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Physical activity required.

Adult supervision recommended


Lesson video

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My name is Miss King.

I'm a PE consultant that works across schools in Hampshire.

Today, we are going to focus on lesson four, which is how to perform a sequence with accuracy.

So we always start with safety, don't we? If you don't have an adult in the room with you, pause the video now and go and find one.

So we'll run through the rest of the points together.

We're going to be doing gymnastics today, which means we're exercising inside.

You will need a safe space to exercise in that has a length of approximately two metres and a width of two metres.

You also need to be standing on tip toes with your hands reached above your head, and to make sure that you don't bump into anything, like a hanging light fitting or something like that.

You need to make sure that that floor that you're going to work on is not slippery, and there isn't anything in the way that you might trip on, so just make sure that that is the case.

Also, we need to think about what we're wearing, so we need to exercise in bare feet today, so no socks and shoes.

If you have long hair like me, that will need to be tied back, and any jewellery such as watches or earrings will need to be removed.

We're also going to work in comfortable clothing, so just think about what you've been wearing when you go to PE, or if you go to any sports club, and just check that you have something on that you feel comfortable in.

So pause the video now if there's anything you need to do to get yourself ready.

In this lesson, you will need that safe space that we've spoken about, so the two metre width by two metre length, enough space to reach up on tip toes above your head without bumping into anything.

You need a yoga mat.

If you have more than one, even better.

You can place them next to each other.

We'll show you how to do that in a moment, but like I said previously, just check they don't cut off at the edges, 'cause that would be a trip hazard, or you could use a soft rug or carpet.

That's totally fine, but make sure they don't slip on the floor as you're moving on them.

And then last of all, you should have your PE kit on by now, but if you don't, don't worry, then you just need to pause this video now and get any last-minute things ready before we start the lesson.

Today, we will begin with a warm-up.

We were then recap the construction of a sequence.

We will follow that with considering performance, thinking about control and accuracy.

We will then be creative by constructing a new sequence, and think about performance.

And last of all, we'll reflect on our work and possibly share it.

Our keywords always begin with safety, exercising in a safe way to prevent hurting ourselves.

So we've already prepared our environment to make sure that's safe, but we'll also think about how we move our body as we go through the lesson, so that we don't injure ourself in any way.

Okay, sequence is our next keyword, so that is a series of balances and locomotion linked together, and in particular, we're going to think about control, so that means balances or travels performed with stability, which means we don't wobble.

And last of all, we're going to think about accuracy, so making our balances and travel precise.

So as we move through that practise element of each of the balances and travel, just check the key pointers so that you can make sure your body positioning is right, and that's going to give you accuracy.

We're going to do a warm-up now.

Chloe's going to show you a quick demonstration, and then the idea is that you pause the video and have a go at this warm-up yourself with your grown-up.

So the music will play in a moment and you will see Chloe moving around the room in different ways, in different directions.

When the music stops, I will call out the name of a balance and Chloe has to perform that balance and hold it still.

So she will move when the music is on and pause in a balance when the music has stopped.

Star balance.

Pike balance.

Straight balance.

Star balance.

Pike balance.

Straight balance.


So pause the video.

You can choose your own music and ask your grown-up to play that music and call out the names of all the balances that we've learnt before.

Every time that balance is called, you then show your balance and hold that still for five seconds.

When the music starts again, you move again.

Try to use lots of different ways of moving and lots of different directions.

Pause the video now and have a go.

Time for our stretches and mobilisation.

If you have been with me for the past three sessions, as this is lesson four in the unit, then you are probably experts by now and really confident with what you're doing, so feel free to create your own mobilisation and stretching routine, if you would prefer to.

Alternatively, if you're joining me for the first time or you just prefer to copy, that's totally fine.

I'd like you to just copy Lucas as he shows you each of the mobilisation exercises.

So he is shrugging his shoulders up and down, first of all, and then he is rotating his shoulder joint, so he's moving that arm in circles, the biggest circles that he can, as big as truck tyres, and he's stretching the other arm now.

He's doing the same thing, making those really big circles.

Next, he's going to take his imaginary glue stick and he's going to glue his chin and stick it to his chest.

Just hold your head in that position.

Now, looking up, can you glue one of your ears and stick it to one of your shoulders? If you want to increase that stretch, I have shown this before, you can just take one hand and slowly pull your head over.

Now he's glueing the other ear and he's sticking that to his shoulder, and hold your head still.

Okay, now we're going to put hands on hips, make some circles, draw your name with your hips, or move them side to side and back and forward.

It's up to you.

Now same with the upper body, so swinging our arms from one side to the other, just mobilising all of our body, ready for exercise.

Excellent job.

Okay, we're going to reach up really tall now and swing our hands forward in semi-circles, forward and back, forward and back.

Excellent job.

And now we're going to mobilise one of our wrists, so hold onto your arm, move your hand in circles.

And swapping hands.

Great job.

Now we're going to reach up as high as you can.

Keep those legs straight and bend over and try and touch your toes, or go as far as you can, keeping those legs straight all of the time.

Great job.

So let's sit on the floor now, put our feet together.

Use that glue stick, if you want to.

