
Content guidance

Physical activity required.

Adult supervision recommended


Lesson video

In progress...


We need to look at how to stay safe in this lesson.

First of all, a parent or a trusted adult should be with you throughout the lesson.

This lesson should take place indoors.

Ensure there is space for you to work safely, including; overhead,.

use bare feet, make sure the floor is not slippery.

Wear comfortable clothing, tie your hair up, if needed, and remove any jewellery.

Such as watches, rings, necklaces or earrings.

Please pause the video now, if there is anything you need to do to get ready.

Equipment that you will require for this lesson is PE kit, T-shirt, shorts Leggins or tracksuit bottoms, bare feet and cones or similar.

It would also be useful if you had a die, if you haven't got one of those, then six separate pieces of paper that you could write the numbers One to six on.


My name is Mr. Fragua and I'm here to work with you today to answer the question how does continuous and regular activity affect my body? This lesson will build on your previous knowledge where we've looked at how we can feel successful and feel happy.

It will build on what we know about what happens to our body when we do physical activity especially our body, our legs, and our arms. And we develop knowledge about the ABC of movement in physical education, agility, balance, and coordination.

And it will also build on knowledge about what happens to our heart rate and breathing rate which you not know increases when we exercise so that we can get oxygen into our body and then round our body to our muscles for energy.

What I need to do is get changed.

Ready for learning.

I'm ready.

Come on.

Let's go.

This lesson is structured in four parts.

The first is the warmer up.

The second part is jumping for health.

The third part is jumping for joy.

And the fourth part is the cool-down.

in this lesson, there are four star words.

The first, is continuous.

The second, is health.

The third, is regular and the fourth, is well-being.

In each section of the lesson we will introduce the star words and go on to explain their meaning.

In the warm-up, we will be getting our bodies ready for activity especially jumping activities.

And we will use the five basic jumps we learn last lesson in a warmer challenge For the warm-up You will need four Combs.

I've got two markers and two pairs of socks.

And that is your space.

What I'm going to do is call out a movement.

And when I call that movement out, I want you to imagine what that movement is which helps your movement memory.

And I will then, perform the movement.

When I perform the movement, you are going to mirror me.

So if I moved to this side, you will also move this side when I move back to the centre, so will you.

If I move forwards to the camera you will move forward to your device you're using.

And Of course, when I moved back away from my camera you will move back away from your screen.

So let's try the first one.

So I'll gulp.

Think about what it's going to be, what it looks like and imagine that and mirror me.

Well done.

We're trying to trick you a bit up.

And rest.

Next activity.

Two foot jump to two foot jump.

Remember what that looks like imagine it think about doing it with your muscles, with your legs.

Ready? Come on this way.

Ooh, that was a quick turn.

Well done and rest.

Skipping think it through.

Hop step and then the other leg hop step, hop step Lets go.

You move with me going the same way.

Well done.

Well done Hopping.

I'm changing my legs.

Well done.

Think about it.

Same mirror me mirror me.

One foot to two foot, one foot to two foot jump.

Think it through.

Imagine it one foot, to two foot.

This way.

One foot two foot.

Let's go back to the centre.

Well done.


Move with me, move with me.

Well done.

Keep it going.


One foot to the other foot, which is called a leap.

One foot to the other foot, Well done.

Front gulp, the course, think.

Come this way.

I'm going to Change the legs this time.

The other leg forward.

Well done.

And the last one we're going to do, two foot to one foot.

Well done Tow foot to one foot Well done.

Well done for your efforts in that warmup.

Let's feel even better about ourselves.

I'm going to say two with Mr. F.

Ready, ready? And when I've said that I want you to clap twice because I've said two with two Mr. F ready, ready? I have a true false recap for you to see what you remember from previous lessons.

If you haven't done lesson five yet, please go and do it.

But if not, you can have a guess.

Positive thinking routines, can help you manage your emotions to improve in different activities.

Is that statement true or false? Pause the video now, if you need some thinking time and if you answered true, well done, that is correct.

Positive thinking routines can help you to manage your emotions and that can help you to improve in different activities.

In this section of the lesson, we will look at how continuous activity affects your body.

We will be continuing with our jumping and we will focus that on our health.

So that introduces our first, and second star words.

Continuous is the first and health is the second For this activity.

We are going to play a numbers jumping game.

And if you remember, when I shared the equipment you need for this lesson, I said, it would be useful if you had a die, well, I haven't got a die let alone any dice, which is plural of die but I do have some paper which I've written on and I've numbered them one all the way through to six.

I have even drawn a die up in the top corner with the number of dots on representing six.

All you have to do is either roll the die or fold the piece of paper up so you can see what number is going to come next and choose one at random.

So I'm going to put mine pieces of paper on the side so I can't see them.

I pick a number and the first one, says two.

