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Physical activity required.

Adult supervision recommended


Lesson video

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We need to look at how to stay safe in this lesson.

First of all, a parent or a trusted adult should be with you throughout the lesson.

This lesson should take place indoors.

Ensure there is space for you to work safely, including overhead.

Use bare feet.

Make sure the floor is not slippery.

Wear comfortable clothing, tie your hair up if needed, and remove any jewellery such as watches, rings, necklaces or earrings.

Please pause the video now if there is anything you need to do to get ready.

The equipment that you will require for this lesson is PE kit, t-shirt, shorts, leggings or tracksuit bottoms, bare feet and cones or similar.

Hello, for those of you who haven't worked with me before, my name is Mr. Frapwell and I'm here to work with you today on answering the question how quickly and easily can my body move in different ways.

So in terms of quickly, we will be looking at speed and speed that needs to change in speed is something we have looked at in a previous lesson.

How easily can my body move? We will be looking at agility and that involves how stable we are, how we can speed up, how we can slow down, how coordinated we can be, how easily we can control all movements.

Later on in the lesson.

I will be teaching you to compare and contrast movements to see how similar things look, different things look.

I just realised I am so mixed up.

I'm not even in kit, I'm not even in my suit.

I better get changed quickly.

Now, we ready.

Come on.

The lesson is structured in four parts.

The first part is the warm up.

The second part we will be focusing on speed and agility.

The third part we will be looking activities that we can compare and contrast.

And the fourth part is to cool down.

In this lesson, we will introduce four star words.

The first is speed.

The second is agility.

The third is compare and that goes together with the fourth contrast.

In each section of the lesson we will be introducing and reminding you of these star words.

In the warm-up We will be getting our bodies ready for activity.

The activities we'll focus on speed and agility.

Those are our first two star words, but we won't look at the full meaning of those words until the next section of the lesson.

I will however, challenge you to remember some things we have learned in previous lessons.

Come on, let's get warmed up For the warmup.

You will need four markers.

I have two cones, my slider and a pair of socks.

I just want you to make an area that if you drew lines between each of the markers, it would form a square shape.

So I have my square shape.

I'm going to introduce a number of different activities which I'd like you to copy and practise.

Each time I show you a new activity, can you practise it for 10 or 20 seconds around your area, around your square? The first is what we call the gallop.

The other leg comes up behind that leg it doesn't cross, that comes up behind in the Lego's forward game.

So if I do that a bit faster and you can change the legs.

My right leg is leading my left leg now leading.

Next activity is the side gallop.

This time you will like lose a part, the other leg catches up, apart catch up apart, apart catch up.

And you can do that in different directions.

If we do it quicker.

The next activity is running.

But we are going to run quickly but with small steps.

You can run to square.

The fourth activity is running again but it is going to be running with high knees and elbows.

Practise The fifth and final activity of the warn up is the skip.

Skip is where you hop then step, hop then step ,hop and step, hop, step, and I'm doing it faster.

So with those five activities you've practised.

We are now going to play a game.

Get that adult who is working to call out the the names of the different exercises.

When it has been called out I want you to run to the side of the square.

When you get to the side, you changed direction.

You can run any direction you want.

I'll just demonstrate.


Get to the side, change direction, Running is so stitch, really fast.


We've got our bodies ready for activity our body, our arms our legs.

But we've also increased our breathing rate and our heart rate ready for activity but increasing heart rate and breathing, late We are getting more oxygen to our muscles.

So they have energy to keep us moving.

Let's feel good about that.

I want you to do two with me which means you clap, two with Mr. F ready? Ready? Well done.

So, as a recap, we have true or false question for you.

When you warm up, you increase your breathing rate and heart rate and get oxygen to your muscles to give them energy to move.

Is that true? Or is it false? And if you need some thinking time, pause the video now.

And if you have answered true, that is correct.

Well done.

In this section of the lesson we will introduce our first and second star words.

Speed and agility.

Speed is how quickly we can move our bodies in one direction.

Agility is how quickly we can change direction, how we can coordinate our bodies and how our muscles can keep our bodies stable.

And in balance when we are moving.

That also involves slowing down and speeding up.

So we are going to complete a speed and agility run and we will also explore how quickly and easily it is to move our bodies in different ways.

And we are going to move like different animals For this activity.

You will need five markers.

I've placed four markers in a line with a good step between each of them and my fifth marker is at slight angle away from the line of markers.

And this You can just see it in the picture there.

Your task is to move in and out of the markers and then sprint run as quick as you can to the final marker.

Make sure you've got enough space to slow down.

I will demonstrate.

Let's have a short recap about speed.

Is this statement true or false? Speed means that you can move your body in one direction as fast as possible.

Is it true or false? If you answered true Well done.

speed means that you can move your body in one direction as fast as possible.

