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Physical activity required.

Adult supervision recommended


Lesson video

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Hi there, It's Mr. Roberts again, and this is lesson three of our outdoor and adventurous activities unit as part of the Year Three PE curriculum.

And the theme of today's lesson is called down by the river.

And it's going to be a series of challenges to get you thinking about what you'd do if things weren't going as well as you had hoped.

Okay, let's get ourselves ready and good luck and stay safe, everybody.

Okay, so like most PE lessons we're going to need some equipment.

And for today's lesson we've got three things that we need to get hold of.

The first thing is we need to have eight unique objects.

And as you can see on the screen I've got a variety of examples of the sorts of things that you must be able to find around your living space.

So we've got a ball, we've got a couple of toys we've got a Rubik's cube, just a variety of things.

They need to be small, easily handled but you need to find eight unique objects.

That means every single object has got to be different to the others.

So you can't have things which are the same.

So things of different sizes and different weights but you need eight.

You also need two skipping ropes or dressing gown ropes or whatever it might be, but you need two ropes.

And you need two cushions or two pillows.

So, what I would like you to do is pause the video, go and see if you can find all of those things.

Eight items, two ropes, and two pillows or two cushions.

And when you've found those items, come back to the video and we can get on with the lesson.

Okay, off you go.

Right, so, as with all of our lessons we've got some vocabulary we must learn which is related to the theme of the subject of the lesson.

And in today's lesson, the theme or the subject is about the word resilience.

Resilience is being able to respond when things don't go as well as we'd hope, okay? That's the key word of today's lesson.

Okay, so in today's lesson, we've got to try and set up an imaginary river or a virtual river.

And the way we do this is that you need to go find the two ropes which I said you needed to get or the two dressing gown ropes but we need two things to put down as the sides of our river.

And the river itself needs to be as wide as you can make it in the room that you're working in.

So I would hope that you've probably got enough space to make it maybe two strides or two metres across.

Maybe even bigger if you've got a big enough room.

So you're going to create yourselves a virtual river.

And in that river, you're going to put your eight items and you can spread them out So they're dotted around across the whole of the river rather than altogether in one small area.

So that's how you're going to set it up, okay? So, what I'd like you to do is go and set up your river and then put your eight items in the middle of this imaginary river.

When you've done that, come back to the video.

So pause it, go and set it up and then come back and wait for your instructions.

Okay, so the first activity we're going to do is called river rescue.

And what you're going to do is you're going to try and rescue those eight items from inside or within your virtual river.

And as you can see, there's a photograph of a little girl actually starting this activity.

So she's set up the river using two skipping ropes and she's put her toys around in that virtual river.

But what I want you to imagine is that river has got we'll say piranhas or it's shark infested or it's got alligators or whatever, but you can't touch the surface of the ground inside those ropes because you're going to get bitten.

So, what are you going to try and do is see if you can retrieve or see if you can get back or see if you can rescue all of the toys or all of the items that are in your river.

But you're not allowed to touch the ground around them.

I'm going to see how you get on, see if he can rescue them all and when you've done it, come back to the video.

So pause it, go and have a go, come back to the video and start again.

If you want to do it more than once two or three times, that's fine.

Have a go and make it interesting.

Be creative.

Okay, off you go.

Okay, so, you've had to go, how did you get on? Was it easy or was it hard? So, the next thing we can do is let's see if we can make it a little bit more interesting to get us thinking, to test our resilience.

So, the first thing that you could do is let's see if we can actually make the river a little bit wider.

To make it even more challenge to reach those toys that are on the other side near the bank on the other side of the river or stuck in the middle in the deepest bit.

Or let's see if we can use anything else that we've got around the house to help us.

So, for example, the little girl in the photograph she's using the roll from the inside of some wrapping paper.

But it doesn't have to be something solid, it could be another skipping rope.

There's loads of things you could do, loads of things you could find around your living space to help you rescue those toys.

But just remember you cannot touch the ground or the water in your river because it's got things in there that will bite you, okay? So pause the video, go and see if you can find something to help you rescue your toys.

And come back when you've done it successfully, off you go.

Right, so you've rescued all of your toys from this river.