As soon as I pick a number I'm going to now pick one of the five basic jumps.

And I have to do that twice, two times across my area.

So I am thinking I'm going to do a two footy jump.

I've got to do it twice.

That's once across twice across then I'm going to pick another number.

For example, if it was five I would have to go one, two, three, four, five but I want you to try and recall.

I want you to try and remember a different jump.

So it might be a hop for example, on the plus side I have given you a reminder of all the five basic jumps.

Play that numbers game for two to three minutes, keep it going.

Off you go.

Well done on completing that activity.

And if we think about it, if we reflect that in both the warmup and in the numbers game the movement activities that we have done we have kept going.

We have made it continuous and you may have done some continuous activity in school before when you've done the daily mile walk.

Sometimes schools call it the daily 15 minutes.

And what continuous activity helps us to is improve our health.

It helps us to become more healthy.

And if you are healthy, your heart and lungs get better doing their job.

They get better at getting oxygen into your lungs, around your body, pumped by the heart and to the muscles where we can get energy.

But continuous activity also helps our health by preventing illness.

We don't get as many colds or illnesses and it also helps us sleep better.

Lots of health benefits of continuous activity.

Keep it going.

Three with Mr. F ready, ready, ready? A quick recap for you.

What are the health benefits of continuous activity? And one of these four options is false.

Which one is it? Option one, It can help to prevent illness.

Option two, our heart and lungs get better at their job.

Option three, We always get coughs and colds.

And option four, it can help you sleep better.

So three of those health benefits are genuine but One of those option statements is false.

Which one is it? Pause the video now if you need some thinking time.

And if you answered option three, we always get coughs and colds.

That is correct.

Because, if you are healthy, you don't always get coughs and colds.

In this section of the lesson, we will be jumping for joy and we will find out how regular activity affects our bodies.

And regular is our third star word.

And we will also introduce the four star word well-being.

Come on, lets jump for joy.

For this next activity.

I want to give you ideas of activities that you might enjoy doing on a regular basis so that you might choose to do them each day or every few days.

So it's another continuous activity and I want you to choose your favourite music or your favourite song and play it.

What I want you to do while the song is playing is, to practise the five basic jumps.

And I want you to keep moving.

I want you to do the jumping continuously.

So, I'm doing a two footy jump and my music is playing.

And now I'm thinking of the next jump to do, hopping.

I'm already thinking of the next jump to do.

I might be singing along to my music but I want you to keep going, use all the five basic jumps for the whole of your song.

Off you go.

Well done on jumping to your music and hopefully for all of the song.

And it gives you ideas for different activities that you can do on a regular day by day basis.

And doing something on a continuous and regular basis can help our well-being.

And all well-being means is that we feel good about ourselves.

We feel happy about things and we can feel successful.

Let's improve our well-being even more.

Three, with Mr. F ready, ready, ready? Well done.

So a recap for you.

We know that regular physical activity can increase our well-being.

But what is wellbeing? And there are four options.

Three of these options are correct and one of them is false.

I want you to tell me which option is false.

Option One, well-being, is feeling happy about things.

Option two, well-being is feeling successful.

Option three, well-being is how we feel about ourselves.

And option four, well-being is feeling moody and cross all of the time.

Which one of those is false? Pause the video now if you need some thinking time and if you answered option four, that is correct.

Well-being does not mean that you feel moody and cross all of the time.

That statement is false.

This section of the lesson is the cool down.

All I want you to do is walk around your area for one or two minutes and practise some of the stretches on your arms and your legs that you have done with me previously.

Remember the cool-down can also help you relax your mind not just your body.

So I've got a recap for you.

And this recap contains all of our four star Words we've used this lesson.

Continuous regular health and well-being.

Here's the statement, continuous and regular physical activity can improve our physical and mental health and well-being.

Is that true or false? Pause the video now if you need some thinking time and if you answered true, that is correct.

Well done.

Continuous and regular physical activity can improve our physical and mental health and well-being.

So a huge thank you for participating in this lesson with me, but we looked at how continuous and regular activity affect our bodies.

In particular, continuous at a pace that we can keep going not too strenuous and continuous activity can help us keep healthy, especially our heart health, our hearts get stronger and our lung health.

And health was a word that also meant that we can sleep better.

And it also means that we can be free of illness.

Being healthy can help prevent illness.

We then looked at regular activity.

So continuous activity that we can do regularly every day is the recommendation and continuous and regular physical activity can help give us a sense of well-being.

And right back in lesson one, we looked at being successful and being happy and physical activity can help you feel satisfied about things.

It can help you feel good about yourself.

It can help you feel happy.

I look forward to working with you next week where we will be looking at how we can control our under-arm and our over-arm throws, so they are accurate.

See you next week.

Two with Mr.F ready, Ready?.