Stick those soles together, drop those knees to the floor as long as you can, and you don't have to, but if you would like to try to, then bend over and put your nose on your toes.

Great job.

Okay, take one of those legs out now, and you're going to have your leg straight.

Try and touch your toes, but if you can't, just reach as far as you can.

That's fine.

And swap legs again.

Remember the key point is to keep your legs straight, 'cause we're stretching our hamstring muscles at the back of our legs.

You want to feel that stretch.

If you can touch your toes, great.

If you can't, don't worry.

Okay, now we're going to do opposite muscle, which is our quadricep, so Lucas has his hand out to the side to steady him and he's using his eyes to look forward.

He's using his gaze to focus on a point to help him not to wobble.

He's got his knees together and he's holding the back of his heel, touching his bottom.

Then he's swapping over again.

Use that arm to steady you, if you want to, or you could choose a wall to hold onto, or a parent.

Totally fine.

Keep that stretch at the front of your leg, your quadricep muscle.

Great job.

We're now going to stretch the calf muscle, which is at the back of the leg, but down at the bottom.

So key point, both feet facing forward, back leg straight, front leg bent, and just lean into that stretch.

Feel that stretch gently at the back of your leg and swap over.

Key point, don't lean onto your knee joint.

Try and keep your hands by your side or on your hips, if you want to.

Feel that stretch.

Keep both heels on the floor.

Great job.

Okay, and we're now going to mobilise our ankles, so we're going to make some circles and do some wiggling action, and swap legs.

Excellent job.

Well done.

And now we are going to do some calf raises, so try 10 of these, if you can.

The idea is you move up on your tip toes and down again.

So heels lift up and drop to the floor, up and down 10 times.

Well done.

How can we construct a sequence? So the word sequence will be familiar to you now because we've been working on it for the last three lessons, constructing different sequences.

Can you remember all of the different elements that we need to make an effective sequence? So the key components are balances and locomotion, which we know means travel or movement in gymnastics, and those need to be performed with stability and accuracy.

And we've also looked at levels and pathways, haven't we? So levels mean high and low, positioning our balances and travels low or high.

That makes it more interesting.

And also pathways, so moving in different directions and different shapes.

That also creates that interest in our sequence.

Can you use this diagram to help you construct a sequence? So if you learnt with me in the previous lesson, you will notice this diagram is similar to the one we used last week.

The similarities are, you can see there are low balances and high balances, and this diagram also follows a pathway, so it's telling you to start at position one, use locomotion to travel to position two.

Then you're going to change your direction to travel to position three, using a different form of locomotion.

And last, you're going to turn again and travel in a different direction to finish at position four.

So I've given you the balances and I've told you the direction and the pathway of the sequence.

The question is, can you include a jump, a roll, and a spin, but I haven't told you where those should be.

I want you to decide.

So I want you to decide what balances to use and how you're going to link them.

Think about where are you going to place that jump, that roll, and that spin so that the sequence looks smooth.

And I want you to think about control and accuracy.

So all of the balances that you perform, I want you to do so with stability, so they don't wobble.

And I want you to think about how to be accurate with your locomotion so that you're moving from one balance to the next with a really smooth flow.

You could use some paper if you want to, to sketch out some ideas, or you could just keep this slide on the video when you pause it.

Pause the video now and have a go.

What makes a good sequence? Is it option one, not considering any control in our actions? Or option two, linking balances with no locomotion? Is it option three, not moving from the spot but linking a series of actions, balances, and locomotion? Or is it option four, linking a series of actions, so balances and locomotion with control, using different levels and pathways? Hopefully you picked option four.

You could actually have option three, and that could make a good sequence if you use really good balances, but at this level and the focus that we've been working on this unit, using the locomotion with control and different levels and pathways actually makes your sequence more effective and more interesting, so that's the option that we want to work on.

How can we use control and accuracy? So control means stability, doesn't it? And for that, we can use our gaze, which means where we're looking, to help us in our balances so that we don't wobble, by fixating on a particular spot.

So keep looking at one spot in front of you and that will help you prevent you from wobbling.

And accuracy, so being precise.

This means we need to really practise.

So as we've gone through the different demonstrations with the balances and the locomotion, really thinking about those key points, making sure we position our body in the right way so that it looks effective.

And these elements will help to make our sequence more effective.

We're going to demonstrate that to you now.

Chloe has some examples that she will work through.

Watch carefully and see what you can learn.

Why is control and accuracy important in gymnastics? Is it option one, stable actions that are precise are more aesthetically pleasing? Is it option two, using balances and travel is important? Or option three, the more uncoordinated the sequence, the better.

Or it could be option four, using different levels and pathways is important.

What do you think? Hopefully you picked option one.

Stable actions that are precise are more aesthetically pleasing.

So today, our focus is performance.

If you don't know what aesthetically pleasing means, it means actions that look good, so our balances look effective.

They're stable.

Our travel is really precise.

We're thinking about how we're moving so that we look like we're coordinated.

Aesthetically, then, is what it looks like.

So when we're considering the question, why is control and accuracy important in gymnastics, it's because we want our balances and our travel to look good, don't we? We want our sequence to look effective.

