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Physical activity required.

Adult supervision recommended


Lesson video

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We need to look at how to stay safe in this lesson.

First of all, a parent or a trusted adult should be with you throughout the lesson.

This lesson should take place indoors, ensure there is space for you to work safely, including overhead, use bare feet, make sure the floor is not slippery, wear comfortable clothing, tie your hair up if needed and remove any jewellery such as watches, rings, necklaces, or earrings.

Please pause the video now, if there is anything you need to do to get ready.

The equipment you require this lesson is PE kit.

So t-shirt, shorts, leggings or tracksuit bottoms. Bare feet, cones or something similar and sticky notes again or something similar.

Hello, my name is Mr. Frapwell and I'm here to work with you today on answering that question, how can I jump further and higher? So in this lesson we are going to be looking at lots of different jumps.

And, when we look at jumping further and jumping higher, we are going to look at power.

We are going to look at how powerful we can be.

All I need to do now is get changed.


Now we're ready.

The lesson is structured in four parts.

The first is the warm up.

The second part is we will compare and contrast all jumping.

The third part, we will see how we can go further and higher in our jumps.

And the fourth part is to cool down.

During the lesson, we introduced four star words.

The first star word is jump.

The second star word is vertical.

The third star word is broad and the fourth star word is power.

In each section of the lesson will be introducing each of these words and go on to explain their meaning and how they are used in physical education.

In the warm up, because the lesson is about jumping further and higher, We will warm up our jumping.

And we also introduced our first star word, jump.

come on, let's jump to it For the warm up, You will need for markers.

I've got the cone, parrot rolled up socks, and my two slippers.

All that we're going to do is position them in a diamond shape, and we've done that previously.

So I'm going to put, come down here slipper, slipper and then sock.

And I have got my warm up space.

For the warm up, I'm going to demonstrate to you five basic jumps.

Every time I demonstrate a jump to you, I want you to then pause the video and practise that jump for another 10 20 seconds.

The first one is easy.

We've done it before When we have been copying the movement of a kangaroo.

It's a two footing jump.

Two feet to two feet.

The second jump I'm going to show you, is one foot to the other foot.

So I'm going to start with my right foot.

I'm going to jump to my left.

And then from my left foot, I'm going to jump to my rights.

I'm going to call that a leap.

The third jump I'm going to show you is from one foot to the same foot.

And we call that the hop.

And I'm going to do it with my right leg first and then left leg.

You can practise 10 to 20 seconds on each leg.

The fourth jump, I'm going to show you is where we moved from one foot to two feet.

And I'm going to start with my left leg first, I'm going to push off right and jump to two feet.

Now we're going to start on my right leg and push off left and jumping to two feet.

The fifth jump I'm going to show you is where would you jump from two feet to one foot.

And I'm going to jump onto my right foot first.

Two feet, to one foot.

Now I'm going to jump two feet to my left leg.

Two feet to my left leg.

So, using those five different jumps we're going to practise that in a warm up game.

And My markers are in the shape of a diamond.

This marker I have to my left will be called A.

The marker in front of us to my socks will be called B.

And the marker to the right is called C.

A B C And you know your alphabet of ABC from phonics, but remember, A B C of movement in physical education is agility, balance, coordination.

I will go adult to shine tight.

A, B or C.

What they've shown to the end you will choose a jump.

You will go to the Marker and then come back to the start.

So Hey, I'm thinking I'm going to do a hop.

Go to the marker and coming back.

When your adult calls another marker B or C or even A again you now you're going to decide on a different jump.

So they call out B and I'm going to do start straight in front of me and I'm going, what am I going to do? I'm going to do one foot two feet.

And So on.

Each time you go to the marker I want you to do a different jump.

well done, on practising those five basic jumps to feel even better about ourselves.

Lots of you know this already.

I'm going to say two with Mr. F, and when I say that, I will say ready, ready? And you respond with two claps.

let practise, two with Mr. F Ready? Ready? well done Here's a quick recap.

I'm going to read out a statement and I want you to say whether the statement is true or false.

There are three basic jumps.

Is that true or false? Pause the video now, if you need some thinking time and if you answered false, that is correct.

Well done.

There are five basic jumps which we introduced and practised during warm up.

In this section of the lesson, we will compare and contrast vertical and broad jumps.

Those who have joined lessons with me before may remember that compare and contrast were star words in that lesson And we know what they are now.

We notice things that are similar and we notice things that are different.

Our second and third star words are vertical and broad.

Vertical jump means that we just jump straight Up.

Broad jump means that we jump along, come on, let's compare and contrast our jumps.

So we all go to compare and contrast vertical and broad jumps.

So all I want to do, I'm going to go from two feet to Two feet.

Please get ready to jump? I jumped vertically.

A broad jump, is where I jump along.

So again, you get ready but this time jumping along.

So I have demonstrated using two feet to two feet, but I want you to practise all of our five basic jumps vertically And as a broad jump, what I want you to do is for each jump to see what happens to all legs.

And they said, look at that bending guy a whole body's crunching down and see what we do for a vertical jump and then see what we do for a broad jump.

See what the similarities are and the differences.

Well done, I'm working on the vertical and the board jumps I'm well done on your concentration.

