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Lesson video

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Hi there, it's Mr. Roberts again, and this is the final one, our fourth lesson in the outdoor and adventurous activities unit of the year three PE curriculum.

And the theme of today's lesson is den building, okay? So it should be really good fun, it'll really get you thinking and I'm looking forward to helping you and I'm looking forward to you having a really successful lesson.

Okay, let's get ourselves ready.

Okay, so I told you that today's lesson is all about den building.

So we need to be thinking about what equipment, what things have we got around our living space that we could use to build a den or a shelter? And on the screen I've given you some ideas of the sorts of things that you could use.

The sort of everyday things that you'll have hopefully around your living space.

So for example, we've got a sofa or a couch.

You've got a table and I given the example of cardboard boxes.

I've put an example of a broom or a brush.

You've got a rope, you've got a rug or a blanket.

You've got cushions and you have a bed.

What I want you to think about is what have you got around your house that you can build a shelter with? And you will probably have loads of other things that are not on my list.

Okay, but there's some examples of the sorts of things you could build a shelter with.

So I'm going to give you some time.

So I'm going to say pause the video, and I want you to go off and see if you can find a variety of things that you can use to build a shelter with in your own living space.

Okay, and I'll see you in a couple of minutes.

Okay, like in every PE lesson, we have to have a keyword.

We've got to know the vocabulary and the keywords that apply to our subject.

And in today's lesson the keyword is resourceful, and resourceful is where you can use your own quick and clever solutions to respond to a challenge.

So you become really good at using the resources around you to deal with the situation that you're in.

Okay, and today's lesson will give you lots of practise in doing just that, okay? Okay, we've got some really bad news, there's a really bad storm coming.

And what you've got to do is you've got to react to that storm.

Now I've got my coat on, I've got my scarf, I've got my hat, but that's not going to be good enough.

I need to build shelter quickly for me and my explorer friends, my intrepid little gang of explorers.

We've got to get ourselves into cover to protect ourselves from this storm.

So that is going to be the theme of today's lesson.

Can you build a shelter to protect yourself from the storm that's coming, okay? So get yourselves ready.

Pause the video and get yourself an adult to help you and let's get on with it.

Okay, so we know we're going to have to build this shelter.

We've got the storm coming, we need to get ourselves ready.

So I asked you to think about what equipment, what resources have you got around your living space that you can use to build yourself a shelter, to protect yourself from this big storm that's coming our way? So the sorts of things I've got, the sort of the things that I've suggested on my screen, as you can see below my face at the moment, you've got a sofa, you've got a table.

I've suggested using a brush or a broom.

You got boxes.

How about ropes? You could use ropes to tie things down.

You could use a blanket and then you can maybe use cushions.

You got a bed.

There's loads of things you can use but you must ensure that whatever you use, it's got to be safe.

Okay, so anything you use has got to be safe and it's got to be secure, 'cause the last thing we need is something tumbling down, falling on you or on someone else, okay? So have a think about what equipment you've got.

I've given you my list to give you some ideas and go and see if you can gather up some equipment to build this shelter that's going to get you safe from this really big storm that's coming our way.

Okay, so pause the video, go off and find some equipment, and when you're ready, come back to the video.

I'm going to share some top tips that you can use to help you build this shelter.

Okay, off you go.

Excellent, so you've gone off and you've found some resources that you can use to build that shelter, okay? Now, before we carry on and start building, building this den that's going to make you safe and secure, and dry and protected from this really nasty, horrible storm that's coming our way, I want to share with you some top tips to think about to help you be really successful in your shelter.

Okay, so the first thing is, think about seats becoming walls, okay? You want to have strong, solid walls.

Okay, so if you've got chairs or a sofa or anything solid, could that be the wall to save you having to build your own wall? Use walls that are already there.

The second thing, what about tabletops? Could that be the roof of your shelter? Could you do something under a table? That would protect us from the storm, wouldn't it? The next thing, if you haven't got a table that you could use, what could you use as your roof? What could you use to hold up a potential blanket or something, or a towel that you might use as the walls or the roof of your shelter? And I've suggested maybe using a broom, something solid, a stick of some sort could be the thing that holds your roof up, okay? So that's something to start off with.

But you might not have something solid like that.

So the other thing you can use to hold up the roof of this shelter is, how about using some rope? A skipping rope or a washing line or something like that.

But whatever you use, we've got to make sure it's safe and it's secure, and you're not going to tie it onto something which is going to move or topple over.

So it's really important that you have a grown-up helping you build your den or your shelter, okay? Now, yes, we've got this nasty storm coming and I really don't want to get cold.

I don't want to get wet and I don't want you to get cold and wet in this nasty storm, but you've also got have a little bit of luxury in your shelter.

So how about using some cushions? Okay, have a blanket in there, it's really , now snuggle up and get really warm in your shelter, okay? So make sure you've got all the equipment.

Take into account those top tips.

Make sure you've got a grown-up to help you, okay? And pause the video.

And let's just have a think about it, start planning what you're going to do, because planning is really important and it will really help your resourcefulness which we discussed is the keyword in today's lesson.

Okay, so you've got your stuff, you've got your resources, you're ready to go.

And I just heard that storm is coming and that storm is much worse than we thought it was going to be.

So it's time to get building before that storm hits us.

So off you go, pause the video, and go and build yourself a shelter or a den.

Now what I'd like you to do when you've built it, maybe take some photographs of it and you could share them with Oak on the Oak social media platforms which I'm going to share with you at the end of this lesson, because you've made a really good shelter, you need to be proud of the shelter you're going to build, and it's really important to show the rest of the world how clever you are and how resourceful you are.

So pause the video, off you go and get building to get yourself safe from this really horrible storm that's coming our way, off you go.

Excellent, well done.

Now, as you can see, the storm has passed.

I've been able to take my coat off, my hat's gone, my scarfs gone and I can relax.

I'm dry and I'm safe and I'm secure.

So how did you get on, how was your, how good was your shelter? Would it have protected you from this nasty storm? Okay, so I've got one question for you to think about.

Now, bearing in mind, the keyword of today's lesson was resourceful.

I want you to talk about and have a think about what would you have done differently if you had that challenge coming your way again? Okay, so if there's another storm coming would you do anything differently or do you think you did it as well as it's possible to do it? Think about it, talk to your partner.

Well done, you've done really well in our four lessons of outdoor and adventurous activities.

And I want you to stay safe.

I want you to stay dry.

And I think it'd be really good to say, when the weather's good and the world is ready take some of these ideas outside.

Build your den in the garden if you've got a garden, or go and build a den in some local woods, but you must have a grown-up with you when you do this.

Okay, but you've done very well in today's lesson.

And very well done across the entire unit and good luck with everything you do.

And I look forward to catching up with you soon, well done.

Now during the lesson I suggested what you could do is you could take some photographs of the dens that you've built.

And what I think you could do to show the world how good you are and how resourceful you are is you could share them, or get your parent or your carer, or the grown-up that works with you, to share the photographs of your den on the Oak social media sites.

So we've got the OakNational Twitter page and we've got #LearnwithOak.

So please share your resources and tell the world how well you've done.

Good luck, everybody, and stay safe.