Chloe's going to demonstrate a sequence to you now.

I want you to focus on how she's used control in her balances.

So what that means is, she has selected balances that challenge her.

She hasn't just selected the easiest balances, but she's made sure that she has stability, so those balances aren't wobbling.

Notice how she uses her eyes to focus on a point, so that that helps her to keep her stability, and notice how she holds each balance in that position for five seconds.

With accuracy, notice how she really links her balances together smoothly, and the locomotion is accurate.

She's thinking about her body positioning and trying to make that sequence look as smooth as possible.

Also notice the pathway that she follows as she moves from low to high balances.

Let's have a watch.

So you have a choice now.

You could replay this section and see if you could copy Chloe's sequence, or you could move straight onto the task of pausing the video and seeing if you can create your own sequence that has control and accuracy.

I want you to watch another sequence now.

It's similar to one of the ones that Chloe has demonstrated to you in a previous lesson.

But the key question is, how has she used control and accuracy? How has she linked together low and high balances, and what pathway does she use? I want you to be thinking about all of these things as you watch this sequence.

Let's have a look.

So, with your grown-up, see if you can talk about this sequence.

Do you think Chloe was stable? Was she accurate? How did she link together her low and her high balances? What pathway did she use? And the next question I want you to think about is what would you tell Chloe to do now, if you could? What actions could she take to improve her sequence? Talk about that with your grown-up.

Once you've done this, I want you to now think about your own sequence.

You have a choice now.

You could practise that sequence again and ask your grownup to record you, watch your sequence and see what it looks like, and see if you can discuss it with your adult and find ways that you could improve your sequence, or if you want to, you could get straight into being creative and changing your sequence straight away, and then I'd like you to complete the review questions where you ask yourself the same questions that I've asked you as we've watched Chloe's sequence.

Pause the video now and have a go.

What impact does exercise have on our mood? First, let's check we understand the word mood.

So mood is when we might feel happy or excited or nervous or sad.

That's just some examples.

So think about that question again.

What impact does exercise have on our mood? Have a little think.

So it really depends, doesn't it, on the type of exercise.

Our mood might be really excited if it's an exercise that we enjoy, or if we've been to a competition and we've performed really well, then that exercise might make our mood happy and excited.

Sometimes exercise might make us feel relaxed and calm, particularly if we've been exercising really hard and used our bodies really effectively, raised our heart rate and our breathing rate.

That then afterwards, it might make us feel relaxed, which means our mood will be calm.

Generally, exercise is a positive thing, so if we do exercise regularly, usually we're going to feel healthy, and as if we have a sense of wellbeing.

That means we feel good, and in turn, that should boost our mood and make us feel happy.

We're going to use a breathing technique now.

I want you to notice how it makes you feel, because we've just talked about mood, haven't we, about whether we feel happy or sad or afraid or excited, but I want you to notice how you feel at the end of this technique.

It's called five-finger breathing.

So Chloe will use one hand, the index finger of one hand, to move out to the tip of each finger, and back in towards her palm.

Every time she moves her finger out, she will breathe in, and every time she moves her fingers back towards her palm, she will breathe out.











So that's a demonstration of the technique.

I want you to have a go again.

See if you can breathe as slowly as you can.

Every time you breathe in, fill your lungs with all that oxygen, and as you breathe out, breathe out slowly as you can to empty your lungs and take all of that carbon dioxide out of your body.

Once you've had a go, notice how you feel.

What impact has that had upon your mood? Pause the video now and have a go.

We're going to do some relaxation now.

Feel free to join in with this, if you want to, because we're going to be closing our eyes and using our breathing to move our hands up and down using our tummies.

If you don't feel comfortable with this, you don't have to do this.

You could just keep your eyes open, if you would like to, and just focus on slowing your breathing down, listening to the music.

The choice is yours, but if you would like to copy Chloe, she's going to show you what to do now.

Well done.

Now the music has stopped.

Sit up slowly, and I want you to notice how you're feeling.

Can you describe to your adult with adjectives how your body feels, and what you think your mood is? Well done for an excellent lesson today.

Well done for a super lesson, and I hope you're feeling really proud of yourself.

It's great to do exercise, because it's really good for your body and for your mood, so hopefully you are feeling really calm but happy and pleased with all that you've done today.

I'm really proud of you.

Well done.

Let's take a minute to consider what we did today.

So the focus was to construct a sequence that had control and accuracy.

So we began the lesson with a warm-up and then we went straight into thinking about sequences and how to create them using different levels and pathways and different types of locomotion to link those balances together.

Then we drilled down and really focused on that control and accuracy, and made sure we understood what that meant by evaluating Chloe's sequences.

Hopefully you then created your own sequences and had a chance to record yourself performing them, and then with your grown-up, evaluated that sequence to see how you could improve it further.

Well done.

If you would like to share your work with Oak National, you do need to check with your parent or carer first.

That's really important.

If they agree, then they can log on to Twitter for you and tag @OakNational and #LearnwithOak.

I really hope to see some of your sequences soon.

I'm really excited about what they look like.

Well done for all your work today and throughout this whole unit.