
Content guidance

Physical activity required.

Adult supervision recommended


Lesson video

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We need to look at how to stay safe in this lesson.

First of all, a parent or a trusted adult should be with you throughout the lesson.

This lesson should take place indoors ensure there is space for you to work safely, including overhead.

Use bare feet.

Make sure the floor is not slippery.

Wear comfortable clothing, tie your hair up if needed and remove any jewellery such as watches, rings, necklaces or earrings.

Please pause the video now if there is anything you need to do to get ready.

Equipment required for this lesson will be cones or something similar bare feet and PE Kit T-shirt, shorts, leggings, tracksuit bottoms. You will also need a chair or some chairs that your size, not big adult chairs.

Hello, My name is Mr.Frapwell and I am here to work with you and learn about how we can improve our stability when moving.

If we haven't got good stability then the opposite is we are unstable.

And when we are walking and running it means we might fall over.

So developing good stability, improving our stability will helps us participate in the activities more.

It will help us stay safe in our activities.

I need to change to get ready for activity.

I wonder what clothing I will wear today? Let's see, Maybe blue T-shirt, grey shorts.

I'm ready to go, come on.

The lesson is structured in four parts.

The first part is the Warm-up.

Getting our bodies ready for activity.

The second part, we will be learning about stability when we are moving, walking and running.

The third part of the lesson, we will explore how we can improve our stability.

And the final part is that we will engage in slower activities to relax the Cool-down In this lesson there are five, five star words to look out for.

The first is mobility.

Moving our joints, moving our muscles.

The second star word is Stability.

This is how we can control our muscles, control our joints so that we stay balanced when we are moving.

The third star word is control to stay stable, We need to control our muscles.

That leads to the fourth star word, which is our muscles.

And the final star word is balance.

In each of the sections of the lesson, we will be reminding you of these star words.

Now we are going to warm-up In the warm-up, we shall be doing some walking and running activities including playing a game and some mobility activities.

That is the first of our star words, mobility.

And we will see later one mobility is important for stability, Let's go.

For this activity, You need three cones.

You can see the two blue cones either side of me, I can't find a third cone so I used a rolled up pair of socks which I'm going to place in front of me.

That might create.

You might not be able to see that on the camera but that creates three points.

And if I drew a line between those three points it would create a three sided shape.

Does anybody know what a three-sided shape is called? Yes, Okay.

Some of you, it's a triangle.

It's a triangle.

All you are going to do for the first part of this warm-up is to walk between those three points.

You can change direction and move anywhere around the triangle Pause the video now and do that for about one minute off you go, for the next part of the warmer, instead of walking, we are going to run.

So you are going to run around the different points.

You are going to stop at each point before deciding on the next, pause the video now.

And if you can do that for a minute, that would be great Off you go.

For the next part of the warm-up.

We are going to introduce our first star word mobility.

Mobility means that we are trying to move our joints.

And in this case, I moving my shoulder joints.

So when that arm touches my body, that's called my shoulder.

I'm trying to move my joints into the four range of movement.

If I just did it like this, that's really quite easy.

It doesn't help to improve my mobility.

So I'm reaching as far up and back to the side as I can, when I'm performing, this mobility exercise for my shoulders.

We are now going to help the mobility in our hips.

Where our legs attach themselves to our body for high knees, sideways on our knees are coming up roughly, horizontal, near our belly button.

Up, out and down, up, out and down I was down was a bit wobbly then.

Well done on the warm-up.

Our body should be ready for activity now.

In helping us always feel good about ourselves.

Again, those people did the first lesson.

Follow my lead.

I will call out two with Mr. F ready? Ready? And your response will be two claps.

Listen carefully, Two with Mr. F Ready? Ready? Well done.

Let's have a quick recap.

I'm going to make a statement and I want you to answer whether it's true or false Mobility means that we move our joints in their full range of movement.

Is that true? Or is it false? Pause the video now if you need some thinking time and if you answered true well done, mobility does mean that we move our joints in their full range of movement.

The next section of the lesson introduces our second star word stability.

We will also introduce the third and fourth star words control and muscles.

We will learn about stability and how it links to control and muscles, all of the next three star words all linked to each other.

Let's learn about stability.

Let's go In the warm-up.

You might've noticed me, mainly losing my balance.

I was a bit wobbly and stability is your body, being able to keep you in balance when you are moving.

You are able to control your muscles to react and adapt to the different movements that you do so that you don't fall over For this activity, You will need four markers or four cones.

I've added a jumper because I didn't have enough cones.

I've got two cones, either side and at the front I've got my rolled up socks.

The game is a clock game.

Each of the four points will represent either 12 o'clock three o'clock, six o'clock or nine o'clock.

You stand in the middle.

And if the adult you are with or if you decide yourself to go to 12 o'clock you run to 12, o'clock touch the marker.

In this case, my jumper, back to the centre pause the video now and play.

Well done.

