas's sequences to add them to our own.

You might even have created some longer examples.

I'm sure some of you have if you would like to share your work with Oak National then you do need to ask your grownup for permission first if they agree and you'd like to please ask your parents or carer to share your work on Twitter, you can do this by tagging @OakNational and #LearnwithOak I and the team at Oak National would love to see your examples and your ideas well done for completing lesson two about gymnastics unit today.