So now we need to get across it from one side to the other.

So this activity is called river crossing.

And what you've got, you've got two things to help you, that is two pillows or two cushions.

So what I want you to do is see if you can work out how are you going to get across from the other side or to the other side and you can only use your pillows or your cushions.

Okay? That's your challenge.

Have a think about it.

Pause the video, have it go and experiment, but come back to the video and then I can give you some top tips on how you might be able to do this properly.

Okay, so you think you've worked out the way you're going to get across this river using those two cushions to help you.

So, the way I would do it is, if holding your two cushions, place one in the water in the river and then you stand on it.

And then you place the other one just in front of you for you to step on.

Don't throw it, don't drop it, you need to make it sure it's very close to you so that you can reach it.

And then you step onto that one and then you pick up the one that you were just standing on and then you repeat that process.

So you pass it around in front of you put it down on the ground in front of you, step onto that one, and you keep this going until you reach the other side of the river.

And what I'm going to show you is a little girl who's showing you how to do this.

Watch it carefully and how she does it and then you can go off and practise that and see how you get on.

So pause the video and when you're ready come back and we can think of, we can come up with some new challenges to make it even more interesting.

Okay, off you go.

Right, well done.

So you've managed to cross from one side of the river to the other.

So now let's see if we can come up with some more challenging things to get you working really hard because you're a really resilient little explorer.

So, the first thing you can do is how about carrying a toy with you? Take a teddy.

So you're getting across the river, you've got your two cushions and you're going to carry a toy.

A Teddy bear or a cuddly toy or something, okay? The next one is, you've done that successfully, how about taking two toys? You've got two toys and two cushions.

Let's see if you can get from one side to the other, okay? If you do that successfully then next thing you could do, how about seeing if you can balance something on your head? How about putting a cuddly toy on your head? A small one, obviously.

Something soft and squishy.

Put it on head, see if you can balance it on your head as you go from one side of the river to the other.

If you drop any of these things you've got to go back and start again, okay? So, pause the video and see if he can make it more interesting by carrying a passenger.

One toy, two toys, or even a third toy on your head.

Good luck, stay safe and stay dry.

Okay, so let's make it even harder still.

This time what you're going to do is you're going to work with a partner, okay? So you've got two of you but you've only got the two cushions.

And you've got to see if you can work your way across from one side of the river to the other together.

So this is where you need to communicate, talk to each other, plan it, and you must be trusting of each other as you do this.

So you' re working from one side of the river to the other, but there's two of you and you've got two cushions.

Think about how you're going to do that.

The other thing you can do is just make the river wider if you can, if you've got the space.

Or see if you can get from one side to the other, and then you're going to make your way back to where you started from.

So what I'm going to show you is a video of two children.

One is clearly a little bit older than the other and therefore a little bit bigger and probably takes up a bit more space on those cushions and watch how they've worked together to get from one side of their river to the other.

When you've seen the video of them working and being successful, pause it and you're go and have a practise.

See if you can do it with your partner.

Whether you can do it with a maybe it's a brother or a sister, or maybe with one of the adults that's working with you.

Good luck, stay safe, trust each other and I'll see you in a few minutes after you've done this.

So pause the video and come back when you've been really successful.

Excellent, well done everybody.

So, you've been successful in rescuing all your toys from that river which was full of these things that were going to eat you and bite you and everything else.

And you also then were able to cross the river and you only had available to you were two cushions.

And you've crossed that river with a partner as well.

So, I've got two questions for you.

So the first question is, what was the most challenging thing for you in this lesson? Okay? What made it challenging? And how did you get over that challenge? How did you solve the question? And the next question for you to think about or for you to talk about with your partner is, when did you realise that you had come up with the best solution? Did you sometime maybe go back and have another go and work out if the way you did it first of all was the best way? Or maybe there was a better way of doing it.

But you've done really, really well today.

And the key thing is you showed resilience.

Resilience is that ability that you have to deal with things when they're not going well, okay? Your ability to bounce back and show that nothing is ever going to beat you.

Well done, everybody.

And I look forward to catching up with you in the last of our four outdoor and adventurous activity lessons.