If you've managed to stay stable and can use your muscles to control your body as it's moving all the you, your effort Three, Mr. F ready? Well done I'm going to give you four options.

And only one of the options is correct.

Stability means First option you know how to get your body ready for activity.

Option two, you fall over a lot when walking or running option three stability means you can control your muscles and your movement to stay in balance.

Well, the final option, you know how to slowly relax Pause the video now If you need some thinking time, and if you chose option three, stability means you can control your muscles and your movement to stay in balance.

You are correct.

Well done.

In the third section of the lesson, we are going to look at how we can improve our stability.

And we will introduce a fifth star word balance.

Being able to balance when we are moving.

Like for example, when we ride a bike, being able to balance when we are moving is a key part of stability.

Let's look at some activities that we can use to improve our stability.

Let's go.

For this activity.

We're going to bond on one leg.

I'll show you on the left leg balance on the left leg your muscles will adjust to keep you in balance.

Your muscles will control your balance.

It doesn't matter if you are wobbly and puts their foot down.

That is your muscles learning to control your movement.

Pause the video now, practise on your right leg, practise on your left leg.

And try and balance for up to 10 seconds For this activity, we are going to challenge your muscles to control your movements to control your balance a little bit more, Balance on one leg then point leg that's in the air to 12 o'clock.

Then to six o'clock then to nine o'clock.

Once you've attempted that you can change legs and you point to 12, o'clock, six, o'clock, three o'clock For this next activity, you will require two cones.

And if we are going to practise a line walk a straight line walk between the cones.

The challenge is to walk heel and toe one foot in front of the other.

And this time you are balancing, while you are walking we are asking our muscles to adapt because we are walking.

We are challenging them to walk heel and toe.

They have to adapt to keep us in balance whilst we all moving.

So all the static activities, the balances that we've been doing are helping all the muscles learn that we're helping them in memory.

And helping them learn to adapt and adjust to keep us in balance to keep us stable whilst we are moving practise that line walk maybe up to 10 times, and then I'll set you another challenge.

Pause the video now.

For this next activity, you will require two chairs.

It doesn't have to be chairs.

It could be a bucket.

It could be an upturn bin.

But the important thing is that when you sit down on your chair or your bucket, that your lower leg and your upper leg create a 90 degree angle or a right angle, and you may have learned those terms in maths All you're going to do is to keep your body in control.

Use your muscles to keep your body in control reach your hands forward and stand apart in the chair.

You can walk to the other chair and sit down in control.

This next activity.

Not only trains on muscles to adapt and to balance but it also strengthens our muscles.

So on your chair or your upturn bucket that aligns your legs to bend to 90 degrees.

You will now stand up on one leg so you will try and stand up on one leg.

If you've got an adult with you, you may need to hold on them to balance.

Or if you're near a wall, you can use a wall to balance but you will try and take one leg off the floor and stand up using one control using one leg pause the video now and practise that 10 times.

Those activities that have helped train our muscles to control our body movement.

And our balances whether we are still or moving.

It takes a lot of efforts.

So well done, Three with Mr. F ready? Great stuff Let's have a quick recap.

I'm going to make a statement and all you need to do is say whether the statement is true or false You can improve your stability by performing balance activities that help strengthen our muscles true or false? Pause the video now if you need some thinking time.

And if you said it's true.

Yes, well done.

You can improve your stability by performing balance activities that help strengthen our muscles and those activities are what we have been practising in this last section.

In this final section of the lesson we are going to cool-down and not just simply means we're going to do some slower activities to relax but because we have done activities that are strengthening our muscles we are going to stretch our muscles out.

So the first one with your right arm you're going to hook your left arm and put it across the front of you.

I'm going to stretch these muscles at the front of our thigh.

The quadriceps have four big muscles there because they work quite hard kind of stretch by sinking down my back leg, bent front leg bent on both feet, facing the same way.

All my toes at the back of my leg body stays upright That's a good stretch.

I try and get even more upright and now stretches the front of your leg here Your quadriceps.

One more, now you are going to stretch the muscles at the back of the leg.

These also have been working when we have stood up and sat down in the chair.

Back leg weight on the back leg, front leg goes out.

This front leg is ever so slightly bent its unlocked.

It's not straight back, slightly locked.

Head up, here at the front pore toes up, head up sinking the chest to the floor, try and push it back side up.

The stretches are just relaxing the muscles putting them back to their full length again Two with Mr.F ready? Well done.

A big thank you for working with me today learning about how we can improve our stability when moving, we looked at mobility of joints and how good mobility can help better muscle control and therefore stability.

We looked at controlling our muscles in balances both still balances, staying on the spot and moving balances before you do the next lesson.

What I would like you to do is try and do some activities every day that involve your whole body moving moving your whole body helps work your big stabilising muscles that help improve your stability.

Next lesson, we will be learning more about what our body does when we move looking at our arms and our legs but also the organs inside it, what they do Our lungs and heart especially, See you next time, thank you.