I'm trying to see what was similar with our body legs and arms and what was different about our body legs and arms. Two with Mr. F ready? Ready? Well done.

So, time for a quick recap, following the comparing and contrasting of the vertical and broad jumps.

I'm going to give you four options.

Each of which make a statement about the similarities or differences of the vertical and broad jumps.

Only One of these options is false.

Which one is it? Option one We crunch our bodies down at the start of both jumps.

option two.

We push with our legs and our arms help us jump.

Option three.

We don't use our arms when we jump, We don't.

And option four, we lean forward more for the broad jump.

which is false? Pause the video.

now, if you need some thinking time.

And if you answered option three, well done, It's false.

The statement said we don't use our arms on the jumps, but we do.

We, have to use our arms for both the vertical and the broad jump.

In this section of the lesson, we will look at how we can jump further and higher.

And I will explain to you our four star word, power.

Power, is the magic formula for helping us to jump further and higher.

So now, we are aware of what we do with our body, our legs and our arms When we jump, we are now going to look at another influence.

That helps us answer this question.

How many can jump further in terms of all broad jumps and higher in terms of vertical jumps.

When we do broad jump, I want you to stand at your marker.

My heels are right on the Marker and using another marker we will measure our heels again how far we have jumped.

I can see, I have jumped that far.

We are going to try and jump further now, And if I have another marker- And I jumped further we can see how much further I've jumped.

To be able to jump further or jump higher there's a secret that I'm going to explain to you now.

Come with me Listen you're listening? Its in catholic.

Power is the relationship between strength and speed.

Right wow, at this moment we could use all our strength to jump higher or jump further, but we can't improve off strength right at this minute, we would need to work on lots of different activities and lots of jumping.

And over time our strength might improve.

But what we can try and do is increase our speed at which we move.

and I will demonstrate.

If I move this slipper down to the table, quite slowly, just listen carefully you can hear when it touches the table using my strength I can improve the speed of that movement.


I hope I didn't make you jump.

Using my strength, but trying to do the movement quicker, trying to do it faster, trying to increase the speed of the movement, you get more power and you could hear that little sound.

So, let's test that height.

I've got one marker, and my slowing down when I did my first jump and then I did a further jump where my socks are, but now really am going too increase the speed of my jump.

So I'm going to crunch down and get my arms ready on leaning forward.

And I'm going to reach my explode with the speed and using my sprinkler I've got at the moment.

Ready? Yes.

I've gone even further.

What you are going to do is try to aim for each of our jumps.

But We're also going to do that in a vertical jump.

So if you have another sticky note, I need to tap it on the wall.

You can see how that tyre you've jumped.

And If we get our strength and our speed of that movement right it will be more powerful, and you should see the jump going higher.

Try that at home.

Off we go.

Well done, on working on your power.

I hope you all feel really powerful now.

And all we did was used our strength and then combine that with speed we tried to do our jumps a lot quick, a lot faster, we exploded.

Three with Mr. F Ready? Ready? Ready? Good staff.

Well done.

So I've got a quick true, false recap for you about power.

Here's the statement.

Power depends on speed and strength.

Is that true? Or is it false? Pause the video now, if you need some thinking time.

And if you answered true, well done, power does depend on speed and strength.

You can't change your strength right now but you can increase the speed of your movement.

And that gives you more power.

For the cool down.

I just want you to walk around your space for a minute or more and just relax, shake your arms and legs out.

Then I want you to practise some of the stretches to stretch your muscles and relax them.

And I will show you another stretch that you can use especially with all the work we've done on our legs for jumping.

Come on let's relax.

Lets cool down.

For the cool down, I just want you to walk around your area for a minute or more and just relax.

Then you stretch yourself, I've showed you in previous lessons, you have some fall quarter sets and come for my hamstrings because we've really worked on muscles doing lots of jumping and lots of different jumps to that.

The extra stretch I'm going to show you is for the lower part of our leg of calf muscle or there are two parts of the calf, the soleus and gastrocnemius pushing the hands to the floor you can lean against the wall If you want push the hands to the floor while the apart leg is straight and you can feel the stretch on the calf.

That's what it looks like from the side.

Then I will put the bend the knee and you will feel the stretch lower down in the calf.

Both my feet facing in the same direction, Forwards Turns next Remember hold each stretch for seven to ten seconds.

Well done, on completing your own cool down.

three with a Mr. F ready? Ready? Ready.

Well done.

So I have another statement which I will read to you and I want you to answer whether it is true or false.

If I continue to participate regularly in different physical activities, my strength will improve.

Is that true? Or is it false? Pause the video now, if you need some thinking time.

And if you answered true well done.

By participating regularly your strength will improve not only strength but your coordination, your balance, lots of things.

So a great big thank you for working with me today.

While we looked at how we can jump further and higher.

We learnt all the five basic jumps, one foot to two feet two feet to one foot, one foot to the other foot one foot to the same foot and two feet to two feet.

We also looked at a vertical jump and a broad jump.

And you compare and contrast lots of similarities and the differences between those two jumps.

And finally, we looked at how we can actually jump further and higher and power was our star word which involved speed and strength.

I look forward to working with you again in the next lesson where we will be looking at how continuous and regular activity affect our bodies.

So your next time.

Two with Mr. F ready? Ready?.