So for this activity we are going to use the cones that we've set timer.

And we are going to move like different animals inner to the Cones.

And the first one I am going to copy is a horse just like in the front gallop that we did in the warmup.

The second animal is bear.

If you want to make the noise of the bear When you are moving, please feel free.

The third animal I'm going to try and copy is a kangaroo.

fourth animal I will try and copy the moving of is a penguin off We go.

The fifth animal.

I will try and copy half way because I've had nine operations on knee.

My knee won't bend proper.

You will be able to bend your legs much better than I can.

So you're going to crutch as low down as you can and then inner actually to coach like a duck.

well done on copying all those animal movements.

What extra animals did you think of? I thought of crab and monkey.

I hope you enjoyed copying those animal movements.

but I asked the question, which was the easiest to copy? and it might be different answers from different people.

For me, the easiest to copy was the penguin movement.

And usually movements that are small and not very large in their range are easy to do because we don't need much strength to do them.

The most difficult for me was duck because my knee won't bend properly and my muscles aren't really strong enough.

But agility can be improved.

so I can work on my knee and get to bend and strengthen the muscles, that will help my coordination of my movements.

It will help my control.

It will help me change direction.

It will help me speed up and slow down.

So agility can be improved.

So keep participate in lots of games, Lots of activity.

Two with Mr. F Ready, ready? Well done Let's have a recap about agility.

There are four options and only one of the options is true.

Option one.

Agility means you look awkward when you move quickly.

Option two agility means you can celebrate activity and be happy.

Option three agility means you can speed up slow down, balance and change direction with coordination and control.

The option four agility means you can warm up properly for activity.

which of those sentences is true.

Pause the video now, if you need some thinking time and if you answered option three, well done.

Agility means you can speed up, slow down, balance and change direction with coordination and control.

It's a word that means all those things.

In this section of the lesson we are going to compare and contrast your movement.

So what do those words mean? If we take the picture, you can see two cows.

If we compare them, we are looking at how similar they are.

So they both have four legs.

They both have horns.

They both have two eyes.

They both have nostrils.

But if we contrast the two cow.

If we look at what is different about them the cow on the left, its horns are pointing upwards.

And the cow in the right its horns are pointing out to the side.

In this section, we are going to look at movement and compare, look at the similarities, what is the same or nearly same and contrast movement.

What is different about on movement? Let's compare and contrast.

So for this part of the lesson you going out of helper are going to compare and contrast the animal movements.

I will show you an example of the task and then I want you just complete it.

I want you to take any two animals and I'm going to take a kangaroo and a penguin.

When you decided on two animals I want you to copy their movements.

So kangaroo, I will copy the movement on line zigzag off course.

And then for a penguin, ` I will copy the penguins movement.

When you have copied the two movements I would like you to spend some time with your, adult helper thinking and then comparing and contrasting the movements.

Comparing is thinking what is similar about the two movements and for kangaroo and a penguin I can think that they are both moving on their legs.

It's similar.

Then I want you to come contrast their movements a penguin moves its feet separately while as a kangaroo moves his feet together.

Well done on selecting two animal movements to copy and then to compare and contrast.

Two with Mr. F ready? Ready? Well done.

Let's recap.

There are four options, but only one of the options is true.

Compare and contrast third and fourth star words to I mean.

Option one thunder and lightning.

option two, you haven't drunk enough of water.

option three Cows produce milk.

And option Four You can notice things that are similar and different.

If you need some thinking time, pause the video now.

If you've answered option four you can notice things that are similar and different.

That is correct.

Compare means noticing things that are similar and contrast means noticing things that are different well done.

So I've got a question for you; We haven't really covered in any of our lessons, but I just want to see if you know or are aware of this fact.

Is this true or false? It is recommended that you do 60 minutes which is one hour ,of physical activity each day.

Is it true or false? Pause the video now, if you need a little bit of think.

And if you answered true, that is correct.

The chief medical officer in England recommends that children of your age to 60 minutes, which is one hour of physical activity each day.

Try and do it.

Thank you ever so much for participating with me in this lesson where we looked at how quickly and easily can my body move in different ways.

We've learned lots of new movements and we looked at the star words, speed and agility speed where we move our bodies as quick as we can in one direction and agility, which involved speeding up, slowing down, changing direction left to right.

keeping our bodies coordinated, that's our arms and legs and our bodies when we are moving and our muscles helping to keep us stable and in balance.

And agility is a great word that covers all of those.

We've also got you to compare look at what was similar, about movement and to contrast what is different about movement.

And in learning to compare and contrast movement.

It helps you be aware of getting better at your own movement certainly in terms of speed and agility.

Next week, we will be looking at how do I measure my emotions to improve in different challenges.

So that's the way we feel about ourselves.

Really big thank you two with Mr. F Ready.

Ready? Well done.

See you next lesson.